• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Chapter 15- Dawn

"Hmph," Rainbow Dash said, struggling to wake up. She raised her head up, though her eyes had been swollen shut. Waking up in a bed was weird, she was used to clouds. She was sure it was morning, she could hear annoying birds singing. Another thing about homes in clouds? Birds did not live in them. Nor could they just up and perch on clouds to sing.

"Where am-" Rainbow Dash felt her mouth shut, feeling a claw over her mouth to keep it closed. The cyan pegasus immediately pulled her face away and brought her hooves up to rub her eyes. While not sure why to keep quiet, she decided to say nothing until she could see anything. Once she could see clearly again, she spotted Spike on the bed she was on. A few vague memories about last night reminded her how she ended up here.

Spike had a single claw up, using one finger to cover his mouth. His other claw was pointing to a window. Twilight Sparkle had already been up, standing next to the spare bed Rainbow was in. The purple unicorn was smiling as well, anxious to see the look on her friend's face. Rainbow raised her eyebrows, following the direction to where the dragon was pointing. When she could think properly, her eyes relaxed to smile.

Phoenix Wright was sitting on a window sill, one leg lifted up to prop it against the wooden frame. He was looking down, both of his hands held together, palms up to look at the little firebird resting on his skin. Peewee the baby phoenix was looking up at the human, giving Wright a smile. The little bird appeared to be conversing with Phoenix, chirping non-stop.

"How long have they been like that?" Rainbow Dash asked. Phoenix's smiling face was a rare one. He only smiled at the end of a trial.

"Oh, not too long. Phoenix had woken up, though he's not a great morning person. He was walking towards the bathroom when he brushed past Peewee. The baby chick woke up, and started to cry," Twilight said. She had woken up early to prepare for the next meeting for the humans. "When Phoenix noticed Peewee was upset, he tried his best to calm down. It appeared that he had to struggle a bit, and I admit it was funny to see him try so hard. Peewee finally calmed down when Phoenix picked him up to inspect him."

"You guys should really feed this little guy. Its all he keeps talking about," Phoenix said picked up his head, turning to look at the others. Glad that the others were awake, the human relaxed since he did not have to worry about awaking anyone else up. The baby phoenix stopped chirping, lowering its head to lay down to close both its eyes and sleep. "Seriously, Papa Twilight and Mama Spike though? This little guy has gender issues." He smiled and set the little guy down to he could go back to his nap.

"You- Wait, Papa?" Twilight asked, her right eyebrow raised.

"Mama Spike?" Rainbow Dash said. After a second, she burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh! Did Peewee imprint Spike as Mom?"

Spike blushed, moving a claw to grab his tail. It made sense, Peewee was a bird, and would imprint the first thing he saw as mom. That had been the baby dragon. Papa Twilight must be dad for being around Spike the longest, and also looked after the baby firebird.

"How do you know what it thinks? Twilight asked, moving to Phoenix. "Can you speak Phoenix Firebird?"

"I dunno about speaking, but I understood it. Who knew right? A phoenix talking with a Phoenix," Wright said, smiling proud at his joke.

The others shut their eyes, not believing the awfull pun/ joke.

"Was it something I said?" Phoenix asked.


Dovahkiin snored. He snored loud.

"Hnrrr... LOK VAH KOOR! ZZZzzzz" a shout was heard, followed by deep inhaling.

Applejack had propped her form against the door outside to his new room. The room had belonged to her parents, and since no one wanted it, and had the biggest bed, it was given to the dragon born. While the Apple family were early risers, they had all been woken up by the sleep shouting done by the Dovahkiin.

Big Macintosh had said nothing about the Dovahkiin staying in the farm. No one was using the room, and the dragon born had saved the town. He was starting to reconsider his decision. Along with her sister, the two tried to prevent what ever demons escaped from Dovahkiin to spill forth and invaded the farm.

"Someone wake the big lug up! Who does he think he is? A dragon?!" Granny Smith yelled out, trying to keep Applebloom calmed down. The filly was shaking, hiding behind her grandmother's legs.

"Are we going to die?" The bow wearing filly asked. She was looking up at her siblings, almost ready to cry.


"Eeyup!" Big Machintosh said, feeling a powerful force almost knocking him from the door. His normally halfway closed eyes had been opened wide by that shout.

"Oh calm down! Dovahkiin! Wake up already!" Applejack shouted, hoping to get through the door. "And actually, yeah, he's part dragon," the orange cowboy added.

"Is he going to eat us?" Applebloom asked again, lowering her head.


