• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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A Train, Another Revelation, And Cowbell

Chapter 63- A Train, Another Revelation, And Cowbell

“What’s Soma doing?!” Nathan shouted out, moving both his arms out to grab some of the ponies as they started to huddle in the middle. They had only a few moments to brace for impact.

“Shut up and hold your mouth closed, or else you’ll bite your tongue off!” Dan commanded as he got down on his knees to hug Pinkie Pie and Rarity in the circle. The rush of screeching metal was heard. Sparks were made as the brakes forced themselves against the side of the wheel rails in a vain attempt to stop. The sound of the train engine was finally gone- It had moved way ahead and turned over. More like nit the broken rails and thanks to its speed, flew off course to crash off to the side.

Then it exploded.

“Soma...” Fluttershy shut both her eyes and lowered her head and hugged one of the injured ponies to herself. “Huh?” She frowned as a pony was tossed behind her. It was a yellow earth pony that was wearing a large chimney style hat.

“Oww! Didja have to throw-” He stopped talking, lifting his hoof to point out the doorway. Soma had just thrown the pony into the train cabin and immediately jumped into the air. In an instant, the teen had transformed once again into his giant golem armor mode. Each one of the giant’s arms moved to grasp the side of the cabin. Each one of the giant legs landed on the ground to drag dust and leave an imprint on the ground as the train pushed onward.

“Soma! You’re a genius!” Dan shouted lifting his head up to look at the teen robot and smile. They were finally slowing down.

“But Soma can’t keep that form up! He used up a lot of his magic holding the Final Guard, and the transformation also takes a lot out of him...” Fluttershy frowned. She wasn’t sure, but the giant golem seemed to have a frown on its face.

“Well, let’s see if I can help then...” Nate said to grit his teeth.

“Nathan?” Rarity turned her head to look at her beloved partner. He had shut both eyes and moved his right hand up to make a fist. The Burning Spirit started to glow red. Was he going to use his Brand now?! “Oh please Princess Celestia, let this work!”

“I don’t have any powers! I don’t use super weapons!” The Element of Equality was finally being used correctly. The treasure hunter opened both eyes as he focused on his power. He placed his palm and fingers on the train floor. “I’m not like the others. I’m not a hero! I’m ME!” The ponies gathered lost their panicked faces for a second, turning to look at Nate. “Even so, I will...! I will believe! I will believe in me that believes in us, humans and the future! The Brand is... MY SOUL!

“What are you talking about?!” Dan shouted. He turned to look at Soma, as his transformation reverted. Soma landed on his left knee, huffing and puffing to grab hold of the guard rail outside and looked inside. Least he managed to slow them down a lot. But they were about to hit the spot where the rails ended.

“I’m Nathan Drake, the Treasure Hunter!” Nathan shouted to grin. The color red spread out to encompass the train. The ponies looked with their eyebrows in shock. Metal drills, large ones the size of carts begun to emerge from the side of the train and start to push themselves into the ground.

“Nate?” Soma blinked once, turning his head to look outside. Drills continued to pour out of the bottom, side, and even top of the train to spread out and pin themselves to the ground to halt the advance of the cabin. Just in time too, they were just about to hit a turned rail that had been split up.

“Believe in us, believe in the me that believes in you all!” Nate took his hand back from the floor to hold up his Brand and grin. He then leaned forward a bit, falling on the floor to shut both eyes. Soma couldn’t help but grin, still tired from exerting himself like that. He shut both eyes and lean against the guard rail to sit and rest. Dan took a moment to look at his team and smile, glad that they could handle things on their own. The small human proceeded to shut both eyes and lean against Pinkie Pie.

“Is it over? Just like that?” The engineer pony blinked twice, having only been a witness to the heroic deeds of Soma and Nathan.

“Should- This is our best chance to get rid of this monster,” A pony said to look over at Dan.

“I dunno about you all, but I’m scared of the one with white hair. He was calling forth lighting like an angry pegasus without any clouds, and he changed into that metal monster!” The conductor pony said and shuddered.

“The moment any of you dare lay a hoof on these humans, will have their limb removed!” Rarity stood up and snarled, lowering her horn to point it out menacingly.

“If you dare even go near Dan- I just may go crazzzzzy!~” Pinkie Pie smiled at the other ponies, her eyes moving sideways from her sockets.

