• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Man vs. Nature

Chapter 17- Man vs. Nature

Back and forth, the poor manticore moved its head to look around. One second, that damn yellow pegasus was laughing and vanishing from view. The next second, that pink maned creature would show up from a different spot to throw a rock. Driven only by anger, the manticore moved further from its home. It didn't notice how the trees were getting further apart, or the familiar dark cover of a forest got lighter. Soon enough, it finally got to see its target.

That damn yellow pegasus had the nerve to turn its back on it and talk to another creature. Not caring about the white colored ape, the manticore released a loud roar. Wings streched out, it pounced forward in a lunge.

"What was that noise?" Fluttershy said as she turned her head over her shoulder to look back.

"Fluttershy!" Soma cried out, lifting his head to look at the manticore. Moving faster than his partner could, he stepped to push her out the way. Not able to bring forth a weapon out or use a soul, Soma found himself getting a swipe. Thankfully, or unfortunately- He was able to move fast enough to prevent from getting completely pounced on and pinned to the ground.

Fluttershy had winced, feeling pain from getting pushed. Thanks to his strength, she had moved much more than he wanted to."Soma! Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked. She had found herself get pushed back by his hands. All she could see was the front of her partner as he had his arms held out to his sides. A sound of heavy breathing was heard, but he looked alright.

"I'm fine, not the first time a manticore's actually swiped me," Soma said with a grin. He moved away to spin around quickly. The manticore was confused by the teen's intervention, so it took a step back. It still wanted to tear the pegasus apart, but now it wondered if it would have to deal with two of them. The soul hunter brought his hands together to bring forth a weapon, the Death Scythe to appear and do battle.

Three claw marks had torn through the back of his duster jacket. Thankfully, underneath the jacket she could spot the color of metal. Had Soma been wearing armor? He had lost some health, but thanks to to armor there was no torn flesh or other flesh wounds.

"Soma! Please, don't hurt him! Something's wrong," She said, lifting her head back up.

"Me? Hurt him?" Soma said, turning his head back to look at Fluttershy for a second. It was only for a second though, as he had to lift his weapon up to block another swipe from the manticore.

"I will try to calm it down!" Fluttershy said to fly over his head. She landed in front of the teen and stepped towards the manticore.

"No Fluttershy! This guy has got bloodlust in him!" Soma cried out. Too late, the maticore wanted her blood more than his. Not wanting to miss this chance, the Manticore growled and move forward to lunge as her.

"Its okay Soma, creatures like-" Fluttershy had turned to look back at her partner and smiled. She remembered the last time a manticore almost licked her head off. That was until she had suddenly pinned down to the ground. The chimera's large paw moved to pin Fluttershy to the ground. Her face was between the claws of its paws.



A slight rumbling begun to stir Dan. The angry human moved his face side to side a bit, trying to ignore the feeling. The rumbling and shaking did not stop. Finally, Dan winced both his eyes shut for a second before bringing them open wide to look around. "Another earthquake? I hate California!" Dan exclaimed, frowning as he looked around.

"Dan!" Pinkie Pie said, shaking up and down. Her pinkie sense was going off big time.

"This is your doing? What is going on?!" Dan asked, his head raised up to try to get some distance away from Pinkie's shaking. While he knew of Pinkie, her sense was new to him.

"Something big's gonna happen! We need to warn the others!" Pinkie Pie said, getting off the couch. Luckily, the sense went calm so she could see clearly again.

"Warn from what? Changeling overlords? Robotic doubles? A dinasour is running loose and making everything shake? Out with it Pinkie Pie!" Dan said, moving to stand and move a hand to dust himself off.

"I am not sure! I am feeling everything shake! My hair, my tail, my eyes, everything! If it was just my tail or body, then I would know!" Pinkie Pie said. She looked worried.

"Alright fine, lets go warn Twilight. We need to see her anyway to get the deed for the house and some grub," Dan said. He walked over to the door and opened it to look outside. He quickly shut the door and then turned to look at his so called partner. "Tell me Pinkie, does Ponyville suffer from earthquakes?" Dan asked, his hands held on the doorknob.

"Um, not earthquakes. Last time anything shook bad though, was a giant rock slide- Or was it an avalanche? That happened a while though, and Twilight made sure that wouldn't happen again," Pinkie replied.

"Is that a fact..." Dan closed both his eyes for a moment, lifting his left hand to rub the spot between his eyes. Part of him wanted to be surprised, but he was more dissapointed. He thought Twilight could do better. "Well, time to go then."