"Knock it off Big Macintosh! You're not helping!" Granny Smith said.

"Alright, I got an idea. It looks like it takes a while between them roars. After the next one, I'm goin in! Shut the door behind me," Applejack said, getting her moxie ready. This was not gonna be easy. Dovahkiin had not responded to shouting, so she could only hope that he was not a deep sleeper.


"Now!" Applejack shouted. Big Macintoch opened the door and her sister rushed in.

"Celestia be with her!" Granny Smith said.


Sweetie Bell walked down the stairs, ready to make breakfast. While her sister tried her best, sometimes her cooking left a lot to be desired. She came to a stop though, seeing Rarity at the bottom of the steps. A bit confused, Sweetie tilted her head to the side. Normally her sister was a mess in the morning. But she looked cleaned up, wearing her makeup and her hair properly made. She slowly made her way next to her sister.

"What gives sis?" She asked. "Big order make you wake up early?"

"Oh, no. Do shush now, we don't want to wake up Nate yet," Rarity said in a low voice. The glamour unicorn smiled, looking down at her sister. "And no, no orders today. But when one had a guest over, one must make sure to look one's best."

Nathan was laying down on one of Rarity's larger and softer couches. While not as large as Dovahkiin, he did take up more space than the other humans. He was aleep, his head resting against an armrest. Though what had Rarity's attention, was the fact that the human was topless. His chest moved up and down to the rhythm of his breathing, his arms resting over his stomach.

"Oh. Why?" Sweetie Bell asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Oh Sweetie Bell. When hosting a guest, you have no idea about their sleeping habits. Also, poor Nate had a long day yesterday. I think he earned his rest," Rarity said to pick up her head again.

"Ok, I understand. Why are you staring at his chest?" The smaller unicorn asked. Her head moved back and forth, looking at her sister's gaze.

"I! I wasn't staring!" Rarity said, shutting both of her eyes and blushing a bit. "I am just curious. That is what a human looks like without clothes. No coat of hair, no cutie mark, but you can clearly make the contour of his muscles under his skin."

"Oh. Now that you mention it, he does look a bit strange. Is that normal for a human though?" Sweetie Bell asked, understanding her sister a bit. Why did humans wear so much clothes anyway? She made a note to ask Nate that later.

"Lets make breakfast together," Rarity said, glad her sister was still innocent.

"Ok. Hey sis, Nate's handsome huh? I hope I get to marry him when I grow up!"


Dan was sitting on a couch, head laid back against the rest though. His left hand held on to a cupcake wrapper, almost letting it fall. The other hand was resting on the top of Pinkie Pie's poofy mane. Neither of them managed to make it to the bedroom, too tired by yesterday's events.

Pinkie was also asleep, though she was in a different position. She had gotten on top of the couch, laying daown with all four hooves bent at the knees to rest against her frame. Both of her eyes closed, her chin rested on Dan's lap. They breathed in tandem. They both drew a breath of air before exhaling. Dan's was a mumble snore. Pinkie Pie's was a slight chuckle.

They were both inside Crankey Donkey's old home. While it looked small and cozy, the place was actually big with lots of space. It had two cellars in order to hold all of the old donkey's possesions from his travels. The ashes and dead cinders in a fireplace had kept the room warm and toasty.


Soma kept both of his hands inside his pant pockets, drawing his duster behind to rest on his arms. Fluttershy was an early riser as well, lots of animals kept odd hours of feeding and such. Especially baby animals. The teen had his frame resting against a tree to watch the yellow pegasus work. He had offered to help, but Fluttershy insisted Soma observed first. She did not want to make her guest work, and also she wanted to make sure Soma knew what to do. Not to mention, some of the animals would need to get used to Soma first.

It was for the best after all. Fluttershy had help also. Angel and a few other animals tried their best as to not make their caretaker do all the work. Chicken feed was easy enough to do, all the white bunny had to do was toss the food on the ground. Bird feed was also easy, just deposit the feed into the hanging containers on trees. The fish and aquatic animals were tricky. Soma could not see under the bridge.

"Ready to go?" Soma asked when Fluttershy flaw to land next to him.

"Almost.. there is just a matter of our own breakfast. What do you eat for breakfast Soma?" She asked, curious. All she could offer the teen if he wanted meat was fish.

"Oh. It depends. Foods served in Japan and Europe are different. Eggs, sausage or bacon, maybe a muffin or toast with orange juice or coffee are traditional in Europe. Big tea drinkers there too. In Japan, some fish with rice. Sometimes toast as well," Soma said.

