• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,561 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Team Silver vs. Team Justice

Chapter 23- Team Silver vs. Team Justice

Trixie was finally hitched up, her face winced in pain but her legs able to support the weight. Saddle bags heavy with supplies were attached to her sides. It was decided that Four guards would escort Otacon, two would take point at the front, and two would guard the rear. To avoid danger and be able to take their time, King Aurelius decided that the best route would be to travel along the edge of the forest, close to the Apple farm.

"Good luck to you Dr. Otacon," King Aurelius said. While he did want the engineer to stay and come up with more plans, it would be nice not to have to look for food for the human. Also, not to have to act so benevolent. It was taxing.

"With any luck, I will have something ready with a day or two. Here is a list of instructions for your own people. Out of all the weapons I can make, bombs are the most important," Otacon said as he handed the Changeling King a list. "It has ingredients and the mixture for bombs. Easy to make, just make a container like a coconut or another fruit and dry it out. Scoop out the insides and then fill it with the compound, and find a wick out of dried wines or treated rope. Because there is more than one way to make a bomb, try to find as many of the combinations as you can. The troops will need to train, and the invasion will need lots of bombs. I will focus on armor and weapons."

"We will do our part. My Changelings and I will leave the area and find a better camp. Our forces will be large, and we need the room. Once we do, I will send a letter to the Diamond Dogs with the location," King Aurelius said. With a final nod, Otacon turned and walked away with the guards and Trixie.

Snake was sitting down on a tree stump, munching on an opened ration. Dry and like cardboard, Snake still relished the taste. It was better than the alternative his lunch mates were having. Timberwolves were busy devouring a wild boar that Snake had helped take down. It was a clever idea, really. Earlier to avoid the wolves, Snake had climbed a tree and gotten his M-9 ready. A giant boar had been corned by the hunting pack, very close to his own tree. Either he waited them out, or he went with plan B. He shot the wild boar with as many dart gun shots as he could. He had no idea how much to use, the tranquilizer formula was made for humans, and it only took one dart.

After firing about eight shots, the wild boar went down. Well, Snake couldn't be sure. The timberwolves had managed to converge on the beast and begin to bite at its body. The wild boar fell, not even giving a final shriek. It was cruel, but Snake hoped that the tranquilizer formula he used would be passed on to the wolves as well. Oh well look at that... The stealth agent picked up his head to see a timberwolf eat an entire dart without so much as a wince of pain.

The human got down to the floor slowly, seeing the wolves busy on the food. The wolves either didn't care or were too busy to notice him; they all ate nonstop. Kinda reminded him of a shark in a feeding frenzy. Upon closer inspection, Snake could see what was so off about these creatures. Was their pelts made from wood? Finally, one wolf picked up its head to look over at Snake.

"Mares, Fillies, Studs and Gentlecolts, welcome to the first ever Tournament of Champions!" Spike said, speaking through a bullhorn normally set side to announce sales and events by Granny Smith. The baby dragon was sitting behind a thin blue and red stripped booth alongside The Doctor. The Tardis was parked behind the booth. "With me today providing guest commentary is none other than Princess Celestia's own Champion, The Doctor!"

"I admit, this is a first for me. Simply fascinating," The Doctor said, moving to rest his arms on the top of the booth table to lean ahead. "Since I won't be participating, it seems fair that I provide some info." Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were sitting down next to each other, at the foot of the bleachers normally used for the Sisterhood Social. On the actual bleachers, the Crusaders, Big Macintosh, and the mares that had a human partner were sitting. Somehow, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had also heard wind of this and brought their classmates to watch the match.

"Lacking a proper score board, lets go over the ground rules," Spike said, turning to look over at the humans gathered. They were all inside what was going to be the stage, a large penned fence that once was the place for the obstacle course. "The first round of the Tournament will be tag matches to save time. If one partner is knocked unconcious or admits defeat, their team looses," Spike said, moving his left hand to lift on claw up to hold only one digit up from his claw.

"To make things fair, there will be a coin toss," The Doctor said, moving to speak into his microphone. Which, just happened to be his screwdriver to amplify his voice. "The winner of the coin toss will be granted a single rule, such as no weapons, no magic, or something of that sort. The only true rule is "no killing." I am sure no one wants get sent to the sun," the time lord winked at Celestia after that comment.

