• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Chapter 76 - Ceasefire

Hameo “The Diver” was made to infiltrate the Equestrian Navy. Which in all honesty, was a joke as a military outfit. The ponies were not exactly the best of mariners, and even then, it took years of training for any of them to become decent. And the weapons mostly consisted of catapult like-weapons that would shoot metal ball bearings, bolas, or pegasi that would drop things on the enemy. Also, the ocean was the one thing the ponies had no control over. They could control weather, earth, and magic- but few could harness the magical property of water.

Granted, ponies had very little to do with boating other than business like tourism or shipping. So there was little need for them to even care about naval accomplishments. Even when ponies wanted something delivered, they used pegasi.

Hameo shut both eyes, trying to focus on his task. Easily, his mind was distracted and he got bored really fast. But some changeling had to learn how to use naval equipment. At the moment, he and a platoon of changelings were making their way to the shore after Vegeta just floated and blew up the fleet. How unfair was that? That human, as his orders told him, could fly without wings or magic. It took him years to become a master flyer and this guy made it look so easy.

You would think since Vegeta was on their side, he wouldn’t have blown up the ship with them on it.

Still, the “sea green” pony was helped out of the lifeboats along with the other ponies making their way to shore. Amoung them, the Griffon patrol that Hameo was supposed to get on their side. One of the griffons, the highest ranking officer, pulled Hameo to the side and move to place a towel over Hameo’s form. He guessed it was the comander, since it had a hat on the white feathers on the head.

“What do you you think, Le Blanc?” Hameo said with a cheeky grin.

“So, all this was done with just one champion on your side?” Commander Le Blanc observed. Just one managed to do that to a navy? “Just how many champions does Equestria have?”

“At least six,” The changeling general said. He turned his head to look at the others coming to the shore and heading to the resort hotels. The two of them begun to walk along and talk.

“Very well. We Griffons will join your side. If both parties have ‘hu-mons’ and they have this much power, we will join your side.” Le Blanc narrowed his eyes. “To think that Princess Celestia obtained such powerful warriors to deal with your specie was overkill. And even then, Equestria didn’t even ask us for help before engaging your side.” The griffon stopped, turning to look back and watch as the sky returned to normal after Vegeta’s show. “That fact alone means they could use their humans against us if they want to keep us in the dark. Not even a letter to introduce these forces to our or any other nation.”

“Exactly,” Hameo tried to sound smart. He never even thought about those points. And he was supposed to be a general. “At least we gave you guys a heads up.”

“Indeed. Indeed you have. If we join your side, could we get our own forces some of these smaller minotaurs?”

“You know... That sounds like a good idea,” Hameo said with a smile.


“Hrgh!” Wesker cried out, getting pushed back. The combination of the roadie and the speaker was damn good, even better than Chris and Jill. Both had power, both could take hits, and both used each other in perfect harmony. A leap frog off one to get a kick in. One grabbing the other and using it as a weapon. One going in for a high blow, only to jump and let the other come in low. And they both hurt.

“Had enough yet?” Eddie asked, his chest moving up and down to breath and pant. This guy was tough. Albert hit almost as hard as major demons, and had the speed to dodge. ‘Only my working with Iron could they get any hits in.’ The roadie thought. Iron Will managed to stand, breathing white through his nostrils. This fight had taken a toll of them, both sporting dirt and bruises on their forms.

“Enough of this!” Wesker shouted. ’How dare these two clods think themselves equal to me!’ The Darkbrand on his forehead started to pulse, the sign coming to life as a ring of flames while his eyes turned red. “You will not beat me-” Wesker had to stop, hearing a strange sound...

It was almost... hollow melody.

When Wesker raised his eyebrows, Eddie and Iron Will turned around to look. Granted, it was a stupid move to do- But Wesker was not the kind of guy that did not strike them to be a confused one. Knight Lautrec of Carim rose up from behind them, from a kneeling postion to stand up. Wearing an armor the color of gold, this human had an odd color that gave him a shining silver aura.

“What the...” Iron Will raised his left eyebrow, confused at to what he was looking at. The armor the dude had odd looking- straps? Coming out of his helmet and shoulder pads. But he also sported a pair of sickle-like weapons.


