• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Reinforcements Deploy

Dear Reader, once more, we must take another step back in a flashback for the Defenders of Baltimare. Humans Assemble, the next day.

Chapter 73- Reinforcements Deploy

“I gotta try.”

“I know.”

Those last words echoed in his head before he felt himself being shocked with red lighting. The fit-fat human fell to one knee, slowly lifting his gun to take one last shot. It was so hard, both lifting the weapon and also pointing the weapon at Cole. Lungs were already burning from the illness over New Marais, now the rest of his body was joining. He wasn’t even going to pull the trigger, he just wanted one last look at his friend. One more red blast hit him, sending the gun out of his hand, the other still holding to the part needed to stop the Beast. Skin charred and burnt, Zeke Jedediah Dunbar shut both eyes and faded out of consciousness to die at the hands of the man he once called brother.

God- I dunno how you exist. You gave my brother powers, and all went to hell. I know I aint a saint, and probably going to hell. But please- Please give Cole a chance. Don't let me meet him in hell.

“I do say...” A voice commented in a British accent.

“I hate English muffins...” The human whispered, groaning a bit. Why did that accent make him think about foreign food? Where? What? How? Did Cole spare him, merely using enough voltage to knock him out? Zeke opened his eyes slowly, looking around. His shades were still on, hiding the view behind darkened light. There was... No pain? But how? Why could he hear-

“Are you alright, er, creature?” A stallion pony wearing a monocle had his left eyebrow raised. His coat color was white, while his mane was blue. Laying in the first class bed of Fancy Pants was a rather round creature wearing greens, a belt with an outlandish buckle, and the absolute most wonderful pair of footwear he has ever seen!

“Creature?” Not ‘patient’ or ‘bro’ or a ‘sir’ even? The tinkerer sat up after a second, lifting his right hand to look down at the glove. Damn, why was it clean? Why did the rest of him look in tip top shape? Why was... Wait a second. Who in the hell gave a horse a monocle and a suit? The bow tie and vest was a bit much. “Did you just talk?”

“What are those wonderful things on your rear hooves?!” Fancy Pants leaned in, looking at Zekes sneakers with fascination. Wrapped laces around feet that was not in fancy looking shoes? Material that looked comfortable, yet covered so much area compared to horseshoes? It looked so worn out, but practical and so many details like a dress? And... Was this a male wearing these things? Not a mare model?

“Why am I in a train?” Zeke moved his right hand to hold his head, looking around the cabin. Swanky- Was this first class? The drapes looked to be made from a fine material. The bed inside the cabin was also a dead give away.

“Oh, do forgive me, sir!” Fancy shook his head to the sides slowly to snap out of his admiration. Dear Celestia, and it was worn with socks? How scandalous! How avant guard! “Are you alright?”

“Am I in Britain?” Zeke squinted his eyes behind his shades, wondering why the talking horse had a British accent.

“Britain? No, dear me. You must have hit your head or something. You are in Equestria.”

“Whut?” The human’s eyebrows furrowed a bit. He was pretty sure he’s never heard of that place.

“How quaint... A rustic accent I do believe,” Fancy smiled, moving a hoof to his monocle. Maybe this fellow was from Ponyville? Oh, who did he know in Ponyville? It struck a tone of a memory in him...

“Am I dead? I’m talking to a... Mr. Dandy Horse.”

“Oh yes, excuse my manners- Then again you are the one that barged into my cabin. I am Fancy Pants, at your service,” The unicorn smiled. If only he could get this fellow to release the secret of this footwear...

“Fancy Pants? Damn, I wished I thought of that name. Name’s Zeke Jebediah Dunbar. But my friends just call me Zeke. And why am I talking back to a horse again?”

“I thought it was the polite thing to do. Tell me, just how did you come to my cabin, sir? And can I have your shoes?”


“I’m sorry about this Nurse, but-”

“No, I understand, Dr. Stables. You have to stay in Ponyville and look after the hospital and any patients. I have to retrieve the medical equipment from Baltimare,” Nurse Redheart said with a fake smile. While Twilight had sent a letter to have medical supplies and equipment sent from Canterlot, a lot of the supplies needed to be replaced had to picked up. Some supplies needed a courier, some could not be sent by air, and some needed a medical professional to sign for them.

“Think of it as a vacation. You’re due for one nurse. I hear Baltimare is a wonderful, relaxing place,” Stables said with a smile. He nodded to her, and then left the mare at the train station.

