• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Road Trip III: Missing You

Chapter 48- Road Trip III: Missing You

“Was something supposed to happen?” The Canterlot guard asked to look around. Both Johnny Bravo and Prince Blueblood waited a few seconds, expecting something to happen. Nothing did though, the sound of the maze eerily quiet, not even birds or insects making a noise.

“Aw phooey,” Johnny said after a second. “That was-” The muscled human found himself going quiet a second, finding the two ponies pointing at the statue. A faint yellow light was building around the statue of Discord. It started from the middle, a faint glow of a ring that barely reach the same intensity as a candle. If Johnny could compare it to anything, it resembled the halo of an angel. The blond took a step back and raised his right arm a bit as the yellow light got brighter and longer.

“What in the name of Celestia...” Blueblood said, staring at the light. This was like nothing in magic textbooks. Yellow? The same color of the sun? Johnny moved his head down, his dark shades reflecting the ring. His right hand moved out to touch the ring. It split into tiny balls of light the instant he touched it, making his hand draw back. The light balls were tiny, dancing side to side in the air before raising in the air.

“Pretty lights,” Johnny said, lifting his head up to look into the air.

“Like fireflies...” The guard said.

“I don’t even...” Blueblood said, stepping forward to the side of his partner. The royal one raised his left hoof up to touch a light. The tiny ball vanished after a second, making all the other lights vanish.

“The statue looks fine,” the guard said to walk over and inspect the stone draconequus.

“What was that light show?”

“Are you sure about this Doctor?” Severus asked, lifting his eyebrows. Although he could wrap his mind around the fact a muggle alien (Yes, even though the Doctor is an Alien, Severus still considers him a muggle for not being able to use magic) had used this “Tardis” to travel through time and space, he was not able to grasp the idea of fish sticks and custard.

“Are you jolly mad? This is simply scrumptious,” The Doctor said to dip a breaded fish piece into the custard.

“And why did we have to leave Equestria for this?” Severus said, looking down at the bowl of sticks and custard. The frown on his face had not left at all. The wizard even went so far as to lower his head and fish the damn thing.

“I had an idea...” The Doctor said.

I...” Severus placed his bowl down to stand. “Don’t.” He then walked in front to look the Doctor directly at his face. “Like.” He then moved his right hand out to pull out his wand and point it at the Time Lord’s face. “Your ideas.”

“Now who’s doing unnecessary things?” The Doctor asked, lifting both eyebrows.

“Listen well, and pay attention. I’ve been a lackey of Albus. I’ve done the dirty work of Voldemort. I’m now doing Discord’s work. And finally,” He stopped talking, moving the wand up to point at the humanoid’s nose, his voice was dark, almost a whisper now as his eyes was closed a little. “I’ve had to sully my hands again thanks to you and Celestia.” The wizard narrowed both eyes, looking into the eyes of The Doctor. “You got one chance to keep your head.”

“Well, you saw how the humans destroyed the hospital, got drunk, split up? All that jazz?” The Doctor asked, lowering his bowl of yummy custard. More than once people tried to intimidate him, and the best way to deal with it was ignore it. “It makes me think we are going about this the wrong way. Instead of creating chaos for Discord, why not let the humans do that themselves? We just need a reason to make chaos between themselves, instead of a problem for them to fix.”

“You may have a point...” Severus said, lowering his wand for a second. “But what did you have in mind?”

“Well, I’ve been using Spike’s diary from the future. But, from this point in time its cut since they’ve all split up. I was thinking, its time we find a journal. As I recall, both Otacon and Nathan have been taking notes...” The Doctor moved both hands to fix his collar. Although not intimidated easily, a wizard was a new on on him. “I think its time we got a human’s perspective on things.”

Oh I dunno. Johnny Bravo seems to be doing well on his own...

“Who is Johnny Bravo?” Snape asked, suddenly dropping his annoyed face. That voice... Discord?

“Bravo is a last name?” The Doctor asked. Doctor Bravo... Damn. Why didn’t he think of it?

“Discord?” The wizard turned his eyes to the sides and then take a step back to look around the Tardis. “Can you hear that?”

