• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Interlude IV

Interlude IV- Documents

Twilight’s Diary:

Day 6.

Dear Celestia, I wish I could handle things. A new human, this Sora, is telling me about his travels and missions.

Not only have I opened a rift between dimensions, apparently this was so bad that they had to send an intergalactic emissary to repair it!

And if that’s not bad enough, the human champions are all gone!

I’m not sure what is going on, but RD has gone off to search the old ruins.

AJ is not back, so sending a letter to Celestia is not an option now.

I’m on a verge of a breakdown, but I have to be strong for my friends. They almost had an uproar before I assured them that the humans are more than capable to handle things. I’m sure they went to find food or are gone to find a place to train.

There’s no way for them to all be gone, right?

Other than that, all the ponies seemed to have calmed down. A second newspaper article is being sent out to other cities to try and repair the rift the KND and the Crusaders wrote. We have tried not to mention changelings as to not throw things into chaos.

Luckily, Mayor Mare has written the article, and explained everything. The heroic deeds of the others, the changelings assault, why Baltimare was a target. We finally came clean, and we hope that Equestria will understand.

Though the total amount of humans remains undisclosed, as per Otacon’s and Dan’s plan.

But I wonder what it has to do with the property bought my Merchant...

“Rarity, please calm down. You know that everyone has to do their own part,” Fluttershy said, close to her dear friend to settle her nerves.

“But what if Nathan gets poisoned again! Everfree is a dangerous place!” Rarity called out, holding a napkin and eating apple ice cream. Big Mac had released a sigh, missing his sister. She would know how to handle their friends.

Sora and Gilda had both of their eyes closed, not sure what to make of things.


Otacon’s PDA:

Day 6.

It’s been a long time since I had a chance to go through things properly. So many things I learned, digested, experienced.

I had almost forgotten that my sister just passed away a few hours before I did. I’m not sure how should I feel. I am dead, so why couldn’t Emma be here? She didn’t deserve this.

But back to the real notes.

Most of the ponies seem to be doing well. Soma’s “acceptance” power has somehow gotten Ponyville’s residents placated.

From what the Doctor told me, (need to find a way to tell the apart. The one feeding me info is wearing a black coat. I’m calling him “Innocent,”) most of the humans have had some sort of mentor or be a mentor to another. Odd, almost all of them hold a Brand mark of some kind.

Otacon took a moment to look up from his PDA to look over at the driver of the truck he was riding in. Barry, that sort of smallish fellow, was talking over to a young man with really spiky hair. Cloud rose in the back of the truck, with a really long sword. Like ridiculously long…

“Listen, Cloud…” Barry turned his head to the side, speaking out of the window. “You ok?”

“I have to… live for the both of us,” Cloud spoke out finally, in a low voice.

“Yeah yeah. We know,” Barry sighed. “Listen. What will you do now? Follow with his advice or-” let his words die, trying to get Cloud to open up more. But the young man had been more silent than Sniper Wolf. With no answer, Barry turned back to look at the road. “Listen, I know Zack left you a legacy. But you have to be your own man.”

“My own man?” Cloud finally spoke out, turning his head to look over at the people inside the truck.

“Yeah. I know he was your friend and all- but you need to make life worth living.” Barry turned to look over at Otacon. “My friend here dedicated his life for the better of his fellow man. He was lied to, and broke away from his old self. I was the same. A door to door salesman,”spoke the aironaught. “But I was not happy. And Otacon was not happy working under people lying to him, right?”

“Uh, uh, right of course,” Otacon responded. Founding himself on the spot, the scientist merely pushed both glasses back over his eyes. Cloud said nothing, merely looking at both of them.

“Listen Cloud, I’m not telling you to not take that’s guy advice. What I am telling you to do, is do it for the right reasons. You go through your life thinking “this is how I am supposed to live.” But will it make you happy? Will it make you into a man? Will it be worth living a life of two, if you can’t make it mean anything?” Barry turned on the road, stopping in front of a city. All of them turned to look over at the slums of Sector 7.

“He’s still incoherent,” Otacon sighed, “and I don’t think anything is going through. We can’t stay with him forever.”

“Yeah yeah, I know. Hey-” Barry blinked once, seeing as Cloud jumped out of the truck on his own and look around. “Listen Cloud!” The blond turned to look back at the duo. “It’s ok if you don’t know why you need a purpose in life. It took me a long time to break away from living life as I’m supposed to, but doing what makes life living and happy. It will not be easy. But you can find it, and when you do,” Barry said with a smile. “You decide if Zack was right about you.”

Cloud, still in a daze, turned off and walked towards the train station. Otacon went back to his PDA as Barry spotted a young girl wearing a tank top and suspenders showed up.

But some of us, are trying to be teachers….


Imago’s Report:

In Summary

My Queen, this is indeed distressing to hear.

Tumbler ther Tower has finally returned to us, thanks to Vegeta.

But they both bring ill tidings.

Vegeta confirms that Otacon’s note indicates he was indeed captured.

King Aurelius went into an outrage, but Pharis has managed to calm him down. That oaf forgets we have a ceasefire.

As my report already mentioned it, Tumbler has revealed that there is more than one pony that can detect us in hidden form.

But it does also reveal more humans that were let on, and that it confirms Sombra’s therory of the lifelink bond. If the summoner dies, the champion is sent back. We now have a way to deal with Sombra and his humans should the need arises...

