• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Future Imperfect

Chapter 49- Future Imperfect

“Did you say Discord?!” Twilight Sparkle asked, turning her head to look over at Merchant. Big Mac and Junebug both had their mouths open in shock, remembering how Discord, for just one day- Unleashed their inner demons for all to see. Junebug rooted up her precious daisies, over and over repeating how she wasted her life on flowers instead of being a doctor. The red stud shut both eyes, remembering what he had done to the souvenirs and the keepsakes of his parents.

“Wait wait. Discord?” Otacon picked up his head, frowning a bit. That name...

“I think Nate mentioned it in his notes,” Solid Snake said. He and Samus had been collecting firewood, preparing a funeral pyre. Burying rabid dogs where other dogs could dig them up was not the smartest of funeral procedures.

“Yes, Discord is a draconequus, one of of Equestria’s greatest villains...” Twilight Sparkle said, frowning a bit. “He hurts ponies in the worst way possible. Even now, emotional scars are still being mended,” The purple unicorn shut both eyes, lowering her head to the ground a bit. Trixie picked up her eyebrows, wondering what the other ponies were going on about. She hadn’t been around when Discord showed up.

Well, I’m glad someone appreciates my brand of chaos.

“He says, ‘What’re ya selling...’ I think,” Merchant said, resisting the urge to touch the side of his head with a hand. He wasn’t some mentalist.

“Big Mac?” Samus asked, turning her helmet to look at her companion. Her free hand moved to take off her helmet. It felt impersonal to address him in the suit.

“Nnope...” His orange mane shook a bit as he frowned. That wasn’t him. That dog was not him. He snorted, a frown forming on his face. Just because he wondered how Winona, Applejack’s pet dog, thinks like. Samus moved over to the red pony and moved her arms around his neck to give him a hug.

“Its ok. I won’t let him hurt you,” Samus said, shutting both her eyes. Not the first time she had come to the rescue of men. Big Mac shut both eyes to nod, lifting himself from his aggressive stance.

“So is he in the codec or something?” Snake asked. Red Rover and the sane Diamond Dogs dragged the bodies of their former friends to be burned.

Wow, this is depressing. I thought revealing myself would create a stir, but even I couldn’t put a positive spin on this. I’m outta here.

“He closed shop and took off,” Merchant said, lowering his head to look at Junebug. The little one looked troubled. Creeper Pasta lowered got down on his left knee to run a hand over her mane. “There, there darling. Whoever he is, he left.” The orange creme pony moved out, needing to hug something. Her hooves wrapped around her partner’s neck to hold herself close.

“No, wait! How is that possible?! We sealed him up into stone!” Twilight Sparkle said, rushing to look up at the red eyed human.

“I dunno about you guys, but I thought ponies were kinda tame. But turning someone to stone is worse than jail,” Merchant said. “That’s stone cold.” Snake nodded, wondering if he should bother with the pun. But encasing someone in stone was just outrageous to him. And he believed in the death penalty.

“I think its time we eat lunch...” Otacon said, lifting Octo-phone to his right ear. According to his watch, it was almost 1pm. At least no one tried to contact him, so the others were ok.



“Alright, alright...” Nigel raised his right hand to hold it out at Sokka, the other hand to hold the front of his bald head a second. “So we are not on planet Earth, the little ponies are our partners, we are here to fight a war, and the other humans are off on assignments...” Number One turned to look at the rest of his team. They were all sitting on the ground, looking up at the adults and teen as they explained things. Well, except for Wally.

“I can dry myself!” Number 4 said, naked as his wet clothes were taken off him. Derpy was over him, helping him dry with a towel.

“Stop that right now young pony. Now behave,” The mother pegasus said. She smiled and lowered her head to nuzzle against his head. “You will be much better soon.”

“I’m not a cruddy pony,” The blond child said, giving into the wall eyed one. For some odd reason, she reminded him a lot about his mom. He wasn’t sure how to feel about the ponies, in fact, none of the Kids Next Door did. They hated adults, but only human adults. Animals were another thing.

“Well, more or less kid,” Ash said, taking over to look after the children. While he didn’t want the job, no one else could. Dovahkiin was on forge duty, and Sokka was the team leader and had more important things to do. Still, why him? He sighed, turning to look at Sokka. The teen had reached into his green bag and pull out some spare clothes for the naked child. “Now, what to do with you...”

