• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Prelude to Chaos

Chapter 57- Prelude to Chaos

“Hats!” Spy screamed out, both hands to the sides of his head and look at all the western apparel. While these kinds of hats were more of Engineer's taste- He didn’t give a damn. All he had to go on, was the fedora Zecora got him. The other humans also got clothes. Phoenix didn’t want to get his suit messed up- Figured he’d get dirty in a Rodeo. Ralf wanted to look less intimidating. Sephiroth definitely needed to stop wearing black or he would suffer heatstroke.

Meanwhile, back at the Sheriff’s office, Vash and Braeburn were sitting outside while they waited for the other humans to get back. Little Strongheart had gone ahead and given a small tour to the mares that had never been to Appleloosa. The Sheriff gave one to the males so that time was saved and also had a layout of the land. They still needed Toph to finish her conversation with Sokka.

“Hey Vash?” Braeburn said, turning to look at his now human... Partner.

“Yeah Burn?”

“So a stallion friend of mine...”

“Yes?” Vash raised an eyebrow, wondering his partner suspected that the stallion was a Changeling in disguise.

“He was being really friendly. And Ah reckon he was courtin’ me, thinking Ah were gay!”

“Ahem, so uh... Why are you telling me this?” Vash was now confused.

“Woah there! Ya don’t have ta get so defensive there partner,” Braeburn said to frown a bit.

“Why would I care that you met a gay pony?” The human plant asked, as he moved his hands to rest on his lap to cross his left leg on his right.

“Oh, Ah didn’t mean ta ruffle any feathers Vash. Didn’t mean anything by it. Just thought we should talk ‘bout it.”

“Braeburn stop talking!” Vash raised both hands to his face, not sure what brought this line of conversation up.

“Yeah but...”

“Over!” Vash said, frowning a bit to hold up both hands to cross in front of each other and then split them apart.

“Well, Ok. But just so you know- If you were gay, that’d be ok. Ah reckon I’d still like ya anyway. Cause if it were me, I’d feel free to say Ah was gay. But Ah’m not gay”

“Why are you doing this to me?” Vash moved a hand up to cover his eyes.

“Just wanted to make things clear. Ya seen how them mares were with their partners, right?”

“I’m pretty sure not all of them were a couple!” Vash said to lift his hands out his hands and look at Braeburn.

“Look Vash, just saying its ok if ya gay. I’m just, not-” Braeburn stopped talking, turning to look at Little Strongheart returned with the mares. Lyra turned to look between the two males.

“I hear ya Vash. I’m not gay either,” Lyra said to shut both eyes and sigh. She walked up to Vash and place a hoof on his shoulder.

“I mean, just because I cry? Sure, I’m open with my emotions, but it doesn’t make me gay!” Vash said to start crying again.

“I know, other ponies think I’m gay because I always hang out with Bon Bon...” Lyra said to run her hoof over Vash’s hair.

“You’re not gay?” Braeburn and Rainbow Dash asked Vash and Lyra respectively.

Both Vash and Lyra frowned at them.

“Calling the kettle black, pot?” Cherilee asked in a droll voice.

“Actually, I’m bi-” Lyra started to say, turning her head to look over at the direction of tall figures walking. “I take that back... I think I’m straight now.” She raised a hoof to point out as the rest of Team Appleloosa came back to the sheriff office.

“Lady Lyra,” Sephiroth said to bow his head. Finally out of black, the Cetra was now dressed his black pants, but wore a loose blue shirt. He refused to button up his shirt though, leaving his chest bare like he was used to. But his long hair was combed a bit and tied at a ponytail from the base of his neck. “Is this acceptable?” Unable to hide his black wing, it stretched out once to flap and then rest behind his back.

“And how!” Lyra shouted, lifting her head to walk around her knight. “Nice to see you out of black!”

