• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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The Trial of Twilight Sparkle

Chapter 14- The Trial of Twilight Sparkle

"Have I explained things well enough?" Princess Celestia asked. The meeting was officially over, save any questions that the group may have. "If there are any questions, now you can ask..."

"Yes, I have one. How do I hurt you?" Dan asked, lifting his left hand up.

"Dan! I can't believe you asked that!" Rarity asked, appalled by his behavior. They had finally settled things, and now he wanted to start all over again. Even Phoenix had both eyes shut almost all the way. To think Phoenix was willingly to step down and make Dan leader if it came down to it.

"What? She did say that we were owed answers. Also, she even asked if we had any. So I deserve an answer," Dan said, crossing his arms on his chest. "No one makes Pinkie Pie cry but me," He added, his voice getting really deep for him.

"Fine. Dan, is there a way for me to get off your list? May I make reparations of some kind?" Princess Celestia asked. While she was patronizing the small human, she felt that she did have a way to make up for the way the humans were plucked away from home.

"Actually, yes. I want two things. First- I want a house for Pinkie. It has to be in Ponyville. And something nice. All I see when I look at the buildings in this town are fire hazards and health violations," Dan said. Pinkie Pie had her mouth open, shocked and surprised. Even she did not see that coming. No one did, in fact.

"Wow, that's very generous of you Dan. But why a house for Pinkie?" Princess Celestia asked. Everyone turned to look at Pinkie, more curious about her reaction. Least, her female friends. Nothing surprised Pinkie Pie!

"You made her cry, its only fair you make it up to her too. Poor thing lives in a pastry shop! She deserves better," Dan said, eyes closed.

"Mr. Crankey Donkey has just moved in with his love. So, his old house is avaliable," said Pinkie Pie with a smile. Finally! Her own place! All of the others had their own homes! And it made her happy that Dan was thinking of her, even if he didn't always admit it.

"I will speak to the Mayor about this, but I think it will be alright," Princess Celestia said. Dan was too clever at times. He had just roped in a free house with a simple demand over her own failing.

"That's actually really nice of you Dan. Now you and your fiance have your own place," Nate said, placing both of his hands behind his head. "Who knew you were providing for your own future like that. You'll make a good family guy."

Applejack suddenly face hoofed. There it was. Dan just wanted a place of his own with Pinkie to cook for him. Actually, that did sound like a newlywed couple. Damn him! Dan said nothing, even though he had been caught.

"Now the second thing- I demand that Twilight Sparkle pay for her crime- Scratch that, crimes. I think Phoenix mention she had performed kidnapping before," Dan added.

"Dan! How could you?! Twilight's been nothing but generous to you!" Fluttershy said, instanly mad at the jerk. Dovahkiin though, merely inspected the sun princess. The way she handled this would determine his final judgement. A ruler that couln't punish someone properly was no ruler at all.

"Look, when people mess up, they are held accountable. Tell me, has Twilight messed up with her magic before?" Dan asked, looking over at Applejack. His eyes had been closed halfway, as if knowing if she tried to lie. Twilight lowered her head and said nothing. She did feel the need to be punished.

"Well- There was that Smartypant thing. That time she made the parasprites eat the buildings of Ponyville. She made the whole town in an uproar because of her time travel future self. While it wasn't exactly mean natured, she did stalk Pinkie Pie over her power. And technically, she did bring ya'll here against your will..." Applejack said. She couldn't lie, even if she wanted to. Her face fell a bit, crestfallen. "Sorry Twi, but ya magic did done goof this time."

"But she's saved the town plenty of times too! There was that Ursa bear thing, she saved the Apple farm from the Flim Flam bros, not to mention if it weren't for her, Nightmare Moon and Discord would still be around!" Rainbow Dash said, coming to her friends defense.

"Look, I am not saying throw her in jail or cut off her horn! Phoenix, you're a lawyer. How would the law handle this?" Dan asked. This made everyone, even Spike look at Wright. The poor dragon finally woke up. That episode with the Dovakiin had caused him to faint. High pressue situations like that almost never presented themselves to him. A weapon held to Princess Celestia like that?