The Darkbrands have huddled together with your husband, now discussing the news. I imagine they will discuss things after you return.

“Well,” Gilgamesh broke away from the small huddle, “this changes nothing.”

“I agree, but we now have a last solution in case things go awry,” Kefka smirked. The clown raised a hand to his chin. “What say we get our own dance partners then?”

“Agreed. We should train our powers until the Queen and Sombra arrive,” Wesker said. He turned to Luthor and nodded.

“So be it then. Exuvia will be my partner,” Luthor nodded over to his new “partner.” Exuvia merely nodded, but turned to look at her king. His head was down, brows furrowed in thought. Oddly enough, it was Sombra’s black sheep, Mr. Sombrero, that has managed to placate the changeling king. “Pharate will go with Kefka. Tumbler, you are with Wesker.” Both generals nodded and moved to stand with their human counterpart. “Imago will remain with Master Xehanort. Sphragis will team up with Gilgamesh.”

“I take it then I stay with Sombra?” Vegeta asked, arms crossed as he was getting bored with the proceedings. His tail idly swayed to to side before wrapping around his waist like a belt. With a nod from Luthor, Vegeta then turned to look at King Aurelius. “What will we do with Otacon then?”

“I... “ Aurelius picked up his head and then frowned. “I say we wait for my Queen. With no weapons, armor, or tactics of Otacon, We (Royal tense there) still have the wargames. While you all have powers and skills, my changelings have nothing but numbers to stand up to the humans and ponies.” His head turned to the side and frown. “I do not think they will harm him, but the supplies Otacon was to make will set us back in the hostile takeover.” The others said nothing, all eyes on the changeling as the acting overlord. “Who knows? Maybe Otacon gained their confidence, and is now acting as a spy.”

“That is a possibility,” Pharate added. It what he would do in such a situation. “But I think you humans mentioned something about a triple cross?” He smiled, turning to look over at his king. The changeling ruler slowly raised his head.

“As yes, the gifts…” Luthor turned to look over at their things. “If they indeed send an envoy, we can try to negotiate something for Otacon.” These words made Aurelius’ eyebrows lift, and he dared to have some hope. “Or any other info we need.”

“So be it. Humans, train and gather your powers, bond with Our generals. Wesker, would you mind filling in details for Tumbler?” Wesker nodded, turning to look over at the new general. “And Tumbler…”

“Yes my King?”

“We will have words with the Queen for your punishment…”

Tumbler gulped as Aurelius’ mood went from hopefully- to a wicked grin. Mr. Sombrero took off, suddenly jumping into Vegeta’s arms in fear.


“How in the hell did you mange to learn the Kaio Ken and the Spirit Bomb?” King Kai sighed, as Johnny Bravo had his head stuck inside his car.

“Help!” Johnny yelled, trying to pull both himself and Bubbles out from the hood.


“I swear I am never taking students below the age of 18…” Jirayah the sage sighed.

All of the KND and Naruto were sitting down, with a leaf on their heads. Stragely enough, they were all covered in toilet paper.

“Worth it,” Naruto grinned.

Jirayah kept his eyes closed, impressed by their growth. They all had exceptional fight skills, not to mention they were great training partners for Naruto. One of them even had a bloodline limit.


“Ralph Jones PUNCH!”

Captain Falcon grinned as his protege could now throw super human punches with the need of gunpowder. He just wished Ralph would stop blowing himself up with his target.

Ralph was laying down on the ground, covered in soot as he had just made a hole inside Fort Knox.

“We are supposed to stop the thieves, not give them a second escape route...


“Please, teach me more master!” White Mage stood behind Red Medic. At the moment, they were huddled over the body of Black Belt.

“Of course fraulein!” Red Medic had a large smile over his face, as the monk’s chest was hide open. His heart was being replaced by that of a chocobo.

Fighter and Red Wizard could only stare in horror as Black Belt was still alive.


“So you want to get revenge?”

“What’s the hold up?!” Midna jumped up and down on wolf Samus. “Link just stayed quiet and did as I said!”

“I don’t want to do this anymore…” Samus sighed. Wolf Link yelped and then stuck out his tongue, glad Midna was off his back.


Solid Snake crawled along the ground, chasing behind Venom Snake. The two were in stealth gear, quietly approaching two African soldiers.

“You go left,” Venom mentioned with his hands.

Solid nodded, and they both jumped out to granb the soldiers and knock them to the ground. Each then placed a Fulton device to have them get sent off.

“That never gets old…” Venom cuckold.

“Was this worth it though?”

“For curry? Of course! I can’t believe you're my son, er ckone…”


Zeke stood over a forge,, bringing down a hammer to pound out the metal over the forge. His student, a teenage Carl (Walking Dead) watched in fascination.

“Listen, I know this life is not what you wanted. But what I teach you now is a more than a skill, its a trade. Often, blacksmiths has to make their own tools from scratch to move on.”

“But what’s the point of this thing?” Carl pointed at the rod Zeke was lifting up in prongs.

“You mean the Dancepter? Kid, you don’t want to know…”

Author's Note:

Sorry its been so long.
Lots of things happened, I missed you guys.
I want to say these chapters will come out much faster than my unfortunate hiatus. but I don't have a schedule set.
This chapter is more or less a short update to gather things and people up to speed.
The Dancepter is now canon.

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