The solar princess narrowed her eyes, and then shut them both to turn away. Her cheeks had puffed out to pout a bit.

"Alright then! Before the first round, each time will get 5 minutes to plan out strategy and whatever they like. Sephiroth and Soma have decided "Team Silver" as a name. Phoenix picked "Team Justice." Good luck!" Spike said, throwing his claw up. Sephiroth and Soma had been standing next to each other, clearly not liking the team up. It was Luna's idea for the tag matches- And it was Princess Celestia that drew the names to decide teams. Since her champion was not fighting, it was fair and unbiased.

Dan knew otherwise. Team Justice though? What was Phoenix thinking.

"We got five minutes! Phoenix, lets plan," Dan said, turning to look at his tag partner. Soma turned to look at the two, which had huddled down. Dan was talking a lot, while Phoenix only nodded and interjected a comment here and there. This made Soma, very, very nervous. Dovahkiin did not want to be in that poor kid's shoes.

"You look... Perturbed," Sephiroth said, turning to look at his fellow combatant. The long haired silver warrior could have done worse with a partner, he could have gotten Dan. "Are these two hardy warriors?"

"No. Neither of them posses powers... Unless they can achieve Tournabout. Then Phoenix is a true beast. Dan scares me more than Phoenix though. If we underestimate them- We die," Soma said, turning to look at Sephiroth. "We cannot hold back, we are so hosed if we do. I kid you not, they are problably the weakest of us here, but the moment we underestimate them..." Soma stopped talking and raised his left hand to make the motion to cut off his head with his index finger.

"Surely you jest. Just at a glance I can tell you are two if not three times the warrior they are both together..." Sephiroth said. Just what was it that made Soma react so worried?

"Look, I know I can hold my own. You do your part. Its critical we win the coin toss. I have a feeling their whole game plan will revolve around the wish they get if they win," Soma said, narrowing his eyes. No time to be scared now. He had to at least try to win. Though taking a dive just so Sephiroth didn't proceed to the next round wasn't that bad an idea.

"I see. Very well. I suggest we take this time to think of our own wish in case we win the coin toss," Sephiroth said. In a short time, the five minutes were up. Five very long minutes for Soma. No plans for exchange, just get in and hit them fast. Sephiroth decided to let Soma pick the wish for the coin toss. Soma's only wish was "No turnabout." While the humans were planning, a lot of chatter was going on among the fans.

"Hey Dovahkiin," Applejack asked, glad for once to be sitting in the bleachers. "Who do you want to win?"

"I hope Dan and Phoenix loose," Dovahkiin said, moving to hold his hands in front of his face and rest his elbows on his legs. Travis and Ralf sat down on the bottom rung of the bleachers, anxious to see how there people faught. Dovahkiin and Nate did as well, more anxious about Sephiroth's style.

"Why?" Applejack asked, lifting her eyebrows.

"I do not want Phoenix or Dan hurt. At every instance we have underestimated them, and its thanks to them we learned so much. They notice things, they plan things. I had hope to fight those two first in fact," the dragon born said to look behind himself at Applejack. "I wanted to give the others a change to inspect Soma and Sephiroth- Those two have been holding back, and I have no idea what they are truly capable of. I hope my own team mate will be the Travis fellow. I have a feeling only we two could be a chance against Team Silver,"

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence!" Nate said, shaking his head to the sides. Still, all he had was a diamond, and a silver gun with infinite ammo. "But I hope Phoenix kicks that Sephiroth's teeth in..."

"Alright, the five minutes are up! Please step up for the coin toss," The Doctor said into his sonic screwdriver. Soma and Dan stepped up to the center, with their partners following behind them. Spike was standing in the center, holding a single bit.

"Dan gets to call the toss," Spike said. He held out the coin for the others to inspect, making sure it had a proper 'heads' and 'tails.' Dan nodded, while Soma took a second to look at the bit before nodding. It was his first time seeing Equestrian currency after all. Spike flipped the coin high into the air, watching the coin flips rapidly.

"Heads," Dan called, grinning from ear to ear. That sinster grin with the pointed teeth made Dan look like an imp more than ever. Soma narrowed his eyes, watching at how Spike caught the coin and then reveal it.

"Its heads!" Spike called out, lifting the result to the two. Soma scowled. He was sure this match would be "No magic."