“I’m not going to wear anything a cruddy teen wears!” Number Four said, turning to look up at Sokka. The color blue he approved of, but it looked too much like a pirate for his tastes. Really? A wrap? Scootaloo stepped next to Wally, having been dried off while her partner had been stripping.

“He has to wear clothes?” The dark orange pegasus asked. “Why? I mean, sure he’s kinda ugly but...” She found herself going quiet, Derpy looking at her to get angry.

“You do not insult your partner and others like that, young filly. Its not nice.” Scootaloo flinched at the scolding from Derpy. Sokka smiled, glad to see his partner was taking her job seriously. But, back to the naked kid.

“Come on Wally! Your clothes are drying, and nothing else will fit you! There’s no human tailors around here!” Sokka said, holding up his wrap with both hands in front of himself. He smiled a bit, bending down to look at Wally with his eyes wide open. “Why don’t you like it? Its blue, and its the latest in Water Tribe warrior fashion!”

“Just put it on Number Four,” Number Five said, moving a hand to cover her eyes. “Numbah Five don’t want none of your peep show.”

“What’s a peep show?” Pipsqueak asked, then then remembered he was supposed to be a pirate. “Yarr,” he added in the end.

“At least the pants...” Number Two chuckled, lifting his hands to cover his snickering mouth. “I mean, its not like you're not in your underwear!” He lost it there, laughing at the memory over the tightie whities and also Nigel losing his swim trunks. Applebloom picked up her left eyebrow at the round child, wondering what was so funny.

“Stop making fun of him! Sokka looks cute in it, so I think it will look good on Wally!” Number Three said, once again holding Rumble into her chest to smile. Both of her arms were wrapped around his chest, as if she was holding a cat. The blue colt pegasus simply surrendered, resting his chin on his left hoof to look around. Although she was female, the long haired girl had a strong grip. One thing did bother him, where was this girl’s eyes?

“So, what can you kids do? So far, all of the humans collected can do special stuff,” Ash said to continue with the kids. Maybe he could find something for them to do to keep busy. Mayor Mare was busy keeping Mr. Filthy from panicking. And pressing charges, after all, it was Applebloom’s fault.

Oh Oh, I know! Tell them you can make a Tree House Fort that can come to life and do battle!

“How do you know about our tree house?” Number Two asked, turning away from Ash and face Dovahkiin. He assumed it was the dragonborn that was talking. The voice was male.

“Er... Dovah there said nothing,” Applejack said, raising the left eyebrow. The tallest human turned to look away from Sokka chasing after Wally at the mention of his name. Number Five turned to look around a second, noticing the other kid ponies were busy watching the same spectacle Wally was making of himself.

Not this again. Look kids, I'm in your heads.

“Ooohhh!” Number Three said, loosening her grip on Rumble. Seeing his chance, the colt took a shot and jumped out of her hands to hide behind Derpy. Why couldn’t his partner have been the naked one? He had fighting spirit!

“Our heads?” Number One said, lifting an eyebrow to look back at his troops. True, that voice sounded nothing like the adults they met this day. Wally finally stopped running, Letting Sokka catch up with him to put the vest on the boy.

“You all heard that, right?” Wally asked, ignoring that the teen was getting him dressed.

Wow, you kids are a lot more calm about this that adults are. I’m impressed.

“Are we the only ones hearing this?” Number Five asked, inspecting the faces of the others. They didn’t seem to be reacting to the talking voice. Sounded like an adult.

“What voice?” Ash asked. He was not a stranger to weird voices and whispers in the wind. But never actually hear them in his head. “You kids alright? I mean, I didn’t scare you crazy, did I?”

Look, Uno? Yes, Uno. You’re leader of the group. Name’s Discord. Only you children can hear me.

“Some guy name Discord is talking to us....” Number Three said to look up at Ash. She looked down at her empty sweater hands, noticing Rumble was gone. She got up and rushed over to chase after Rumble, giggling as Ash watched her chase down the poor colt.

Yes yes, introductions all done now?

“Hey Dovahkiin, the name Discord rings any bells?” Ash asked. He took a second to look back as Sokka and mini-Sokka walked back to the group. The blonde's hair was a bit muffled up from being dried. Number Four also sported a scowl.

“I think Nathan mentioned it in his notes...” Dovahkiin said, looking back at the kids. “You all hear him? Does he have a message?” Out of all the humans, he was the only one who had voices in his head from daedra and that dog. Was this “Discord” a daedra as well?