"Well, Dan's right. As long as one person wants to press charges, that is enough to consider a real punishment. If police, politicans, or people in govenment perform a crime, they must answer for it. Sure, their accomplishments are taken into account- But its their job to do the right thing and serve as an example to others. A crime is a crime, and Twilight already admitted she was guilty." Phoenix shook his head to the sides. He felt like a prosecutor, and he hated the feeling.

Rarity frowned, looking at Twilight. "Then who is pressing charges?" She asked. Dan raised his hand, clearly not caring how others felt. Dovahkiin raised his hand shortly after. He had been willingly to kill Princess Celestia for stepping out of line. Not to raise his arm now would make him a hypocrite. With a sigh, Soma picked up his hand. Nate decided not to do anything. He had broken the law a lot, so he felt he couldn't pass judgment. Still- kidnapping. That was serious stuff.

"Soma?" Fluttershy said, looking up at Soma with her eyes tearing up a bit.

"Fluttershy, I-" Soma started to talk.

"I'd like to ask a question, if I may," Phoenix interrupted quickly. "Has Twilight ever recieved a formal punishment for any of these crimes?" He had wanted to say allegations, but that meant she could still be innocent. He hoped that previous time served could help.

Princess Celestia shook her head to the sides, releasing a sigh. "I, never gave her a serious punishment. Twilight has had an exemplary record, and the kingdom of Equestria owes her much." Still, Princess Celestia had set herself up. She had asked if she could make reparations, and Dan had once again gotten her.

"I suppose asking for leniency for it being a first time offense would be out of the question then," Phoenix said, biting his lower lip as he held the back of his head with his left hand.

"Come on guys! You can't be serious!" Rainbow Dash said. She looked around at the others. Applejack raised her hoof now. This made Rainbow Dash angry now. "Why are you doing this?! You don't have to do this for Dovahkiin there!"

"I honestly feel that Twilight deserves this though. I mean, Phoenix has his little girl still. I can only imagine what she is going through now," Applejack said, lifting her head up. Dovahkiin turned to her and nodded. It seemed everyone had forgotten about that fact.

Phoenix raised his hand up now, unable to defend Twilight now. He was a father now, he did have an obligation to get back home. If they could only get her here, then this wouldn't matter!

"Phoenix, you too?" Rainbow Dash asked, feeling the world was against her. Twilight moved to Rainbow and shook her head at her.

"I am a father now. I vowed I would make my way back to Trucy. How could I face my daughter, knowing I defended a guilty client again?" Phoenix said, head crestfallen. Even Fluttershy turned her head away from Twilight now. At least now she understood why Soma had raised his hand. In all good conscious, even if one person pressed charges and was right to do so-To not stand with them would be wrong.

"Look, I am not saying put her in jail or anything. Maybe a fine, and I also have a suggestion if it pleases the court," Dan said, lowering his hand back down.

Princess Celestia knew she would regret this, but she nodded. Dan had her and Twilight over a barrel.

"Let her work off with community service. You guys need us right? The whole reason we got sent here was because you need us. But we need someone to look after our best interests. Food, clothing, shelter. But also- I do not want Twilight to have control over us! Last time I was here, I had to listen to inane dribble about friendship," Dan said, moving to place both his hands behind his back.

"Dovahkiin made a point when he said we were free men. I don't want a pony telling me what to do. And I don't think the other guys do either. We'll help you," he stopped pacing, looking up at Princess Celestia. "But we do it our way. We need provisions, money, resources. Not a babysitter telling us what to do. Let her handle that- Its kind of her fault anyway. Its not a bad deal, is it guys?" Dan asked, looking back to look at the others.

Soma blinked, taking a moment to think. The notion that Dan manipulated them all like that never entered his mind. In fact, he was impressed. Dan made solid and good points. Soma had the notion that if he wanted to get back home, he would have to help out anyway. Not having to get herded around for once was also appealing. He nodded.