“This vest feels too tight...” Phoenix said to frown a bit. He managed to find a vest the stallions of Appleloosa wore that would fit him, but it was a bit tight. While not as muscular as Ralf, he was thicker than Spy. The blue vest was buttoned up, keeping his short tie pressed against his chest and from flapping outside his shirt. The material of the vest clung like a second skin, giving his body a muscular frame that was normally hidden from view. He also had a pair of gloves- Though that was more to fit in with his troops. Sephiroth, Ralf, and Spy wore gloves. “Maybe I should wear the vest unbuttoned...”


“Huh?” Phoenix picked up his head to look at Rainbow Dash, her wings flaring up again.

“Leave it... It looks soooo good,” She admitted to walk over to look at him. The Element of Loyalty didn’t bother to hide her feelings now. While she had seen him when he was asleep, with his silly hair covered up by the fedora hat and that vest gave him at least a 20 percent more sex appeal. And while the hat was a bit of the classic look, it covered his eyes a bit to give him a mysterious factor.

“Umm... Rainbow Dash? Your wings are flaring up there,” Phoenix moved a gloved hand to cough into it. He had tried to go for that whole “Old West Bartender” look, even wearing those arm belts around his arms to make the sleeves on his from getting loose. The lawyer had unwittingly given himself a 1920’s Chicago mobster style look.

“Hnn? Oh. Don't worry about it,” Rainbow Dash said to frown. Horsefeathers! Why was she the only pegasus?! Traitorous wings! But damn, Phoenix never looked so good dressed up from head to toe. Why was it when ponies were naked all day long it didn’t matter, but when one was dressed- It was sexier?!

“What’s with them?” Ralf asked, left eyebrow raised. Unlike the others, he went for a red flannel shirt. Off was his vest and combat gear, leaving him in just his pants and gloves. The headband was tied around his neck, and he wore a light brown stetson hat.

“I dunno. You’d think they’d never seen a well dressed male before,” Cherilee said to lift her own right eyebrow. “Its nice to see you in something other than the tacky olive colors. Where’d you get the clothes?”

“You know, that’s the funny part. I thought I wasn’t going to find anything my size either. As it turns out, the minotaurs been here for a few days. One of their team mates have been busy making clothes for the rodeo,” Ralf said to rub his fingerless gloves over the flannel. Bit itchy, but it was nice to get out of his old clothes. “So he sold us some of their extra. Even got some for the guys on the other locations”

“That was thoughtful of you. Come along now Ralf, I want to try to get you to enter the kissing booth,” Cherilee said to smile up at him.

“Say what now?” Ralf asked.

“Oh don’t worry. I plan to buy the hour’s worth. This way, I get you all to myself and you will not escape me,” The teacher said to close her eyes.

“You’re joking, right?” Ralf lowered his head to ask.

“Of course! Like I have to pay you to be mine for an hour...” Ralf frowned at her response. She must be getting back at him for that horse eating comment.

“Amateurs,” Spy said to roll his eyes at them. He wore a western style dress shirt, black on the shoulders. He kept his blue tie, but changed his belt to give it a large western belt buckle. While not one for Engineer’s activities, this Frenchman was a fan of all kinds of the dance arts. Even Square dancing. Zecora nodded, but was pleasantly surprised when spy placed a yellow bonnet around her mane. “For you, ma petite fleur.” She blushed, knowing why he picked yellow. Spy was the only one thoughtful enough to pick a gift.

“Yer were saying?” Braeburn asked, turning to look back at Vash.

“So I was wrong about the ponies! I’m still not gay,” The humanoid typhoon said to sigh. At this point, Toph opened the door to “look” around as it were.

“You guys ready? What’s the game plan?” Toph asked, oblivious to the current conversations. She was too happy, a great relief made her whole body feel giddy. She took a second to tilt her head to the side. Which one which one.. And there he was. Toph walked over to Phoenix, lifting her left hand to place the octo-phone in the once lawyer’s hand.

