• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Time Off- Part III

Chapter 32- Time Off, Part III

The Blue Spy walked over to one of the many places that offered flowers for sale. It seemed that while there was a plant store, there were no florists. Way too many ponies seemed to like to grow their own flowers, and each one in a specialized field. They all simply sold their wares on carts or on saddle baskets. It took a while, but he managed to understand Zecora through her rhyming. It seemed that the “zebra” and not a pony was still getting used to a town that had ponies still around in normal hours. He finally found what he had been looking for. For a moment, the espionage agent was afraid he would not be able to find them here. Iris flowers.

“Do you know ze language of flowers?” He said, plucking a single yellow iris. The flower was fresh, and its three petals had opened up in bloom. “Ze Iris is known as the “Fleur de Lys,” a symbol of Le France heraldry and royalty.” His gloved hand moved down to Zecora, who stood at his waist level in height. With gentle slide, he placed the flower into her mane, behind her right ear. “And ze Yellow Iris means “passion.” I can think of no fleur that can match your turquoise eyes.”

“Such a language Blue Spy. Passion for whom, may I pry?” Zecora asked, blushing lightly at his compliments. Her black and white stripes did draw attention away from her eyes, and the yellow lily directed a contrast that made it easier to determine her eye color.

“If you must ask, then you may need more convincing,” Blue Spy said. He must be losing his touch. But still, red, yellow, and black and white on her face gave him a confident smile.

Off in the distance, Fluttershy looked at the two obvious foreigners. Zecora from a faraway land, and Mr. Spy who obviously spoke a different language than the other humans so far. She sighed though, seeing how language and cultural barriers were no match for their charisma. Why was she having so much trouble with Soma? She had tried all the pick up methods popular with mares.

Maybe because he was human, she was doing something wrong? Was she going too fast? Was it the Stare? Was it her cold attitude with the Crusaders? The yellow pegasus lowered her head, turning to look back at Soma. The soul hunter was looking for a cart to rent and use to carry the supplies. Her partner needed a different dietary supplement, and also she needed more supplies for her animals.

“Soma?” She asked, lifting her head away from her mane.

“Fluttershy? What’s the matter?” Soma asked, lifting his head and walking over to it.

“I know you eat different things than I do. Take your time, and buy some things for yourself. I am going to talk to Zecora, see if she knows anything about the Changelings.” Fluttershy picked up her head to look at Soma, hoping he bought her excuse. Although forward with her feelings for the teen, lying was still wrong.

“That makes sense, she’s from Everfree too I think. Good idea, you can talk about it in tomorrow's meeting,” Soma said. He took off, glad for a chance to look for food. Pancakes were tasty, but he needed protein. With any luck, he could find some peanuts.

Glad that she had some time, Fluttershy went forth to the masked man. She was extremely nervous though, why did that man hide his face? It was unnerving. At least he wasn’t like those tales of slendermane. But, with all the others gone, he looked like the best choice. He was obviously older than Soma, and clearly had experience with the opposite sex. Zecora and Spy stopped their conversation, noticing when Fluttershy stepped up to them.

“Fluttershy,what troubles your mind? May it be we can help find?” Zecora asked, trying to be helpful. Her friend looked anxious.

“Ah, this is ze mare that lives close to ze forest?” Blue Spy asked. She looked awfully quiet. He crossed both arms on his chest, looking down at the one with wings. Too shy for his tastes. At Least Zecora made him work for his charm, and he liked a challenge.

“Um, if you don't mind me asking, that is, may I ask for your advice Mr. Spy?” Fluttershy asked, moving her head to hide her face behind her mane. She had lowered her entire body a bit, trying to make herself look smaller. The poor pegasus did not want to draw too much attention away from Zecora. The zebra raised her head and then nodded to the human.

“Very well, but I have no idea what I can be of service.”

“Um...” She stopped talking, closing both of her eyes. She squeaked her request in a high pitch. “Howdomalesandfemalesinyourlanddate?”

“Come again?” Spy asked, raising his eyebrows under his mask. Zecora blinked as well, not sure what her friend had said exactly.

“Sorry, I am so nervous. I asked, how do males and female date in your land?” Fluttershy asked, lifting her head again. Her cheeks had a very deep shade of red on them. She finally opened her eyes and sighed. Blue Spy picked up his head to look around for the one called Soma. That was her partner, right? With her shy attitude, it was no wonder she had no luck. If he only knew.