Kefka wanted to laugh, this pretty boy made such silly looking faces when he was annoyed. But at the same time, he was getting pissed off too. All this flying and spell casting was getting him nowhere. Neither could hit each other. “Hey, Pretty Boy!” The clown shouted, moving to fly on his back to look over at Angelo. “What do you say if we take this to the ground?”

“And what makes you think I should trust you, clown?” Angelo replied. But still, he stopped shooting arrows. Miss Finish looked more worse than wear for all this dodging and flying, and he was not getting any hits in either. The ponies had gotten away- least the ones that made it to the forest border.

“Name’s Kefka Palazzo, you simpleton!” The harlequin moved both of his hands behind his head to chuckle. “And you can’t trust me!”

Angelo frowned, keeping an arrow nocked on his bow. Damnit! As a knight, he was supposed to accept duels. Then again, that wasn’t his style. If he was on the ground, he would be easily torn apart by spells. “No magic then? A one on one duel?”

“Oh, now ve haggle?” Photo Finish frowned, her white mane a bit frazzled by the speed they had been flying at. “Herr Angelo, take ze deal!” Her nerves were getting to her. Fashion shows? High maintenance divas? Paparazzi? No contest! Flying around trying to control a carpet while trying not to get hit? That was a new on on her.

“Hmm... No magic?” Kefka asked. At least that bow stopped shooting at him. Did he had any weapons on him? It could be fun. He did have that flute and his EX mode... “Fine, but you can’t use that bow.”

“Deal.” Angelo smiled. He did have a sword he had been wanting to use.


“Ergh...” Kratos’ scowl was permanent at this point. While his blades had a powerful reach, he had never encountered such fast creatures before. If he only had his bow or magic, he could perform long range attacks. The shadow ponies ran in circles around the Spartan, trying to converge. At least Kratos could keep them at bay with the blades’ spinning attacks.

“Kratos! Can’t you use magic or something?” Octavia shouted. She and her father were now concerned, watching these dark beasts. Something about their form was disconcerting to say the least.

“I...” Kratos relaxed his narrowed eyes a moment. He did get the blades back. Did he still have access to his magic? “SPARTANS!” Kratos raised his hands up, lifting his weapons. At once, blue spirits emerged around the demi-god. Spartan warriors armed with shields and spears emerged from the ground and form a turtle formation around their commander. Kratos grinned for the first time in this place. His fellow warriors shouted a “Hurrah!” As their spears clanked against their shields. The Heartless ponies quickly back off, regrouping around Master Xehanort’s form.

“It seems I will have to get a bit more serious...” Xehanort picked himself up a bit to lift his Keyblade.


“I say. I had no idea things were this bad,” Fancy Pants murmured. The managed to get through the streets, a lot of them cleared free by the ponies. Either they were hiding, fled town into the resorts, or they were at the-

“Well, crap,” Zeke frowned, still being carried by the unicorn magic. Ahead of him, he saw a pitched tents and injured ponies. This looked almost as bad as the disease back in New Maurais. Moans and ponies waiting to be treated filled the area in front of the hospital.

“And this is the second one we passed by,” Fancy frowned.

“Move it! As soon as you are cleared, move! Make space! Exit through the sides and head to the resorts!”

“What the...” Zeke raised his eyebrows, turning to the sound of the megaphone. Nurse Redheart moved, speaking to the crowds. “Ain’t that...”

“Is Medic around then?” Fancy relaxed his frown to smile. He spotted the Red Medic, moving his medigun from pony to pony. “Medic! Uh... Man down?” Fancy called out, not sure what term to use.

“Awesome,” Zeke replied, moving his hands to rub his sides. “I feel like shit.”

“Huh? I am fully charged!” Medic cried out, lifting his medigun up. “Come, Heavy! Auf Wiedersehen! Raus, raus!”

“For a healer, he’s got a crazy look in his-” Zeke shut up, as he was hit with the Ubercharge. Medic grinned as he was glad he got a human to use the charge on. Fancy took a few steps back, watching zeke’s entire body turning colors. “Oh HELL YES!” Zeke shouted out, feeling his whole body feel really good. Adrenaline, excitement, invincible, his veins and arteries were flowing all this through his blood. And best of all, he was healing.

“Wonderful,” Pants cried out, his eyes moving left and right to see the healing. “Now we can go ahead and-”

“Nein! I need a Heavy to protect zee point!” Medic frowned.

“He’s right, the hospital is a target and so many ponies still need healing...” Redheart said with a frown. She turned her head, looking at the injured continued to march to the hospital.