"Alright, Team Justice," Dan stopped, really hating the name. But it was his fault for calling himself an agent of justice earlier. "We pick that this fight, be a 2 on 2, instead of a tag match!" Dan had raised his finger to point at Soma and grin. This caused a large gasp to come out from the audience. Phoenix in turn, had moved to point his left index finger at Sephiroth. Oh, this guy was so going down.

"Are you serious?" Soma asked, turning to look at the two regular humans.

"Did I stu-stu-stuter?" Dan asked, mocking his opponent.

"Phoenix, are you nuts?!" Rainbow Dash cried from her seat.

"GO! GO! GOooooo Dan!" Pinkie cried out, lifting her pink pom poms up. Dan moved his left hand out to grab a hold of his axe and pull it out.

"Very well. Just do not get in my way," Sephiroth said to step up. He drew his longsword out, holding it with both of his hands up over his head.

"Stay out of mine," Soma said, moving his own arms out to take a fighting stance. Instead of going for a traditional weapon, he decided to use Kaiser Knuckles. It didn't seem fair to use weapons against Phoenix, so hand to hand metal knuckle seemed fair. Best to hit fast and keep the lawyer off his game.

"Soma, you rock. Whoo hoo," Fluttershy said in a soft voice. Soma perked up his eyebrows. Had he heard Fluttershy? Nah...

"Well, the request is granted," The Doctor said. "Its not against the rules... Spike, if you would." The time lord smiled. Clever humans...

"Um... Alright?" Spike said, shrugging his shoulders. "Alright, Fight!" Spike said, running for his life. Either way, this would not be pretty.

Dan and Phoenix turned to look at each other and then nodded.

"Open your eyes, I see your eyes are open" Phoenix said, singing for now.

"Wear no disguise for me come into the open," Dan sung, moving to raise his left arm up at Phoenix.

"When it's cold outside am I here in vain?" Phoenix sang, moving his own arm out to Dan.

"Hold on to the night there will be no shame..." Dan sang, closing his eyes.

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow, wondering what were these humans up to. Were they... Singing a duet? Soma blinked, lifting his head up as his lost his fighting stance. Was Dan prepping a dance attack?

"Always I wanna be with you, and make believe with you," Phoenix sang, moving both hands to cross on his chest.

"And live in harmony harmony of love!" They both sang out, moving their arms out to point at their oppoenents. The people in the stands turned to look at each other. Travis blinked twice. Why did that song sound so familiar?

"Robot Unicorn Attack!" Dan cried out. Phoenix drew his outstreched arm to grab hold of Dan's hand. He spun around and then threw the smaller human at Sephiroth. Caught off guard by the technique, Sephiroth raised his sword to block an axe swing from Dan. Soma turned his head to the side, watching the angry human swing that weapon without stop.

"Soma!" Sephiroth cried out, trying to find a proper stance against Dan. "Phoenix!" It was harder for the taller human. His own long sword was proving a disadvantage. Dan had closed the distance between then and didn't allow Sepiroth a chance to swing his weapon properly. At the outburst, Soma snapped out of his stunned look to look at Phoenix. The lawyer was on the ground, frantically looking for evidence.

"NO!" Soma cried out, rushing for Pheonix. Phoenix did not bother to move, continuing to look for evidence. He had a vase and a watch so far. Only one more peice needed. "We can't let Phoenix reach Turnabout!"

Sephiroth moved his left forearm to to push against the dull edge of his weapon, leaving the right hand to grasp the hilt of his weapon. With a push, he moved Dan out of the way to make room for him to rush Phoenix as well. If what Soma said was true, then Dan must have set up the diversion to buy Phoenix enough time to collect the evidence he needed.

Soma reached Phoenix fisrt, and begun to throw rapid punches at Pheonix. Unable to look for more evidence, the former lawyer had to stand up and push both of his arms out to block his attacks. Soon Sephiroth had dashed forward, joining in with Soma to attack. The one winged cetra had raised both arms over his head, ready to swing it down and end Pheonix.

"Gotcha," Phoenix said, grinning to look at them both with a confident smile.

Soma raised both of his eyebrows and turned to look behind himself. Dan had gotten behind Sephiroth, grabbing on to the long sword with his left hand. Barehanded no less. Why was his hand glowing red? Sepiroth felt his sword unable to move, and turned to look behind himself.

