• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Recipe for Chaos

Chapter 58- Recipe for Chaos

Celestia’s Sun.

It’s an odd thought once you think about it, especially if you’re not a pony. The alicorn had the power to make the sun move and direct how much it could shine. Of course, different races thought about the sun in different ways. Griffons for example, scoff at the idea that a single alicorn that lost to the Changeling Queen, Discord, and often relied on other ponies to solve problems, could control the sun. But at the moment, none of these thoughts plagued the mind of Gilda.

“Why is it so hot here?” The female griffon asked as she landed on the dry ground. Her team landed on the ground close to her, folding their large wings together to look around. They were outside the large “arena” the rodeo would be in. A coliseum style bleachers were made around the stage where her team would win the Rodeo would be in.

“You think that strange creature we saw the other day will be here?” A male griffon asked. He was slightly taller than Gilda, and his face seemed to be a bit older than hers. They had all been in the desert, practicing their aerial maneuvers for the presentation they would make as they entered.

“No idea. It doesn’t seem the buffaloes would enter the rodeo,” Gilda said to raise her head and look at the oldest member of the team. His name was Gale, selected to be in the team for his multiple participation in contests. In all fairness, he should have been captain- But Gilda was selected for her familiarity with Equestria. “But I have no intention to back down now. Who cares if that thing can stop a storm? We’re here to win. Besides, that twister we kicked up was an accident. We didn’t mean to hurt the buffaloes.”

“If you say so...” Gale said to frown a bit. They both turned to look at the rest of the team. The others members consisted of a couple- Another female and another male both nodded at Gale’s words.

“Listen, these are individual events. This creature can’t compete in all of them. So what if they win one? All we have to do is win the other events. Remember, we are the representatives of the Griffon Republic. Show some backbone already.” Gilda was trying to put up a brave front though. How do you win in an Earth competition where a competitor controlled the earth itself?

“Welcome back Griffon team,” Sheriff Silver Star smiled at them to walk over. “Just in time too, we are going to start soon. All the other competitors are lining up in the order we are going to be presented in. Shall we?” He turned around to lead them to the side entrance where the other teams would appear in.

In the bleachers though, things were getting packed. Because this was an open invitational- Many ponies from across Equestria came to see the event. Also, many of the races came to support their teams. Griffons, oxen, buffaloes, goats, and other minotaurs were in the seats. Banners and signs made of all colors and manner were raised to cheer. Team Canterlot- Really Team Appleloosa, were sitting down in the front row along with the other races that could be considered close friends and families of the competitors. Being the first Rodeo for a lot of them, special seating was granted to those coming to cheer for the various sports creatures.

“I feel like we should have done a banner or something...” Cherilee said to lift her head up to look around. “It feels so sad that our team doesn’t have anything.” Zecora sat next to her, nodding. Thanks to the sun and so many crowded to look around, the heat was starting to build. A team of pegasi flew overhead to cast a bit of shade with some clouds.

“Don’t worry about it. Our team is so awesome it won’t need a sign!” Rainbow Dash said to grin, prepping the electric guitar she was going to need. Lyra however, managed to get her hooves on one of those #1 hand signs. Also, she managed to get a shirt that had Sephiroth’s face on it.

“Where’d did you even get one of those?” Little Strongheart asked to frown at the thing.

“Oh, I’m the president of the fan club. Bunch of females- And even guys, wanted one,” Lyra said to look at the young buffalo.

“Shouldn’t you be searching or some junk?” Toph asked as she crossed both arms on her chest. “I can find heartbeats, but I need to know the beat of a changeling first to tell them apart from the others.”

“We shall. But we must wait till all are distracted by the sports and presentations. Too many now are bored and looking around,” Blue Spy said as he was hidden from view. “Can’t you see- Pardonnez-moi. Forgive my grievous oversight.”