The nurse took a few steps back, looking up in horror. It was one of them- Those bad, horrible, hospital-destroying humans! He had short brown hair, and like the other humans- dressed from head to toe. A sinister looking device hung from his shoulders, hiding his back from view. She could only see the back though, as this human was looking at the train schedule. Her blue eyes narrowed a little, lowering her head down a bit. Normally, Redheart was assertive and also ignored her patient’s idle threats. But these humans... They were mons-


That voice... The nurse raised her eyebrows, watching a white dove fly down and land on the right shoulder of the male. He turned slowly around, his face turned to look at the bird. This fellow appeared to be male, least to the nurse. Spectacles on his face, and a... Tie! Other than the lawyer that knew about blood, this was the only other human that was dressed professionally. But what caught her off guard? That badge displayed on the sleeves of his long coat. The red cross. Her mouth opened slowly, realizing she was not seeing things. How could one of these humans carry the sign of a healer?

“Zere you are...” Red Medic spoke with a smile. He blinked once, showing genuine concern for his pet. “You must not wander. It may be filthy.” The white bird lowered its head, moving to brush the head against the left bare index finger. “Come now. We must find ze base or a hospi-” He stopped talking, turning to look at Nurse Redheart. Archimedes raised it’s head, cooing once and then turning to look at the white mare.

A small breeze made his brown hair and the flaps of his coat flap against his form a bit, both staying quiet at the scene in front of them.

The thought in the nurse’s head at this moment:

He’s... not like the others.

Though the mind of the crazy German doctor:

Ze spare organs!

The medic raised his left head slightly out of his collar, the smile on his face larger. Horse hearts and lungs were strong! Even better than baboons! And the little nurse’s hat on her head was so adorable. Was this a rescue animal? Like Saint Bernards were rescue dogs in the Alps? Though a horse was an odd choice for a rescue animal... The field surgeon didn’t even care that it’s colors were off- It’s odd mane color and it’s large eyes were signs that it had been experimented on! The pet bird raised his wings out to flap once, head tilting to the side.

Nurse Redheart picked up her head from her distraught position, now a bit more curious than frightened. Normally, in a hospital, she was in her element. She knew what to do, and how to go about with patients. Most of all, she knew how to handle doctors. But out here in the open, the mare was a bit out of her element. Was this human a healer? Where was he yesterday?

“Look Archimedes, ze pony is cute, ya?” Medic asked in a jovial tone. This animal appeared domesticated, so with any luck soothing words or sounds could keep it from running away. He blinked twice though, moving his head straight again at her reaction. The pony had... looked surprised? He wasn’t sure it was a boy or a girl, but it had immediately raised both eyebrows and then turned her head away, a light red tint on her cheeks. Had this small horse understood his words?

“You certainly are fresh, outright complimenting a lady like that,” Redheart spoke out. She turned to gauge his reaction, wondering if he was being honest with his compliment. This time it was her turn to blink twice. The male had opened his mouth, his left hand moving to his mouth.

“Did you just speak, fräulein?” Medic raised his left hand to his glasses, taking them off to make sure the lenses were clean. He guessed that the quadruped was female, least by the voice. Did someone drug him?

“You were not with the others?” Redheart question, stepping slowly to the man. The other humans seemed to know the ponies could talk. And the man with the cross certainly seemed to be in good health, so she didn’t think he was suffering from head trauma.

“Mein gott...” Medic placed his glasses back on after his whispering. He was not seeing or hearing things! This pony spoke to him. He immediately moved his left hand to his right wrist to take his pulse. “Breathing iz normal. Heartbeat, normal. Temperature, normal...”

“Why are you checking your vital statistics?”

“Zere is a pony speaking to me. Checking to zee if I’m fine,” The medic spoke. He turned to look down, seeing that the nurse got closer to him. “Either Red Scout exposed me to his Bonk, or a rezpawn went wrong...” Medic thought to himself. But his check told him he was in fact, fine. And a pony was speaking to him.

“Are you a healer of some sort?” Nurse Redheart asked. She had her left front hoof up, pointing at the cross on the bands.

“Not since I lost my lizenz,” Medic thought to himself. Better not press the issue against her, if the pony was smart enough to guess his occupation- Who knows what else she could guess. “A field surgeon, yes,” He answered. As he got down on his left knee, his favorite bird took off. The medic narrowed his eyes, inspecting her Cutie Mark. “Mein gott,” He whispered in a low voice. Somebody branded a pony with a medical cross with hearts? Why hadn’t he thought of it? The logo would kill in the pharmaceutical field!