“Damn...” Zeke replied. “I dunno how much I can do without a weapon...”

“At the rate I heal, ze ubercharge will be ready to make you invincible many times over!” Medic replied as he took the gun off his fellow human.

“Will that work?” Fancy asked.

“I have no idea!”


All the ponies and humans took a few steps back as Miles Edgeworth walked through the crowd. The man in the pinkish suit turned his head left and right to look around at them all assembled. He fought back from making disgusted looks- More from the other humans like Johnny Bravo than the actual ponies. The equines? They were born that way. The humans? They chose to dress and act like that.

Roger/Phoenix raised his left hand to his head, trying to make sense of the confusing building. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his face as his hair came loose a bit. Rainbow Dash had the top of her eyes shut a bit, looking at the pained expression on her partner’s face.

“My name is Roger Smith...”

“Objection!” Miles immediately raised his right arm up to point at the man in the black suit. The others immediately jumped back. That man’s objection had the same, if not more, power to Phoenix’s own. Roger’s eyes narrowed into small dots, hearing that voice. His head lifted up, turning to look at the other man.

“What is-”

“Shush...” Otacon quieted Rainbow by lifting his right index finger to his lips. The engineer smiled, as if he knew something the others didn’t. Celestial guards brought in two wooden desks of mahogonay and set them down in front of Miles and Roger. The lawyer bowed his head in thanks and then stepped up to the desk to place each hand on the top of the surface.

“What evidence do you have to prove you are Roger Smith?” Miles asked in a loud and clear voice.

“Evidence?” Roger asked, moving his head to look at the desk. He blinked twice and stepped up to the fine wood and let his fingers run over it. The feel of gloves against the wood felt... Wrong. He begun to take off the black gloves to slide on the finish of the desk again. Yes. This feeling. His skin could remember how solid this desk was.

“Yes, evidence,” Nappa the Saiyan warrior said. Once more, they all picked up their heads to look at new human. The tall bald man was wearing a long black robe, and had a gavel in his left hand. Weirdly enough, he had no wig. “That’s um...” Nappa narrowed his eyes, turning to look back at Miles.

“That is how it works in a court of law...” Miles helped out. Even that was familiar to Roger’s memories. “Evidence is truth. It is what changes speculation into facts. Do you remember, Phoenix?” He turned his gaze away from the ‘Judge’ and back to Phoenix. “Do you remember this?”

“Remember...” Roger raised both eyebrows as a book was brought to him. A pegasus with outrageous muscles, short blond mane, and an even smaller set of wings, presented Roger with a book. “Evidence Law Book?”

“Yes. It was used to prove you were not concealing evidence in a case long ago. Tell me again, what evidence do you have that you are Roger Smith?” Miles asked again.

“How can you prove I’m Phoenix Wright?” Roger asked, more interested in this fact rather than trying to counter Miles. At this point in time, his brain was rattled. At one point in his life, Roger Smith had an identity crisis right in the middle of a battle inside Big O.

“Your Honor?” Miles turned to look at Judge Nappa.

“Proceed. The Case of Mistaken Identity will... um... Just get on with it!” Nappa shouted, smacking his gavel hard enough against his desk to make them both splinter. The others stayed quiet at this point, not sure who these two were.

“Very well. First, let us examine who this fellow Roger Smith is. Do you have a single thing to identify your identity? A wallet with an ID? Perhaps a personalized watch?” Miles raised his right hand to point at the man’s pockets. “Care to show us?”

“I...” Roger moved to his pockets, searching for a wallet. He did find a wallet, but it was brown instead of the normal black. Before he could look into it, Snowflake the pony took it into his mouth and flew over to Nappa. The bald man opened up the wallet to take a second to look through it.

“A few vouchers from Mayor Mare, some photos of a little girl and a man in a blue suit, and an... ID that reads “Phoenix Wright!” Nappa raised his eyebrows, turning to look up at the others.

“That could have been planted though...”

Everypony and everyone frowned to look at Dan.

“What? It’s true!” Dan said, frowning at them all.

“Order in the court!” Miles shouted out. “I do not need help from the penut gallery to make a case against me!”