Oh, you can hear me?

“He’s in my head!” Severus said, moving both hands to hold the side of his black bangs.

“Who? Bravo? Discord?”

Oh, just mentioning Johnny Bravo is enough to make chaos...

“No you twit! Discord is speaking directly into my head!” Snape said, moving to sit down again to close his eyes.

Oh stop it, you’re almost as bad as Johnny...

“Hold still Severus...” The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver to start scanning the head of Snape. “Ask him who is Mr. Bravo is...”

Oh, he’s one of the Champions I summoned. Thanks to the chaos he made, I managed to get some power back. Currently, I know there is one other champion with the humans.

“He can hear you through me Doctor. It seems he found the champion we were looking for, and he summoned others as well...” Severus said, narrowing his eyes at that weird device just humming and blinking at his head. “Stop that.”

“Trust me, I’m a Doctor...”

Like hell.

“For once, I agree with Discord. Like bloody hell,” Snape said.

“Well, I guess this is due to magic, I can’t find anything out of the ordinary out of you Snape...” The Doctor said to put the sonic away. Thanks to working with Princess Celestia, he learned to ignore a few things now and then.

How’s about you try that fish sticks and custard? Since I don’t have a body, I’m dying to try what you’re eating...

“Get out of my head!”

“Can anyone else hear that?” The Merchant asked, looking around. At the moment, the businessman was holding a green gem in his left hand. He was wearing an appraiser's lens on his right eye to look at the gem.

“Hear what?” Junebug asked, lifting her head up to look at her partner. That whole awful mess over with, she was just glad Pasta was back to his normal business like self.

I don't think anyone but my summoned champions can hear me...

“That so? What’re ya buying?”

Are... Are you trying to sell me something?

“Stranger, stranger... What’re ya buying?” Merchant asked again.

I have no coins or even a body!

“Yer in my head. Pay me rent...” Merchant said.

Why are you one of my Champions? You're not even the Element of Greed, you are Obsession.

“Who are you talking to?” Junebug asked, her left eyebrow raised. Pay rent... To his head? “Did a rabid Diamond Dog bite you?”

Name’s Discord by the way.

“Some bloke named Discord is talking in my head....”


“Hnn?” Rainbow Dash picked up her head, both of her eyes slowly opening. Both of her hooves raised up over her head to stretch and yawn a bit. Once her muscles caught up with her brain, the pegasus moved to stand up and look around. Right... Train to Appleloosa. Her head turned to look out the window. The familiar green and brown background usually seen back in Ponyville was starting to change. Slowly spots were changing into brown, orange, and gray.

“What time is it?” Phoenix picked up his head, eyelids closed halfway.

“No idea, but I would say lunchtime. Trust me, I can tell,” Rainbow said with a smile. Her internal clock didn’t allow her to miss mealtimes.

“That so...” Phoenix said, yawning to sit straight. He was feeling a lot better now, that hangover was fading. He turned to look at the others. Ralf was looking out the window, watching the view. Cherilee laid her head on his lap, where the soldier idly ran a hand up and down her mane. Turning over to look at Spy, he found them both reading... Was it menus? He couldn’t tell from the distance, but the brown red long pamphlet looking things were not papers or magazines. Maybe a drink list? The two were having a quiet conversation.

“Are you awake, Phoenix Wright?” Sephiroth asked, appearing to stand at the side of the team leader.

“Sephiroth? What’s up?” The former lawyer raised his right arm up to rub the back of his hand against his eyes. “Where’s Lyra?”

“My lady is still asleep, but I came to wake you for lunch. We all must eat and be ready for the report,” The Cetra said. “We have less than an hour till check in time.”

“That late already? Do we-”

“No, for lunch they can take our orders. For dinner however, we must meet in the dining car.” Sephiroth moved to lift his left hand at the direction of a pony taking orders with Spy.

“You are oddly helpful...” Rainbow Dash said, walking over to the side of the two humans. “What gives?”

