• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,561 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Villains Assemble

Chapter 68- Villains Assemble

Meanwhile, around the same time Samus had started to collect the teams...

Chrysalis moved to pick herself up slowly, moving from the side of her mate. King Aurelius remained seated a second, taking a moment to inspect Sombra and his ‘Champions.’ He wasn’t sure, but he found himself comparing them all to Otacon. Other than the fellow dressed in the black suit, he couldn’t... What was he thinking of? The same... Heart? Nobility? Both of the changeling rulers could feel an emotion they had never fed off from before.

Ruthlessness. Gile. Elation. Sadism. Foul emotions that could only be found in rulers and conquerors. Emotions that could create fear in animals that know better to approach. In short, hunters that don’t hunt for food. Hunters that hunt for pleasure.

True Monsters.

The Queen smiled, greeting these new apes. Now she understood why her mate had such regard for Otacon. The King however- Hid his uncertainty behind a steel gaze. While these monster apes could create fear- They were nothing like Otacon. These monsters could easily kill without a second thought. Otacon was a true demon. While these humans could not hide their bloodlust, Otacon hid his ruthlessness behind the persona of a noble and kind fellow. Someone King Aurelius could entrust his life with without a second thought.

But that is what made Otacon a demon. Only a true demon could create an aura of a saint- And yet come up with such devious plans with simplicity and precision that could create nightmares in any creature. True evil was not being cruel in front of everybody, it was hiding evil intent behind a trusting smile. And this was when the good doctor wanted to help in thanks. Aurelius feared what Otacon could do if he was pissed off.


“I’m going to make you female when I’m done with you!” Mayor Mare shouted out at Otacon. The good doctor kept hiding behind Twilight, mustering all of his courage to keep from peeing in his pants.


Kefka picked up his head away from the changeling he had started to hug and look at the taller ones. All of the cuddling was a fake-out though, it gave him a chance to inspect the carapace of the insect creature. Potential body armor, softer black parts of the body. Definite traces of magic in them, and very light in terms of body weight as well. Yes, these creatures were definitely worth some more attention. The clown smiled and shut both eyes. Oh yes, maybe even more.

“Greetings, King Sombra, and to your champions too,” Chrysalis said with a smile. The Queen moved slowly, trying not to show her own hesitation and disgust. All of these ‘Humans’ had horrible things about them. Especially the one with makeup and frilly clothes hugging one of her children. “I am Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the changelings. This is my mate, King Aurelius.” The other ruler moved to stand, joining her side on the makeshift throne of stone. They both stood a little bit under the humans thanks to the stones.

“I introduce to you my mediator, Roger Smith,” Sombra nodded his head once to Smith.

“Greetings, your highness,” Smith moved a gloved hand to his waist to bow a bit. His eyes had taken a quick look around the area before focusing back on the ‘Queen.’ It seems that the black creatures had very little differences between each other. Only the rulers and few others had any physical differences other than a purple armor looking shell on them. Beetles?

“My wizard, Master Xehanort,” Sombra turned his head as the old man stepped up.

“Forgive me for not bowing, I have a frail body,” Xehanort lied behind a smile. He merely raised his left hand out to make his keyblade vanish with a few sparkles in the air, and then place the hand to his chest to nod a bit in greetings. When the keyblade vanished, a few changelings opened their eyes in surprise. Imago raised his head a bit, watching the elder of the humans. “Oh... This one was one to keep an eye on,” The keyblade master noted to himself.

“Lex Luthor, my...” Sombra stopped himself, trying decide on what word to use for the armored fellow. Knight defender?

“Ah, smith... Yes, metalsmith works,” Lex Luthor said with a nod. “Though, I’m not above fighting when the need arises,” The businessman said with a smile. So far, he had been the one to give the least amount of info about himself. He’d rather keep it that way. He decided on ‘Smith’ as a vocation, since he doubted they had notions of engineers, robotics, or anything close to resembling a proper modern title. Aurelius smiled, deciding to like this Luthor. He could be of great help to Otacon.