“We mostly got the events of the Rodeo settled out. Thanks,” Phoenix said, bit surprised the blind teen could make him out so easily. He put the phone away to face the team. “Its gonna be hard, but we are not here to win. We just need to compete, but look like we tried hard. Vash, you got the lasso event.”

“Why me?” Vash asked, moving to stand up.

“Can you handle a lasso?”

“Well, been a while. Used a lasso a lot when I was around 110. But that was years ago,” Vash said to frown. “Maybe I could- And, why is everyone looking at me like that?”

“Dude, how old are you?” Ralf asked. This guy looked younger than Phoenix!

“Did I say 110? I meant 32...” Vash said to shut his eyes and smile.

“I may not be the Element of Honesty, but even Ah can spot a liar,” Braeburn said to frown. He was just teasing about the gay thing, but that was a clear cut lie.

“I’ll do the lasso,” Vash said to sigh. He blamed the slip of the tongue to the seemingly increasing levels of fantastic his life was going through. He may as well come out clean. “I stopped counting after 150...”

Braeburn’s mouth fell open. He was partner to a feller that could have been very well around when Ponyville was first started. Toph tilted her head to the side. King Boomi and Aang were over 100... The rest of the humans and mare raised their eyebrows at Vash.

“Ralf will do the mud wrestling,” Phoenix said to get them out of their stupor. Seriously? Was Vash even human? Ralf raised a hand to smile when his named was mentioned. “Sephiroth has the racing event.” The long haired Cetra nodded. “And I’m the alternate. Lets face it, I’m just a disbarred lawyer.”

“Come off it Phoenix. You're the commander for this team. Can’t let you get hurt, and we need you alert in case something happens with the investigation,” Ralf said to place a hand on the team leader’s shoulder.

“Ralf speaks truth. As a lawyer, you should have more experience with investigation compared to us,” Sephiroth added. Toph and Vash stayed quiet, listening to the other humans. While they were introduced, they knew little about the other human personalities. The way they all cared for the Element of Hope gave Vash some reassurance, these humans were not like the ones he was used to.

“Enough stalling! We got some events to win!” Rainbow Dash said to grin. “Let’s do this.”

“I’m glad ya’ll set to go. But ya got yer presentation ready?” Sheriff SIlver Star said to step out to look up at Phoenix.


“Yeah. At the rodeo, you’ll be introducing yerselves to da crowd. Since its the first time we do this, we’d figured let the teams do their own little thing.”

“Sounds like ze Olympics...” Spy said to lift his eyebrows. “It may as well be, with so many entering.”

“I think I got this one,” Ralf said to smile. “Who can play guitar?”

“I can,” Rainbow Dash said to lift her hoof and smile.

“Alright, while the other compete, I’m going to teach ya a song.”


Otacon made his way up the tunnel, to go meet up with what he thought was the changeling courier. Snake just spotted an albatross flying in the air, so Trixie and he took inside to hide. Luckily, Otacon’s leg was good as new. Each step he took didn’t bother him at all, even without the wrappings. The scientific engineer had to raise his left hand over his eyes as he walked out of the mountain to block out the sun.

“Champion,” The albatross said to land on the ground. It changed its shape to restore itself to the form of a changeling. “Our King will be pleased that you made it to the Diamond Dogs. How did you know I would arrive this morning?”

“Ah, well, I received the letter King Aurelius left with the canines. I wrote a letter to respond. I’m afraid I barely arrived yesterday, so I had not much time to prepare anything yet,” Otacon said to lower his arm and look at the changeling. “Are you Spy Beta?”

“Doctor Otacon...” The changeling said, lifting his eyebrows up. “It is as you say. How did you recognize me?” The changeling was thrown a bit back- for a long time he was nameless until Otacon gave him “Beta.” He was the same changeling that cared for Otacon while he was unconscious, and also the one that acted as the human’s pillow.

“You act as if its hard to tell friends apart,” The doctor said to smile. Actually, it was the changeling’s voice that gave it away. “Do you have a new letter for me?”