“Ah, l’amour, I am a Frenchman, and Mother France is ze capital of love in my Earth,” He said, closing his eyes to lift a hand to hold his chest. He was a patriot, if nothing else. “You do well to ask me. What is ze trouble?”

“Oh! I have tried everything to get Soma’s attention. I even tried to mark him so other mares left him alone and know he was claimed...” Fluttershy instantly smiled, glad to know Spy was the right choice to ask. She lost her smile though, seeing the man slap his forehead. “Was it something I said?” Zecora also raised her eyebrows, a bit confused by the news.

“Mon dieu. Do not tell me. In this place, ze female is ze one to start courtship?” Blue Spy lowered his hand to look over at Zecora. It was news to the Zebra as well. In her homeland, the male was the one to initiate courtship as well. “In my country, and ze rest of the world, ze male is ze hunter.”

“What?” Fluttershy asked, lifting her head up. That made sense! No wonder none of the other mares in her group of friends didn’t have humans all over them! It also explained why Pinkie Pie was able to get Dan. She was a bit weird and would not go through traditional means. “Have I been making a fool of myself?” She asked, moving to lay on the ground and bring her hooves to cover her face.

“I do not know how things work in this land. But a female must also make her intentions known...” Blue Spy said. He did not like to make any lady, horse or not, cry in front of him. “My advice? Let him be the hunter.”

“Oh! I should’ve known,” Fluttershy said, picking herself to stand. Of course he had not been responding to her advances! He was a meat eater, of course he wanted to hunt! She shook her head to the sides and then nodded. “Thank you both very much! I think I know what to do,” she said and rushed off.

“That was odd,” Spy said, moving a hand to hold his chin. Zecora nodded. “Can we get a hotel in town? I do not wish to walk to your home only to walk back tomorrow.” Zecora nodded, her hut was a bit small for two, and she did not want Blue Spy exposed to the dangers of the Everfree Forest at night.


Twilight Sparkle smiled, her eyes closed as she trotted happily towards the Golden Oaks. Finally! Her own champion! She was glad to give him a second chance. While not at the battle against Alduin at first, he had come in later to help deliver the final blow. The stories, the science, the magic, the books Otacon could share! The unicorn was so excited! She stoped at the library, turning to look back at Otacon. He had stayed oddly quiet during the way back. And he was missing....

Otacon had stayed quiet, trying to focus on his bad leg. Ever since that sprain in Shadow Moses, his leg had come more susceptible to injury. He had only a day to stay off his leg, and it still hurt. These ponies were faster than he thought. He picked up his eyebrows, seeing Twilight rush over to him.

“I am so sorry Dr. Otacon!” Twilight said, looking sheepish. Her purple ears had been folded against her head, and the smile on her face was replaced with regret. “I should have noticed your leg! I am so sorry, please believe me. I was just so excited and and...” She started to say. What did her books say about apologizing? Right! Look them in the eye. She turned to look up at him, making the poor engineer take a step back to stop walking.

“Its okay Ms. Sparkle! Really, its not your fault I have my leg injured,” He said. That last comment made her flinch. “Ms. Sparkle?” He asked, not sure what was going on with her.

“Please Dr. Otacon, let me help you,” Twilight said. She moved over to his bad side, offering her back to him. He placed his hand on her back and used her to lean on.

“Is this okay? I don't weigh too much, do I?” He asked. Even with his added weight, Twilight shook her head to the sides. He really didn’t weigh that much either.

“No, this is the least I can do. You are my champion, and you deserve to be treated better. Let’s go into the library,” she said. She escorted the human, and both of them made it to the library faster. Once inside, she held him to sit on the staircase leading upstairs. It gave him a better angle to stretch out his leg and rest it.

“Thank you Ms. Sparkle. That feels much better,” Otacon said with a smile. The librarian moved over to close the door and give them some privacy.

“Can I get you anything? Something to drink or eat?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, no thank you. Big Macintosh was kind enough to offer me some food and drink before.” Otacon said with a smile. He loved this place! A library that combined both green technology and knowledge! Did the books live longer thanks to the still alive tree? But wouldn’t that mean more bugs to look out for? Still, this was something he wished he had back home. Twilight smiled, glad to see her champion smile.