“What’s wrong? Oh, my Cutie Mark,” Nurse Redheart turned her head a bit to look at her flank. “Yes. The mark you have on your biceps. It looks so much like mine,” The Earth pony chuckled. “I’m a nurse.” Her head turned back to look at him, noticing how close his face was to hers now. Her eyes locked in to try to gauge him. Dealing with lots of patients and ponies, she had learned looking into the eyes was not only professional, but also could lead into the mood.

“A nurse- I have so many-” Medic stopped, turning to look down into her eyes. Those eyes were huge. Losing his train of thought a second, he moved his hand out to her face a second. The nurse took notice of his hand and quickly took a step back, realizing she had been staring. A blush crept on her face. She couldn’t make out a single thing from his eyes. They were so small, and this was the first time in her life as a medical professional that somepony was a mystery to her.

“Yes?” Redheart closed her eyes a bit, turning to look back at this exotic doctor.

“Fräulein? Can I have your heart?”


“So... What’s the real reason you’re going to Baltimare?” Barry asked Caramel.

“Shhh! Not so loud!” Caramel raised his left hoof to his mouth, trying to quiet the human salesman.

“Hmm? Oh...” The thrill seeker made an “o” with his mouth, as if understanding. “Gonna pop the question to yer little pony?”

“No! Yes... Well, maybe. It just...” Caramel sighed, lowering his head to release a sigh. The stallion turned his head to look over at the direction of his special pony. A small smile crossed on his lips. “I’m working on something.”

“Oh yeah? Criminal mastermind? International pony of mystery? Drug dealer?” Barry asked, getting excited.

“What? No!” Caramel released a sigh, getting annoyed with this human. “I’m working on a special government project. Nothing illegal Barry. Sheesh. What is wrong with you?”

“Oh. Well, when these weird things happen to me, it’s usually something awesome,” The man in the blue suit said. “I mean, I got a golden axe in less than 15 minutes I’ve been in this place.”

“Look, if I tell you, will you shut up about it please?” Caramel pleaded.

“Sure. I can help a bro.”


“You never heard of... Look, just tell me. I won’t tell a soul.”

“Fine,” Caramel said as he looked back at Flash. “You know, she’s a pegasus. I’m an earth pony.”

“Yeah wings and all that,” Barry said with a nod.

“Well, I love her. And she loves me,” Caramel continued with a smile. “But sometimes, I feel like I’m holding her back.”

“Whatareyatalkingabout, Willis?” Barry raised an eyebrow, moving his arms to cross on his chest.

“Well... most pegasi couples fly together. It’s like, one of their traditional dates and love ceremonies,” Caramel explained. He turned to look at Barry. “Imagine your life partner loved to dance. But you are paralyzed and can never dance with your partner...”

“Hey, hey- Stop. Don’t you put that evil on me,” Barry warned. “But you’re going somewhere with this? I do get what you’re saying though.”

“Well, there’s this group in Baltimare. They’re part of NESA. The National Equestrian Society of Aviation. They do all kinds of testing of aerial machines and such,” Caramel picked up his head to look at the sky. “The leader of that branch is an earth pony- Just like me. He fell in love with a pegasus...”

“I get it. They’re trying to make machines that let non-wingy ponies fly?”

“Yep. As a result of that, they’ve asked others to volunteer their services. I’m not a scientist,” Caramel chuckled, lowering his head to shut both eyes. “But they came to me. They needed a competent cobbler to make horseshoes of all types. Heavy ones to help with balance. Light ones to help with turning, and all this other kind of stuff.”

“Woah,” Barry raised his eyebrows. “So if your horseshoes help out...”

“I’ll get credit, my shoe designs will get me famous and rich- And I’ll be able to ask Sassa to marry me,” Caramel grinned.

“Look at you, Mr. Visionary,” Barry moved his left hand to push his glasses back in place over his eyes. “I guess that explains why we’re traveling...”


“Hmm?” Octavia mumbled a bit, her eyes trying to fight from opening. But the sounds of: “Grgh wrgnh hngrgh” Snoring of the stallion next to her kept her from... Stallion?! The musical mare moved her hooves to her eyes and rub them a bit. Please, let her not have gotten drunk in one of Vinyl’s rave parties again. Last time, she had almost lost her maiden-


“Stop snoring, you-” Octavia’s eyes opened, sitting up and turning to look at the rather boorish stall- That’s not a stallion. Her eyes turned into small dots, looking down at the body of Kratos. “Oh Celestia, that wasn’t a dream...” She whispered to herself. Kratos turned on his back, taking the bedsheet all for himself to snuggle up.