Sombra raised his right eyebrows at Luthor’s occupation. The unicorn debated looking into Luthor’s mind to see if this was true, but decided against it. The former ruler of the Crystal Kingdom kept his word. He then turned to Gilgamesh. “This is Gilgamesh, my general.”

“Ah, general?” Gilgamesh smirked, his face forming a grin behind his kabuki war paint. He liked the sound of it. General Gilgamesh... He actually lowered himself to his left knee, bowing in formal reverence to the royal ones. Both King and Queen of the hive shut both eyes to nod the formal greetings. Sphragis instantly decided to like this fellow. Another warrior and he knew the value of serving under royalty.

“This is Albert Wesker,” Sombra said once Gilgamesh stood up. Sombra was liking the weapon collector more and more. “My scientist.”

“Enchanted,” Wesker said. He bent at his waist and moved his right hand out to take Chrysalis’ left front hoof to lift it from the ground to place his lips in a kiss. A form of flattery, not about to be outdone by the others. Also, it allowed him to come into personal contact with the ruler. An excellent opportunity to collect DNA and info.

Queen Chrysalis did not shy away from the form of introduction though, she was used to such reverence from her changelings. But the action was met with a blush. Her green hair fell a bit from her eyes, reacting more from the warmth the human had in his lips. Even as her days masquerading as Princess Cadance, Armor had not the same sensation and warmth this Wesker possessed.The other changelings thought nothing by the action, even the King. But Pharate the Hunter smirked.

“Lastly, I present Prince Vegeta. My personal envoy and champion,” Sombra saved the best for last. Vegeta merely kept his gaze trained on the King, thinking him to be the most powerful of the changelings. He couldn’t sense their power levels. Either magic, or pathetic excuses for equines. The saiyan decided to wait, deciding to learn more. If Sombra would listen to him, he’d recommend conquering these changelings.

“Greetings, humans,” King Aurelius spoke for the first time. “I had my doubts, King Sombra, but it appears you delivered. They appear to be mighty indeed. I take this time to also introduce to you one of our other allies, Garble the Dragon.”

“Hey,” A voice spoke as he stepped out from the shadows. “So, these are the fabled humans you go on and on about.” The humans and Sombra turned their heads, wanting to look at this ‘Dragon.’ A teenager, the color of red with a yellow underbelly. Same was the color of his wings, save he had a hole through each one. The dorsal spikes on his head were yellow as well. “You don’t look so impressive...”

“Ha! A tiny dragon!” Gilgamesh spoke out. “You are still a babe.”

“Who are you calling a babe? I’ll have you-” Garble frowned, snarling his teeth to lean forward and confront Gilgamesh. He stopped through, seeing every human react to the potential threat. In an instant, Xehanort appeared behind Garble with the keyblade pointed between his wings. Gilgamesh moved two hands out, catching a sword and halberd to point them at the dragon’s face. Lex moved both arms up. Metal clasps on the armor suit slid open to expose multiple gun barrels that hummed to life. Wesker had his own magnum handgun cocked, the barrel pointed at the dragon’s left temple. Kefka floated over the dragon’s head, both hands pressed together to have his palms glowing blue. Vegeta stood at the other side of the teen dragon, his back turned to him and smirk. Pathetic.

“I suggest you not upset us,” Roger Smith moved both arms to cross on his chest. Without weapons, all he could do was use words to cut. Fine by him, and he was supposed to speak for Sombra. He stepped slowly, taking note how quickly the others responded to the threat. “I’ll have you know, child...” Smith said in a low voice. “That dragons are all extinct where we come from.”

“I, uh... Well,” Garble started to sweatdrop. The changelings that survived the first skirmish shuddered. These humans were faster and appeared more vicious than the ones in Ponyville. King Aurelius and Queen Chrysalis leaned back, their eyes opened wide in shock at how these humans had no fear of dragons- The mightiest race Equestria knew of.

