• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Road Trip II: No Rest for the Wicked

Chapter 45- Road Trip II: No Rest for the Wicked

“Alright then. Are you sure about this, Otacon?” Dovahkiin said, standing next to Sokka and Ash. Team Ponyville was standing at the city limits, looking over at Team Espionage. Samus managed to get her suit on, back to full power. Snake raised both hands to his head, holding a long strip of cloth to tie it around his forehead. Merchant Moved both hands to the straps on his backpack and shift both shoulders up, setting the gear in place higher on his back.

“I’m sure of it. Hopefully with the spaceship in orbit we can get a higher signal radius,” Otacon said. He moved to place a brown cloak around his shoulders. The other human members moved to slide cloaks around their shoulders, save Pasta. He was already hidden enough behind his hood, scarf, and heavy long coat.

“Are you sure about this? There is still time to change your mind,” Twilight said, stepping out from the other mares.

“My leg is feeling much better now, and the wrappings will keep the ankle straight. I bet in one more day I will back to my best condition,” Otacon said with a smile. “Besides, Big Mac volunteered to pull the cart.” The red stallion nodded, smiling at the others.

“Ya’ll set?” Applejack asked, turning to look at Junebug and Trixie. To help out the humans, the ponies volunteered to wear saddlebags and help carry gear. The element of Honesty was anxious, not knowing how those two would react to an adventure like this. The cart was a small one, only used to carry apples to and from the farm.

“Who do you think I am? I am the Great and Powerful-” Trixie stopped talking, feeling something petting her mane.

“I warned you...” Snake said, frowning at the unicorn. The unicorn blushed, lowering her head a bit. She picked up her head though, finding a hat and a cloak being placed on her form.

“Is this...” Trixie blinked once. It was the familiar color of her old cape and the hat was similar to her old one. “How did you know?” She asked.

“Twilight,” Snake motioned with his left thumb. “I wanted to apologize properly, remember? She said what I could do to make things right.” Trixie turned to look at Twilight, who was helping Otacon get on the cart using levitation. The scientist smiled and laughed, the sensation of being weightless was pleasant.

“I see...” Trixie said, shutting both her eyes to blush at the gestures by Snake and Twilight.

“I admit, I am nervous,” Junebug said. This would be a first for her. Even with Merchant at her side, the orange cream pony wasn’t sure how to feel about things.

“This isn’t my style either Miss Junebug,” Creeper Pasta said. He moved a left bony hand to slowly ruffle her mane. “But business isn’t for the faint of heart. Sometimes, you have to fight for a sale or a big payoff.”

“Sokka, good luck with your team. Ponyville will be very underpowered with all of us split up. They may decide to attack again,” the Element of Science said.

“I may not look it, but I’m a warrior,” The young man said. Ash and Dovahkiin walked behind the man, placing a hand on each one of team leader’s shoulders.

“We’ll look after the boy, and the town,” Ash said. “Get going already.” First order of business for the chainsaw fighter though? Get a new shirt. Otacon and the others nodded, watching them take off and walk down the road.

“So Sokka, what’s on the plan?” Dovahkiin asked. Sokka turned around, looking up at the two adults he was supposed to be in charge of. Ash was alright in his book, though Dovahkiin was still iffy. The teen had problems believing these two were so willing to listen to him without proving himself.

“Well, I know Dan said we had to have a buddy system- but we don't have a choice. We have to make Ponyville look like there is still humans around. Dovahkiin, get started in blacksmithing-”

“Problem there though,” Dovahkiin said, lifting his left hand up. “I need leather, and I also don’t know what kind of armor to build. I can make heavy and light, but I have no way of knowing how many sets I can complete.”

“Leather is that much of a problem?” Ash asked, lifting an eyebrow.

“I need strong material to keep the armor plates together, or weapon grips,” Dovahkiin said. “And if you haven’t noticed, we can’t kill cows, wolves, or other kinds of animals...”

“Isn’t there a substitute we can use?” Sokka asked. He didn’t recall leather being used in swords, but who knows for other weapons.

“Maybe, if I could find a strong material...” Dovahkiin said, lifting a hand to rub his chin.

“What about fake leather? Pleather?” Ash asked. He was the only one that knew about that material, and it was obvious because both of the backwater primitives gave him weird looks. “Oh, you seen the ponies with saddle bags, right? Those can’t be made from leather, so its gotta be from another hard material.”