"Oh, I had no idea you were so well traveled. Was it because of your powers or your education?" Fluttershy guessed.

"Education. Didn't start the whole slayer thing till last year," Soma said to move his arms at his side.

"Oh. Well for food a pony breakfast is mostly something nutricious. While we love treats, we try not to consume it a lot in our diet on mornings. I do have oatmeal and juice though, if you like," Fluttershy said. She would have to make it a note to get Soma proper food. He was still growing after all, and she wanted him to grow to be big and strong. And she wanted him strong. Oh yes.

Those small, observant eyes that could peirce through into her soul. Dark aura that comanded creatures. His slightly deep voice that had a calming effect contrary to his fighting self. That gentle but exotic touch of fingers and hands.

"Fluttershy? There something on my face?" Soma asked, looking down at his partner. She was just getting closer and closer, just staring at him.

"Oh um. Not yet," Fluttershy said, quickly taking a step back and lowering her head. Why couldn't Soma be closer to Dan's size? She decided to stand on her forelegs and close the distance between them. She shut both eyes to lean in for a kiss.

"Not yet?" Soma asked, moving to stand up straight to look around. Completely oblivious to Fluttershy's advances. Was she talking about one of her birds or an insect? He took a step to his left and raise his head. "I don't see anything.."

Missing her target, Fluttershy gave an "eep" as she fell forward to land on her front hooves. Back on the ground, the yellow pegasus turned to look behind herself. She forgot how fast Soma could be. Drat. But those lips would be hers! Oh yes, lips that taste meat would touch hers.


"Alright, are we all clear on the plan?" Otacon said, arms crossed on his chest. There was a lot to do, so he had requested to be woken up as soon as there was daylight. He had one of the leftover fruits from yesterday for breakfast. The changelings all nodded.

"Okay, Team One- Your job is gather animals in the forest. Get them riled up, frighten them, do whatever you have to. Lead them towards the guard house. The sooner we can get rid of their outposts, the sooner we can have proper advance. Spy Alpha, make sure to study any of the humans at the post. We need to see what they are truly capable of." Team one consisted of 5 changelings. Their job? Attack Fluttershy with a stampede or wild monster.

"Good. Team Two- Your job is to get to the rocky ridge close to Ponyville. Look for loose rocks, and also use any wooden sticks to help you loosen the earth. See if you can change into digger animals like moles if you need to. Your job is to cause a rockslide. Spy Beta- once again study any humans," Otacon continued, looking at his notes. This team was also five changelings.

"Team Three- Take any tools and the bomb I made to break a hole in the dam. I am afraid I had little to work with, so the bomb is not strong. But it should be enough to at least crack the dam's structural foundation. Looks for any weak spots. If its not enough, transform into any animals that can hit hard. Gorilas, rhinos, even these "Diamond Dogs" sound useful. Spy Gamma, your job is just take notes if humans respond. Speaking of which..." Otacon looked up from his notes to look at the King.

"Yes, I understand. I will try to convince the Diamond Dogs to join our cause. I will also send letters to the other agents across Equestria to start gathering. I will also look for any other potential allies," King Aurelius said. While joining other species was useless and a stupid idea, these Diamond Dogs could at least be meat shields.

"Last team, Four- Gather any materials I described. If I can make weapons, armors, or better bombs, it will give us an edge against the enemy," Otacon said to look at the largest group. Although it had no spies, it had over eight changelings. "You guys have the hardest jobs. I need minerals deposits, resources. And you that have to slip into Ponyville- do your best not to engage the enemy. I need tools, they are more important than anything else. Without those, I can't build anything. With any luck, the distractions the others provide will help your cover."

All the Changelings nodded. For once, they liked being treated as a "real" army. They whole way of life was just slip in and strike. Deadly, silent, staying in shadows. This way though, they can prove themselves to be a credible and real threat.

"Remember though, no one fights. At any sign of trouble, transform into moles and burrow into the ground. It appears that the ponies won't be able to chase any of you underground. While everything else is important- Your lives are irreplacable," Otacon said. He had practiced this speech over and over in his head, and he hoped that is was inspiring enough. Leading large groups was tough.

"While you are doing this, I will interrogate the prisoner," Otacon said. He turned to see a single unicorn being carried to him. She had a light blue coat, with a white mane. Her only clothing was a cape that had lots of stars on it around her neck that was tattered. Her cutie mark looked like a shooting star.

"You will never make the Great and Powerful Trixie talk!"

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