• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Side Sto- Iron Will is Not a Side Chapter!

Iron Will here, and a lot of you want me in this story with a human. While Iron Will is awesome enough not to have a partner or champion, it may be good to give it a go. Iron Will has given permission for this author here to put in a side story for now.

Iron Will Picks His Own Champion!

“Baaaa...” A goat spoke, looking up at Iron Will. The blue minotaur was looking at himself in front of a mirror. The motivational speaker took a comb to brush his mane back, trying to make himself look presentable. Once his mane was straighten out, a goat passed him a polishing cloth so he could shine up his horns.

“Yeah yeah, I know. Let me do this, will ya?” The minotaur asked. The two goats nodded at him, walking to leave Iron Will’s temporary dressing room. At the moment, he had rented out Ponyville’s City Hall pavilion. Once he was finally left alone, Will released a sigh and placed both of his hands to rest on the mirror in front of himself.

“You can do this Iron Will. You can’t let them run you over. You can handle this. You are Will, you are Iron! You are Iron Will!”

Trying to psyche himself up, the hero raised both hands to pick up a red tie with silver stripes to place it around his neck. Today was the day. Today, he found himself his own partner. He had the place rented out, he filled out all the paperwork, and he finally had applicants ready. Its time to show the world he was more than just a speaker and all around good guy. Today he showed the world he was a hero.

“Let’s do this!”

Iron Will narrowed both of his eyes, turning to look away from the mirror and snort. White breaths of air escaped from his nostrils as he flexed his muscles to prepare himself. He moved out of the small dressing room and walked out into the hallway. A goat wearing a mic and holding a clipboard came to his right side.

“Ba. Baaa. Baba,” the goat said once the clipboard was taken.

“Really? That many?” Iron Will raised a left eyebrow, surprised by the amount of people that showed up. He gulped, shocked by the number. His large head turned to look down at the names on the clipboard.

Eddie Riggs
Ryu Hoshi
Dr. Doom
Kenshin Himura
Captain Falcon

Iron Will raised an eyebrow, wondering what half of these names meant. They sounded so weird to them. He handed the clipboard back to the goat and nodded. He came to a stop in front of the dark blue curtain and released a breath of air. He opened both eyes and grinned, walking past the curtain to raise both of his arms out to step into view of the balcony.

Time to ROCK!

CAN YOU DIG IT!” Shouted Iron Will, speaking through his microphone as fireworks begun to shoot up at his sides. Music begun to rock from the speakers. Iron Will leaned forward with his right hoof, lifting his right arm to wave in a few circles and then lift his palm to his ear.

And he heard nothing.

“Huh?” Will asked, lifting his eyebrows. He turned to look at one of his goats and pointed to turn on the lights to look down at the ground floor and see what was going on with the so called candidates. A black spotted goat moved to a switch and flick the lights on.

Discord would be proud at the chaos.

“I am the RED CYCLONE!” Zangief yelled, locking his arms to lock around the ones of Mike Haggar.

“I am a mayor! You’re just a reject from the Soviet Union!” Mike retorted, struggling to get a lock around Zangief.

“Finger Lasers!” Dr. Doom shouted, moving both arms to point ahead of himself to fire a laser blast at Nappa. The saijin opened his mouth to fire a yellow blast at Doom’s own blast to intercept.

Eddie Riggs had moved over to the side, looking around. A good roadie stayed out of sight. Iron Will felt a hand moving to his tie, straightening out. When he turned to look down, the rather thick human arm was gone. Eddie was now kneeling next to a goat, talking about a sound check.

Hulk and Juggernaut were sitting down in front of each other playing chess.

“Make a move already...” Juggie said, looking down at the tiny chess set.

“No rush Hulk. Not contest,” Hulk said, thinking five moves ahead. All involving smashing the opponent’s rook. “Hulk’s hand want to take last move back. Move piece on accident, tiny pieces shake against Hulk’s hand.”

“Although its against the rules, I will allow it. These pieces are quite small...”

Ryu looked around a bit, not sure what he should be doing. He lowered his duffel bag and then looked up at Iron Will, both arms and shoulders moving up in a shrug.

“Enough expository banter!” Gilgamesh said. “I could be back in the rift, thinking of a perfect battle strategy against Bartz, but nooo! You should join Iron Will, my agent said...” The masked weapon collector lowered his head to look around. “Be free of the rift, he said...”