“Alright. Dovahkiin- Get to the forge. Get started on what you can, and I think light armor will be for the best. See if you can get the local blacksmiths to help you. Ash, you can help find this “pleather” for Dovahkiin. I’m going into Everfree. I’m a tracker, so I can at least see if I can find tracks of changelings. With any luck, I can also get herbs to make salves and stuff...” Sokka said.

“What about us?” Applejack asked. Derpy and Mayor Mare nodded. “We can help.”

“I haven’t forgotten about you guys. Listen, there’s no school and teacher- So that means lots of little ponies running around...” Sokka said, moving to look down at Mayor Mare.

“I understand. You want one of us to make sure the ponies behave and stay out of trouble,” The Mayor said. “What do you suggest?”

“Derpy? Can you teach the ponies to make muffins?” Sokka said, smiling at his partner.

“Will do!” The gray pegasus smiled, lifting a forehoof to salute them. She was watching the Crusaders, what’s wrong with a little more?

“You will need to find a large house or place to keep them all. Least until after work hours. Maybe other ponies can volunteer to teach them other things...” The team leader said.

“Applejack, I want you to get food. Preserve the food anyway you can. Jerky? Smoke? Not sure how you all preserve food...” The Southern Water Tribesman turned to look at the cowpony.

“Wow, you thought this far ahead kid? I’m impressed,” Ash said, nodding.

“What good is that for?” Applejack asked.

“Sokka, you have indeed lead armies before...” Dovahkiin said. “In armies, and often in battles, soldiers are unable to cook for themselves. They are also unable to hunt or scavenge their own food. They must rely on rations provided for them. Usually foods that are dried so they can last long, and something small so its easy to carry...”

“Dovahkiin’s right. If we are all going to be fighting, we can’t be worrying about food. The last few days we have been lucky. But a lot of the food ponies eat, are not good for us. And since there is so many humans now, trying to worry about food will be harder and harder with each day that passes by,” Sokka said.

“Wow, Ah never figured that....” Applejack said, her eyes open wide to look at the young man. “But yer right. Ya want me ta handle that job?”

“Do what you can,” Sokka said, smiling. “We need protein and food that can last at least a few days. Also, something small that can be carried. And don’t rush it. There’s a whole week to prepare.” Applejack nodded, smiling. With any luck, any products she could come up with could be sold later. And she had lots of ideas of what to use. She and her family had to prepare for Winter lots of times.

“What should I do?” The gray mane earth pony said.

“Miss Mayor, Dan mentioned maps had not been made. Writing utensils got sent from Canterlot. Find ponies that can replicate the maps of the areas. And sorry about the hospital... But that takes priority. Make all who can help rebuild it. Hopefully, your town residents can get it rebuilt in a week.” The human leader raised himself to stand up, crossing both arms on his chest. “Any questions?”

The ponies all looked up at Sokka, not sure what to make of him. Clearly he was the youngest out of all the humans. And although he didn’t seem as smart as Otacon or Twilight, he was at least at Dan’s level. It seemed that age mattered little to humans. Ash smiled, noting the seriousness his leader was displaying. Dovahkiin nodded, acknowledging Sokka as a leader by his own right. He seemed better suited at it than even Princess Celestia.

“After you’re done with your assignments, we must meet back for lunch time.... Where could we meet...” Sokka said, looking around town. Not a lot of options with ponies working and so many out of town

“We can meet in the School House, it’s the new City Hall,” Mayor Mare suggested.

“Ah can bring any food to show ya if it’s good,” Applejack said to smile. She felt relieved, glad Dan picked the right human for the job.

“Hands in, or hooves...” Sokka said, moving his right hand in the center of the group. Ash moved his own hand to have it rest on top. Applejack brought her own hoof in. Dovahkiin tilted his head to the side, not sure what was going in. But the dragonborn moved his hand in with the other. Derpy moved her hoof, and finally Mayor did as well. “All together, Team Ponyville!”

“Teeeeaaaaam Ponyville!” They all shouted, lifting their hands and hooves up together. Dovahkiin was lost at first, not sure what happened. But he smiled, seeing how this ritual was made to keep spirits up. He would have to share this with his fellow Nords if he ever got back. It seemed more appropriate than just lifting weapons and shouting. The other adult human grinned. He couldn’t remember when was the last time he had done that.

“Now, move out!”