“Since when do-” Dan was quickly shut up as Nate, Travis, Ralf, and Dovahkiin jumped the little one in order to make him shut up. Soon enough, Dan was tied up with rope and gagged. Twilight Sparkle released a sigh, patting Pinkie on her back. Pinkie nodded. Dan had told her how he hated courts. So boring.

“Uh...” Nappa blinked twice, looking left and right. “Remove him from my court?” He turned to look at Miles, who nodded. Glad he got something right, Nappa grinned and watched as Ralf and Dovahkiin moved Dan from sight. “This court thing can be fun!”

“If everything else changed about Phoenix- why didn’t the wallet?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think it was the vouchers,” Twilight replied. “Those are magical. Once they are used, they vanish so they are not to be used again. It could also be the pictures.” Twilight whispered this in a low voice. The little girl must be Phoenix’s daughter, and this made her sad. “Something so powerful as a child can not be easily changed.”

“Moving on...” Miles frowned, obviously upset at the disturbance from the gallery. Were they not trying to help him get Phoenix back? “This is true, it can be planted evidence. But, do you have anything else? A personalized or monogrammed watch?”

“No...” Roger Smith said, moving his right hand to his left wrist. The watch to summon the Big O was gone. This fact should’ve bothered him more, but he blamed it more on bringing back from the dead.

“So, we have no proof to prove you are Roger or Phoenix,” Miles continued. “Next then. Do you even know your blood type?”

“I...” Roger lowered his head, frowning. He couldn’t answer that question. “Don’t know.”

“Here I have medical records taken from the hospital, detailing information such as blood type from Ponyville General hospital. Unfortunately, the hospital was destroyed- but some files were recovered,” Miles held out a folder for Snowflake to take. Nappa looked them over as his partner brought it to him- but the poor saiyan couldn’t make heads or tails from the info. It was so primitive to him.

“Along with these records, we also have a list of some of Wright’s other medical details- Such as scars, old injuries, and other identifying marks.” Miles turned to look back at Roger. “Phoenix has been the subject of volt tazer, getting hit by a car, hit on the head, falling from a 40 foot dive into a freezing raging river, injuries from the battle against Galactus, and other things.” The prosecuting attorney lowered his head a bit, upset by the fact he had to reveal that to the others.

“He... What?” Rainbow Dash asked, her eyes growing wide. The pegasus swallowed a bit, more upset that Phoenix had been keeping that from her. But she was even more upset that while inspecting Phoenix, she didn’t see his scars. Separated from her daughter and all those other things? Her gaze turned to look back at Phoenix as her eyes watered. Not the only one kinda taken aback by this, some of the other ponies and humans turned to look at Roger in a new light.

Roger blinked twice, moving his right hand to his chest. Did that all really happened to Phoenix Wright?

“I’m sure if Roger let’s himself get inspected, we will find these on his body,” Miles added. “But I don’t think it will be necessary- Will it?”

“What do you mean?” Smith asked, his mouth dry at this point.

“Well, there is that mark on your left hand now. It seems you share that with someone, isn’t it?” Miles asked to look at Spy. The saboteur moved to remove his gloves, showing off the Double Phoenix.

“I...” Roger turned to look down at the back of his left hand.

Miles smirked, lifting his right hand up. His index finger pointed up as it shook side to side. “Those points were just physical evidence to prove who you are. But I also have muscle memory.”

“Someone explain this to the judge...” Nappa looked around at the group.

“Muscle Memory?” Sweetie Belle blinked twice, turning to look at the adults.

“Muscle memory is something the body can never forget. Ever heard the phrase, ‘You never forget to ride a bike?’ The body that has done things over and over again will never forget how to do...” Otacon smiled, turning to look at the others. “Like how Applejack will never forget how to throw a proper apple bucking kick.”

“Darn tootin’,” Applejack added with pride.

“But how is Miles going to-”


The sound of Miles slamming both of his hands to slam on the table made them all jump. Even Nappa perked up his eyebrows.

Roger’s eyes immediately snapped over to Miles, his body following shortly after.


Once more, Miles slammed his hands against the table.

“What are you-”


Miles kept his gaze on Roger, both eyes narrowed on his reactions. ’Come on, Phoenix...’ He thought to himself.

“That sound...” The negotiator looked down at the table in front of himself. Both hands moved to run his palms and fingertips. Roger picked up both hands to bring them down on the table top.