“No, I was sent to just to confirm you arrived safely. When we traced your steps, we found blood and feared the worst. There were many tracks on the floor...” Beta said to lower his head at the ground.

“Yes, the guards sent to escort us died to let me live. Only one made it to guide me here,” Otacon said to remember back to that day. It still made him sad, they died in such a brutal way. Snake and Trixie stayed against the tunnel wall, listening to the conversation. Snake moved to take off Trixie’s hat and cape and nudge her to walk out. Trixie frowned a little, but then walked out. Otacon may need help to pull off the lie, and Trixie was better at it than other ponies.

“Who-” Beta raised his head to turn to look at Trixie as she walked out. “Ah... I see,” The Changeling said to snarl. Why did the pony live while his hivemates die? Otacon moved his left arm out to block Trixie from view.

“Its not her fault. She was carrying the supplies we need. If she died or the supplies got damaged, the others would have died in vain...” Otacon said to narrow his eyes at Beta. “If she died, it would have set our plan back for days.” Afraid that things would turn ugly, Snake turned on his Octocamo to turn invisible and walk slowly out to hold his M-9 ready.

“I.... I understand,” Beta said, having troubles to coming to grips with a self identity. Still, he lowered his snarl to look back at Otacon. He was right. Best leave the thinking to the strategist anyway.

“I have a letter for King Aurelius. Take it to him, and I hope to see you again soon. Can I ask how long it took you to get here?” Otacon asked to get some info out. In reality, Otacon’s face looked nervous. He was starting to sweat a bit.

“I shall deliver this to the king. It took less than two days. If the King can respond, he will send a letter immediately. Seeing as the other changelings are gone, we must send you more guards. Exuvia the Sage wishes to meet with you personally.”

“Sage?” Otacon asked, tilting his head to the side. Trixie also picked up her eyebrows, though to notice Otacon’s nervousness. She used her magic to give the doctor a nudge to try and snap him out of it. The human frowned a bit, but moved to wipe the sweat from his skin.

“One of the Generals. She is to pass down the sash of the sage to you, and give up her position as a general to you. Exuvia will be your personal assistant, and teach you in our ways while you teach her your own,” Beta said to nod. He was told that much at least. “She was to come the moment your safety was confirmed.”

“I see. Thank you. Do you need to rest or eat before you head out?” Otacon moved his right hand out to rest on Beta’s head. Trixie and Snake both moved a hand and hoof to hit themselves in the middle of their heads.

“No Champion. I must return and give our king the good news you are alright. He had been very anxious for your well being.” Beta bowed his head and took the letter. Changing back into an Albatross, the changeling took up into the air. Beta took a second to look back at Otacon, touched by how... Well, by how- Not a total douchebag this General was. Compared to the others at least. “I- I am glad to see you alright as well.”

“I’m sorry I worried King Aurelius,” Otacon said to lift his head up to look at the changeling take to the air. He raised his left hand up to wave as the bird flew away.

“Cutting it close, aren’t you Otacon?” Snake said as he walked out of the cave entrance.

“Yes. Good thing I came out to help you. Why were you so nervous?” Trixie asked. “It was a simple give the letter and find out things. Must you be so..” Trixie took a second to think. “Yourself? There was no need to care so much for this Beta. Did you forget they eat emotions? Would you offer him to eat yours?”

“I think Otacon did the right thing,” Twilight Sparkle said as she walked out as well. Her unicorn horn was glowing, casting a purple hue over her ears. “If he acted any different than himself, I think Beta would have suspected something. Beside, it went alright.”

“How did hear all that? You were nowhere close enough for me to sense you,” Snake asked. Though there have been a few times where he’s gotten caught unawares. If it had not been for Otacon’s warning in an elevator once- Snake could have very likely died in an ambush by invisible agents. Had he’d been too worried by Otacon’s act?

“Well, I do know magic Mr. Snake. I used a spell to increase my hearing and make less noise. While I trust Otacon, I was worried about his welfare,” Twilight said to step into the sunlight and wince a bit. “In fact, we all were.” Twilight turned her head, showing off the Diamond Dogs, Samus, and Big Mac walking slowly out.