Twilight walked ahead of everypony else, leading the way since she was the only one of the group that had seen the Diamond Dogs. Following behind her, Big Mac and Otacon on the cart. Samus walked besides the cart, wearing a cloak over her armor. The bounty hunter couldn’t feel the warmth it provided, her suit was weather controlled. But it made sense not to freak out anyone they came across dressed like a space knight. Snake and Trixie took the rear, with the stealth agent making sure no one was following them. Merchant Pasta and Junebug walked on the other side of the cart.

Twilight kept her head up, unable to stop worrying. Although last time they managed to part on semi-good terms with the mountain canines, she had no idea how they would react. The red eyed human and his reservations about being in this crusade also added to her concerns. He did make a point. Otacon and Nate both suffered physical injury since coming here, and Phoenix was without his daughter. Wasn’t there a way to pay them back properly?

Junebug looked around as they marched, wondering why it was so quiet. She turned to look at the others, wondering why they didn't talk to each other. Weren’t they all good friends? Otacon was writing things down on a notepad. Snake kept looking around, and Trixie kept her head held high. It looks like she had no problems with long walks. Samus was just creepy behind that dome visor. Couldn’t she do something to make things better?

“Excuse me, Mr. Pasta?” Junebug asked, lifting her head to look at the hooded one. “Do you know any good songs? I know we spoke a bit about business sense, but I would love to hear some of the songs from the places you come from...” Merchant turned to look down at her, raising both eyebrows. He moved his hands from his backpack straps and smiled under his scarf.

“Good songs? I’m not sure. But I do have one song I love, simply because its so honest...” Merchant said, looking ahead. “Its a horrible song though, talking about the horrible dark side to humanity. But at least its a catchy tune...”

“I’d like to hear it anyway,” Junebug said with a smile. How bad could it be? The other picked up their head, turning to look at the only ones talking. Its not like Otacon ordered for silence yet.

“I was walking down the street when out the corner of my eye,

I saw a pretty little thing approaching me.”

Somehow the sound on a single guitar strumming was heard. Snake and Otacon looked around, wondering where the music was coming from. The ponies didn't seem to care, as if this was an everyday thing for them.

“She said I never seen a man, who looks so all alone,

Oh, could you use a little company?

If you could pay the right price, your evening will be nice,

And you can go and send me on my way.”

Samus turned her head, her visor looking at Merchant. She recognized this tune, it was one bounty hunters seemed to like as their anthem. Big Mac raised his head up and down, walking in rhythm with the music.

“I said you're such a sweet young thing, why'd you do this to yourself?

She looked at me and this is what she said.”

Merchant took a step to his left, the music picking up. Otacon recognized this song now.

“Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees.

I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, there ain't nothing in this world for free.

I know I can't slow down, I can't hold back- Though you know I wish I could.”

Twilight and Big Mac perked up theirs ears, looking at their partners when they joined in with the chorus. Snake stopped scanning to pick his head up and down with the tune. Its had good rhythm, though the lyrics were somber.

“Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked,

Until we close our eyes for good.”

The music played for a bit, while Merchant turned to look at the other humans that sang along.

“Not even 15 minutes later, I'm still walking down the street.

When I saw the shadow of a man creep out of sight, and then he swept up from behind.”

The merchant moved to pull out a gun, the Red 9 to point it at the left side of his head to continue singing.

“He put a gun up to my head, he made it clear he wasn't looking for a fight.

He said “Give me all you've got, I want your money not your life.

If you try to make a move I won't think twice.”

The human spun the weapon against his palm before holstering back again.

“I told him you can have my cash, but first you know I've got to ask,

What made you want to live this kind of life?”

Once again, all the human joined in for the chorus, even Snake.

“He answered “Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees.

I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, there ain't nothing in this world for free.

I know I can't slow down, I can't hold back- Though you know I wish I could.

Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked,

Until we close our eyes for good.”

The ponies turned away as the humans stopped singing, the song coming to an end, even though there was another verse. The fact that all of the humans knew this song made Twilight wonder, just what kind of place their home was like.

“I sang. Now, how about you ponies sing us a song?” Merchant said, wanting to get some kind of payment. Junebug nodded, closing her eyes to smile. At least it had been a catchy tune. She begun to sing “Smile.”


Day 4.

Has it really only been 4 days since I came to Equestria? It seems so weird how time passes here. Hell, I don’t even know if dates works the same here as they do in Earth. I already made notes how a lot of things are the same, but so much makes no sense to me. Why do ponies wear saddles when no one rides them? Why so they have tools that call for use of hands? How do they hold forks? Back on point. It seems odd, I never used my journal as a true diary. It feels better if I write this as a letter. Ponies seems to do this a lot.