“What is the meaning of all this, Boo?” The giant Berserker asked his furry traveling companion. “One minute we’re avenging our fallen witch, now we’re in this colorful wonderland? There better be some evil to smite or so help me...” Minsc said, curling his fists. His rodent, Boo, started to squeak. “Ah, I’m sorry Boo. I did not mean to lose my temper.”

“I’m not sure how I got here...” Ulysses said, looking around from his fold out chair. “I was supposed to meet the courier here....”

Seeing his only shot at picking his partner vanishing before his eyes, Iron Will decided to take action. He inhaled a deep breath of air, drew his head back, and then leaned forward to shout.


Thanks to the microphone and Eddie’s sound check, the shouting was well projected through the pavilion. The others stopped their actions, wincing as their eardrums were assaulted.

“Alright, mascots! You are all here today to compete for the right to become Iron Will’s NEW CHAMPION!” The minotaur said, pointing at his would be champions. “The competition will be tough, vigorous even, but to truly be Iron Will’s champion, you must succeed!”

The ‘champions’ merely stared at Iron Will, confused. Save Nappa, who took his scouter out to put it on and look at Iron Will.

“Hm... Power Level, Awesome....” Nappa said. “Wait, awesome?” He turned to look at Doom, and the scouter read “Negative Awesome.”

“Bullman talk?” Hulk asked, pointing his massive fingers at Iron Will. Juggernaut turned to look at Hulk and shrugged. Maybe he was a mutant?

“Now listen up! I am going to read your name, and answer here or not!” The blue one raised his right arm to point at the collected people and narrow his eyes.

“Victor Zangiev.” After a second of silence, everyone turned to look around at each other. Iron Will picked up his eyebrows. Was he reading this name right?

“Baaa,” a goat said.

“Oh... Sorry. Zangief?” Iron Will took a moment, reaching at his side to pull out a small pair of spectacle to put them on his large snout to read the clipboard better.

“Present, comrade Will,” spoke the hairy wrestler. “Zangief is stage name.”

“Ah... ok. Mike Haggar?”

“Here,” spoke the topless man, a single green strap around his muscled chest to hold his pants up. “And its Mayor Haggar!”

“Re-election year?” Iron Will asked, taking his glasses off to look back down at the mustached man.

“Actually, running for Senate office...”

“Moving on. Kratos?” Once more, he was greeted by silence. He looked around again, blinking. Looks like a no show. “Kratos?” He tried one more time, looking back at the clipboard. “Alright, guess he’s not here. Eddie Riggs?”

“Down here dude,” The ultimate Roadie said. He had his left hand up, waving a bit.

“Wait... Did you fix my tie? When did you get down?” Iron Will asked.

“I’m the ultimate roadie. Roadies are best never seen or heard...” Eddie said with a smile. Iron Will nodded in approval. This guy was a sidekick, letting others get the credit.

“Iron Will will apologize if he gets this name wrong... Rilo Hoe Shi?” The minotaur looked down at the crowd.

“No apologies. It is Re U Ho Shi,” The street fighter said to shake his head to the sides. Another potential candidate, this fellow was patient and understanding.

“Minsc?” Iron Will asked, hoping he got this name right.

“Oh, apologies. It’s supposed to read Boo, not Minsc...” The bald ranger said.

“Who is Boo?” Iron Will asked, lifting an eyebrow.

“Apologies, it is my giant miniature space hamster, the ONLY giant miniature space hamster in all the realms!” Minsc said. Everyone turned to look at the small rodent in the warrior’s fingers.

“You’re joking...”

“Ah no. But Boo wants me as his attendant, so its a two for one...” Minsc said. Iron Will frowned for a second, wanting to say something. But then again, two for one was a great deal. Plus, it meant less work for his goat bros. Next name on the list was... He narrowed at the name.

“Are you serious, the legendary hero Gilgamesh? The King of Heroes?” Iron Will asked, looking back to the clipboard.

“Ah, so you have heard of me...” The weapon collector smiled, crossing both arms on his chest.

“Where’s Enkidu?”

“Who?” Asked Gilgamesh.

“Dang, wrong Gilgamesh... Oh well. Hulk?” Gilgamesh frowned, but then turned to look at the giant green man that stood up straight.