A message? Oh no. Just don't trust these adults kids. The moment they have a chance, they will make you eat vegetables!

“Huh? Are you going to-”

FUS RO DA!” Shouted the Dovahkiin, making Rumble and Number Three to stop chasing each other and sending them into a bush.

“Was that there shout needed?” Applejack asked, turning to look at the dragonborn.

“She shouldn’t treat her partner so roughly, and we are discussing something serious,” Dovahkiin said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“We’ll be good!” Number Four said, looking up once again at the adult that shouted worse than his gym teacher.

“I’m sorry mister!” Number Three said, lifting her head out from the bush. Rumble slowly peeked his head out of the bush as well, shocked by the shout.

“Again!” Shouted Rumble, giving a squee for a smile. He got a free flying lesson, and it made that nutjob of a sweater with stick legs leave him alone.


“Are you going to make us eat vegetables?” Uno asked, not sure to trust this voice.

“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m not your dad. Eat what you want kid,” Ash said. “Hell, you kids should be in paradise here. These ponies eat cupcakes, candy, cake... Even a damn sweets bakery made from sweets.”

“Really?!” Number Five and Three asked together.

Oh, he’s right! Its called Sugarcube Corner and its in the center of town!

“What are we waiting for! Lets go!” Shouted Number Five as she stood up and grin. Sokka turned to look down at Number Four and Scootaloo and shrugged.

“We were supposed to make lunch, but we blew up the kitchen...” Derpy said.

“I suppose, its almost time for the meeting and I’m guessing none of us ate...” Dovahkiin said to look around. He was tired, its been awhile since he used a forge and hammering all morning had taken its toll.

“Yeah, ok. Lets go every... Pony. Everyhuman. Everybody,” Sokka said as he sighed. Maybe some lunch would make him feel better. Even if there was no meat.

Oh I can’t wait! Five kids full of sugar! These Champions will never know what hit them!

Only 35 minutes later pass, Team Ponyville and the new children champions were sitting down outside Sugarcube Corner, happily eating.

I don’t understand... These children have consumed enough sugar to put Oprah into a diabetic shock! Yet they acting as if nothing is wrong with them!

“Is Discord still there?” Sokka asked, munching on a muffin. Depry sat at her side, with Dinky at their side. They were the only ones eating muffins, as the others opted for treats galore.

“Oh, him? Yes. He’s wondering why we’re not hopping up and down the walls...” Uno said, sharing some apple pie with Sweetie Bell. He moved to pet his bald unicorn, rather taken in with her sweet demeanor and voice.

“You know, I’m curious too. Why aren’t you?” Ash asked. He was sipping some coffee with coffee cake. Mayor Mare and Rich joined them, calmed down to enjoy some zap apple jam filled long john. “Number 3 has consumed enough cookies that are going to make the Keebler Elves go broke, and Number 5 there is a bottomless black hole. I’m more surprised fatty there gave up actually.”

“Oh well, that’s easy. Numbah Five consumes candy and ice cream on a daily basis. This is nothing,” Number Two said. “And Kuki is a tea party aficionado. There isn’t a cookie or sweet pastry she hasn’t tried with tea. And the rest of us consume enough candy bars and hard candy to make a dentist rich! Not that we’d visit him anyway....”

“What’s a dentist?” Dovahkiin asked.

“Picture the most frightening person on the planet, trying to drill your mouth and make you cry. Now picture him in the scariest room, you're strapped down and unable to help yourself. Then you cry like a little girl when you’re unable to scream.”

Everyone stopped talking, looking at the Ash.

“What? I’m scared of the dentist...” He stopped talking, turning to look at a blue mare that cried and ran away.

“Let me guess. The town dentist,” Ash said to frown and run his metal hand on his forehead. This day just keeps getting better and better.

“You made Ms. Colgate cry...”

Why is this not working? Lets try Celestia again...


“So that voice is gone?” Jack asked, sitting down on a stone step as a nurse pegasus rubbed some salve over the wounds Vergil had made. The royal ponies and the humans were all gathered at the side entrance of the castle, the closest entrance to the hedge maze. Vergil was also being healed, though Terra was the one to add the salve. The half devil just didn’t want ponies touching him.

“So, yeah, one second that freaky deaky voice talked to me, then its gone,” Johnny said, lifting his right hand up to everyone. “And that lightshow ended a bit early.”