Dear Sully,

Nate here. No idea if you will ever read this- But here goes. If you’ve been reading my previous entries, you know about ponies and how I got here. Been a whole day since I wrote anything, and that’s because, well... I almost died. Yep, another close one. This time, due to a stupid poison dart out of all things. Looks like I can really die in this place. Luckily, my new brother Travis and partner Rarity saved me.

Nate stopped writing, lowering his pencil and journal to look down at Rarity and smile. While he was sitting up, the white unicorn had moved to rest her head and chin on his lap. She had both eyes closed, apparently asleep. He turned away, looking at how the others were doing. Dan and Pinkie Pie were both asleep again, though Dan opted to stay in the wheelbarrow and Pinkie in a booth.

The treasure hunter blinked and raised an eyebrow, spotting Fluttershy and Soma. It was strange, this time things were reversed. The young soul hunter was laying down with his head on Fluttershy’s lap. The yellow pegasus was sitting up, looking down at Soma as she hummed a soft tune. Sounded a lot like a lullaby. One of her hooves moved up and down to rub his silver hair. She froze, lifting her head up to see how Nate spotted her. She blushed and looked away. The Element of Equality smiled and shook his head to the sides to get back to writing.

So why am I bringing this point up now? I’m sorta making this my official will. I know, I know- Its bad luck to write your own will. But considering what happened yesterday, I thought I should take some steps. So Sully, I leave to you all of my money and my half of the bar. Anything I own basically goes to you. You taught me a lot of what I know, and you earned every single cent when you worked with me. Call me mushy, but at this point I have no idea if I will ever see you again.

But who knows? This is an adventure of a lifetime. I don’t regret this, and I am standing toe to toe with living breathing Titans and super powered humans. Can you imagine that? Little ol’ me being a superhero? I’m alive now, stronger than ever and I even got my own Brand and a blood brother. One day, you may even get to see it and meet Travis.

Until then,

Nathan Drake.

The human closed his journal and tucked it away along with his pencil. He then turned to look out the window, looking at the sky. Wherever Travis and Sully were, Nate hoped they were ok.


The Night Guards landed on the ground, bringing the chariot that carried Princess Luna and the others to the ground. Samurai Jack had his mouth fall open, much like the first time he had ever arrived in the future cities. Spike chuckled, looking up at his champion. If he only knew. Travis walked over to the guards and begun to brohoof them all. They all turned to look, watching as several humans begun to walk towards the landing platform.

“That was quick...” Travis said, lifting his eyebrows. Jack lowered his head and blinked, spotting the new people. Vergil walked alongside Shining Armor, eyes closed a bit. The white haired devil moved a hand to his blue overcoat to bring out Yamato, his father’s katana. The two bladesmen turned to look at each other. Vergil wasn’t sure why, but something about the samurai’s sword was putting him on edge.

“Aww dangit. Not one hot babe with them,” Johnny said, frowning. He turned to look at Travis, the only other human wearing sunglasses. Least he had someone to talk to that wasn’t girly. Prince Blueblood kept his mouth shut, just nodding his head in greetings at his night auntie and the new humans. Travis blinked once, looking over at the female human wearing red. Strange style.

“Niece Cadance, Captain Armor. When did you meet these humans?” Princess Luna asked, looking over at the other humans. Johnny looked impressive, so she guessed he was some kind of fighter like Ralf. Vergil looked dark and mysterious. And Terra... Luna frowned a bit, seeing how Travis was looking at her. She better keep her hands off of her knight.

“This one has a name,” Vergil said, moving his right hand up to push his white hair back in a slick fashion. “Vergil Sparda, half-devil. Not at your service.”

“Please excuse him,” Shining Armor said. “He has been a little upset. We were on our way back from our honeymoon when these two appeared in front of us.”

“My name’s Terra Branford,” The half esper said to courtesy a bit.

“I am Princess Luna. This is my knight, Sir Travis Touchdown. The young dragon is Spike, and his champion is the samurai Jack,” Luna said to nod her head in greetings. It was rather rude of her to speak about the new humans like they were not there. The others bowed their heads when their names was mentioned.