“Forget it Mister... Bond?” Toph said without turning her head. Many forgot she was blind, but she liked that. Sometimes though, it was really insensitive of others. She just wanted this to be over and get to Sokka ASAP. This sword on her back weighed her down more than ever.

“Let’s piece what we know so far then. Lyra thinks the changelings are either donkeys or spectators- The other races are too big according to Otacon’s notes.” Cherilee shut her eyes to try and remember any other details. “And Vash remembers donkeys trying to demolish the town. And they are only recent additions to Appleloosa.”

“Ya think its them?” Lyra asked.

“These clues seem to point up. But we must have a backup,” Zecora added.

“Shh, it looks like its starting! Remember our roles!” Rainbow Dash said to smile. Walking out to the sandy center of the would be corral was none other than Braeburn, dressed in a fancy vest that was blue and white. The Apple also wore a studded blue hat to match his getup that had a star on it. The whole town seemed to vote in that Braeburn made the best speaker for the Master of Ceremonies.

“Welcome all to APPLELOOSA!” Braeburn yelled out to stand on his hind legs and kick his front hooves in the air. His hat had a microphone to project his voice around the arena from speakers. The town spared no expense. Tourism so far made the town lots of badly needed income.

“How~dy!!” A lot of the ponies in town cheered Braeburn on.

“Ah want to thank ya’ll for kindly dropping in on the First ever Open International Rodeo!” Braeburn said to land on the ground and turn in a slow circle to look around. He gave the spectators a big ole smile as cheers and banners and all manner of hoopla was made. Once it got quiet, he continued.

“Without further ado, lets start with the presentation of our fine athletes competing today! Please, kindly offer your cheers after each team walks to the center. First up, Team Ox, team captain- Gold Star!” Braeburn said to trot off the center. A large set of doors was opened, letting the first team out.

The Oxen had a single Buffalo hitting a drum being carried by the cow. Behind them, a buffalo had a red flag of white ox horns on top of a gold circle. The other ox of the team wore green wreaths around their horns to smile and look around as they marched once around the circle. Simple, but nothing elaborate. Music played by ponies helped their entrance to play their theme. Pretty upbeat tune. A few cheers and claps were heard.

“Next Up, Team Minotaur! Team captain, Silver Plate!”

While the theme of the minotaurs played, the large horned creatures walked out. Unlike the oxen though, they had something more elaborated. Two by two, the minotaurs marched out, holding large gold colored rods. They marched out a bit before hitting the rods against the ground. As soon as they hit, large flames burst out from the ends. The part bulls raised their rods to spin it around like bo staffs, making the flames dance and spin. Every now and then they would hit the ground with their rods to make the flames flare out. They all gave low chants, playing with their theme as they marched around and danced. This earned them a louder set of cheers and applause than the ox.

“Wow. Next up, Team Griffon! Team captain, Gilda!”

The griffons flew out from the double doors, marching out two by two. As their theme played, the griffons flew out to the sky. In a circle formation, they all flew upward over the arena. The spun faster and faster as the song played, creating a small twister in the ground. At Gilda’s mark- They all abruptly took a dive down the twister formed. They all rode the wind down, letting the wind spin them around to land on the ground.

“And now from the other end- Lets welcome Team Donkey! Team captain, Tumbler!”

From the other side of the arena, the doors opened up to reveal donkeys come out. While their theme was a bit more slow, the donkeys marched out with smiles on their faces. The largest donkey lead a single file, as each team member had flags in their mouths. Unlike the flag team ox had, these were a lot smaller held in their mouths. Their necks would turn around in circles, their colorful display spinning around. Almost like a marching band.

“And welcome the last team, special from Canterlot- Team Human! Team captain, Phoenix Wright!” Braeburn shut both his eyes to smile, wondering what the humans had in store. According to his notes, the band playing had no theme for them. For a moment, everyone went quiet. A lot of them, Vash was the first human they ever saw. A few raised eyebrows though, wondering why no song was playing. Then the sounds were heard. Most of them turned to look at the bleachers where the mares were.