“And no name...” Added Travis. Luna was laying down on the grass, letting her knight pet her mane up and down. She understood why the others enjoyed this so much. Princess Celestia nodded her head to an attendant, bringing in food for the others for lunch. Steam cooked vegetables, butter sauteed mushrooms with potatoes, with salad and breadsticks. Shining Armor wasted no time getting some food, he was starved. Lots of honeymoon activities kept him weak.

“Woah. This looks like stuff Pops told me to never eat...” Johnny said. “Where’s the beef?” Blueblood released a sigh, shaking his head to the sides. Although he had no idea what the word “beef” was. Knowing Johnny, it was something stupid. Travis raised his left hand up, motioning for Johnny to kill the questioning by sliding his fingers across his neck.

Oh goody! They don’t know my name yet!

“Aaah! That voice is back!” Johnny yelled out, lifting his head to look at the sky.

“Calm down Johnny. Is the voice Discord?” Princess Celestia asked, taking a few steps forward to look at the blonde’s face. While she was furious with the man, she was more concerned with the fate of Discord. Looking at the giant white pony’s kind and calm face made Johnny calm down a bit.

Tell her, ‘Open wide, please take me for a ride into your sweet, delicious, perfect little mouth. Oh so good good that I will eat you, and there upon I want to linger. From each other drinking we begin from the lips, then fingertips and kissing to turn me inside out. Up and down we go, from the top you push me. Believe me, this is such a thrill!’

“What?” Bravo asked, turning away from the Princess. “There is no way I am going to say all that mushy girly stuff...” Travis and Jack looked at each other, not sure what to make of things. Terra stopped applying salve to Vergil and then stood up, tilting her head at the side. Johnny was not being a total jackass?

“I take it this mysterious voice is talking?” Vergil said, moving to stand up as well.

Oh, I suppose that is too much for you, isn’t it Johnny? Well’s try this. Tell Celestia...

“I’m not sure what this means, but here goes...” Bravo said to look back at the others. He raised his right hand up into the air, while he got down on his left knee in front of the sun princess. “I like, didn't have the verbal power to be able to say, ‘I had to chat up fillies and mares, and I'd only played pranks on them before.” Bravo stopped a moment, listening to what came next. “I didn't have the poise to be able to say, ‘Celestia, I saw you in the garden today. As the sun came from behind the clouds, a burst of brilliant light caught your hair, it was haloed in front of me.’” Johnny moved both of his hands to take Celestia’s left hoof to lean down and place a kiss on it. “You turned, your eyes flashed fire into my soul, I immediately reached for the words of Dostrotsky and Pony Marx, and in the words of Albert Schewhiner, 'I fancy you!’”

“What was that?” Spike asked, lifting his left eyebrow up.

“I think... That was romantic poetry,” Jack said, looking down at his dragon partner. Vergil turned to look at the other female ponies, noticing the doe eyed look they got in their eyes. He turned to look at Terra and then did a double take, for Terra had raised both of her hands to her chest and get the doe eyed look as well.

“Discord?” Celestia asked, her calm face changing slowly. First, her closed eyes opened wide, surprised by Johnny’s actions. As he spoke, she found her heart thumping in her throat.. Only one creature ever used that kind of poetry, when she was such a young filly.

“That was so... So sweet,” Luna said, eyes closed a little to blush. Travis personally thought he could do better.

Still got it.

“Discord? Is that you?” Celestia said, taking another step forward, leaning her head down to stare into Johnny’s dark lenses.

“Watch the hair,” the blonde said, leaning back a bit.

“Please Discord, if this is you... Please, please give me a sign,” Princess Celestia said, her eyes closed as she spoke in a low voice.

Aww, must she? I am supposed to make chaos, not satisfy mares! Fine! Johnny, I need control of your body...

“Nuh uh. No way Jose,” Johnny said.

“Do we even want to know what’s going on inside your head?” Blueblood asked. And attendant brought Jack a new white robe. While not a kimono, Jack bowed at his waist to place the robe on. Close enough.


Jack perked up his head, turning to look over at Terra. She pointed over to the Element of Luck, as he was moving awkwardly. Princess Celestia blinked once, seeing the blonde man stand and walk along Celestia’s right side. A single large hand moved out from the man’s side to run along her wings, and then slide down to rub the solar Cutie Mark. Celestia froze in place, unable to move to the foreign and yet soft touch over her form. It had been so long since somepony touched her....