“I...” Sephiroth lowered his hand to face the pegasus. “Do not sleep. Also, I was not drunk. With Lyra Heartstrings asleep, I had to kill time. Since our leader was unable to find out things, I took the liberty to investigate more about this realm.” His voice was oddly quiet, much more softer than when he first addressed the humans.

“Thank you, Sephiroth,” Phoenix said, not sure what could explain the odd behavior change in the long haired warrior. Still, he was not going to press the issue. He doubted it was subterfuge and an attempt to kill him. Also, it didn’t seem like this was a plot to butter him up. “After lunch, we should all get together to listen in.”

Sephiroth nodded, bowing his head slightly and then going over to wake Lyra. Using his left hand, the one winged angel slowly rubbed Lyra until she woke up. Both Rainbow Dash and her partner just watched the strange but gentle manner Sephiroth possesed.

“Let’s get some grub.” Dash said, turning to look up at Phoenix. “After the meeting, I want to talk to you more about Trucy.”

“Really? Why?” Phoenix asked. He raised both eyebrows, tilting his head to the side.

“Cause...” Rainbow Dash said, her cheeks turning red. No way was she going to confess about the thought of becoming a mother someday.

“Well, I’m not against it. Could you order lunch since you took this trip before?” Phoenix asked with a smile.

“You got it, Nix.”

“You know how I feel about that name...”

“Hey, you can live with it if I gotta change my name to Rainbow Wright,” Rainbow said, lifting her left hoof to point at him.

“Huh? Did you say Rainbow Wright?” Phoenix lifted an eyebrow.

“No, I er... Said... I said “I’m Rainbow, always right! You’re distracting me from thinking about the food!” Rainbow Dash said, burrowing her head into the menu provided.

Dan was forced out of his wheelbarrow, the carrying device was blocking the aisle. After taking the conductor;s hat and throwing it away, the small human moved to sit down on a booth and look outside the train. The others were still asleep, so he had nothing to do. Too awake to sleep, his thoughts drifted. How was Mr. Mumbles? That adorable scruffy kitty wouldn’t starve, she was a smart cat. Last time, Chris was smart enough to take care of his cat; it was his wife’s fault he got sent to Equestria in the first place.

But this time, he was taken away by the ponies. All in some stupid fight, about food of all things. Dan frowned at that, emotions as edible things? Still, he hoped Chris would take in Mr Mumbles for him. It had been four days. He found himself missing things though. His TV and his favorite show, The Adventures of Population Control Jonny. He was also missing his favorite hangouts, the ninja cookie shop, the explosive store, and his sandwich shop. The Element of Anger sighed once, hoping he could see his beloved car, cat, and he added Chris as an afterthought.

Nathan picked up his head, turning to look as Dan moved. Still awake, the treasure hunter learned never to fall asleep while traveling. You lived longer. He debated going over to talk to Dan, wondering why he had picked Soma to go with them. He understood why him, he was a boat captain and Baltimare could call on boats. Knowing Dan, he would get one for free. Rarity started to rise, though she was taking her time. Stretching, delicately running her hooves over her eyes and mane.

Still, Nate wondered what was up with Dan. He didn’t look... As angry as he usually did. Was he missing someone back home too? Ever since he wrote that letter to Sully, the Element of Equality found himself worrying. He had left his mentor under worse conditions than usual. Still, he doubted anything could kill Sully. The true worry? What Sully would think about his disappearance. Especially after the battle for the Tree of Life.

Last thing Nate ever wanted to do was have people worry over him. Especially Sully, he was getting old. Not to mention the ladies in his life also. Would they get a search party? Were they already frantically looking for his body in a ditch or gorge? If there was only a way to get a message to them. According to most search team protocols, if a body wasn’t found within 2-4 days- It was safe to assume that the missing person was dead.

“Nathan?” Rarity asked, picking up her gaze to look at him. Her partner looked pensive. “Is something on your mind?”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry Rarity. I was thinking about lunch...” He replied, turning to face the fancy unicorn. No need to make her worry as well. “Lets see what looks good.”