“I see,” Snake said to lower his optical camouflage and gun. “I’m glad to know we had backup at least.”

“I vowed not to let Otacon get hurt again. I’ve been neglectful of my duties as of late, but I don’t intend to make that mistake again,” Twilight said to move her mane and head to rub against Otacon’s side.

“Can we go now? We are lucky the funeral pyre was not inquired about,” Trixie said. She didn’t want to stay in that tunnel again. Last night, Snake and herself had slept with the Diamond Dogs to keep warm. Snake was used to sleeping with dogs, but Trixie had no intention of doing that again.

“Actually...” Otacon said to shake his head to the sides. “I think we just ran into a hitch...”

“Say what now?” Big Mac said to push past the canines. “The town’s short hoofed.”

“Well... Actually I think its alright if we go back to Ponyville for a day. They did say it would take about two days to get back,” Otacon said to smile and look at the others.

“But what’s your concern?” Twilight asked, moving her head away from Otacon to look up.

“We can talk while walking. Boys?” Snake said to look at the Diamond Dogs. The canines nodded, moving to grab Team Espionage supplies from the tunnels to head out. They also didn’t want to leave their trusty mining equipment behind. Snake smile at the dogs, liking them once he got past their ape resemblance. “This is about that Exuvia...”

“Snake’s right. Now that they know I’m alright, they will send an actual General. None of us has yet to meet one. It could provide an opportunity,” Otacon said to move a hand out to pet Twilight, smiling she had his back. “If the others come up empty, Exuvia will be our only chance to find the changelings. We could even capture her and get more info than just the location- Like battle plans and enemy numbers.”

“But this would mean returning here. But we’d better prepare- he also mentioned more guards also,” Samus said to turn her visor.

“Urgh, not keen on the idea of returning to this cold place. Trixie’s had enough of rocks.” Snake let this one slide. He hate missions that involved waiting on rocks too.

“Well, we won't have to. If we can get info from the other teams, we can skip this and catch them unprepared. But there is also another opportunity. We can feed false info to the opposite team through Exuvia,” Otacon said to smile. “And the last option- True peace. We can learn through this general, and maybe even set up a peace treaty. I would like for both sides to see things end with a peaceful resolution.”

“Hmm...” Twilight lowered her head. Otacon had a point. No one had come up with a single idea or suggestion for peace until this point. “Things would be nicer if no one had to get hurt.” She raised her head to smile at her champion. Who would have thought? The Element of Science would think of peace, instead of an Element of Harmony or the other Elements of Change. She was glad once more Otacon was her partner, and not Dan. She had enough of him. Always calling her “Pet Chris.”

“Otacon makes a point. If there’s a chance for peace. We must take it. Isn’t peace the whole desired outcome after a war anyway? The idea of a peaceful resolution is worth dying for. We would have a chance to die in a war anyway,” Snake said. The whole Shadow Moses incident was nothing but his life and of the hostages on the line to keep peace instead of letting a war out.

“We have the things. Let’s go!” Red Rover said to smile. They were returning with the supplies in tow, along with more gems on carts. “We all want the smell of death out of our noses.”

“Ah second that,” Big Mac said to lead the way back to Ponyville.


“Are you serious?” Spy asked, lifting the dart with the red plastic end on it. Apparently, the target games were darts, shooting high speed water at a target, or ring toss. The Spy sighed. Why couldn’t he use guns?

“I would love a prize. Those dolls look divine,” Zecora said to lift her head up. She had hoped to see more zebras at an international rodeo, but no such luck. Spy nodded and placed a few bits on the counter. He grabbed some darts, three shots per round. He turned his back to the target and simply tossed the darts behind himself. Not bothering to look back, he raised his right hand to point at a zebra doll plushie.