“Phoenix Wright is a fool. Phoenix Wright is a nitpicking little whiner. He will use any underhanded tactic to win, even falsify-”



Phoenix Wright had his left hand held out after slamming both hands on the table. His index finger pointed at Miles with such determination. From his toes up to his head, his suit changed from black to blue as a ring of fire ran up his form.

“Phoenix!” Rainbow Dash flew up into the air, her wings flapping rapidly.

“I do not bring false evidence to court, Edgeworth! You know that better than-” Phoenix was knocked down in a tackle from Rainbow Dash. Miles himself crossed both arms on his chest, his right index finger moving up and down on his elbow.

“It seems I win this round, Phoenix,” Miles said with a smirk. The attorney watch as Phoenix slowly raised himself to sit up, a more than affectionate cyan pegasus rubbing against his chest. A lot of cheers and movement followed, as the other humans started to gather around the group.

“Glad to have you back, comrade,” Spy added to help his Brand Brother up.

“Took you long enough,” Dan added. Ralf turned to look down at his comander, surprised how fast he got himself out of the rope.

“Sorry I worried...” Phoenix stopped himself once he stood up. “You. Thank you, Miles.”

“As if I need to be thanked to bring the truth out,” Miles responded. He himself was suddenly assaulted by kids and little colts and fillies to hug him. “Unhand me!”

Sounds of ‘Thank you!’ and ‘You are so cool!’ and other congratulations were showered on the prosecuting attorney as he tried to fend off his new fans. Damn him for being so sexy!

“The Darkbrand,” Distant Star smiled. ”It’s gone.”

“Finally, some hope,” Snape added.


“I lost contact with Smith!” Sombra suddenly shouted. His eyes narrowed to look around. His gaze turned to look at Phoenix’s crystal quartz. It had stopped shining.

“Smith! Roger Smith!” Gilgamesh called out. He had lost contact with the only man he liked.

“Have they done anything to your champion?” Chrysalis called out. “I thought they agreed to the wargames!”

“Those were his last words,” Gilgamesh added, his voice growing cold. If these ponies hurt Roger...

“I think we done enough damage, and given the turn of events,” Aurelius called out to look at the viewing crystals of the others in Baltimare. “We should call it a day. Call in the reinforcements, we must contact Celestia immediately.”

“I agree...” Imago added. “We must regroup.”

“So be it,” Sombra nodded. With Luthor out and Smith possibly missing, they needed to call back the attack before things looked worse for them. They could not afford to look back in front of the other races.

One by one, the other champions were appearing back inside the changeling cave. First Kefka, then Wesker, and finally Vegeta and Xehanort. Luthor had stepped out of his robot suit, leaving himself in a pair of slacks and a white dress shirt.

“Why were called back?!” Kefka called out. “I was finally going to kill that pretty boy!”

“Indeed,” Wesker turned to look around. “I finally awakened a new power...”

“Smith is missing,” Luthor added. “I knew making him the leader was a mistake.”

“Silence, Luthor. Even you were brought back before Roger Smith,” Gilgamesh growled.

“Really? What a loser!” Kefka shouted, laughing and pointing at the bald man.

“What do mean missing?” Xehanort stepped forward. He could not afford to lose pawns at this point.

“Let Gilgamesh explain what happened,” Sombra stepped out. “I shall continue to try and locate Smith.”


“Huh?” Eddie breathed in and out, having held his axe out to block an incoming attack from Lautrec. He had vanished, with no trace or signs.

“Eddie? That other dude is gone too...” Iron Will added. “Iron Will saw a dark wisp from Wesker’s shoulders as he vanished.”

“My guy’s gone too...”


“Bah! More sorcery! Come face me, coward!” Kratos yelled out to the sky.

“Kratos!” Octavia ran out the front door, rushing over to her betrothed. “Are you alright?”

“My Spartans are not so easily bested,” Kratos said with pride.

“Hurrah!” The ghostly apparitions vanished after a salute.

“I’m just glad you are alright,” Octavia moved her head in to nuzzle against his skirt. “We must hurry to the others. They may have been attacked as well.”

“I am more concerned with those dark ponies,” Kratos added. They both begun to walk through the streets. Questions plagued his mind now. That dark aura... Why quit when he was ahead?

“I think they said Red Medic and Nurse Redheart were going to the hospital.”


“Where’s Vegeta?” Caramel asked, blinking twice. “Don’t tell me I lost another one!”