Ralf turned away from the waiter pony, giving the attendant a small smile. Although it had been a while, the soldier was still being bothered by what Spy said. What if he never saw Hidern, Clark, Leona, or his troops again? While the idea of dying didn’t bother him- Dying with his dog tags left to hang in foreign soil on his gravestone did. Wars sometimes lasted years. Would this war last that long? How long had it been since he thought back of home and his family? Would his commander have a strike force out looking for his AWOL officer?

He usually gave a call back to his momma. Ever since he had to break out of that prison camp with Clark, his momma never went a week without contacting him in some way. To ease her worries, he called her every week. It was easier to deal with her that way than having her calling him at odd times when a mission was underway. How was Clark doing anyway? And Leona? Clark was quiet and serious, and Leona even more so. Without him around, they would be bored and have the personality of a kumquat.

“Ralf, what’s wrong?” Cherilee asked. She frowned a little at the big guy. He never went anywhere without a smile or a confident swagger. He had the look of a serious student stressing over a test.

“I’m kinda worried Teach,” Ralf admitted. There was no way he was going to lie, but he was not one to dwell too much on negative emotions.

“About what?” She asked, moving to sit closer to him.

“Well, war. Where I come from, it can last years. Though this thing we’re all in is hardly a war, I’m worried about how long it will last. I’ve been a soldier a long time. But the others...” He stopped talking, turning to look at Phoenix and then at the ponies. “Can they handle the stress? Could you, Teach?”

Cherilee lowered her head a second. So that was what was bothering him. Once again, she underestimated how sensitive Ralf was. Why couldn’t Ralf had been a pony, one she could have met when younger? The fuschia earth pony closed her eyes, leaning into his right shoulder. The soldier picked up his head, turning to look down at her.

“Cherilee?” He asked. The mare debated what she should do. Should she confess about how the humans had a countdown before things got ugly? She moved to rub the side of her cheek up and down his bare arm. No, better not add more worries to her partner. Oh, that was the first time he ever said her name...

“Its ok, Ralf. Its normal to think like that. But I have faith in you and the other humans. True, you can be wild-” She opened both eyes and chuckled. “I mean, you totally destroyed that barn doors.” He chuckled, nodding at that. “But you were also more than willing to help the Crusaders, and you were willing to fight and defend my schoolhouse.” She picked up her head to look at his face and smile. “You can survive anything, isn't that right Mr. Jones?”

“Hell yeah,” Ralf said, grinning. He picked up his arm and made a muscle, lifting her face slowly higher and higher. “Even nukes.”

“Oh my...” Cherilee said, picking up her head and look at his muscle. That looked more impressive than Snowflake! Her hoof moved to slide up and down his muscle.

“Hmph,” Spy said to look at the display between those two. Zecora looked away from the menu to look up at the masked man. While they had spoken so much, she still knew very little about him. She then turned to look at Cherilee and her muscle touching.

“Certainly, he is a silent flirt. Not having muscle, is something to avert?” The Zebra asked.

“Most certainly not. If anything, I be glad not to have them. I am no Heavy,” Blue Spy said, moving to rest both hands on his lap to cross his left leg on the other. With things quiet for a second, the man turned to look at the Zebra. “Ah, forgive moi. You not know my partners. Heavy iz a soldier much like Ralf. While not my friend, we are comrades in battle...”

“Is Heavy like a name in code? Did you two live in one abode?”

“Mais no, it was more than just Heavy. Scout with his infernal Bonk and baseball. Demo and his toys. Medic with ze Ubercharge. Soldier and his harsh words. Pyro is worse than Dan. Engineer and that stupid guitar. Ze Sniper I liked, but only because I sneak up on him.” Spy shut both eyes to lean back, grinning. “But they shared my pain. Forced to kill or be killed, we all share our miseries and success. At the end of ze day, we were all twisted brothers forged from combat. But even now, I miss zem.”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the rainbow...

“What, Nathan Drake dead? Are you serious?” Sully asked, crossing both of his arms to look at Elena Fisher and Chloe Frazer. “Of course not, Nate’s too green to die just yet. You watch, he’ll stumble into the bar or give us a call and need us for a pick up.”