“Then Dr. Otacon, let me tell you a story...”


Samus flew in her ship slowly, staying quiet. The hum of her onboard navigational computer busy at work. While everyone else had gone on whatever assignments they had, Dan had asked her to scope out the area and make a map. It made sense to her, as she had no layout of the land. And since Dan was leader over Otacon, she figured she should listen to the small human.

Big Macintosh smiled, lifting his head up to look out the window. It was amazing how fast they moved. Even being on a train was nothing like this! He moved his head to look over at the monitors, watching how the planet’s layout was being mapped before his eyes. Thanks to the speed they were going, they had both seen much of the land. They had started out with Ponyville, and slowly flew in a circle around to spread out. Baltimare, Las Pegasus, Manehatten, Appleloosa- He saw them all from his vantage point in the sky.

Samus turned to look at her so called partner and smiled. That pony was just like a little kid, experiencing everything for the first time. Samus also appreciate how quiet he was. It was odd, while traveling through space was so quiet with only her computer for company. She didn't even listen to music. But now, it was so different. It was relaxing, just having someone with you. Amazing how much difference just having someone else with you could be, even if they said nothing.

“Big Macintosh, please, tell me about yourself.”

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t you steer?” The red stud turned to look at her.

“It can do so on its own now that I set a pattern,” Samus said with a smile. She moved her hair over to slide her seat and move her hands to brush his mane. Somewhere inside her, a little girl that always wanted a pony was yelling for more. His mane was so soft, and his face so cute!


Twilight finished her story, her head looking down at the ground. While she had started hopeful, she was now nervous. How the spell that started this whole mess was needed, and the humans appearing over Equestria. That the Changelings had been the bad guys at the wedding, and how they attacked her and the town during her investigation. How the humans and the Elements they possessed were partners. Then what happened in Ponyville during Operation Tetra Blitz.

At first, Otacon listened to the story with his arms resting on his legs. Each hand bent at the elbows, holding hands against each other as he looked down a bit. So, he had been working for the bad guys. A part of him still wanted to believe that the changelings were not beyond redemption though. Twilight shut both her eyes, expecting an angry backlash. When nothing came, she opened her eyes and looked up.

“Dr. Otacon?”

“Twilight Sparkle. I also have something to confess,” he said to lower his arms. A long sigh escaped from his lips, trying to sit up. “I’m the one that was the command over the Dam, the Quarry, and the thefts.”

“What?! How?!” Twilight lowered her head to look at the sides. Her champion, working with the enemy?

“Well, it was kind of easy. I mean, the changelings had a solid layout of the town,” Otacon begun. He turned to look at her, trying to gauge her reaction. “You should be glad I wanted info, not kills. Could you imagine how much worse it could have been if I ordered the strikes at night?”

“How could you?!? To think I wanted to give you a second chance!” Twilight stomped her legs, both eyes shut in anger.

“You kidnapped me! What was I supposed to do? They were friendly and polite with me!” Otacon said, trying to defend himself. “At least they cared enough to make sure I was provided for.”

“But, I... Argh!” Twilight turned her back to him, walking away to the kitchen. It was all true though, he was in an unknown land and had to survive. His leg was suffering, and he was only treating the Changelings with the same respect they gave him. She stopped to look down at a book, one that gave a recipe to make pancakes. If only Spike was here...

Otacon release a sigh, closing both eyes to look down at the wooden floor. Some champion he turned out to be. According to the Doctor, he was “Science” and she was Magic. Why was this so hard? He didn’t hate her, even though he was here thanks to her. She only needed help, and he had made things worse with his own plans.

“Excuse me,” Twilight said, walking into view of the main room of the Library. She had a smile on her face, and her hair had been combed. She had tried to make herself look presentable.

“Yes?” He asked, lifting his right hand to his eyeglasses. He pushed them in place, a bit confused by her actions.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am Princess Celestia’s personal student, and I run the Golden Oaks Library. What’s your name?” She asked, trying to be friendly. With any luck, Otacon was smart enough to realize that she was trying to start over.

“Oh. Well,” Otacon stopped, realizing he had never given himself a proper introduction to anyone. They all knew him to be Otacon. “I am Doctor Hal Emmerich. I used to be a weapons designer, and I now work in Philanthropy to work for peace. People call me Otacon.”