"What do you mean? Why do we have to-" Pinkie begin to ask before Dan opened the door again. He pointed up at a hill, showing a giant boulder that was coming down from a distance and heading to Ponyville. "Oh! That's why!" Panic gripped the streets, as ponies were running back and forth in a panic and screaming.

"Run for your lives!"

"Somepony think of the fillies and colts!"

"Well, I for one refuse to let my new house to get run over. Let's go Pinkie," Dan said to walk outside. Pinkie Pie closed both her eyes and followed after, bouncing up and down. Things had a way of working themselves out anyway, so she didn't worry.


Meanwhile, in the other side of town, a loud explosion decided to wake up a few residents of Ponyville. Just a small boom. No biggie. A few of the residents of Ponyville that were awake, mostly vendors and merchants, turned to look at the direction of the sound. A few of the waking ponies opened their windows to look outside.

"Did that come the Ponyville Dam?" Rarity asked, lifting her head up. The closest sound she could compare it with was a really loud firework display. She walked to the front door and open it to look outside.

The sound however, made Nate immediately wake up. In fact, he had jumped out of the couch and fell to the ground. More out of habit and safety than anything else. Not the first time he's been woken up by an explosion. "That was a bomb!" Nate said, his eyes opened wide to look around wildly.

"A what now? What is- Oh no!" Rarity stopped to look over at the Dam. Water could be seen spilling forth. A lot.

"What happened?" Sweetie Bell asked, lifting her head out of the kitchen. Nate moved to stand, moving to follow after Rarity.

"Oh crap," Nate said, looking up at the direction Rarity saw. "That's not good," he said.


"Did anyone else hear that?" Spike asked, lifting his head up. He had looked away from the kitchen, having to cook for a lot of ponies that morning. The tiny dragon raised an eyebrow, looking at Phoenix's face. The former lawyer looked worried.

"That was the sound of an explosion," Phoenix said. Both of his eyebrows had lowered, turning his head to look down at Twilight. "Do you guys even have those?"

"Magical ones are more common than actual explosives. But there shouldn't be any around Ponyville," Twilight said as he moved to the door.

"I was afraid of that," Phoenix said as he moved to take off his suit jacket. It was town anyway, so all he was left was in his pants and white dress shirt.

"I'm gonna check it out!" Rainbow Dash said, flying out of the top window of the library. For once, no one stopped her. She vanished in a blur, leaving Spike inside the kitchen.

"So... I guess its just me and you guys again," Spike sighed, looking over at Owlicious and Peewee. It was sad, he was spending more time with birds than ponies as of late.

"Spike! The Ponyville Dam has broken, and water is going to spill and flood the town," Twilight said, ducking her head back inside the library.

"Does that mean no pancakes?" Spike asked.

"Spike, focus! I am going to the dam and see if I can stop it. Hold down the fort," Twilight said as she vanished with Phoenix out the door.

"How exactly do you plan to stop a flood?" Phoenix said as he begun to run. Unfortunately, the poor lawyer was no where close to Twilight's speed. And she was not exactly the most atheltic of ponies either. He was going to stay of burgers for a while.

"I can use my magic to halt the water, but I will need something to plug the dam, at least until we can get a proper wall made," Twilight said, looking back at Phoenix. "With any luck, Rainbow Dash can gather the pegasi and get the extra water out of the reservoir before it floods."

"You- huff- don't look- huff- too worried," Phoenix said as he tried to both breathe and run before he planned to pass out.

"Luckily, Ranbow Dash and the other pegasi of Ponyville already drained the reservoir earlier in the year. But its not a big one, so we have some time to work with," Twilight said to look back ahead to run. It wasn't easy, the two had to duck and weave between panicked ponies.

"Aren't some of these guys running the wrong way?" Phoenix noticed, having to stop and look around. It seemed odd that some were running one way, while others in another direction. Between the screaming though, he couldn't tell if it was from panic or hysteria.

"Twilight! Phoenix!" Rainbow Dash yelled, turning fly over the two. Both raised their head to look at the hovering pegasus. She was pointing to the other side. Once more, both turned their heads to spot the other danger Ponyville faced. Large boulders were making their way down a hill.

"What in the world?" Phoenix said, his hands moving to hold the sides of his head. "Please tell me there's no reason to worry about that just yet!" Thankful for a moment to rest, Phoenix rested his hands over his knees to bend down and take deep breaths.