“Vegeta, buddy?” Barry blinked twice, looking around them. No sign of the prince. “What the hell?”

“Did you talk his ear off?” Caramel asked. “He was flying right next to you.”

“I dunno. Let’s go check in with the others. Maybe Vegeta is with them,” Caramel looked around. It seems the commotion was starting to calm down. “Hmm...”

“What’s up?” Barry lowered himself to land on the ground.

“Something seems off, but I’m not sure what. If they had the power to destroy the town... Why is so much still standing?” Caramel stopped walking to look over at Barry.

“Now that you mention it,” Barry moved his right hand to his chin. “Did the attackers say why they were attacking? Treasure? Hostages? Cash? It doesn’t make sense for them to just leave.”

“Wait a sec,” Caramel frowned. “If the bad guys are gone, why is Vegeta gone? What did you tell him, Barry?”

“Just about who I met, I mean, we barely learned about the others. Nothing import...” Barry stopped himself. “Were they after info?”

“Let’s find the others! Now! If Vegeta is a good guy, he should be with them!”

“Now that I think about it, I didn’t see Vegeta’s partner,” Barry said. There were no ponies around after the attack- So spotting Vegeta’s partner should be easy. “Hold on!” He moved to grab Caramel and flew off to search the city.


“My work here is done,” Miles said as he lowered his arms. He turned around, and started to walk away.

“Miles?” Phoenix pulled himself away from the hugs and the others to spot Miles. “Wait! Where are you going?!”

“I’m not dead, Phoenix,” Miles stopped himself, lifting his left shoulder over his head.

“What? How are you here then?”

“There’s a little girl waiting for you...” Miles added. “I’m looking after her now. Hurry back, she misses you.”

“Trucy? With you?” Phoenix stopped himself, looking around. Nappa and Snowflake had taken off as well.

“Do you want to write her a letter? I can wait...” Miles added.

“No need to,” Phoenix said, smiling a little. “I know she’s in great hands. Tell her though, that I’m on the verge of breaking this case.”

“Are you really ok with this, Phoenix? You have a chance to go back home...” Rainbow Dash said. “She needs you more than we do.”

“Are you joking? Phoenix would rather place his own life in danger,” The demon prosecutor smiled a little as he continued to walk. “Than let the innocent suffer without hope.” The Tardis appeared in front of Miles, pushing the others back in a small storm of wind.

“You get back here, Doctor! You got a lot of explaining to do!” Rarity added. He had to pay to what he did to Nate. Everyone squinted a bit as Miles and the Tardis vanished in the flash of light.

“Alright! You heard the man!” Dan shouted. “We got a job to do!”

“He’s right! With these new humans, we got to move!” Soma added.

“First- it’s time to split up,” Samurai Jack said as he begun to move.

“Again?” Pinkie Pie said. “We should be throwing a party!”

“Not that kind of separation. We must take the humans away from ponies.”

Proofreaded by LyonAzakura


“How was it?” The Doctor asked, smiling at Miles as he entered the Tardis.

“It went as expected,” The prosecutor answered, bringing himself to clean his clothes.

“So, is Dad ok?” Trucy asked.

“Yes, your father is fine,” Miles said. “Now we can go back home. But are you sure you don’t want to see him?”

“He’ll be fine,” Trucy answered, grinning. “He’s Phoenix Wright, the best dad ever.”

“Pfffftttt” Fluffle Puff stuck out her tongue in a rashberry. Trucy giggled as she rode the pink pony as she jumped up and down on a rainbow sheet of paper.

“Ergh...” Lighting Dust said. “Why didn’t you just join them like we are supposed to? We got you guys as partners.”

“She’s right. Our role in this mission is not done just yet,” The Doctor smiled.

“Where’s Nappa?”


Nappa ditched his robes. flying through the air with Snowflake at his side. They were heading back to Las Pegasus.

Flash Gordon on a hover bike and Flash Sentry flew ahead of them.

“Give it up, Flash! You’ll never make it!” Nappa said as he got closer to them.

“We gotta do this though!” Flash said. He dove down, sending the bike down.

“Impetuous boy!” Nappa shouted. He released a sigh as Flash Sentry shrugged.

“Oh well. Who wants to live forever! DIVE!” Nappa shouted.


All four of them dove down to Las Pegasus as they were fired upon by apple pies.

Author's Note:

I'm back!

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