“Enough,” Sombra commanded. “He is but a young drake, but a dragon still. I imagine he speaks for his race?”

“In-Indeed,” Queen Chrysalis said. “We need him alive to get dragons to aid our cause.”

“Mind your tongue then,” Master Xehanort said as he lowered his keyblade to start walking back to his place.

“Drat. I was hoping for a memento...” Kefka frowned as he floated back down. He remained floating though, sideways, as if he was on a bed.

Garble gulped a bit and watched as these humans relented and walk back. He was about to say something back to defy the humans, only to find Smith looking into his eyes. The dragon flinched back from the gaze, as if he had been scolded.

“Champions well chosen, it would seem,” Imago said in his raspy voice. So Aurelius had not been lying after all...

“Pardon my interruption, but you said allies?” Smith spoke out. He looked around, only spotting Garble and changelings around. “Where are they?”

“Ah.. We were discussing that now. The Diamond Dogs agreed to join us. They are assisting our own human strategist Otacon, in the mountains with gems and smith work,” Exuvia said. She stepped out of the line of the other generals, her red sash removed. “We are planning to join him soon, we just await a letter from him.”

“Another human...” Wesker added. Did that mean other magical creatures summoned dead humans? Something to investigate.

“Any other allies?” Lex asked, turning to look at Exuvia as his weapons retreated into his arms.

“Minotaurs and griffons will join our cause, but they want a display to show we are serious- And not just all talk either,” Pharate spoke out.

“That’s why I’m here. The dragons want to see what these humans are capable of,” Garble managed to speak out.

“I see,” Xehanort spoke out to stroke his beard. “Sensible. I recall you mentioning other humans on the... Enemy’s side. Please, tell us what you know.”

They gathered around Exuvia, who had taken over notes for Otacon. Mostly, the notes and interviews Otacon made over the first humans. The plans and results over Operation Tetra Blitz. Otacon’s future battle plans, plus Aurelius’ added modifications. The new training regimen of the changelings. Who the ponies were, and their powers. It took them about an hour to get them all to speed.

“Well, this is turning more troublesome by the second,” Vegeta commented. “It’s going to take extra work since we can’t kill the humans or...” The saiyan prince winced. “Ponies.”

“Vegeta is correct. You need these ponies to feed off from. Difficult turn of events,” Wesker noted. “And these other humans seemed to be as powerful as we are.”

“And the ponies do outnumber us,” Kefka frowned. “We can’t count on the other races if we can’t put a display that can’t kill ponies.”

“It sounds like we need a hostage,” Luthor moved to cross both arms on his chest.

“A hostage?” Smith asked. He was not too keen on the idea. Neither was Gilgamesh. “Won’t this Princess Celestia just send their humans to fix things, or even stop us?”

“I think I have an idea...” Sombra said with a smile.

“You know, for a cavern... The acoustics here are amazing,” Kefka added.


Princess Celestia tried to have Nathan Drake killed!

Dan raised both eyebrows at the comment, remembering his vow in case she really was involved. Still, no reason to get mad yet. It’s all good, they were still talking. This also made more than a few gasps and mouths open in shock. Nathan and Travis had narrowed their eyes. So far, it seemed the other articles were spreading the truth about the humans- So there was little room to doubt the assassination attempt.

The spell casted to bring them here was did by Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna! They brought these terrible humans instead of heroes- And even against their will! They were never asked to help!

Now that Dan thought about it, that last part was true, least with the new guys. Even then, it was more like- If you want to go home, you gotta help. But it was still good, he was slightly bummed out over Phoenix. He was taken away from his daughter, and who knew how many others had family behind like that. It made him more sad than angry really.

And the humans summoned are all dead.

“What?!” Dan shouted, his eyes narrowing for the first time since he got Discorded. He was not the only one confused now, as all of the other humans started to realize what the hell was going on.