“No one touches Soma but me!” Fluttershy picked herself up, shutting both of her eyes and trotted off to the side of her partner. “Did you forget? There are changelings out there. They may come back for us now that we’re not moving...” She suddenly turned her head, giving the other ponies The Stare.


“Alright, alright... Everypony gather in and listen. And I couldn’t care two bits if the humans aren’t ponies...” Distant Star admonished Snape. The wizard shrugged, not upset by Distant this time. At least he wasn’t in that silly looking chimera-dragon form.

“Do I call you Distant Star now?”

“I- Fine. Make it so, Number One.” He may as well stay as Distant Star until he got his old body back. Or would that be his old ‘new’ body? Wasn’t the unicorn body his true body? The yellow eyed unicorn raised his right eyebrow, though more in question as Johnny and Blueblood were being chased by a black Daedric soldier.

“How are you doing this?!” Terra shouted as she chased behind them, casting fire spells at the soldier.

“Run for your lives!” Johnny shouted, arms up in the air as he waved the Wabbajack around. Sparks would fly out, landing on things. A spark fell on a bush, turning it into a chicken. Another spark landed on Spike, giving him blue scales, yellow underbelly, and pink top spines. The toddler dragon raised both claws to look at his new look.

“Argh! I’m so ugly!”

“As funny as watching this can be, we have to help Johnny...” Travis raised his hand to pinch the spot between his eyes. Why was he the only one that liked Johnny enough to care? Then again, why was Terra? “Vergil?”

“I’ve been wanting to do this all day...” Vergil said with a smile. Not that he didn’t like Johnny, but he was getting anxious in the land of so many ponies. The half devil ducked and dashed to drive the bottom of his sword into Johnny’s stomach to knock the air out of him. This made Johnny bend over a bit, both of his arms falling forward. “Blue, get the damn staff...”

“What? Oh-” Blueblood looked around quickly and used his horn to catch the staff in a magical white aura. Jack moved his sword out, using the sheathed weapon to trip the demonic looking beast to trip it to the floor. Johnny fell to the ground, on his knees to fall forward on the floor and clutching his stomach. “You okay, Johnny?”

“Never... Better,” Bravo replied in a very deep and low voice. “My lungs... Need air...”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Distant Star said to look over at the commotion. He raised an eyebrow though, seeing Terra lean down to cast a healing spell on the blonde one. “Back to the story, if you don’t mind.”

“Can you wait a sec?” Vergil scuffled for a bit, pinning down the daedric soldier from behind as Jack held down its left arm.

“I... Think it’s calming down...” Princess Luna raised her eyebrows. “I think it’s just angry at Johnny.” Vergil and Jack raised their eyebrows at each other. Slowly they got off the dark soldier and it moved to sit up, pointing at Luna to nod.

“Why? All I did was bite it to make sure it was not alive!”

“Let’s fix him later. We got little time before the check in. Alright, a long time ago, even before Equestria existed- Ponies at all types were in an argument...” Distant Star sat down on his haunches and raised its head to look as the others gathered around. The Doctor smiled, sitting down on the stairs close to Distant and Snape. All the others moved to sit down in front of the unicorn.

“Now, these ponies settled their differences of course- They always do,” The storyteller rolled his eyes. “And they helped formed a new nation- Equestria. Now, you may ask yourself- Why am I even bothering to mention the scuffle before the nation was made?” He raise his left hoof at them all and close both eyes a bit. Seeing as no one interrupted him, he smiled. Even the daedric/pony sat down to hug its legs into the chest to listen.

“Well, the ponies couldn’t decide who should rule properly- Or who should help enforce the new laws fairly....” Distant turned to look at Celestia. “As you can see, they got Alicorns to rule- It makes sense right? An alicorn has all the properties of the different ponies. But to enforce laws? Each side of the unicorn, earth, and pegasus ponies were afraid that the soldiers and/or knights would be biased towards their own kind.”

“Let me guess, not enough alicorns to act as police,” Travis raised his left eyebrow a bit.

“Correct. In an effort to find a solution- Starswirl the Bearded, my father by the way...” He took a second to motion to his cape and hat. “Came up with the brilliant idea to call on heroes or champions- Those that were not ponies.”

“It sounds reasonable- An Alicorn could rule fairly, so someone not a pony would make for unbiased defenders,” Jack raised a hand to his chin. “Is that why we humans were summoned?”