“Woaaahhh nelly... I got no idea what’s going on now...” Johnny said, getting scared. “I can’t control my body!” Vergil and Jack were still hurt, unable to move very well. Travis raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was getting another peep show. Better take notes this time.

“Sister?” Luna asked, lifting herself to stand now.

“Luna... I think its,” Celestia stopped talking as she felt Johnny's hand grasp tightly on her rump. He gave her a tight squeeze, and then picked up his hand to bring it down to swat the sun princess on her flank once.

“Who’s your daddy?” Discord asked, finally able to speak with his voice through Johnny.

“Not again!” Blueblood exclaimed, both hoofs moving to hold his mane. “Somepony stop him!”

“I said, who’s your daddy?!” Discord asked again, swatting Celestia again as she blushed and gave a squee.

“You are Discord!” Celestia said, her eyes closed to blush and pant, squeezing her flanks against each other in delight.

“I think Johnny’s possesed...” Terra said, narrowing her eyes as she snapped out of the romantic haze. Still, her inner esper was telling her something was.. Off. No matter what she tried though, she couldn’t analyze what was wrong with Johnny. It was all so... Chaotic.

“By what, a horny demon?” Vergil asked, not sure he wanted lunch anymore.

“Me next...”

“Cadance!” Terra frowned at her partner.

“Do... Do we stop this?” Spike asked, turning to look up at Jack. The samurai turned his back to the scene, flushed by the actions. Why did Celestia’s hair bother him anyway? Confused by Jack’s reaction, Spike turned to look at the others for support.

“Stop that right now Johnny!” Terra said, walking over to the Element of Luck and pull on his left ear.

“Ow! Hey! I can’t control myself! Leggo!”

“Oh, I bet!” Terra said, frowning as her cheeks turned red with anger. Would this pig of a man hit on any female?

“No really! Discord took me over!” Johnny said. “Oh hey! I can finally talk!” The green haired lady stopped for a moment, lifting her head up to look at the dark shades. She released him, letting the guy stand to wave his hands around.

No way I am going to get stuck with the pain. But now that I have everyone’s attention, I may as well clear some things.

“Must we stop?” Celestia said, biting her lower lip. She had her left hoof up, pointing at Johnny. Shining Armor stepped over to his wife, closing his eyes a little to get angry at her. The pink alicorn smiled, lowering her head a bit to give a sheepish smile.

Damn, she needs to get laid.

“Discord,” Jack said, lifting his head to look at the sky. It seems that things had calmed down. “May I ask what brings you to this place?” As the leader, he had to take action. They were losing daylight.

Yes, I suppose I had enough chaos for today. It seems until I get my body back, I am unable to create chaos on my own. Johnny, do you mind if I take over?

“No way! Last time you did that-” The blonde stopped talking, turning to look at Celestia. She had moved to get closer to him, staring at him with half lidded eyes and a small smile. Was that some kind of come hither look? “Make her stop!” Johnny said, slowly retreating from the princess.

Oh, there’s no stopping her once she gets going. You better let me handle this...

“You will have to try and-” Johnny stopped talking, his face suddenly wincing. The Element of Luck begun to strike a few poses, the sound of whip lashes taking the air as Discord fought for control over Johnny’s body.

“Five bucks on Johnny...” Travis said to look at Vergil.

“I don’t carry cash, worthless human,” The half devil said. “But still, I think Discord wins. That spirit or whatever it is has power rivaling demon lords. I think.”

“There... much better-” The body of Johnny was tossed back a bit as Celestia rushed to hug the blond to her form and start to cry. “What the...” Discord spoke, not used to the human body.

“Don't you ever do that to me again!” Celestia said, sobbing a bit. “Do you know what its like thinking your first love died?” She whispered. If it weren’t for Johnny’s muscled form, Discord would have found himself on the floor.

“Oh, get off already. You do realize this is Johnny Bravo’s body, right?” Discord spoke. He turned to look at the others, trying to gaze their reactions. Spike wanted to vomit again, though that was still effects from last night. Vergil frowned, while Travis looked bored. Luna kept looking between Celestia and Bravo, not sure what was going on there. Shining Armor walked over to Cadence, nibbling on her ear to snap her out of her reverie.