“It is an honor to meet you all. I’m Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but please, call me Cadance. This dashing fellow is my husband, Captain Shining Armor,” the pink alicorn said. The male unicorn smiled at them all. Dashing? Oh, he likely was.

“Pardon me, did you say you both arrived together?” Jack asked, moving forward to greet the humans.

“Oh yes. Right next to each other on a train,” Terra said, smiling at Jack. She liked him, he seemed reserved and polite. Also, less threatening than Johnny. But Vergil had a certain allure to himself. Spike moved a claw to rub his chin and let the adults talk. Those two humans arrived at the same time? But all the others were separate from each other, and at different times from what he could tell. Did that mean only certain humans could appear if their partners were all together?

“I am Prince Blueblood, and my...” Prince Blueblood looked around. “Where did Mr. Bravo go?”

“Hey everybody, look at me! I’m riding a unicorn!” Johnny Bravo said, riding on the back of Princess Celestia.


“Are you sure about this daddy?” Diamond Tiara said, lifting her head up to look at Filthy Rich. The little filly was looking forward to not having any school for the week- But when her father volunteered for the colts and fillies to have their classes at his large home she quickly frowned. There was a reason she had her party at Sugarcube Corners and not in her home.

“Of course my little Diamond. Ponyville was under attack, and I would feel better if you and your friends are all together. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to see all of your friends?” Rich said. “Now, be a good filly while I go and help the Mayor with rebuilding the town.”

“Fine,” little Tiara said with a sigh. At least she would get to make fun of the Bald Crusaders. She walked to the kitchen after her dad left to look around. Her eyebrows raised up in surprise at the scene. Derpy was laughing, with most of the fillies with flour and other mess made around the room. A bag of flour was thrown at her face to explode and send dust everywhere on her face.

“And what exactly, is wrong with being bald?” Nigel Uno said, holding a mustard gun at the nose of Silver Spoon. Number One was standing in front of Sweetie Bell, who looked like she was about to cry. “I happen to think it’s rather charming.” Sweetie picked up her head a bit, turning to look at the bald human as well, who smiled back. Silver Spoon quickly took off to hide behind Diamond.

“Let me get this straight... You like to skateboard too?” Number Four said, looking down at Scootaloo. The two of them were eating muffins and hiding under a table. “I bet I’m better than you!”

“No way! Ain't no one that can beat me!” Scootaloo said. “You’re on!”

“Oh my gosh! You are more cute than Rainbow Monkeys!” Number Three said, moving over to hug Rumble.

“Let go of me! I don't like girls!” The small light blue pegasus said as he tried to flap his wings to escape.

“Argh! Unhand me matey!” Pipsqueak said, lifting his wooden sword up at the girl wearing the green sweater.

“What he said Number Three, put the pony down...” Number Five said.

“Why are you listening to a pirate pony? I thought you hated pirates,” Number Two said. He looked up from his construction. Little Applebloom was helping him tear apart some cupboards to get some two by four technology going.

“Oh, he’s kinda cute! As long as he ain’t a Candy Pirate, Numbah Five ain’t gonna judge,” Abigail said to pet the smallest colt.

“Yarr! Pirates ain’t cute!” Pipsqueak said. Still, he raised his head at the petting.

“Hey ponies! Stop throwing the flour! We need it for muffins!” Derpy said, looking around at how the other little ponies were throwing the flour around.

“Wait, did you say flour?” Number One said, turning to look at the others. “Number two, don't light your-”

“Huh?” Applebloom asked, lifting her blowtorch up to light it.


“Huh.. Super Naturals,” Sokka said, lifting his head up from a book Zecora left behind for Dovahkiin.


“What the?” Sokka said, lifting his head up. A loud explosion sent ponies, children, and Derpy exploding into the air. “Derpy?”

“Somepony catch us!” Applebloom yelled out.

“This was not my fault!” Number Two said, flapping his arms up and down.

“Ahhhh!” Pipsqueak and Number Three yelled out, hugging each other tightly as they fell.

“Can't you fly or something?!” Number Four yelled out, grabbing Scootaloo by her back hooves.

“I can’t fly yet!” Scootaloo said, trying to flap her wings as fast as she could. The blond kid was pulling her down as she struggled.

“Sorry Sokka! I just don’t know what went wrong!” Derpy shouted as she flew overhead.

Author’s Notes: Oh my god... I brought the Kids Next Door. Yes, that was a dust explosion. Song is "Ain't no Rest for the Wicked" by the Cage the Elephant. Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

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