“No buts Ms. Fisher. No body was found,” Sully said, moving to get a bottle from his bar counter. “I plan to wait for him here, just in case he needs a pickup.” It was odd though, since the front door was open- There was a sign hanging from a window reading “Closed.” Both women sat at the counter, worried. “Listen, worrying won’t help. That’s the last thing Nathan would want.”

“Yeah, I’m outside his apartment, and I’ve knocked so much my hand hurts.” A tall man wearing a orange shirt over a blue one said into his cell phone.

“You better go in then. But I’m sure Dan is just on another revenge crusade,” Spoke the voice of Elise.

“But without me? And he left his car too.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I will call the police. Maybe he got locked up again. I love you honey.”

“Oh, alright. Knowing Dan, he probably would’ve wasted his last phone call to gloat. Love you too.” Chris closed his phone to put it away and used a spare key to enter the apartment.

“Meow,” a voice spoke, coming out from under a bed cover and rush to its food bowl. The mangy kitty paw its bowl. The human walked over to look around for a can opener and a can of cat food.

“Oh your poor thing,” Chris said, bending down to place some food on Mr. Mumbles food dish. “Good thing I came to check up on Dan. You look starved.” Chris smiled a bit, looking down at the gray cat and seeing how it dug into the dry cat food. “I’m sure Dan’s fine. He’s gotten shipped off to so many places, so its only a matter of time before he comes back.”

“Meow,” Mr. Mumbles said, lifting her head to purr. The tall guy moved his right hand out to pet her head a few times.

“You don’t look worried at all. Well, if you don't worry, I won’t worry.” Chris said, looking around Dan’s messy apartment. Least that pretender Dan didn’t swoop in during Dan’s absence. “Hey, you know, that cat food is looking tasty...”

“You are all crying like babies!” Blue Heavy Weapons Guy said. Once again, Team Blue lost another battle with the loss of their Spy. Demo was being looked over by Medic, and Pyro dragged Engineer into the base.

“Yeah but, what’s up with this? Did Spy escape? Is he going to rescue us all?” Scout said, looking around. “What if he’s with my mom?!”

“Rookie, that Frenchie is the best,” Soldier said. “I bet even now, he’s planning to teach those guys that did this to us is lesson!”

“Number 362! All of the operatives from Section V are gone! Vanished without any what or why!” Number 86 said, slamming her hands down on the table. Both were in the Moon Base, the HQ rushing back and forth. Alarms and red lights flowed as the battle for Moon Base was taking place.

“I know that. But have faith in Numbers 1 through 5. They are the best, and I am sure that they survived that crash,” the blond said to smile.

“But what if they got capture by Father and the Children Down the Lane?!”

“Do you think Number 1 or 4 will give up so easily?” The KND head leader said.

“I... “ Number 86 shut both her eyes, blushing a bit at the mention of Number 4, which had gotten her so worried. “They better be alive, so help me!”

“Thank you again Mr. Edgeworth. When little Trucy told me Phoenix was missing, I didn’t know who else to contact...” Maya said, both of her hands holding on to Pearl’s shoulders.

“No, you did well to contact me. I am only so sorry it took me this long to get back. I will take care of things from now,” Miles said.

“Are you sure about this Mr. Miles?” Trucy Wright asked, looking up to hold the man’s hand.

“I have told you many times, my name’s Mr. Edgeworth. And yes, its fine. Wright is not easily gotten rid of. And until he shows up or is found, I will watch over you.” The man in the red suit said. “I owe him this much. I will do what I can to find him.”

“I’ve seen your picture in Dad’s office. He doesn’t talk a lot about you...” Trucy said, moving her free hand to the oversized hat and hold it in place. They were both walking away from the Fey compound, where Pearl and Maya standing at the doorway. Both had worried looks on their faces.

“Let me tell you the story of a crybaby,” Miles said with a smile.

“Where is the Dragonborn?” The Earl of Whiterun said. “The Dragons are running rampant over Skyrim. We need him...” The old man said, running his hands against each other. Never before has such a different crowd ever appear in his gathering hall like this.

“That’s what we want to know... J’zargo needs his help for magik.” The cat man said. “The Wizard College cannot afford to have another Archmage go missing.”