Phoenix rubbed his chin in thought. Community service sounded like a fair compromise. With any luck, Trucy could make her way to Auntie Maya's and hopefully hold out until he returned. He nodded.

Nate simply shrugged. He had not pressed charges in the first place. Let them handle the hard stuff. Still, this got rid of the whole needing jobs problem. He nodded, agreeing to the plan.

"What say you Dovahkiin? Is this fair?" Princess Celestia said. The Dovahkiin nodded, smirking a bit. Unlike the others, he knew what Dan was up to. While he would have liked to see how Princess Celestia would have handled it, this was a good outcome too. Thank the Deadra that Dan was on his side! He would hate to see what Dan could do to his enemies when pissed.

Applejack lowered her hoof, glad that this wasn't as serious as it could have been. Still, she had a feeling this got her in hot water with her friends. She was the only one to raise her hoof.

Twilight raised her head to look over at Dan. She had expected a smirk, but instead she was taken aback. On his face he showed signs- of Remorse? Regret? He did not look happy. She turned to look at Princess Celestia.

"Very well, I agree. As punishment for her crimes, Twilight Sparkle is hearby given the duty to make sure the needs of the Champions are filled. She will not be able to tell them what to do, and merely be an advisor. In addition, we accept your help. But we also ask that you repect our laws and ways. While you may not be bound to them, please do not make us regret this decision," Princess Celestia decreed.

Twilight Sparkle released a sigh, glad that was over. Her friends moved at her side, making sure she was alright. Applejack slowly aprroached them, a bit hesistant. Twilight Sparkle simply stepped up to Applejack, giving her a hug with her neck.

"Ya not mad Twi?" Applejack said.

"How could I be? I am glad to have such a wonderful friend that cared enough to be honest and say I needed to be punished. I deserve the sentence, and even I feel I got off easy," Twilight said. The other mares joined in on the hug, giving an "aww."

Nate wished he had a camera for this moment. That was damn adorable.

Princess Luna could not help but smile. It had been a long time someone had gotten a hoof up over her sister. Yes she lost to Discord and the Changeling Queen. But seeing someone without powers do it was so refreshing.

"Don't look so smug there night princess. You're next," Dan said. He had taken out his list to cross off the name of Celestia. He finally smiled, glad his revenge was obtained. Luna decided it was best to leave. Sensing her sister in trouble, Celestia bowed her head to the others.

"Very well. We will leave the details to Twilight Sparkle. I do not think there will be a need for a letter from any of you this week," Princess Celestia said with a smile. She headed to leave the library, Luna following quickly.

"Um... What about our living arrangements?" Phoenix asked. He doubted they could all live in the library.

"Oh, that's Twilight's responsibilty, isn't that right?" Dovahkiin asked, placing a hand on Twilight and Applejack's shoulders. In all truth, he wanted to be in the hug.

"Screw it." The mares turned to look at Soma as he got down to hug Fluttershy from behind and smile.

"Oh great! A group hug now?" Dan asked, rolling his eyes. Least he got to cross one thing off his list. Pinkie Pie rushed out of the hug to push Dan in the middle of the group. "Unhand me!" Dan tried to struggle. Unfortunately, the Dovahkiin helped Pinkie out. Rarity turned to look at Nate, her eyes closed halfway.

"What? No dinner and a movie?" Nate asked, moving in to the hug. "You must think I have no morals at all!" He said, drawing his arms around Rarity and Pinkie.

Phoenix released a sigh. "Come on Spike, let's do this," he said. He moved to pick up Spike and moved in for the hug. Happy to be included for once, Spike moved to land on Twilight and hug her as Phoenix moved to wrap one arm around Twilight.

With everyone together, they all (Well, Dan tried to escape, only to have his exit blocked by Fluttershy out of all ponies) moved to open their arms and encircle each other in the tightest hug that could be mustered.

Twilight shut both her eyes. Maybe this wasn't such a bad day after all. She hoped that where ever her champion was, he was not alone.