Nathan Drake lowered both arms to his sides, the color quickly draining from his face. Just a second ago he found out a giant pony tried to kill him, when he was already dead?! So... He didn’t make it across the bridge? Had he fallen to his death? Rarity’s mouth was still pouting, trying to comprehend how her partner was a killer. She lost her pouty lips and opened her eyes to look back up at Nathan. The way his face lost color was all the truth she needed to confirm. He was dead again?!

Toph turned her head slowly, not sure she could believe what was going on. One would think that after everything she has been through, she would have some resistance to the paranormal. Less than noble humans, and she was dead?! And so was Sokka?! The earthbender moved her right hand to feel her chest. She was used to hearing heartbeats, but almost never listened to her own. There was still a heartbeat. Little Strongheart blinked twice, not sure how she should be feeling, especially over the taller humans. Dovahkiin and Travis especially, they sounded like horrible bad guys. Her most immediate concern was Toph though. How was she alive then?

Sokka lowered the scroll he had been reading, already used to the news. But his gaze was trained on Celestia, taking a good look at the so called sovereign of Equestria. He wasn’t worried over Toph though, she was a tough girl. There was still a lot to address. Derpy finally moved to look over at Dinky. She flew over to her daughter and hugged her. The little unicorn filly, frightened by it all, had both eyes shut to lean into her momma’s chest.

“Why doesn’t Mr. Sokka join the hug?” Dinky asked in a low voice. Derpy turned to look at Sokka with her eyes closed a bit, her left hoof moving to rub her daughter’s mane. The young man was serious, but kind and also funny. She was still trying to come to grips with who exactly he was. All this time, she had associated him as an ‘Earth’ human. He was the missing pony type in her family. But... He wasn’t a pony, was he?

Vash’s eyes closed a little from both top and bottom from his sockets. His left hand was up, his fingers shaking a bit. Dead? Nevermind himself, he had dealt with all kind of bad guys and he accepted his own death would one day claim him. Even if he was over 100 years old. But while these guys seemed ok, humans always had a way to take bad news in a really nasty way. What were these humans going to do? Braeburn picked up his head to look at Vash, his own eyes narrowed. All this time the stallion saw his partner as a good guy, and even up to par with the princesses, considering all his power and age. But they way Vash reacted at the news of death filled him with worry.

Spy’s eyes opened wide, each one of his bare hands moved to the sides of his head, trying to keep himself from exploding. His whole upper body turned side to side slowly. The masked man considered himself a gentleman- And while he was capable of emotion and often displayed anger in battle- He had vowed not to show anger in front of Zecora again. But it was a very hard battle. Why didn’t they just let him respawn back at home? The zebra lowered her head head to shut her eyes. Voodoo? The dark arts were involved? And pony folk knew of it? And now her partner was tainted with it. What could she do?

Johnny Bravo finally paid attention to what was going on. His mouth was open a bit, the news being read was awful. Killers and murderers? And he didn’t date ponies! At first, he ignored the meeting since they normally didn’t take him seriously. Suited him just fine, they were boring. But the anchovy rain woke him up from ogling Samus (Well, trying to picture what she looked like under the armor)

Each of the other humans started to gather the same thoughts and ideas. Only Team Canterlot seemed to have their heads on. Except for Travis Touchdown.

“You... You tried to kill my bro?!” The assassin shouted. “ You are so dead!” He reached for beam sabre and switched it on. The red laser flicked to life.

“No! Please, Travis!” Luna moved to get in front of her sister.

“If it weren’t for the attack, you wouldn’t even have a blood brother!” Jack interjected.

“I’m dead?!”

“Hey, don’t yell at Miss Cheerilee!”

“Kids Next Door, Battle Stations!”

“Please, don’t be too rough on Rainbow Dash, she was just-”

“This is all her fault!”

“Don’t yell at her, Ash!”

“Stay out of it, Soma!”