“None of the other Housecarls in his other properties has seen him,” Lydia said. “Last one to see him was the Carl in Riften.”

“He is not in Riften either,” Aela the Huntress said. She was sent to hunt down the missing Thieves Guild Leader. “Believe me, we looked.”

“Even now, the Greybeards still call for him,” said the Earl’s Steward.

“At least Alduin has not been seen,” Delphine the Blade said. “But who knows for how long...”

“And even now there is an uneasy truce between the Legion and Stormcloaks,” the Earl said. “Where are you, Dragonborn?”

“We must hurry Julius,” Alucard said, running through the streets of the ghost village. His companion quickly rushed through the drawbridge and ran through the halls of Castlevania. Any monsters in their way were quickly done away with sword and cross boomerang.

“Are you sure Soma’s gone? I mean, time flows differently in here,” Julius said. The vampire hunter moved his whip out to bring it to hit against a skeleton. The son of Dracula and the last Belmont hopped from platform to platform to raise themselves higher into the castle.

“I am sure of it. Even now my sources and even the monsters in the area feel like something is missing...”

“Do you think he’s given into his dark power?” Julius said to catch up with the half vampire.

“I pray not. But we must be ready to come to his aid.”

“So its true, the Number 2 rank assassin is missing...” Shinobu said. She looked up at a poster of a big burly wrestler next to the poster of a Japanese anime girl band. Just why did that look so wrong next to each other?

“It appears so,” Sylvia said. At the moment, they were all gathered inside Travis’ apartment. The only people that still cared for Travis Touchdown poked around the messy otaku’s room for any clues.

“My brother isn’t a coward that would run away,” Henry Cooldown said. “His bike is still here, and I doubt that he would leave that behind.’

“So now then, we must asked who would go ahead and kidnap the Number Two...”

“Never thought I would ever hear myself saying I miss “What’re ya buying.” I need some ammo,” Leon Kennedy said as he walked with the president’s daughter in tow. He hated Zombie Fish! He also hated that Salazar.

“Who? That creepy guy?” Ashley said. The red eyes that guy had was more creepy than that giant dude.

“He’s the one guy that ever helped me rescue you. Without him and his supplies, there’s no telling how far we could’ve made it. I just hope we find him soon.” Leon released a sigh, shaking his head to the sides. That Merchant was more useful than Hunnigan was. Even now, Leon could remember that hooded salesman better than that hispanic dude that died. What was his name?

“Sokka...” Toph said, lifting her head up. The blind earthbender picked up the space sword once more to hug it to her chest. She and Sokka had set forth to go look for his space sword together. She had finally able to find it, using her own space earth as a compass. After all that work, she had found it- But he was gone. Both of her eyes shut, unable to deal with her feelings.

This hurt so much more than when he just went to take sword lessons. True, she missed him... But at least she knew where that joker was. But now he was missing, and who knows where. A small part of her heart felt horrible. This was all her fault. She was the one that put him up to this, as a thanks to him for helping her establish her metal bending school. Just some stupid excuse to spend more time with him.

“Toph, you okay?” Asked Little Strongheart.

“Yes... I just miss him,” The metal bender said to turn and face the voice.

“Don't worry! Once we win this rodeo, we can get the bits you need to travel to Canterlot! I’m sure that the magical unicorns there can help you.” The young female buffalo smiled.

“Hey, there you guys are! I got Doughnuts!” Braeburn said, holding a box on his back. “Good thing Pony Joe set up a shop here in APPLELOOSA!” The blond stud raised his hooves up to kick the air, sending the box to fly through the air. A red blur flew out from behind Braeburn, holding out with both hands to catch the box of the precious.

“Phew!” Vash the Stampede said, holding unto the donuts before they hit the floor. “Good thing I was here!

Author notes: Sorry, bittersweet sad chapter. This is dedicated to Awesomedude17, for getting me motivated during my funk with his stories. Chapter proofreaded by my other funk destroyer, LyonAzakura.

Also, now taking suggestions for Iron Will’s partner.

Iron Will: Give me Batman!

Author: .....

Iron Will: Kratos?

Author: Go wait in the corner!

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