“Hulk here.”

“Wow, even from up here you look tall. I like that, you got stage presence,” Will said to smile.

“Hulk want to pet goat...”

“Er...” Iron Will turned to look down at his attendants.


“Sound like yes to Hulk...” The giant walked over to a goat into his arms to pet it like a bunny. “Hulk call you Mr. Buttons.”

“Ok. Juggernaut?” Iron Will turned to look away from the green walking tank to look at the red walking tank.

“I’m the Juggernaut, bitch.”

“We do not talk like that around here! But I like your style.” Iron Will nodded. This guy had the height and build comparable to himself, and the guy’s red and maroon color made good contrast against his blue complexion. “Who is next. Scorpion?” The people collected on the pavilion floor looked around a second. After a few seconds, they finally found a man dressed in yellow and black clothes.

“Dude, can you talk?” Eddie asked. Scorpion took off his mask, revealing he had no lips or face. “That’s metal, man, and being a ninja and behind the scenes, I can totally relate to that.” The roadie gave him two thumbs up, while a few of the others gave mixed results from the sight. Oddly enough, none of them was fear- Even Ulysses was used to looking at ghouls.

“How did this guy get past screening?” Iron Will asked the goat at his side.


“Oh, you think I need a more mature and adult audience.” The minotaur picked up his eyebrows. True, he was manly. But there were markets like the goth, the emo, and others that he had yet to reach and help. This ninja may just help. “Hey, what kind of doctor are you, Dr. Doom?”

“Doom has had enough of this...” The metal man turned away from the others, moving his right hand to his green robe around his form. “Doom tired of this charade.” He sat down on this floating throne, letting his face rest on his right hand. The robotic seat then took off, going through the roof. Everyone turned to look up and watch as Dr. Doom was taken away.

“And where is he going?” Nappa asked. “We were in a fight! No one interrupts my fun!” Nappa flew up, following after Doom.

“What the hay... I thought only things with wings could fly. Now we got a metal man in a chair flying away, and we got a guy with a tail just...” Iron will stopped talking, trying to understand what magic Nappa used to fly with. “What was that bald dude’s name anyway?”

“Baaa...” A goat said, still being pet by the giant hand of the Hulk.

“So that was Nappa, guess that another one off the list. Alright then, uh- Another weird name. Ken- Shin?”

“Ah, you got this one’s name right, yes you did,” The red haired samurai said with a smile. He was standing next to Eddie Riggs, liking how this fellow also stood out of the limelight.

“Huh. Got that name right,” Iron Will said with a smile. He took a moment to study Kenshin. Hmm, a weapon, but he looked smaller compared to the other humans. Still, he had a gentle persona that wouldn’t overshadow his. “Almost done. I see only one other guy here, but two names. Are you Teal'c or Falcon?”

“Name’s Captain Falcon,” The man with the helmet said with a smile. He held out his right hand, holding his thumbs up as his white scarf waved with the wind.

“Why are you wearing a mask?” Iron Will asked with the right eyebrow raised. Only bad guys hid their face.

“To hide my identity to the public, of course,” The captain said.

“Correct this one if this one is wrong, but, would the point of a mask be pointless if no one knows who you are?” The masterless samurai asked. Eddie nodded along with him. “This one understands why the Scorpion wears a mask though.” Kenshin winced as the ninja put his mask back on.

“Well, moving on. The competition will be-” Iron Will was interrupted when the wall of the pavilion was broken through. Two bald but strong men were doing battle. The differences between the two men couldn’t be more apparent than night and day. One was the color of ash white, yelling at the top of his lungs as he tried to stab two thick swords into the other man, his skin dark like chocolate. “What the hell?”

Kratos and Teal’c were locked in mortal combat. Teal’c held unto the arms of Kratos, preventing him from stabbing his form.

“Finish Him!” Shouted Scorpion.

“Oh, now you talk?” Juggernaut asked the ninja. Scorpion shrugged. Kratos and Teal’c continued to fight, pushing along the pavilion floor and then make another hole in the opposite wall.

“There goes Iron Will’s deposit,” The blue minotaur said with a sigh. “If those guys come back, we can interview them later. As you all know, you are here because Iron Will is looking for a partner, and humans are the new hip thing.” He stopped, seeing if anyone else would leave now.