“GET OUT OF MY BED!” Octavia shouted, both eyes shut as she panicked. The burly demigod shot out of the bed, each arm waving as he fell off the bed. On his knees and hands, the Spartan looked about wildly. Except all he could see was a bed sheet over his head.

“What harpy shrieks like that!” Kratos shouted, eyes alert and his muscles tensing up.

“Harpy?!” Octavia opened her eyes, insulted. Even though she had no idea what a harpy was. “How dare you insult a lady like that!”

“Lady?” Kratos frowned, picking up a hand to remove the sheet. The man picked himself a bit up to look over the edge of the bed. “No woman shrieks-” And he was talking to a small horse. He was about to make a fist and condemn the woman to Tartarus when he spotted her eyes. No horse he knew had eyes that large. Memories from last night started to fill his head. That had not been a dream...

“Of course I panicked! You are asleep next to me! What did you do to me?” Octavia frowned. She could now turn and see Kratos’ face. Her mouth opened slowly, lifting her left hoof out to point at him. Memories of what happened yesterday filled her head. “You... You...”

“I have a name! I am Kratos!” The champion of the Titans frowned, lifting his frame slowly to stand and get a proper look around. “Where am I?”

“Oh... I’m now pregnant...” Octavia whispered.

“Cease your muttering! What is this place? Why am I here?” Kratos demanded once more. He turned to look at pony. She had moved her hooves out to grab a comforter blanket and wrap it around her form. “What in Athena’s girdle rattles you?”

“What rattles me? Apparently you!” The mare frowned, peeking her muzzle a bit out of the blanket to look at him. “Thanks to you, I’m now pregnant!”

“Pregnant?!” Kratos raised his bald head back, eyes narrowed. “Are you mad?”

“No! I was saving my marehood for that special stallion, and you took it from me!”

“Marehood?” The Spartan cringed at the word. Did this horse truly think she was pregnant? Only virgins thought like... he moved a hand to rub his eyes. “Don’t tell me I was your first.”

“Of course! Well, there was those times I experimented in college, and a little bit with Vinyl,” The earth pony quickly shut up, her cheeks flushing with heat. “Nevermind that! How do you plan to take responsibility?!”

“Responsibility? How can you possibly...” Kratos stopped himself, moving his hand down at his eyebrows raised up. He was the spawn of Zeus, he who could conceive a child with a single night of debauchery. Minotaurs, centaurs and satyrs were the spawn of a god and a mortal. Suppose he had gotten her pregnant? How many times did he rut her anyway? Even if he had ravaged a woman once or twice, he felt no exhaustion and kept going. Damn you, Aphrodite! Damn you to hell! Knowing her, she probably did this to spite him for killing the gods.

“What will my parents think? What will my bandmates think?!” Her eyes opened wide a second. “Even worse, what will Vinyl think?!” She moved her hooves to close the blanket over her head as she panicked again.

(Knowing the DJ? She would probably say- “About damn time! Woo! Look at the legs on that stud! Let me tell you Tavi, it takes a real stallion to wear a skirt!”)

“Stop your-”

“That settles it!” Octavia moved the blanket off her head. “We are getting married!”

“...” The God of War found himself speechless. A mare (Thank some greek god it was a female), thought she was pregnant with his spawn and wished to be wed. His head was so full of ‘what’ right now.

“We will have to talk to my parents. And I will have to tell the orchestra. Of course they will all have to attend. Of course Vinyl will be the wedding DJ...” Octavia lowered her head, looking left and right as she mumbled details in her head.

“...” Kratos remained stunned, arms hanging at his sides in a limp.

“We will have to move and get a house in Canterlot. All the best schools are there...”


“We will eventually fall in love, and be the most famous couple of the land.”


“I will work in the symphony, first chair of course. You will stay home and take care of our little one.”


“And we will have to file for joint status for our taxes...”


“And the baby will have to get a name... Maybe Philharmonic? It’s for colts or fillies. She or he will-”

“What do you mean she?”

“Huh?” Octavia picked up her head, blinking once. He had remained silent all this time, yet the mention of a girl made him speak up. “Our baby! Don’t tell me this will be the kind of father you will be! I will not-”

“Stop with your delusions! I asked, what makes you think it will be a girl?” Kratos snapped out of his reverie. Memories of his daughter flowed into his head.