"There's a rock quarry close to town. The boulders shouldn't be a problem, there is room for them in the dug trenches. But if that fills up, the bigger ones will pass outside and into town!" Twilight exclaimed. She had to look back and forth, deciding which issue to confront first.

"Rainbow Dash!" Phoenix yelled, picking up his head to look at his partner. "Get the pegasi. I am not sure how you guys did it, but you have to get the reservoir empty!" Rainbow raised her eyebrows in confusion, but then quickly nodded. She took off, little time to waste.

"Guess that decision is taken cared of. I am going to the quarry then-" Twilight started to turn directions.

"No, you get to the dam. It still needs to get plugged up. I will head to the rocks. Maybe I can try pushing them using my magic blue finger," Phoenix said as he stated to head away.

"Phoenix, magic blue finger?" Twilight asked, moving back to the direction of the dam.

"Just do it. With any luck, the other humans can help me. Where are they anyway?" Phoenix said as he started to run again.


"You let go of me right now!" Applejack said, enraged. She was floating in a field of magic, courtesy of the Dovahkiin. All of her legs flailed in place, trying to break the spell. The dragon born had both of his hands out, a magic aura of telekenesis holding her up. In retrospect, the human should have done this from the get go.

"I apologize, really! I woke up in a strange bed and it was hard to remember I wasn't in Skyrim no longer. Please, forgive me," Dovahkiin said, hoping his mana reserves could keep holding her up. While he had managed to give her the slip for a while, the earth pony was fast. She had caught up with him in no time.

"Applejack, you invited him as our guest. Sure he was... Sleep something, you can't hold it against him," Big Macintosh said. He had managed to get behind Dovahkiin and look up at his floating sister.

"He scared the livin daylights out of lil Applebloom and me! And a sorry won't cut it!" Applejack said. At least she had stopped struggling, giving the Dovahkiin the stink eye.

"Applejack, you are not upset over the whole kiss misunderstanding, are ya?" Big Macintosh asked after a second. Dovahkiin turned to look at the red pony, shaking his head to the sides. Why was he adding fuel to the fire?

"Are you kidding me?! Who would want to kiss the lips of that... hairless ape!" Applejack said, turning to look up and down at the nearly naked human. "He's got nothing appealing. Those wide shoulders, rough eyes, wild hair, free spirit," Applejack said, shutting her eyes after she realized her face felt warm.

"Uh... Thanks?" Dovahkiin looked left and right now, not sure how to be feeling now. Those were not exactly compliments, but not insults either.

"Come on Applejack, why would Mr. Dovahkiin here say you look liked you wanted to kiss him?" Big Macintosh said, moving his head to the side and get his mane out from his side. While he was not an Element of Honesty, he could tell when his sister was hiding something.

"Cause I wanted to, that what you wanted to hear?" Applejack said, looking at her brother. Better cut to the chase than let him pry it out of her. She felt herself touch the ground, and that made her turn her attention back on the Dovahkiin. "Dovah?" She asked, suddenly feeling very self concious at the moment. Applebloom and Granny Smith had walked in at the moment of her confession.

Dovahkiin turned his head to look at the others. "Ackward..."


Dan and Pinkie Pie had to wait for a bit against the side of a building. Lots of technicolor Equestrians had decided it was a good time as any to evacuate. It appears they were the only two heading in the direction of the boulders.

"Honestly, you think the town would have some sort of evacuation plan for this kind of thing..." Dan said. He was finally able to walk around the building and run back towards the quarry.

"Well, there is one in place, but the Mayor has to announce it. She never does though, even though this town has had lots of reason to run for it before," Pinkie Pie said as she followed.

"Typical. Guess its up to me to once again save the day," Dan said with a sigh. Soon enough, the duo reached outside the town limits. Luckily, most of the rocks that had been falling down into the large dug out gravel pits. Dan moved to get down on one knee and peer over the edge. The pits was getting full, fast. They already had dirt and other things inside. He looked up, spotting how the rocks were only filling up one area and not spreading out evenly.

"Should we evacuate the town?" Pinkie Pie said to peer down also. Her Pinkie sense had relaxed, only leaving her tail wagging.

"I got this," Dan said as he stood up. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out his lucky grenade. He brought it to his face, rubbing the explosive like a loving parent would with its child. For a moment, Pinkie got jealous. "Honey, you got some exploding to do," he said lovingly.

"What is that thing?" Pinkie asked, narrowing its eyes at the object.

"Oh this? Its my lucky grenade. Been saving it for a special occasion. Since I can't just go up to a store and buy explosives here, I got to make do. So long old friend," Dan said to lower the grenade. "But its either you or my new house."