The female pony running the dart stand had her mouth open, as all the darts hit the center of each target. The ox he had been competing against also had his mouth open. Zecora turned to look at the others competing, bit surprised none of the others had hid the bulls-eye. The yellow earth pony in a blue bonnet nodded and handed Zecora the zebra doll.

“Blue Spy... Wins,” Blue Bonnet said to hand the blue ribbon to the human as well.

“But of course,” Spy said as he took his ribbon to wear. One down.

Over at the pie eating contest, Ralf and a gray minotaur named Silver Plate had their arms tied behind their backs. It was to make it fair, the other Equestrians participating in the pie eating contest didn’t have hands or arms to use.

“Ready, Go!” Sheriff Silver Star said to lift his pop gun and signal the start of the pie eating contest. The animals picked up their heads, disgusted by the display the human set as he dug into the pies.

“More whip cream!” Ralf cried out as he moved his teeth up and down to nom nom nom the pie plates presented to his seat.

“Is he inhaling the pies?”

“I think he’s eating like a pig”

“No, I think it resembles a duck. At least pigs chew.”

“Oh Ralf...” Cherilee said, lowering her head to blush and hope no one associated him with her. He moved to get a bonnet to put on and hide herself while the others finally decided to join the pie eating to not get left behind.

On the other side of the fair, Phoenix and Rainbow Dash went to check in on Cooking Mama and Donut Joe. While he wanted to get in close and speak with them, their stall that sold donuts was overrun. With Vash kicking and pushing animals back.

“Back you heathens! These donuts are mine!” Vash cried out.

“Yes, yes, yes! Soon, all of Equestria will be ours! First Appleloosa, then Ponyville! No pony will resist our delicious donuts!” Donut Joe cried out, his hooves up as he laughed maniacally. Cooking Mama had her arms in fists up, fires burning in her eyes. “Even humans are helpless against flavor of this magnitude!”

“Mama will make more donuts!” The woman smiled and walked out of view, glad so many enjoyed her cooking.

“Ah, I love that woman,” Donut Joe said to lean on the counter and watch her walk off as Bits fell inside his cash box. Phoenix raised his eyebrows, but it was a bit hard with his new hat on. Rainbow Dash flew in, butting heads with others to get a hold on one of these magically delicious donuts.

Sephiroth and Lyra walked around town, looking for the competition. They’d figured studying the other competitors and trying to get some info for the team would be good. Unfortunately, a large population of females followed them. Mostly it was due to the one-winged angel.

“We should enter you in the kissing booth...” Lyra said to look behind at the fanponies assembling. Sephiroth said nothing, as a few male ox and minotaurs winked at him.

“Let’s...” Sephiroth stopped talking, picking up his head to see other creatures flying overhead. “Are those competitors?”

“Griffons,” Lyra said to look up. “And I think the one leading their team is Gilda.” Lyra turned to look back down at the name of the rodeo competitors. Only Team Appleloosa was not in there, as their name was changed to “Team Canterlot” on the program. There was a team Griffon on the brochure.

“It seems that searching now would be pointless. Let us return to the others,” Sephiroth said. Even with one wing, he wasn’t sure how well he could still fly. From the notes Otacon took, changelings could not change into griffons. Too big in comparative to body size, and wingspan was also much longer than a pegasi. If Changelings were competing, it would be donkeys or ponies in Appleloosa already.


“Are you telling the truth?” Travis yelled out, his face up in the grill of a changeling. Travis even went so far to grab the changelings horn and moved the tip it draw a bit of blood from his own forehead. The changeling had its mouth opened in horror as blood fell down Travis’ face.

“I swear its true! We travel and hide underground! Stop! You sick freak!”

“No one calls my Knight a freak!” Princess Luna cried out. Thunder roared as he voice was projected, stomping the crystal floor. Travis frowned though, as that sounded more like Princess Luna instead of Nightmare Moon.

“You’d better be right!” Travis yelled out to toss the changeling back in its cell and shut it.