Otacon had laid himself down to lay down next to the fire. A changeling moved to slide under the engineer's head to act as a pillow. Another Changeling moved to lay at his exposed side, laying its head down on his leg. He had nodded off, the feeling of Changeling bodies around him not all that unpleasant.

King Aurelius smiled, moving to lay down on his throne of stone to sleep as well. Let his changelings play the role of comrades or friends to Otacon. It would only cement Otacon's loyalty to his cause. A single Changeling took form of an Albatross, flying to send a message to his Queen.


"Sister, I am confused," Princess Luna said. They were both in the air, riding their chariots close to each other as they headed home.

"What about Luna?" Princess Celestia asked. She had a feeling about what was this about.

"Why did you lie to the humans?" Luna asked.

"I did not lie to them. The Elements they posses are the ones that are the partners to harmony..." Celestia said.

"Yes, I know. But why call them the Elements of Change?" Luna tilted her head to the side.

"And admit to the Humans that they are the Elements of Bromance? I have no idea what that is, even after The Doctor tried to explain it to me," Princess Celestia admitted.


"Alright. Dovahkiin will sleep with Applejack at her farm. She has space. Soma will escort Fluttershy home. She has her animals to worry about, plus we need a lookout close to Everfree. Pinkie.... Pinkie?" Twilight picked up her head, looking around for Dan. The others looked at the doorway, seeing the two leave.

"You guys do what you want. Me and Pinkie Pie have a new home to break in," Dan said as he lifted his right hand to wave. Pinkie Pie couldn't wait for her new home either.

"See you tommorow!" Pinkie said, closing the door behind themselves.

"Ah hope they both survive," Applejack said, worried over both their tempraments.

"Well, at least we won't have to worry over Dan and Pinkie. We have to throw her a house warming party too. Moving on. Nate will stay with Rarity. Phoenix can't walk on clouds, and I am afraid Phoenix can't fly. Sorry Rainbow Dash, but it looks like Phoenix will have to stay with me in the Library," Twilight said to face Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash had a big flush on her face. The idea of having a guy in her cloud home was nerve wrecking as it was. "Fine. I am staying too then," she said. All the others had their partners. It didn't feel right to leave Phoenix alone either.

"I can live with that. Don't worry. I promise to find a way to get you all back home," Twilight said. "We will meet up here tomorow bright and early to discuss your needs."

Fluttershy looked at the ground. The idea of Soma in her house did not bother her. The idea that he would one day leave, did. She found herself once again hoisted up by Soma. This time though, it was not like before. This time, each of his arms moved under her belly, between her legs to lift him to his chest.

"Oh? Looks like Dan is not the only fast operator," Nate said with a grin. He walked with Rarity to hold the door for them.

"After the newlyweds," Rarity said, giving a mock bow.

"Oh screw you guys. Eat my dust. Panther Soul," Soma said, blushing hard. Why did what they say bother him so much? Still, he blurred from their vision and took off. Nate was thrown back a bit. How in the hell did a teen that didn't look too strong carry a pony and still move faster than lighting?

Fluttershy smiled, hiding her blush behind her mane. But still, it was nice to be moving at this fast speed again. Also, Soma's chest felt softer and more inviting than she wanted to admit. Soma was right. Screw them and let them eat her dust too.

Dovahkiin and Applejack walked to the door next. He stopped though, looking down at the orange mare and winked.

"Oh no! You are not going to mess with time again you-" Applejack vanished into thin air, and the Dovahkiin as well. Once again, he messed with time.

"They are all children," Phoenix said. Oh, to be that young again. He knew the drill. He picked up Spike, carrying the baby dragon to his bed. Spike said nothing, it had been a long day for him and dozed off.

Rainbow Dash also yawned, not used to staying this up late also. She had work bright and early also. Phoenix moved to pick her up as well, chuckling. Like Soma, he carried the cyan pegasus in the same way upstairs to set her down on the spare bed.

Twilight shook her head to the sides and smiled. Phoenix had indeed shown signs of being a father. She moved to blow out the candles and move to get into bed.

She had a feeling tommorow would be a day unlike any other.

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