“Father... parents... Oh my gosh!” Octavia threw the blanket and rushed over to look into her mirror. Her mane was frazzled and a mess. Her neat and tidy collar was disarray, and eyes looked roughed for wear. Why was she walking bow legged? “We must get to the train! I was supposed to visit my parents for the weekend! Of course you must come, you can use Vinyl’s ticket..”

“Train?” Kratos narrowed his eyes at the word. “And what makes you think I will come?”

“Will you really leave the mother of your child to travel all alone?” The mare stopped what she was doing, turning to look at her. Her eyes had closed a bit, her purple eyes looking up at his face. He had to take a step back, his eyes relaxing a bit. With her mane uncombed like that, she reminded him of his wife. Damn these memories of his family! He had avenged their deaths! Why did their memory still plague him now?

“Kratos? Is that what you said your name was? What’s wrong?” Octavia moved closer to him now, a bit confused by his reaction. Please don’t tell her he was going to leave her, that she was a mere one night stand? Would she live alone, raising a child as a single mare?

“You... look... wife,” Kratos mumbled a bit, trying to clear his head. He needed food- better yet, wine to kill his thoughts!

“Your wife? Oh! So you will take responsibility! Wonderful! I thought we were going to have to suffer a bit through romantic tension like in those trashy romance novels Vinyl reads!” The mare smiled, moving to rub her head against his bare, muscular thighs. “Oh my. I remember our torrid night affair. But if our baby asks, it was conceived on the wedding night.”


“Come! We have to hurry if we want to catch the train!”

“What?” Kratos’ mind turned off again.

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“Well... you guys are new. I guess it’s time for code names,” Dan moved a hand to his chin to think.

“But... we haven’t met yet,” Eddie commented.

“Shut up and get in line with the others! You will take your new nicknames and like it!”

Vash- Robocop

“I’m a plant, damn it!”

Braeburn- Brokeback Mountain.

“I’m not gay!”

Toph Bei Fong- Stevie Wonder.

“Is that like Twinkle Toes?”

The Doctor- The Jerk.

“Oh come now, no need for name calling...”

Fine. The Assshole.

“Better quit while I am ahead...”

Celestia- Useless.


Vergil- Mama’s boy.

“My mother was a saint!”

Shining Armor- Which Backstreet Boy is Gay?

“Say what?”

Princess Cadence- Get the hell outta here! You made Alicorns canon!

Cadence runs away to cry.

Terra- Furry Fetish.

“I like guys!”

Johnny- Sit on it.


Blueblood- Blueballs.

“I will have you know the carpet does match the drapes.”

Samurai Jack- Jesus.

“Yo no hablo Español...”

Spike- Postal Worker.

“I need a gun...”

Nigel- Krillin.

“Aw come on! Even I got a girlfriend before he did!”

Sweetie Belle- Marshmallow S'more.

“Is he saying I’m sweet? It’s already in my name!”

Hoagie- I have to follow you around with a tuba.

“Hey! No one told me about carbs!”

Applebloom- Chiquita Banana.

“I hate bananas!”

Wally- English Muffin.


Scootaloo- Kentucky Fried Chicken 10 piece bucket

“If you say I’m finger lickin’ good...”

Kuki- Grow some legs!

“Aww... I wanted to be Mrs. Hugs!”

Rumble- You like Scootaloo!


Abby- Aunt Jemima's illegitimate child...

“To think I used to like pancakes.”

Pipsqueak- Monkey D. Luffy

“Arr! Jack Sparrow is better!”

Kratos- There can be only one!

“I’m not a Highlander...”

Octavia- Violinist.

“For the last time, it’s a cello!”

Zeke- Elvis? I thought you died eating a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich in the bathroom...

“Don’t tell anyone I’m here...”

Fancy Pants- Limey Man.

“I’m a stallion!”

Angelo- Damn Canadian


Eddie- Get a job, Hippie!

“Hey now, they know how to party backstage...”

Iron Will- Dr. Phil.

“A doctor? Iron Will likes it!”

Medic- Spawn of Hitler!

“You can’t prove it ze courts!”

Nurse Redheart- Get away from me, vampire scum!

“I needed to draw your blood!”

Barry- Nicholas Cage.

“Oh, no! Not the Bees! AAAHHH!”

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading to this point. One last flashback chapter before the fate of Baltimare is sealed.

Not the bees...

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