"Stop right there!" Phoenix suddenly yelled, coming to stop. Both Dan and Pinkie turned to look at the former lawyer. The poor lawyer had once again, bent over to huff and puff as he rested his hands over his knees.

"Stop what now? I am trying to save the town!" Dan said, getting upset.

"It- wasn't- you- wheeze?" Phoenix asked, looking up a bit.

"I have no idea why you would even think I would put my new house at risk like that. I'm hurt," Dan said, crossing both arms on his chest to turn his back to Phoenix.

"Wait... If you are here... Then, who caused the explosion at the Dam?" Phoenix asked, moving one hand to his hip and stand up.

"Something happened at the Dam?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I heard an explosion, and its going to flood soon if its not stopped," Phoenix said. His chest still moved up and down, trying to think. It was hard when all the oxygen his brain needed to think was also going to the rest of his body.

"Oh great a dam breaking and a rock slide...." Dan said. He stopped talking, lowering his arms to look back at Pheonix.

"Yeah, I am starting to think these were not coincidental," Phoenix said. That look on Dan's face. He looked suspicious, as both eyes had narrowed. Yeah. Paranoia. He knew that look well.

"We have to stop this. First, lets do this," Dan said. He turned to look at the rock pits and narrowed his eyes. He was getting pissed now. His thumb pulled the ring on his grenade to count a little. After a few seconds, he threw it to the bottom of the pits where most of the boulders had landed.

Phoenix stepped up to the edge, inspecting the area for the first time. Twilight had been right, at least there was some time. He picked up his head and blinked, expecting an explosion. Rocks continued to pile on.

"Hm... Maybe it was a dud-" A loud BOOM was heard after a second, causing a hole at the bottom of the quarry. Being interrupted, Phoenix found himself thrown to the ground. Some of the rocks had been sent upward, falling into the air. The bigger ones had been broken apart and settled down. Luckily, it did the job. The bottom rocks had been moved, creating a small crevice to make the rocks spill over and move to the rest of the pit.

"I know how to pick em," Dan said with a smile. Pinkie Pie's tail begun to shake in place a lot. Phoenix took note of this, lifting his head to look at the sky.

"Uh guys? We should look for cover..." He said, moving away from the falling rocks.

"We got some time, we got to find who is doing this though," Dan said, lifting his head to look at the top of the hill. Rocks continued to fall on around himself, but he didn't bother to dodge. He had been around enough explosions to learn a thing or two about displacement. "There is something up there," he said after a second.

Busy dodging rocks, Phoenix ducked behind a nearby tree to look around. "Think its changelings?" The former lawyer asked. He tried to look at the top of the hill, but he couldn't make out what.

"Hey! I see lots of birds!" Pinkie Pie said, lifting her hoof up. Thanks to her Pinkie sense, all she had to do was dodge to the left or right to avoid falling debris. Both humans turned to turn and look in the direction she pointed.

"Are those... Flamingos?" Phoenix asked, spotting the pink flock flying away from the top of the hill.

"They look like them, unless they are really changelings," Dan growled. He had a vendetta against flamingos as well.

"Flamingos are not from around here though..." Pinkie said. Her tail stopped twitching, meaning they were safe. "The only place I ever seen them was in Canterlot."

"You're right. They prefer marshlands or places rich in fish. I am guessing Ponyville has neither of those," Phoenix said as he got out of the way of the tree. It looks like the rocks had also stopped falling.

"This is bad," Dan said, moving to walk away from the ridgeline. He turned to the others. "We have to get out of here, fast. The dam is the least of our worries," he said in a low voice.

"What? What do you mean?" Pinkie asked, lifting her eyebrows to follow. Phoenix did as well, going back to his earlier line of thought.

"The Dam and Quarry. Both had fail safes to keep Ponyville from danger. Both also had empty places to store the falling water and rocks," Phoenix reasoned. He was glad they were walking back to Ponyville instead of running.

"Well yeah, thanks to Twilight," Pinkie said. "So what-"

"Don't you get it? Oh, I forgot that pony mysteries have no intrigue or real threats. Pinkie, think about it. Both real threats- but with enough time to save "ponies" and also a way to stop it," Dan esplained to look at his so called partner.

"Oh! I get it. This was all just some elaborate distraction!" Pinkie Pie said. Phoenix suddenly did a double take.