“Hey, at least Vash wasn’t on that list...”

“You’re a thief! A liar!”

“And you ponies are any different?!”

“Leave Otacon alone!”

“Don’t point a gun at the Mayor!”

“Put the chainsaw down, Ash!”

“Or what? You’ll poison him like you did with Nathan?”

“Big Mac? What’s wrong?”

“Let go of my Danny! He’s finally back!”

“I like pie...”


“Little Brother is learning quick...”

“Let go of me, you, half devil!”

“Stop squirming then, Dan!”


“I could’ve been back home! I can’t die there!”

“Hold me Vash, I’m scared...”

“But I’m not your partner, Little...”

“I lied! Donuts are better than muffins!”

“You monster!”

“Hold me, Otacon...”




“Stop fighting in front of the colts and fillies!”

“Jesus wants a hug!”

“Where did you come from?”

“At least my partner’s not a thief!”

“But a salesman of death is ok?!”

“Yar... Zombie humans are scary.”

“Rainbow Dash! Please, you gotta be okay!”

“HA-ha! Dangling parts!”

“It’s all my fault...”

“Who is throwing lawn chairs?”

“Sephiroth, put your pants back on!”

Chaos unfolded, weapons being drawn. Frowns and screams filling the area. Distant and Snape stood back, watching it all. Ponies arguing against ponies. Humans pointing weapons on each other. Whispered and hushed voices of the frightened. Princess Celestia found herself taking steps back as Travis inched his way slowly to her. Princess Luna trying her best to push him back with her hooves, not daring to use her magic.


“Excuse me, sir, but shouldn’t you be with the other humans?” Shadow Cloud asked. He was station outside the gates that lead inside the castle. The human moved each hand to pull down on his gloves to turn and face the guard.

“No. But I do need to speak with them, and Princess Celestia as well,” the human said. A pair of sunglasses hid his eyes from view. Shadow Cloud blinked once, tilting his head to the side. After a second, he nodded and then begun to lead the human back to the meeting in the garden.

“May I ask your name, so I can-” Shadow Cloud stopped talking, turning to look at the humans and ponies fighting. “What is going on in here?”

A flashbang was thrown in the air. The flash blinded them all and the noise left them deaf. Once they could see and hear again, Vergil looked down.

“My sword!” Vergil cried out, noticing Yamato was gone.

“Where’s Danny?!” Pinkie Pie looked around.

“Look!” Spike pointed out to Celestia. On her back, Dan held the Yamato around her neck as he stood on her back.

“Please! Don’t do it Dan, you can’t take this back!” Vash shouted, his right hand held up and the fingers spread apart to point at the small one. The ponies and humans all stopped moving and arguing, turning to look at the two. Dan’s eyes were narrowed, teeth visible in a snarl to have the bladed edge of Yamato in the alicorn’s neck. The solar princess held her breath, her eyes turned to look back at her assaulter.

“Stop this!”

At the sound of the voice, they all turned to look at the human standing with a frown, next to the guard.

“Phoenix?!” Rainbow Dash picked up her head, turning to look at the man in the suit. Her eyes were wet and sticky, the dry tears staining her coat. Rainbow jumped up into the air and flew straight into the man. “Phoenix!”

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“No! I refuse!” Vegeta looked down at his secondary mission objective.


“Stop looking at me!” Vegeta shouted, both of his arms forming fists. His left hand moved to the side to shout again.


“I will never give in! You hear me! You cannot defeat me!”


“I am the Prince of All Saiyans! I am the legendary Super Saiyan!”


“I... I... I surrender!” Vegeta fell to the ground, kneeling as his head hang down. “I submit.”

Mr. Sombrero smiled, both eyes closed. The baby black sheep walked over to Vegeta to lick his left hand.

“Damn your cuteness.”

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long with the update, I had written something for a contest for one of my groups. If you guys don't mind giving it a read? I wanted to know how I did.

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