“Will we get paid?” Eddie asked, lifting his left hand up. He was a roadie after all, and he needed a gig that rocked hard or paid well.

“Of course! But Iron Will can only have one.” A few nodded at the answer.

“What about the rest of us that don’t get picked?” Asked Kenshin.

“You get sent home, no hard feelings, and no harm, no foul,” Iron Will said with a smile.

“And what do you need a champion for? And how do we get back home?” Captain Falcon asked. He could careless about the money. He was filthy rich from racing anyway.

“There is a war coming. A big one from what Iron Will has been told. So I need a partner that’s comparable to Iron Will,” The blue one said to look at the faces of those left behind. “As for how you get back home? This being of ultimate power will send you back home.” He turned and pointed at a yellow gold shield that had a slight shadow cast on it, giving the shield a slight smile. It hung from the podium Iron Will was standing behind.

“Ok, I can fight in the name of Justice. But you expect me to believe a shield can send us home?” Juggernaut asked. Kratos and Teal’c came back into the pavilion, still screaming at each other. A lighting bolt came out from the shield to blast the two men, separating the two. Kratos swords turned into flowers, while Teal’c was wearing an ice cream man uniform.

“Friendship. Friendship?” Scorpion asked.

“What foul trickery is this?” Kratos asked, looking at the sunflowers in his hands. The god of war snarled, lifting his head up to Iron Will and hold his right arm up. “Return me either to my home so I may extract my revenge on the gods, or back to Octavia!” Teal’c stayed quiet, smart enough that some powers were at work here.

“Octavia?” Iron Will asked. Did he know that pony? “Anyway, no can do. Its not up to me, but up to the judges. The judges are hidden for their own safety.”

“I’m a little confused,” Ulysses said. “But can we get this going then? Either I stay and fight in a war, or I get to go back home. We must stop wasting time.” A few murmurs were heard as others agreed. Kratos lowered his arms, defeated. All he had were sunflowers...

“Alright. The competition will be simple. You all will show off a talent and a personal quote, ideal, or motto. Then we judges discuss and pick a winner. Simple, right?” Iron Will asked to look around. “Alright, let’s get this started. If you can all take a seat, I will call you up by your names. You can talk a little about yourselves, but your point here is to display your talent. When you’re done, give me your motto or quote. Take a moment to think and rest while Iron Will comes down.”

The minotaur and the other would-be heroes moved towards the stairs to where the balcony was. “Alright, you guys have ten minutes to prepare for the competition. Dismissed!” Iron Will said, moving towards the stage. A table was set up in front of the stage for the judges no doubt.

“A motto and catch phrases, huh?” Captain Falcon asked. “I’m full of those!” His fist started to glow in a fiery hot aura as he started fist pumping. The racer was starting to fill his bloodstream with adrenaline.

“I think I used my only good one liner.” Juggernaut said as the Hulk and he entered the stage area. The Juggernaut was not one to make friends, but he was getting used to this guy. Hulk was the only guy here he knew other than Dr. Doom anyway.

“Hulk only needs one catch phrase.” The Hulk looked around for something to hit, so he could show off his catch phrase. “Hulk be back.”

“‘Enough expository banter!’ Nah, too overused... ‘Let’s fight like men!’ Hmm, maybe.” Gilgamesh had too many catch phrases already. How could he possibly choose?

“Do you have anything in mind, Boo?” The berserker asked. Boo merely squeaked. “Hmm, you’re right. That one would be our best choice, huh? It would be so much more simple if there was just some sort of evil villain to use the catchphrase on...” As Minsc said that, Nappa and Dr. Doom returned.

“Why can I not escape? I have had enough of this place and I’ve had enough of you!” The Doctor said, pointing at the huge saiyan. A laser beam came shooting right towards Nappa.

“Hahaha! You think that can best me, little man?” Nappa said, as he blocked the beam with his hand. “Like you can beat a Saiyan. Besides, everyone knows you can’t leave a planet without a space pod!”


Iron Will stood on top of the stage with a gun in his right hand, pointing towards the sky. “Ten minutes are up. Everyone get ready for stage and show Iron Will what you’re made of!” The minotaur jumped back to the ground, causing a small tremor, and then walked towards the table where the other judges awaited him.