"What?" Pinkie Pie asked, looking at Phoenix. "I may not know mysteries, but I know distraction! You can't plan a good surprise party without a good distraction." Dan shook his head to the sides. At least she had that part right. Whenever he tried to get angry, she immediately put a stop to that with a distraction. Damn her kisses!

"For once, she's right. This was all just big distraction. But for what purpose-" Dan suddenly stopped walking and looked around. "Where are the kid and the giant robin hood?"

"Dovahkiin and Soma? Now that-" Phoenix stopped talking and narrowed his eyes. "You don't think they were the real targets?"

"It makes sense, cause and uproar and then take out the heavy hitters," Dan said. "Not to mention, those were problably the only guys that could stop these so called disaters without help."


"I got this!" Twilight said. She was at the base of the make shift waterfall. She had both eyes closed to focus her magic. A large beam was fired from the horn, keeping the water back from flowing in. The pegasi Rainbow Dash had gathered begun to fly around the resovoir to created a giant multi colored tornado. Since it had not been a lot of water, not much wing power was needed.

"We need something to plug the dam," Rarity said. She and Nate had arrived first, but could do nothing to help. The white unicorn was glad when Twilight arrived.

"But what can we do? What can we use to plug a hole that big?" Nate asked. He had looked around. While the dam was close to town, there was nothing remotely big enough to plug the hole.

"Somepony! Anypony! Please! Help me save my tubs of jelly!" A male pony yelled out, carrying a cart of giant jelly jars. Nate and Rarity looked at each other. She smiled, while Nate frowned.

"You can't be serious," Nate said.

"One does one's best!" Rarity said. She shut her eyes and then focused her own magic. This tub of jelly was nothing but a large amount of silk, or so she tried to convince herself. Nate sighed, and then walked over to the male pony. Not wanting to explain everything, he simply moved to throw a punch and knock out the poor distraught pony. The pony had tried to grab on to the tub of jelly floating away.

"Sorry buddy, I make sure Twilight pays you back. But I just can't have you distract my Rarity now, can I?" Nate said with a sigh. Why did changelings and ponies have to hurt so much when you punched them?

"Did you just called me, your Rarity?" She asked, opening her eyes and looking at him. Lucky for him, she had not dropped the tub. Rarity seemed to have glitter around her eyes.

"Er... yes?" Nate asked, lifting his eyebrow. "I mean, I am your partner, right?" He asked.

"Oh... Just the element?" Rarity asked, lowering her head. The jelly was being lowered as she looked upset.

"Uh, no! No, I mean in a more important way?" Nate added quickly, looking at Rarity. That sounded more like a question. One look at Twilight though, and he feared she could not hold out for long.

"In what way then?" Rarity asked, lifting her head again. Think fast Nate...

"How about we plug this hole up then, huh? We can go on a date and we can talk about it more intimately there!" The human treasure hunter said. "Nice going Nate. Smooth," He thought to himself.

"You have got yourself a date!" Rarity said. She lowered her upper body up to focus her magic. Easily she raised her head up and brought the jelly up to the part Twilight blocked. "Twilight! Remove your magic!" Rarity said. Twilight nodded, putting a halt to her spell. With the magic gone, Rarity forced the tub of jelly into the hole and plug it up. It seemed to work, only a little bit of water seeped through.

Nate gave a sigh of relief, moving his hands to hold his head. Did... Did Rarity do that on purpose?

"Oh thank Celestia you two were around," Twilight said as she walked over to the two. "Um, Nate, are you topless?" Twilight asked, lifting her head up and down to inspect the human. He suddenly felt self concious, moving his arms to cross on his chest.

Rarity immediately moved to stand in front of Nate, standing on her back hooves to raise her front ones to try and block the view. "Un Twilight dear, shouldn't you use your magic to continue to plug up the dam?" Rarity asked nervously.

"Oh, you're right!" Twilight added. She turned her attention to focus on her magic. None of them noticed the team of pegasi flying away. "Have any of you seen the others by the way?"


"Fluttershy!" Soma cried out, moving towards the manticore. He swung the scythe over his head and begun to spin it rapidly in circles. While he could attack the creature, he had to make sure it would not hurt her. With any luck, his flashy moves would scare off the manticore.

"Are you okay?" Soma asked. The creature in turn to face Soma. It jumped back and lowered its giant lion head and growl at Soma. Fluttershy begun to cough, her eyes closed to sit up slowly. Soma got down on his left knee, bringing his Death Scythe to wrap around Fluttershy to hold it in front of the both of them in his hands. The teen had his eyes narrowed, getting really angry.