“Oh... Um,” The solar alicorn took a step back, slight blush on her cheeks. Her hoofs moved to straighten out the black shirt Johnny wore.

“Discord? I am Jack, a samurai out of time. Why have you come? Are you here to help?” The Asian warrior said, stepping out from the crowd. The others turned to look at Jack as he took charge of the situation.

“Oh yes, about that,” Discord said, moving both hands to start to touch Johnny’s arms and chest. “Wow, you humans are squishy. Back to the matter of hand. Not really help, just trying to create enough chaos to regain my body.” The body of Johnny suddenly stopped, as Discord moved over to Celestia and strike a double bicep pose. “Hey there sexy lady...”

“Is that Johnny or Discord now?” Terra asked, moving her hands to her hips. Did Johnny finally go off the deep end and not care about specie?

“What the hell? I feel like telling Celestia out on a date,” Discord said, making his guns shake up and down.

“The answer is yes,” Celestia said, smiling to nuzzle Johnny’s face.


“The truth?” Severus asked, lifting his eyebrows. The Tardis finally came to a halt, the light of the sun hitting the windows of the main entrance. Severus turned away from the Doctor to look at the weather outside. It looks like they finally arrived in the future.

“Ah, we arrived. But yes, the truth. Humans cannot fight the truth, and we are all hiding skeletons in our closets,” The Time Lord said. He stood up from his seat, walking over to the doorway. “What would the humans think if we told them Celestia gave us permission to nearly kill one of them? What would the ponies think if we told them the ugly streak of humanity? As it stands, ponies didn't even know what an assassin is. They have no idea Dovahkiin is a sneak thief guild leader...”

“And you think that this is enough to make chaos?” Severus said to stand, following after his partner. This would be his first time time traveling through outside magical means, so he was anxious to see the results. “And how do you know all this?” The Doctor pointed at the Tardis.

“To be honest, I wanted to do this before. The humans and ponies are hiding so much from each other, and at this rate they will certainly hide things till the end,” The Doctor said to open the door and step outside to look around. “You can only truly bond if you lay yourself bare to your partner, something even I have yet to learn.”

“There is truth to that. If I had taken the initiative and told Harry Potter what I was up to, maybe not so many people would have died,” The wizard said to lower his head.

“Was that your wish to Discord? To have a second chance with Harry Potter, and not with your true love?” The Doctor asked, taken aback by his realization. That just slipped out of his mouth without even thinking.

“I didn’t think I had made that obvious...” Severus said, turning his head to look at the mountain cave they had collected. The two begun to walk deeper into the cave, the sound of a loud rumbling heard.

“May I ask what made you change your mind?” The Doctor asked.

“Harry Potter named his son after me... Discord showed me that much before this all happened,” Snape said, his robe brushing against the cave floor. “And I wasn’t worthy of that. Maybe with a second chance, I would be.” They both stopped, turning to look at the slumbering form of a giant purple dragon.

Spike rose from his slumbering, feeling something enter his cave. Rumbles of his jewel and gold hoard shook as the giant earth dragon looked down at the two. He leaned down, taking a deep whiff from his nostrils.

“Oh, its you Doctor... And Severus. I take it you came for one of the other journals?” Spike asked, his voice deep and loud. It echoed slightly against the acoustic of the large cave. “You caught me just as I was about to hibernate...”

“You know me, dragon?” Snape asked. This Spike was nothing like the dragon he learned or studied about.

“You are the Champion of Discord, Severus Snape, the Hero of Love,” Spike responded, lowering his head to look at the black haired wizard. Spike’s snout was the size of the man’s torso. “Even now, the residents of the Crystal Kingdom know your story more than that of the First Hearts and Hooves Day.” A small cloud of green smoke exhaled from his mouth. “It is thanks to you that I was able to understand what love is, instead of a childhood crush.”

Snape blinked once, looking at the giant silted eye looking at his form. He wasn’t sure how he should be feeling now. Back home he was a traitor to some, and an unsung hero to others. Here, he was a legend.

“Spike, how are you...”

“Handling the changes in Time? Its painful, Doctor. I had to seclude myself into this cave. I must endure the passages of time as my past and future are both being rewritten constantly...” Spike said, lifting a claw to hold out the journal of Nathan Drake. The small leather cover was torn, scorch marks adorning the book with black char marks.

“Please, stop me! Prevent me from killing Mr. Drake!”

Chapter Proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

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