Zecora, Lyra, Toph, Cherilee, and Little Strongheart begun to stomp their hooves and feet. Left them right, followed by a clap. One stomp, second stomp, clap. Again, they repeated themselves. Stomp, stomp, clap. The sound was also coming from the doors the donkeys came out from. Ralf step out first, followed by Vash, Sephiroth, and Phoenix last. Like the mares, they stomp their feet in tandem. Left stomp, right stomp, clap.

“Buddy you’re a boy make a big noise

Playin in the street, gonna be a big man someday!

You got mud on yo face, ya big disgrace.

Kickin your can all over the place.”

Ralf smiled, lifting his right hand up as he sang the lyrics to one of his favorite songs.


We will, we will rock you!” The other humans sang out together. Phoenix felt weird, but the others in the team either smiled along or in Sephiroth’s case- Didn’t care. They all stomped and clapped along.

“Buddy you're a young man hard man

Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day

You got blood on yo' face you big disgrace

Wavin' your banner all over the place.” Ralf sang out again, this time moving his hands to clap along as they moved along the ground.

“We will, we will rock you!”

Sing it!” Ralf grinned to lead his team on.

“We will, we will rock you!”

By this point, a lot of the other creatures caught on and begun to stomp and clap along. The beat was catchy. Even some of the competitors. Gilda had to elbow a griffon to make her stop.

“Buddy you're an old man poor man

Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day

You got mud on your face you big disgrace

Somebody better put you back into your place.”

We will, we will rock you!

Sing it!” Ralf said to look back at his team and grin.

“We will we will rock you!”

“Everybody!” Ralf said to smile and point at the audience and let them join in.

“We will, we will rock you!”

“We will, we will rock you!”

Alright!” Ralf picked up his left hand to point at Rainbow Dash and give her the cue to start.

The others stomped singing to continued with their stomping as Rainbow Dash stood up from her seat. She held the guitar in her hooves, playing the chords Ralf taught her. Oh yeah, this felt good. She drank the limelight as the human moved to their spot. The other competitors looked at each other, not sure what that presentation was all about. Team Donkey had their eyebrows raised though.

“And now we kick off with a real crowd pleaser! The First Event- Mud Wrestling Pigs!”


“Are you sure about this Johnny Bravo?” Blueblood asked to look around. Lunchtime over with, lots of ponies were walking around Canterlot’s streets. Even with his new look, lots of ponies could recognize the prince.

“Of course! You need your own moves there Blueblood. Can’t have you copy my style! Get to it! Who! Ha! Hiyeah!” Johnny said to strike a few poses. “Ponies won't know the monkey, so do it Pony Style!”

Blueblood sighed and nodded once. If this oaf of a human could do it, then so could he! The white stallion placed his glasses on and start to sing in the middle of the street and start dancing. Blueblood got to his back hooves to stand straight and starting hopping left and right on each hoof. Music started to play for him as he made his way to a mare.

“Pony GANGNAM STYLE!” Johnny yelled out to start dancing with his partner. The ponies on the street stopped to look over at the strange duo that started to dance.

“I dunno why, but I’m compelled to watch...”

“You know, I think I like it..”.

“Huh. Actually, Its kinda cool.”

“Da faq I’m looking at?”

“Is that, Prince Blueblood?”

The two blondes moved their forearms and hooves out to start mock riding a horse. The ponies turned to look at each other as Blueblood started to dance and follow after a single mare walked slowly away. The weird part? Slowly, one by one ponies start to get on their back hooves to start dancing with Bravo and Blueblood.

Hey sexy lady!” Blueblood sang.

“Dear Celestia- Johnny and Blueblood created a trend,” Spike said to peek out from behind a corner with Jack in tow. The two had gone to look for things for Dovahkiin.

“I want to join in.” Jack said to look down at Spike.