“The changeling must pay! We shall destroy him!” Luna cried out, furious. Not sure if he should pay along, Travis simply moved to grab hold of her neck to hug her close.

“Not yet... Nightmare Moon! We have to find out if the info’s right. If its not, then we can!” Travis said, trying to get her to relax. Luna turned to look at the changeling and snarled, wind escaping from her nostrils and nod. They both walked away, leaving the changelings in their cells and head back to the ground levels.

“That would explain why Celly nor I could not see them when we inspected the kingdom,” Luna said to relax herself. Changelings ate emotion and had fangs, and they dared call her Travis a freak.

“Calm down Luna, I’ve been called worse,” Travis said to run his hand through her mane.

“Did I push it too far? I’m sorry,” Luna said to frown.

“Don't worry about it. We gotta share this info to the-” Travis blinked, looking at Blueblood and Johnny walked into view. “Nice shades,” Travis complimented the royal unicorn.

“See, I told you,” Johnny said to smile at Blueblood. “Now lets go get you a date.”

“Should... Should we stop them?” Luna blinked as her nephew and Johnny Bravo walked off.

“What’s the worse they can do?”


“But I’m not in charge of the school newspaper anymore...” Diamond Tiara said to frown. A figure in a dark cloak handed her a sheet of paper.

“Just print this under the name “Gabby Gums.” Can you handle that?”

“Gabby Gums? But they haven’t written a story in...” The filly unicorn lowered her head top start reading. Her eyes went wide. “Is this all...”

“True? What do you care?” The cloaked figure walked away, leaving Diamond Tiara with a sheet full of facts. Snape vanished after turning around a corner.


“What did you write in that letter Otacon?” Snake asked.

“Just a simple update. Asked for some info, but I think Exuvia will answer.” Otacon smiled, closing his eyes and enjoying his walk.

The contents of the letter were written in broken changeling. It read like this:

King Aurelius,

I here. News Bad. Champions to ponies. Come place far. Danger. Find spell. Find champion to changelings. Take “Twilight Sparkle”


Chapter Notes: Oh Spike, Spike, Spike. Your diary just had to give The Doctor the perfect means to spread the truth to all. What’s Otacon up to?

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“You want me to give you all a code names?!” Dan frowned, looking at them all. “Inconceivable! Some of you already have code name, like Spy and David.”

“You gave the others code names! I think it would be cool,” Rainbow Dash said.

“It would be prudent, entering new cities under an alias may help us,” Spy said to nod.

“Alright, fine! But I’m not changing my mind!” Dan shouted, frowning a bit to look at them all. He moved a finger to go down at them all.

Ralf- Chico.

“I’m not hispanic at all...”

Cherilee- Crayon

“I don’t get it.”

Spy- Bond, James Bond.

“Oh, har har har.”

Zecora- Newspaper

She raised an eyebrow. She was not red at all!

Samus- Crossdresser


Big Macintosh- Gum

“You got too lazy to call me Big Red?”

Phoenix- Phoenix

“Wait, what?”

Rainbow Dash- Gay Pride

“What does being happy have to do with me?”

Dovahkiin- Horny

“Is that a sex joke?”

Applejack- Orange

“That hurts me in so many ways...”

Sokka- Mini Me

“But I’m taller than you...”

Derpy- Bright Eyes

“Why thank you!”

Travis- Will the defendant please rise

“What the hell?”

Princess Luna- Maid

“How did you know?!”

Ash- Texas

“Was that a chainsaw massacre reference?”

Mayor Mare- Pinky

“Is this about my mane?”

Sephiroth- Looser


Lyra- Who are you again?


Solid Snake- Plisken

“Actually, I kinda like that...”

Trixie- Twilight Sparkle

“How dare you!”

Otacon- Geek, no wait... Male Stripper

“That was all Twilight!”

Twilight Sparkle- Pervert

“I was young! I was drunk!”

Merchant- Gunner

“Kinda obvious there stranger...”

Junebug- Daisy

“Ya think?”

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