"Soma? What happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"That manticore seems more interested in tearing you apart than me," Soma said. "Thank Lord Dracula you are alright," Soma said. He kept his eyes trained on the manticore that was getting closer.

"I.. I don't understand. Why would a manticore be outside the forest? Why attack me? Animals love me..." She said, moving a hoof to rub her neck.

"That manticore has bloodlust in it," Soma said. "Whatever it-" Soma moved to stand up and raise Fluttershy with himself. The manticore had moved to bring its tail down to stab at the area the both had been. They landed a few feet away, Soma unable to move much holding his weapon and his partner together.

"Soma, don't hurt it, promise me!" Fluttershy said, suddenly pulling herself away from her partner. "If it wants-" She stopped talking, lowering her head. There was red on one her wings. She looked around herself to try and spot the wound on herself. She finally spotted blood dripping down from inside Soma's armor. "Soma?" She asked, looking up at his face.

"I'm fine, I told you I have been hit before. Although I am wearing mail, it still hurts when getting hit by a 400 pound animal. Its like a hammer," he said. He moved to stand up and lift both his hands up. "Final Guard!" He yelled out. A force field moved from his hands to block the incoming manticore tail. The tail bounced harmlessly from the field, leaving him undamaged.

"Did... Did he do that to you?" Fluttershy said in a low voice. Her head was down, casting a shadow over her eyes. She saw the blood dripping down a bit to land on the ground.

"Fluttershy, if you are going to talk it down, do it now. I got the forcefield-" Soma started to say. He stopped, feeling a dark aura building. It was worse than the manticore's blooslust, but still less intense than Dan. "Fluttershy?"

"No one... Hurts... MY SOMA!" Fluttershy suddenly cried out. He picked up her head, eyes narrowed dangerously low. Her pink mane, already having been massed by the manticore's press, was now shaking as she spoke. Soma then released his field and took a step back using his backdash doge. He wanted to suddenly put the field up between her and himself.

"You! You did this! You are going to pay!" Fluttershy screamed out, turning to look at the manticore. The creature kept its eyes narrowed, moving to stike with its tails again. She darted forth, sliding past the tail. She got unto its back with a quick hop and then dropped her front hooves on the spot underneath its neck, right on its spine. It was one of the few spots not protected by muscles.

The poor manticore raised its head to howl, its tail suddenly going limp. "You" Fluttershy said to stomp again. "Do not." She stomped again. "Make." And another stomp. The manticore was unable to protect itself, its paws unable to grab behind its back. Its wings could not move due to the pressure place by Fluttershy's body. "SOMA." she shouted and stomped again. "BLEED!" She flew up into the air and then drove all of her weight down on its spine again.

Soma stared in morbid fascination. Part of him wanted to look away, he could only imagine what was happening to that manticore's spinal column. His dark self wanted to see more. Had she said "my Soma" earlier?

Enraged now, Fluttershy moved to get off the manticore and then move to its tail. On the ground, she stomped on the tail that had fallen limp. Unfortunately, it could still feel pain. It howled in pain again, moving to try and get away from the awful pegasus.

"Soma?" Fluttershy said, in a semi seet voice. "Do you want to get a hit in before I finish it off?" His mouth fell open, surprised more than anything.

"Er, what about kindness?" He asked, lifting his eyebrow to stand slowly.

"Oh, you're absolutely right!" Fluttershy said, closing her eyes. She moved to fly in front of the manticore's face. "If I ever catch you here around again or near my Soma, I won't show you any mercy," she said in a very low voice. Her eyes opened up suddenly, narrowed to give it The Stare.

Soma turned to look away. That was the stare everyone noticed from the reception? No wonder Nate shivered. The manticore suddenly took a few steps back to turn away. Tears were shed from its eyes as it quickly ran back into the forest.

Glad that was over, she flew back to land next to Soma. "Are you okay? You can open your eyes. That awful manticore won't hurt you again," she said with a smile. "Are you still bleeding?"

"Thanks?" Soma said, opening his eyes to look back at her. She seemed to have calmed down. "And I am fine," he said.

"Oh, thank goodness. Thank you for protecting me! You deserve a reward! Lets go get you patched up. With any luck, that manticore will show up again, and then we can grill you some manticore steak!" Fluttershy said to trot back into her house.

Soma brought forth his bone pillar soul to add points to his constitution and begin walking. From here on out, he was going to make sure nothing got her upset again. As he followed, he took a moment to look at his right side. For a second, he thought he saw a vulture fly away.

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