“Fine...” Spike said to shrug. Spike and Jack placed their hands and claws on each hip to start moving sideways to join the others.

Blueblood stooped to raise two hooves up to the side of his mouth and yell and stare at a mare’s rear.


“Where are you going?” Derpy asked to look over at little Diamond Tiara. “You were gone for lunch for a bit...”

“I was... Shopping?” Tiara said to smile weakly up at Derpy. She had the sheet of paper in her hooves.

“What’s that paper?” Derpy asked to get closer.

“Shopping list?”

“You are such a nice pony, helping your family!” Derpy said as her eyes betrayed her smart mind again. Diamond Tiara frowned a bit and took a step back.

“Ah yes. With the whole town busy... I need to get going..” Tiara said to look around for Silver Spoon. She would need help to print this news flash.

“But Sokka said all the little ponies have to stay with Carrot Top,” Derpy sad to frown.

“So... You plan to buy as much real estate as you can?” Junebug asked. Diamond Tiara and Derpy both turned to look at Merchant arrived with his partner.

“Oh yes. I have so many gems and Bits, so the next step is needed to take over Equestria’s financially,” Merchant said to smile. “With the war and all that, I imagine lots of ponies want to sell their things dirt cheap. Once I have properties, next step will be profit.”

“Are the other humans coming?” Derpy asked to rush over to them.

“Right behind us!” Junebug said to smile. Junebug unhitched herself from the cart full of gems she was hauling. “What’s been going on?” As the fillies and the colts jumped them, Diamond Tiara hurried away from the group and hurry away towards the school house. Thanks to her demotion from editor, she had knowledge over the press. She would print this herself if she had to. She just hoped Mayor Mare and Ash were not at the temporary City Hall.

Having to leave Silver Spoon behind, Diamond Tiara took off to head towards the school. The things on the article had to get out. But would anyone believe her since it was the infamous ‘Gabby Gums’? But she would need help. She didn’t notice that the green sweater girl and Rumble were walking away after feeding Winona.

“Huh?” Kuki picked up her head, her arms full with pet food to look over the large sack. Rumble raised his eyebrows.

“Diamond Tiara?” He asked out loud. “She was all by herself...”

“Was that a girl filly?” Number Three said to lower the sack. “But is that allowed?”

“We’re not suppose to leave if we're by ourselves,” Rumble said to narrow his eyes. “Especially now that the town’s in... Umm... Something.”

“High alert?” Number Three added.

“Yeah! She had a paper with her,” Rumble said to frown. While not exactly on bad terms with fillies, Diamond Tiara was one of the few he kept an eye on. Mostly not to get picked on. “We should follow her.”

“Hold on... Number One?” Kuki said to lift her walkie talkie up.

“Kuki? What’s wrong?” Nigel responded from his end. Sokka stopped, turning to look at that device that also moved voices. Both had baskets in their hands.

“We just saw a filly running off by herself...”

“Could be a changeling,” Sokka said to frown.

“You have a point Sokka. Kids Next Door!” Nigel changed his frequency to pick up all walkie talkies. “We have a potential infiltrator! Our mission is to find and chase down...”

“Diamond Tiara,” Rumble said as the device was lowered to his mouth. “It looks like she was heading to school.”

“On it! About time we get some real action!” Wally responded from his end. He turned to Scootaloo and grabbed hold of the scooter. She moved to ride on his shoulders.

“Got it!” Abigail said to look down at Pipsqueak and nod. They both took off, dropping their tools.

“Yar! Game’s ahoof!”

“But I just started!” Number Two said to frown and lower his hammer to sigh. Applebloom jumped to land inside a front basket bicycle they both built. “Hold on Applebloom! We’re going into overdrive!”

“Say what now?” Applebloom asked her eyebrows up. The round child reached down to pull a lever on the bike to let two wings spill out and rocket engines pop from the bottom. “Where did you even...