The humans all shrugged and got on to the bottom of the stage, save for Hulk, who was still looking for something to dress up his new pet goat. Iron Will sat down on a fold out chair, taking place behind a table that had a white mantel on it for the judging panel. He was later joined by two others.

The first judge was a green unicorn with a dark brown, spiky mane that covered his blue eyes. He was big and bulky, but obviously not as fit as the minotaur. A dark sword was adorning his flank. The stallion flipped his mane out of his eyes and looked at Iron Will’s ‘champions.’ “Greetings and salutations,” He said in a deep voice, “Name’s sohadow_swordsman, but you can call me Sohadow, I guess. And with that, I bid you adieu.” The stallion then walked towards the judging table. Didn’t he mean ‘shadow’?

The second one was a tall black haired human, a dark blue cloak was concealing his body, and resting in his back was a quiver with arrows and a green bow. “Welcome everybody, the name’s Lyon, I'm anxious to see what you are capable.” He said, and after that, he took his seat on the judging panel.

“Alright... First up, Ulysses!”

“I ain’t got no talent to display...” The first victim to step up said, looking around a bit. He headed to the middle of the stage. A white spotlight was turned on, moving to have it rest over the man. His hair was set to the sides, in a dreadlock manner. From the look on his uniform, he was a soldier- Although his duster jacket had the sleeves ripped off. Various pouches and belts were tied around his form to hold supplies.

“Well, it looks like you are all set up to fight, so we’ll give you a pass on that. How about you show us your war face and a quote,” Iron Will said, leaning forward to look at the man. While the soldier lacked a personality, he was digging this guys blue circle and stars on his back. Made for a good marketable logo.

“There is no need for bombs, when hate will do,” Ulysses said, moving a hand to place his gas mask on. Not bothering to wait, he walked off the stage.

“Whoa, that was hardcore,” Iron Will said, a bit taken aback. Still, his job was to use hate, just not kill with it. “Mr. Victor- Oh wait, Zangief...”

“Yes, Zangief is better comrade,” The wrestler said with a smile. He walked up to the stage, a giant red cape around his form. When he got to the middle of the stage, he turned to look out at the judges, showing off an opened mouth grin to show his pearly whites. When the spotlight shined on him, the red cyclone moved his right arm out with a flourish to toss his Russian flag cloak off his form to raise both arms straight up into the air, holding both index fingers up.

“Hm... Good, good. Has some presentation. You are not new to the spotlight,” Iron Will said with a smile.

“Thank you giant blue bull minotaur,” Zangief said, lowering his arms down. “I am ze Red Cyclone! Don’t make me angry, or I’ll beat the crap out of you!” He lowered both arms down to strike a double bicep pose. “Sadly, I cannot display my talent, for I am wrestler...”

“That’s okay buddy, we need fighters for this war. You get a pass too,” Iron Will said with a smile. Zangief was a good candidate, it made for less time to training for public speaking. And those scars could give him a more manly appeal. “Mr. Haggar?” Zangief took a moment to collect his cape, turning to look at Haggar a moment, then walk off stage. The American ‘hrmph’ once and then too to the stage.

“You have the speed, power, and smarts to take down anyone- But me. Why? It’s all about experience!” Mike Haggar said, turning to face the front. The spotlight hit him, and the mayor moved his hands to rip off his shirt and tie, leaving him in green suspenders to expose his muscles. “Don’t mess with the Mayor!”

“Nice, having an older partner will lend my image some experience... Is this your talent?” Iron Will asked, looking down at the picture handed to him from a goat. It was Mike, Pile Driving a giant white shark.

“Ah, I see you got my press release photo.Yeah, I used to be a wrestler, but I am the Mayor of Metro City. Don't let politics fool you, I still step up to the challenge when its needed,” Haggar said to hold a lead pipe over his shoulders. “They also call me Mr. Fullswing.” Iron Will nodded, this guy had more than a few things good with him.

“Umm, I think we are all here, so, Kratos, can you take to the stage?” Iron Will asked. As the man in suspenders walked off the stage, the ash covered human walked up to the stage and looked at the spotlight. The spartan frowned when the spotlight landed over his eyes.

“I, Kratos, the God of War, feed the Blades of Chaos with blood orbs of your souls!” Kratos shouted out. The dandelions in his hands turned back into the familiar chain blades. Kratos lifted his weapons up to inspect them. The fastest he finished this, the better. He released the blade to the air and begun to spin them from the chains. The weapons, once unleashed, were enveloped in flames.