“Not exactly...” Snape added, speaking up to look at Distant. The unicorn nodded, letting Snape take over. “You see, since this was a new nation- The other races of this planet could easily..” The wizard paused a moment, picking his next words carefully. “Could come in and conquer the land. Thus- Swirl had to pick champions, ones with ideals that could match with the ponies. Swirl however, never intended for it to be humans. He wanted it to be heroes from the past-”

“So, time travel?” Spike guessed, lifting his right eyebrow. “But time spells-”

“Are near impossible to perform unless you are gifted- And even then, to summon multiple heroes would take an enormous amount of power,” Princess Luna frowned. She had a funny feeling building in her head. This was makes sense now...

“But if not time travel, then...” Terra took a moment to lower her head. “You mean...”

“Dead ones brought back to life...” Distant Star nodded. Wow, these humans were smarter than he gave them credit for.

“Wait, you mean like ghosts?” Johnny suddenly looked around, darting his head to the sides quickly.

“Necromancy,” Terra answered as she turned to look at Johnny. “Bring the dead back to life.”

“That’s blasphemy!” Princess Luna shouted with her eyes open. “It has been...” She suddenly stopped herself, turning to look at Travis. Her mouth slowly closed, swallowing after a second. Travis moved his right hand up to look at his Brand.

“I... Didn’t survive the battle up the tower, did I?” The assassin made a fist, shutting both eyes as his hand started to shake.

“Wait wait wait... Are you saying that,” Spike turned to look at Jack. “But- But- But he’s not a zombie!”

“Are we all really dead?” Jack turned to look at the daedric warrior, who was now shaking in fear at the humans.

“No. You are all technically alive, well... At least here with the ponies. Your partners are your life link, as it were. My father made his spell with the noble intention of give those brought back to life a second chance before falling dead. Forever.”

“Am I a necromancer?!?” Luna started to feel water in her eyes. She turned to look at Celestia. Her sister had shut both her eyes, head head down.

“Well- Damn,” Vergil shrugged. Nothing so uncommon for him. Armor blinked once, turning to look at his demon partner and frown. The punishment for performing illegal magic was- Sweet Celestia, he was going to have to bring in his sister to justice?!? “What’s with you?” Vergil asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Haven’t you seen why we’re upset? Necromancy is illegal! No wonder the champion summoning spell was never used!” He turned to look at Celestia. “You knew about this?!? You turned my sister into a necromancer?!?”

“Calm down, calm down,” The Doctor stood up. “Nothing so melodramatic. This spell was made before Celestia knew it was necromancy.”

“Are you kidding me?!?” Everyone turned to look at Princess Cadance, her eyebrows raised to shout at them all. Terra was taken aback- She had never heard of her partner even look so angry. Celestia flinched. “You made Twilight, Luna, and yourself-”

“Did I not say calm down? Its not illegal, well... Technically speaking,” Distant moved to stand in front of Celestia and frown at the pink Alicorn. “How is it illegal when humans are not included in any of your laws?

“All the humans are exempt from laws...” Spike’s eyes suddenly went wide. “You-”

“Knew? Of course! Why do you think I arranged for humans to be summoned instead of ponies?” Distant moved to look over at Celestia. “While yes, I am encased in stone once- I could hear everything. I learned of how Phoenix and Dan came to Equestria before. These wonderful, chaotic creatures...” Distant smiled at Celestia as she picked up her head, a bit confused now.

“How did you know I would...” Celestia asked with her eyes open.

“I didn’t! That’s the beauty of it all! I knew Phoenix was a lawyer, so he would find any loopholes! And Dan,” He stopped there to look at the other humans. “Well, let’s say there’s a reason Dan became leader of you all.”

“Are you really Discord? Do you plan this all out ahead, or do you make it up as you go along?” Blueblood asked as he noticed the others calm down.

“Oh, you all have a lot to learn about chaos,” Distant said to grin, finally displaying a sign that he was once the spirit of mischief. “It may not be predictable, but you can always guess at a possible outcome!”

“Then, are you telling this because of what happened to Phoenix? Rainbow Dash was dying, so... Phoenix vanished?” Spike moved a claw to rub his chin.

“I think so. The pegasus almost died- so it was sending Phoenix home slowly. But-” Distant stopped smiling. “I have no idea what this means for Phoenix. Rainbow managed to live, but Phoenix is still gone. He may or may not have gone back home.”

“Are you asking us to just go along with this? I’m goddamn dead!?!” Travis lashed out, moving a hand to hold up his Brand. “What about this?”