“B.O.O.S.T.B.I.K.E.” Number Two said to smile.










“Let’s go!” Hoagie hit a button to send the two rocketing forward.

“The hell was what?” Ash asked as he looked up from the hospital blueprints. “Did one of those kids build a rocket?”

“Applebloom!” Mayor Mare said to sigh. “We’d better get after them.”


“Hey Dan...” Nate asked to lean on the side of Dan’s booth.

“What?” Dan asked. In all honesty, he was bored. They should arrive in a few hours.

“Can I ask something?” Nate turned to look at Pinkie. “Privately?” Pinkie turned to look at Dan, who shrugged. She nodded, turning to look at Rarity who was talking with Soma and Fluttershy about high poch parties.

“Okey Dokey Lokey!” Pinkie said to smile and leave the two humans alone.

“What’s up?” Dan asked in a low voice.

“I had been thinking... Back in the fight with Alduin. You had a chance to use your Brand... But you stopped. You instead, used Pinkie’s cannon, but that was it,” Nate said to move and sit down across Dan.

“So you noticed that...” Dan said to lean forward a bit. Of course, leave it to the non-super humans to notice things. It kinda made sense- Those without powers had to notice things or get busy dieing. “I bet you're wondering why...”

“Thought crossed my mind. I felt weird after using my Brand too...” Nate said to look at the red Burning Spirit.

“Whoa, whoa- weird? I didn’t feel weird,” Dan said to perk up his eyebrows. “I just felt drained of my anger...”

“I dunno. I felt exhausted after using mine. Like so tired,” Nate said to look back at Dan. “I know I’m using Equality. But neither you nor Phoenix look like using the Brand hurt you.”

“So that was an issue...” Dan said to sigh and look over at Soma as he laughed along with the mares. “Guess Rarity gave you the Brand too soon.”

“You think that’s it?” Nate asked.

“I dunno. Probably. But now that I got you here- There’s something else I want to let you in on...” Dan closed his eyes a little to look around. “Back when I got my Brand- Cele-what’s-her-name said something to me... She knows a spell that can change us into ponies or vice versa...”

“Say what?” Nate asked with his left eyebrow up. “Are you serious?”

“Yep. Something I’ve been mulling over. I haven’t mentioned to the others. Mostly due to fear of commitment of the others to the cause. What do you think? Should we tell them?” Dan turned his head to look at Soma.

“Do the ponies know?”

“Just Pervert, Pinkie Pie, and Maid,” Dan shrugged. Nate took a second to think back. Twilight was the pervert, Pinkie Pie didn’t get one, and Maid was Luna.

“I dunno. Maybe. A lot of us want to go home- But some of us have things that make us want to stay. Do you think the ponies want to be human instead?”

“I dunno. Its been bothering me for a while now.” Both humans lowered their head to think a second. “I think its time we mentioned it in the next check in. I’m worried about how Appleloosa is going.”

“This isn’t like you Dan... This really bothering you, huh?”

“Nothing to do on a train...” Dan said to shrug.

“Doesn’t Pinkie Pie keep you busy?”

“Don't get me started on her! She’s insatiable!” Dan said to open his eyes wide. “I didn’t get any sleep last night!”

“Really?” Nate asked with an eyebrow. “So, you have no problems with it? You know... Pony and human?”

“Even if I was against it, Pinkie Pie doesn’t care. Its like anything I do sets her off...” Dan shook his head to the sides. “I feel so drained. And don’t get me started on the smell.”

“Smell? Really...” Nate took a moment to think back. Did Rarity ever smell weird?

“Well, once her motor gets going, I don’t know how to stop unless I go along with it. I mean, she likes to be on top so much, I wonder if I need new clothes. And she’s so tight...” Dan said to shake his head to the sides.

“Damn. Sounds like a handful...”