Both distracted, Phoenix kneeled on his left leg to grab more peice of evidence. A knife. He grinned and then turned to Soma while he was distracted. "Objection!" The Element of Hope yelled out. Soma was thrown back by Phoenix's bright yellow aura. Sephiroth turned to look back ahead of himself. What was this shinning aura?

"That tattoo..." Travis said, opening his eyes. That was from G Gundam. "Everyone duck!" He cried out, moving his arms to block the next part.

"This hand of mine is BURNING RED!" Dan said, his voice low as he gathered his anger.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!" Phoenix said, moving to cut off Sephiroth's escape. A giant blue hand appeared around Phoenix's left hand.

"Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory!" Dan yelled out, lifting his head.

"Its burning grip tells me to defeat you!" Phoenix yelled afterwards, narrowing his eyes.

Soma immediately raised both of his arms out to invoke final guard. Please Dracula, let this be enough to block whatever hell was coming....

"Eat this!" Dan screamed out as the red light around his hand intensified.

"Take this!" Phoenix said, moving his left hand out to point at Sephiroth.

"All of my love!" The lawyer said first.

"My hate!" Dan added next.

"And all my sorrow!"

"And all my sorrow!" They both cried together.

"Erupting Burning Finger!" Dan yelled out

"Shinning Finger!" Phoenix said in his courtroom voice of objection.

Dan's cutie mark glowed so much at this point that Sephiroth could feel the heat. Dan opened both eyes and then drove his left hand to punch into the one winged angel's back. Phoenix moved his left hand out to push his finger into the long haired warriror's chest. Both mystic hands collied, causing a backlash.

Red light against yellow light, trying to force themseleves into Sepiroth. The spectators could only watch at the bright display. Dan gritted his teeth, trying to prevent himself from getting pushed back. Phoenix's own aura was being projected into the audience. After a second, a bright flash of white light engulfed the area, blinding everyone. Sephiroth's cry of agony was drowned out.

The bright light finally came to a halt, leaving only the sunlight to view things in. Dan and Phoenix had been breathing hard, holding out their left hands still in the air. Sephiroth was standing, his eyes pure white as he was unconscious. Had this been any other man, they would most likely be dead. The one winged Cetra fell down to his knees, and then collapsed to the ground face first. Travis was the first one able to open his eyes, wearing sunglasses and also blocking the initial reaction.

"Damn," The assassin said, watching a small trail of black smoke flow from Sephiroth's prone body.

"And it looks like Team Justice wins!" The Doctor said, clapping both his hands. "Fancy that! Bloody good show!" Spike opened one eye to look around, glad he wasn't dead. The purple dragon walked over to grab Dan's and Phoenix's hand to lift them over his small head and spikes. A loud roar was heard from the Dovahkiin, followed by applaush from the peanut gallery.

"Was there any ever doubt?" Dan turned to look at human partner, giving him a smirk.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Phoenix said, lifting his other hand to wave in victory. Pinkie Pie rushed into the area and begun to throw confetti behind the two. Rainbow Dash turned to look at Fluttershy and then shrugged.

"Sorry, looks like Soma's out..." Rainbow Dash said before taking off to tackle into Phoenix.

"Oh, well at least he is not hurt," Fluttershy said with a smile. Lyra walked out to the pen, looking down at her champion. Just what in the name of Celestia was that light show? She moved her muzzle to prod Sephiroth.

"I'm not dead yet," He said, lifting his right hand up a bit. Lyra gave a startled jump and moved back. How was he not dead? A pair of nurse ponies moved over with a stretcher to hoist the Cetra on it.

"Just bring the chap over to me, I will give him a quick look over," The Doctor said as he opened a door to the Tardis.

"Will he be okay?" Lyra asked, concerned as she walked alongside her partner.

"Trust me, I'm a Doctor!"

Dovahkiin and Nate walked out to the pen, knowing that their turn was next. Travis stood up, turning to look at Luna with a nod. Time to shine. Ralf stayed sitting down, holding his knees that refused to stop shaking. These fight were going to be intense!

"Travis will team up with Nathan Drake, fighting against Dovahkiin and Ralf Jones!" Princess Celestia said.

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