“Oh, I don’t think I got the time to tell the other parts of Dad’s theories...” Distant frowned. “You all heard how the other teams are in a crisis...”

“Wait...” Princess Cadence shook her head to the sides. “How did Star Swirl even learn necromancy? Its a dark art but nopony knows....” She stopped talking and frowned.

“What is it?” Terra blinked.



The Dark Unicorn walked through the underground caverns that lay underneath Canterlot Castle. He moved slowly, his head turned to look at each large crystal he walked past. His cape and armor made small noises, but even then it echoed in the caverns. Images reflecting his face stared back on him. Even with the little light these cavern provided still allowed for some very dull images on the minerals.

“No... No... No...” He would muttered, dismissing a crystal after a second. The crystals in his former kingdom were so much better than these... Sorry excuses of magic amplifiers. He took a moment to shut both eyes and shake his head to the sides. Ever since his regeneration, his way of thinking and focus had been thrown off. He took a second to sit down and let his head clear. His horn had been blasted off from the power of the Crystal Heart, landing far away from his former home. It had taken a while, but thanks to his power, he was able to regenerate himself.

The sound of water drops falling that echoed in the caverns made him snap out of his reverie. He felt a little better; although these crystals were lacking- He was able to use them to at least amplify his regenerative powers. He took a crystal that was protruding from the wall using his magic. Unlike an aura that manifested in a color, a dark wisp of a cloud flew out to wrap around the mineral to break it off.

He placed it into his mouth and started to suck on it, like rock candy. He picked up both ears a moment and turned his head, making the dark mane flow like a flame to the side. Drat! Ever since the changeling attack, guards were made to patrol these caverns at least once a week. Sombra frowned and then shut both eyes to make himself turn into his black shade clouds. He floated higher into the air and vanish from view above.

“I thought I heard something...” A voice spoke as it got closer. Two white pegasus dressed in guard armor walked by slowly. Both had a spear with them, taking careful note of their surroundings. Even though the caverns were emptied by the power of love- There was still a lot of hiding places.

“Like... What, exactly?” The second guard asked as they stood still to look around. Even now, Princess Celestia made sure that the guards paid more attention. Especially now, since it was now known that the changelings traveled and hid underground.

“I dunno... Sucking? Hey, was this crystal always broken?” The first guard blinked, turning to look at the base of the crystal that seemed jagged.

“You’re being paranoid. Come on, we need to finish this. I don’t want to miss Jack’s training. For the first time in a long time, I feel we are actually earning our Bits.” The second guard continued to march. After a second, the first pegasus frowned a bit, but then turned off to follow. His fellow guard made a point though. Training under Armor was the same as always. But training under the samurai was... Inspiring. Flaws were found and corrected. Image and scenario combat shown with actual physical attacks instead of magically produced by a unicorn.

After the two finally left, Sombra’s dark cloud lowered back to the ground and took his physical form again. These guards were getting... He wasn’t sure what exactly. Although he had never seen a human, something about them made these lame and/or lazy guards shape up. Not more than a day ago, a changeling had found him and told him about ‘humans’ and if he wanted to join with the changelings. He would help them take Canterlot, and in turn they would help him get the Crystal Kingdom.

Sombra waited a few moments, crystal still in mouth. When he felt it was safe, Sombra resumed his sucking and continued to move on and find another crystal. Sombra actually did not want to be King anymore. He was not evil incarnate! Sure, a little power hungry and maybe a dictator tyrant, but he had no need of a kingdom that wanted a fake princess. Fools. All of them. But he did want a piece of his own land. A new start. His new Kingdom... One where he could find ponies that were not so... Submissive.

He sat down for a moment, turning to stare at the new crystal. His former subjects were sheeps! No different than those stupidly cute sheep his old land was known for. Did they not care how much the land was different than from 1,000 years ago? Mother Bucking sheeps, bowing down to royalty with no problems. But he loved real sheeps, they were after all- Sheeps. It was their job. Oh, how he missed his pet sheep, Mr. Sombrero!

Well, he accepted the offer- Though they did need him to contribute something to the cause. The lack of dark magic in this land had left him weak. But he would not give in. He was not born into royalty, but by his own hoof! He stopped sucking on the crystal to spit it out to the side and shut both eyes. He pointed his horn at the crystal and shot his magic into it. Once the crystal had changed color, the unicorn opened his eyes and stood up.