“Whoa...” Iron Will said, looking at the light show. To finish, Kratos drove both of his weapons to the ground in front of the judges, making lava split up into the ground. It soon vanished, as the Spartan took his weapons back.

“I am not here for your amusement, nor pleasure. But if this means I can keep Octavia out of the fight, so be it,” Kratos said with a snarl to walk off stage. Iron Will nodded, his mouth open a bit. That guy may be too hardcore, but for a war he may work out. God of War...

“Eddie, you’re-” Once more, Iron Will looked down to see something blink. Three glasses were filled with water for the judges. The long black haired metal fan was standing on stage, smiling down at the judges.

“Say no more. I’m not what you would call a hero type. But I will do what I have to for the gig and make it come out right,” Eddie said, crossing his arms on his chest. Iron WIll took a moment to study the man in the vest and jeans.

“That guitar on your back a talent?” Iron Will asked, bit curious now that he could finally inspect the man.

“Oh, you mean Clementine? Here, let me show you...” Eddie said. With a rapid flair of his left arm, he drew out his axe guitar to spin in front of himself. He turned into his devil form, making the stage glow and speakers pop out of nowhere. Two giant bat wings flared out as his skin turned red. He started to wail on the instrument, creating the sound of sweet metal. “Oh mighty sun, burn the creatures of the night from this land while I enjoy coffee and bacon!” Eddie cried out to jump into the air and land in a kneeling position to make pyrotechnics explode.

“Whoa dude...” Iron Will sat straight. That came out from nowhere... Transformations were cool with kids, he could rock, and he did menial chores? And he didn’t want to be in the spotlight? This Eddie had a lot of things going for him. “Dude, style. Ryu, you’re up.”

Eddie grinned and turned back to human to step off the stage and let the street fighter walk on. Ryu looked around as the spotlight hit him.

“I am not sure why I am here, but I have one mission in life. I fight to find meaning in strength, and strive to get stronger. Whatever you find worthwhile in life, is worth fighting for!” Ryu said, lifting his right hand to make a fist and give a determined face. He stood to his side, drawing both hands to his side.

“Dude, if you are going to do a Kamehameha-” Iron Will raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised by what Ryu was going to do. The young man begun to gather small white and blue lights into his palms. The fighter gritted his teeth a bit to narrow his eyes to bring his arms forward and point the gathering ball of light ahead.

“Shinku Hadoken!” Ryu shouted, sending his fireball forward to destroy the stage wall. A large gaping hole was left in the wall, a small gray smoke floating in its wake. Eddie looked through the hole, and put up some drywall to fix the hole.

“Impressive... Uh, Minsc?” Iron Will asked, looking at the hamster and his attendant. That was crazy, these fighter dudes had magical powers.

"We're up, Boo. Time to show this creature who the best berserker in all of Rashemen is!" The giant ranger walked up to the stage with a bag in his hands.

"I wonder what he has there?" Iron Will asked. Better not be a purse. Definitely not manly. Minsc opened the bag and pulled out a giant claymore, a two handed sword. Iron Will's jaw dropped. "What on Equestria is that beauty?"

"This is Gram, the Sword of Grief, one of my most powerful weapons." It technically wasn't his though. A certain child of Bhaal had let him borrow it. He knew it was better off in Minsc's hands anyway. "Go for the eyes, Boo, go for the eyes! RrraaaAAGHGHH!!!!" The berserker began to charge towards Iron Will and the rest of the judges.

"Oh, shit." The minotaur said as he and the other two judges attempted to get out of the man's way, however Minsc jumped into the air and struck Iron Will, ensuring he wouldn’t get away.

“OW!” Iron Will yelled. That really did hurt. Not that he would admit it out loud. The ranger left a giant gash on Iron Will’s chest. Blood started to gush out. It looked painful. Iron Will looked down at the wound Minsc left him with and just smiled.

“Now that’s power. THAT is stren--argh!” The minotaur’s hands went straight for the wound. He tried to get up, but found it rather difficult.