“Really? I’m the wielder of the Element of Magic. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Twilight said to lift her hoof up to shake.

“I have been told I am the Element of Science, you are a cute unicorn by the way” Otacon said. He moved his left hand out to shake her hoof. It was a bit weird, but he felt better.

“Hello, my champion. I am far from perfect, but I am glad to have you,” Twilight said. This was much, much better. She smiled, moving her hoof down. Now, what though? According to the theory, she was supposed to bond with him. What did that mean?

“That went much better. Is there something I can call you? I like to be called Otacon,” he said to smile at her. Twilight took a moment to think, moving her right hoof to her chin. It did make sense, friends did give each other nicknames.

“My friends call me Twi and also Sparkles. But, I think Twilight will do just fine,” she said with a smile. She perked up her eyebrows, turning to look at his face. “Could I... ask for a favor?”

“A favor? Sure, if I can do it...” Otacon said, lifting his eyebrows. Maybe it was good will message.

“Your fingers... could you run them through my mane?” She asked, moving herself closer to him. The conversation in the morning in the library described what Soma and Phoenix did as very nice.

“I don't see why not,” the engineer said. Was this some sort of primitive grooming ritual? But he heard of apes doing this, not ponies. Still, why not? Her dual colored mane was odd. With a smile, Twilight moved over to his leg. she rested her head on his thighs, bending her legs to lay down on the floor.

“Just start your way from the top and go down please,” Twilight asked. The unicorn shut both eyes, anticipating the good feeling. Otacon moved his right hand out to her head. He started simply by petting her mane, from the base of her head and down her side. Thankfully, she had used a spell to dry off her hair. And she was glad she was, that petting made her feel good. Still, nothing that would- AND hello!

Otacon moved his fingers in now. The fingers on his hands spread out, and he pushed them to slide deeper into her mane. The tips of each one pushed and slid down her neck and then down along her neck.

“Oh wow... Rainbow Dash was not kidding!” She said in a low voice. The unicorn in her wanted to buck up, the sensation foreign and pleasing. She forced herself to stay still, eyes closed halfway. The messages in the spa were better than- And whoa! Now what was he up to? He spotted her horn, and he blinked once at it. Was that like a bone? Did she feel no sensation in it? He drew his other hand to the tip, sliding his fingertips along her grooved horn.

Twilight found her left back hoof twitching, wanting to buck out and kick anything. Her mouth fell open a bit, unable to resist the feeling of her horn. Otacon notice her kicking, wondering if that was a good thing. She said nothing so far. The fingers spread apart, letting him slide more than one finger along her horn. The lines that slid in a circle along the horn were traced by him.

Sweet Celestia! Most unicorns only had one part of their sensitive horns touched in such fashion. This human with those magic fingers invaded more than one spot at once. Her tongue rolled out, panting for air. His other hand continued to pet her mane. The doctor figured he was doing something right.

“How are you feeling?” Otacon asked.

“More!” Twilight said, lifting her head up quickly. Otacon quickly threw his head back, caught off guard by her reaction. Her eyes were opened wide, a big grin on her face. Poor thing, she had little sexual education regarding her horn. Almost no one had touched it.

“Are you sure?” He asked, moving his hands slowly to rest on her back. He had no idea how erotic this was for her. Guess that horn was more than just a bone.

“Please! Yes! I will do anything for you! You want meat! You got it! You want coitus?! A thousand times yes! Just don’t stop!”

“Er, Twilight?” Spike said, looking over at them both. Samurai Jack and he were standing at the doorway, looking in at that strange scene. Jack had his eyebrows raised, not sure what he heard coming from the mouth of the purple one. Otacon turned to look over at the newcomers.

“Did we come at a bad time?” Samurai Jack asked, not sure how he should be feeling. He frowned a bit, wondering if coitus meant what he thought it meant.

“You know what Jack? Lets go meet my other friends,” Spike said, closing the door behind them. “What’s coitus mean?”

“Its not what you think! Come back Spike!” Twilight yelled out, getting off Otacon to chase after her assistant. She was blushing furiously.

“What the hell?” Otacon asked. Did he really make it to first base with a unicorn?

Author’s Notes: And this marks the end of the Time Off Arc. Chapter proofreaded by the cultural LyonAzakura.

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