Aurelius and Chrysalis wanted him to chip in? Fine! He wouldn’t do this for them! He wouldn’t do this to get his old kingdom! He would do this for himself! By his own right, he would show the world why he had become a King in the past! The proud Sombra raised his head and begun to chant, using a spell passed down along his dark heritage. First of all, a champion! One with Pride! Only one that can match him in his willing to prove himself by his own accord and actions! And while he was at it, some other knights that can help him in his mission.

His first edict for his new Kingdom? More cowbell.


Gilgamesh lowered his large form a bit, trying to inspect this fellow. Just where had he come from? He spotted no rift in the Void. He placed his various weapons away, he was going to need his hands free. The weapon collector took a second to inspect his other hands. May as well place them away as well, he didn’t want to frighten the fellow. If there was a slightest chance this man could help him escape this existence, he could play the role of friend.

“You. Are you well?” Gilgamesh moved his left hand out, trying to touch the fellow in the suit. He touched him on the shoulder, trying to shake him slowly. “Are you even-”

Gilgamesh picked up his head, tilting it to the right side. A rift! A rift now, of all times! He turned to look down at the man with the strange haircut. Was this his doing? A fast flash of white light made him pick up his head once more. What was that? It looked like... A comet. A shooting star of light leaving a trail behind itself flew out to the rift.

“Is this your doing?” Gilgamesh turned his head to the sides as other lights started to follow into the rift. In all of his time of searching for legendary weapons- He had never seen anything like this before. Not about to be left behind, the kabuki warrior begun to move to the rift and follow after the lights. He stopped after a second, turning to look back at the man. Both of his eyes were still closed. Should he take this man with him?


Sombra stood back from the runic circle he had formed, the light being fueled by the dark crystal. After a moment, the first figure emerged from the dark portal formed. The figure had black spiky hair, wore some kind of white armor over a blue skin tight bodysuit. The prince of Saiyans, Vegeta, opened his eyes to look around.

“Where the hell am I?” Vegeta finally spoke. “Is this supposed to be the afterlife?”

“You... You’re glorious,” Sombra finally spoke out. Something about this human figure resonated with him. He could feel- Yes, Pride. A great amount in him. And a power. Oh yes, this was his perfect champion. Even if it was his first time seeing a human, he was happy.

“And what are you supposed to be?” Vegeta raised his left eyebrow, turning to look down at the one that called him glorious.

“Patience, my champion. Turn and look, as others have joined. I shall explain things to you all...” Sombra turned his head to look as others begun to emerge from the portal.

“Where am I? What is this place?” Lex Luthor frowned, turning to look around the cavern. He was also dressed in a battle armor- Though his was green with purple.

“Something tells me that I'm about to get involved in another Galactus war...” They all turned to look at Albert Wesker, he moved a hand to put on a pair of sunglasses on to cover his red eyes.

“Another war?!? Oh my! And I’m not dressed for the occasion!” Kefka the Clown giggled and moved a gloved hand over his mouth. “Let me guess- Did Chaos summon some new guys around?”

“Patience,” Master Xehanort spoke to pick up his own gloved hand. The old man was dressed in a black overcoat and pants, with his white gloves and shirt. He moved forward a bit, holding his keyblade in his other hand. “I do believe some darkness is at work here...”

“Darkness? Bah! Enough expository banter! Someone start explaining!” Gilgamesh walked through the portal and frowned. He turned to look at the fellow in the suit that followed behind him. He was glad he brought him along.

“Alright, alright- I think one of us should talk for the others. My name is Roger Smith, and I, am a negotiator...”

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“Why are you wearing your father’s gear anyway?” Snape raised an eyebrow, looking up and down at the Swirl’s cape.

“Oh no reason. After all, they’re mine by birthright...”

“How is this robe even still in such good condition?” The Doctor moved to take the cape off to inspect it. The Time Lord needed good clothes that survived time.

“No! Don’t!” Distant Star cried out, moving a hoof out to try and stop the Doctor.

“Oh my...” Princess Cadence chuckled. “He’s a blank flank!”

Author's Note:

Hey lookit at that! I summoned villains again!

Vegeta is from Dragonball Z
Lex Luthor is from Superman
Wesker is from Resident Evil, but also from Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Kefka if from Final Fantasy VI, but this version is from Dissidia.
Xehanort is from Kingdom Hearts, but his current form is from Birth by Sleep- “Master” form.
Gilgamesh is from almost every Final Fantasy game. He’s a mix from all of them.
Roger Smith is from the Big O.

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