“Hold still a moment, creature.” Minsc said. He got down and joined Iron Will on the ground. He placed Gram next to him and put his hands near Will’s wounds. A bluish aura surrounded the wound, healing it. “I can heal as well as kill. Useful, isn’t it? If you choose me and Boo to be your partners, you need only point and I’ll punch. Boo will...” Minsc raised an eyebrow, wondering where his hamster went.

Boo was lapping the water out of Sohadow’s glass. “LOL” The stallion said.

After Minsc finished healing Iron Will, the two got back up and shook hands. This guy is definitely manly. He’s got potential. Minsc put his sword back into the Bag of Holding. “Boo! Where are you?” The small rodent looked up and ran towards his chaotic master. “Ah, there you are. I hope you’re ready to fight some evil, because we might have a shot! Butt kicking for goodness!” The Rasheman yelled. Boo squeaked in response. The two then left to join the others.

“We are going to be here awhile guys. Lets see, who is next... Ah, Gilgamesh,” The minotaur said. Gilgamesh stood in the center of the stage when the spotlight hit on him. The kabuki colored warrior raised his head and spread out his arms in a slow circle to spread out from his sides. He held a sword, a spear, a gun, an axe, a crossbow, and a dagger in each hand. Balancing on his left leg, the warrior smiled and begun to spin in place.

“Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! For Gilgamesh, it’s morphing time!” He shouted, spinning each weapon in his hands and then dance a bit from side to side as a Japanese drum played a beat for him. “I am a warrior that resists the hold of the Rift and Beyond!” To finish, he brought both legs to stomp the ground and hold out his weapons to point to the directions of the wind and spin his neck in a circle.

“Flashy, I think you can use those weapons too. You got some style, man...” Will said with a nod. It wasn’t much, but at least he put on a show better than Ulysses or the others. Gilgamesh smiled a bit at the praise. Least, someone was complimenting on his charisma, rather than his warrior prowess or his thirst for battle. He walked off stage, letting the Hulk step up.

“You’re Hulk, right? Show us what you got,” Iron Will said, expecting a lot from the green behemoth. The Hulk nodded, then put down the goat he had been petting. He then walked over to a chalkboard and wrote this in chalk:

“Answer ,” Hulk said. He took a moment to look back, making sure everyone saw. Clearly, no one saw what Hulk was up to. “HULK SMASH!” The green berzerker said, moving to destroy the blackboard. He then picked up Mr. Buttons and walked off stage.

“Dude, was that like, magic runes or something?” Iron Will asked a goat.

“BAA, BAA, BAA,” a goat replied.

“That was math?! Whoa... Juggernaut,” Iron Will said, moving a hand to the left side of his head to make his brain stop hurting. The other red giant walked on stage slowly, also holding the side of his helmet.

“Oh man, nothing can hurt the Juggernaut- But that hurt a lot!” Cain complained, frowning at the physics question. Just seeing The Hulk writing that gave him a migraine. The villain shook his head to the sides and then moved to face the judges. “I’m the Juggernaut! Ain’t nothin’ and nobody that can beat me!” He moved to pick up a piano and then set it on stage. He then sat down and started to play the instrument.

He almost looked like Schroeder, the kid from Peanuts that always played on his tiny toy piano.

The blue one turned to look at the other judges a second and then shrug. He did say talent. When Juggernaut finished, he moved the piano back and walked off stage. “Uh, ok. Scorpion...” The yellow ninja walked up to the stage, staying quiet to look around. “You know what to do.”

“Get over here!” Scorpion yelled out, throwing his right arm out to send his harpoon out to grab the spotlight and put it on himself. Without wasting a beat, the hell ninja begun to teleport from side to side with aerial fists. One second an empty silhouette of his form existed before he would appear from the opposite side. After a few flashes, Scorpion landed on the ground to look at Iron Will behind white eyes. “Vengeance shall be mine!”

“Not against Iron Will I hope...” The minotaur said. He frowned and looked to the next competitor. “Doom?” They all turned to look at the metal man sitting in his floating throne. The dictator floated over to the center of the stage to look at them all.

“Dr. Doom, Doom has had much doctorates. Doom is the sovereign leader of Latveria. Doom conquerors zombies, the Fantastic Four, even hell itself. Doom is supreme!” Doom said, raising his right arm from the armrest to make a fists and make light shine out as he gathered his power into his fingers. “Doom has nothing to prove, nor reason to answer to you all!” He cried out, lifting his hand into the air and dispersed the gathering energy to float off stage.