“I think you are underestimating just how weird this is for me. Yeah we’re engaged, but she doesn’t care who hears us when we go at it. And she wants it bad. Up and down, constant body rubbing makes my body so hot...” Dan said to look down at his shirt. “I’m surprised I don’t have stains on this thing. Pinkie Pie almost torn through this thing.”

“Wow. She’s more vocal, so I expected-”

“Oh no, she hates talking. Its almost feels like you’re drowning. So hard to breathe. And when I hit or try to push her off me, it only makes her more wild...”

“So.. How was it?” Nate asked, now curious.

“Are you kidding me?” Dan asked. Was Nathan a pervert? “Don’t tell me you and Rarity...”

“Not even a kiss yet.”

“Even after the poisoning?” Dan asked with his eyebrows up.

“Well, there were a lot of people there...” Nate said, lifting his left hand to blush a bit. He was used to privacy with his ladies in the past.

“Urgh. You mean you care that people look at you? Its not a big deal, I mean ponies are naked and do it all the time. Its not the first time I’ve been seen in public.”

“You’ve done it before?!” Nathan asked with a hand to his necklace ring and touch it a bit. This conversation was taking a really weird turn.

“I mean yeah, its always her that starts it. But now and then I have to man up,” Dan said to frown a bit. “You act like kissing was such a big deal.”

“Wait, you were talking about kissing?” Nate asked.

“Of course! What did... You are not allowed to ask me those kind of questions again,” Dan said to finally get enough anger to get his Brand working.


“Get him Ralf!” Cherilee shouted. It was a free for all inside the corral. Water was set in a sealed off area to get mud going. Each team had a representative inside the corral trying to catch a single pig. And that was one small pig. There was wet and horridly messed up fur and dirty skin. Squeals from the pig, while laughter from the stands.

“This guy’s slippery!” Ralf shouted out. Since it was a free for all, a few creatures sabotaged each other with a trip or shove. It wasn’t helping that he ate so much pie. Delicious pie. “Come back here you...”

“Oh man, this is a mess...” Phoenix said to cross both arms on his chest and look. All of the other teammates cheered them all from outside the fenced area. “And the smell...”

“Smell?” Sephiroth asked. The mud was clean, and shouldn’t be giving a smell. “Phoenix.” Sephiroth raised his head to point at the sky. “That’s coming from the town...”

“What-” Phoenix picked up his head to look at the direction the half angel was pointing at. “That’s a lot of smoke...”



“Discord?” The wizard picked up his head to blink. Both he and The Doctor were now waiting inside the Canterlot hedge maze.

I think I’m about to get my body back. I can feel it. All over Equestria, Chaos is building. Excuse me a moment...

“Discord, wait!” Snape frowned to look around frantically. He turned to look at the stone statue to study it.

“Snape, what is it?” The Doctor said to pull out his sonic screwdriver to scan around.

“Discord is going to try to get his body back!”

“But so soon? The newspaper isn't out yet...”

Inside the Star Swirl wing of the library, a hoof moved to push aside some books to reveal a statue that had the legendary unicorn’s cape and hat.

Chapter Proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“You sure this will work?” Snape turned to look at the Doctor.

“It’d better...” Celestia said to frown. “I just want him back!”

“Let’s give it a go!” The Doctor said to pull down a lever inside his Tardis. Electricity started to gather and flow directly inside Johnny Bravo’s head.

“Momma!” The blonde shouted out as his body shook. Black and white lights emitted from his body to show off the man’s skeleton.

“And when there’s no more room in hell, Discord shall once again walk the Earth!” Discord shouted out to materialize. “I’m back!”

“And... Smaller than ever,” Snape said to frown. The humans gathered to look down at Johnny’s head. Discord had his full body back, but he was the size of an orange.

“Oh Discord! You look so cute!”

Everyone turned to look at Sephiroth. Sephiroth moved to take a step to the side to reveal Dan.

“What? He is!”

Author's Note:

Well, looks like this is the new format.

Pinkie Pie likes it quiet huh...

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