“What a tool,” Iron Will said. “Who talks in third person like that?” The goats, several champions, and the judges turned to look at the minotaur- Almost as if asking ‘really’ with their eyes. “Kenshin?”

“Yes, this one is ready,” The red haired samurai said with his eyes closed to walk on stage. The red haired samurai slipped his hands into his sleeves, humming a low tune. “I do not have many quotes, but I do have a life mission: To never kill again,” Kenshin said as he lost his smile. The fun loving face was replaced with a serious look as he opened his eyes to narrow them. He drew his sword out, revealing a reverse katana- It meant the normal sharp end was reversed with the blunt side.

“Not kill again?” Iron Will asked, lifting his left eyebrow.

“Oh yes. This one’s youth was wasted working for the government as a manslayer, a killer...” The young human said, both eyes closed to the memory. “I now dedicate my sword to save lives. But do not worry, this unworthy one can still fight.” He drew his sword to switch the blade to the sharp end and in the other, he held a potato. He threw the potato in the air and then swung his sword quickly. The potato split in half, landing on the floor with a thud.

“What was that for?” Iron Will asked to lean forward a bit. “Anyone with a knife can-” The minotaur raised both eyebrows though, as Kenshin moved. The samurai bent down to pick up the potato and put both sides back together. He then tossed the root at the minotaur. Iron Will caught the thing, expecting it to split apart. But it looked as if it had never been cut.

“This one has talent with blades,” He said with a smile to walk off stage.

“How in the...” Iron Will asked, raising his eyebrows at the potato. Well, while this guy was small, there was no denying he was hiding some skills. It could also help with the female demographic and some children with his sword act. “Next...”

“How’d he do that?” Nappa asked, floating over to the stage and landing on it. The huge bald man moved both arms to cross on his chest. “I mean, he should be in carnivals!” Nappa said as the spotlight hit him. “I’m Nappa, an elite saiyan warrior...” He took a moment to look back at Iron Will.

“Hey Iron Will...”

“What?” The minotaur asked.

“I can fly...” Nappa said, his eyes open a bit, surprising himself.

“Celestia dammit Nappa,” Iron Will said. Still, the big guy could fly, and he could do all those laser things Dr. Doom could. Also, he was manly with the lack of hair. Would make a good compliment, since Nappa has a mustache, while he himself had a goatee. Nappa took off, trying to find Kenshin and asked how he’d do that. “Captain Falcon...”

“Captain Falcon’s the name, racing’s the game,” Falcon said to land on the stage with a jump. The masked helmet racer raised his right hand up to give a thumbs up, his white scarf floating a bit against the unseen breeze. “Show me your moves!”

“What? No! The point was you show Iron Will your moves!”

“Not a problem citizen,” The captain said. He made a fist with his right hand to bend a bit at his knees. The purple suited fellow drew his arm into his chest a bit, gathering the power into his fists of justice. A purple flame started to visibly manifest, getting bigger and brighter with time. “FALCON PUNCH!” The captain shouted, drawing his arm forward to throw his fist forward. The air itself was cut, the pressure of the attack moved back by the flames.

“Not bad. Not bad captain...” Iron Will said with a smile. While not as flashy as the others, at least he did something with his fists. “And the last guy. Teal’c?”

“Indeed, you come close, large one,” The black skinned Jaffa said. The warrior walked up to the stage and looked at everyone. He was dressed in a black shirt and combat gear resembling Ulysses. But that symbol on the forehead made Iron Will wonder. “I am a soldier, but poses no super powers like the others. As you humans say, “Best to be judged by what is viewed in person, than to be judged but what is heard,” Teal’c joked.

“Um, I think you mean ‘best seen, not heard...’ I think,” Iron Will asked to raise an eyebrow. Was this guy doing a stand up act? “But you can get a pass, as we need fighters. How committed are you?”

“Indeed. Undomesticated equines could not remove me...” Teal’c said with a smile.

“Funny you mention that...” Iron Will said with a smile.

Chapter Notes: Sorry if I didn’t get all of the suggestions, I just grabbed the first ones I saw and started writing. Didn’t mean to snub anyone of you. Round One of judging over.

Side Story written in collaboration and proofreaded by LyonAzakura and sohadow_swordsman.

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