• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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The Truth

In Gardenia...

Twilight, Spike and Rarity had made it to the outskirts of the humble abbey beyond Ghastly Gorge. It was a little hike away from Trifectown where they parted ways with Cheerilee and the search party, and Rarity’s constant complaining was the only thing keeping the trip lively. “Twilight, why did you need me to come along, darling? I really should be out there with my little sister.” Rarity said.

“I know Rarity, and I’m sorry to take you from her at a time like this, but….I have a feeling that Gardenia might hold a secret about this ‘ninja filly’ we’re still hunting, and I figured you of all ponies would want answers the most.” Twilight said.

“Here!?” Spike said. “But I thought you said that abbeys were run by monks!”

Twilight sighed. “I know, but…..you never know if something could be a front for something else unless it’s uncovered.” As they neared and eventually entered Gardenia, its welcoming atmosphere accompanied by its lush flora granting it unmated beauty greeted the trio along with its residents. They surely didn’t expect to see the Princess of Friendship come for a visit.

“Ooooh! What a lovely little place this is! Their attire is a bit ‘bleh’, but Fluttershy would be flabbergasted at their natural setting here. Hmm…..I might have to think of a fashion line with this place as a theme.” Rarity commented.

“<chuckle> I just hope it does not give others the wrong idea about our abbey.” The three looked to see the good abbot of Gardenia walking towards them. His elderly appearance caused Rarity’s enthusiasm to lighten, as she didn’t want to potentially bug him. He bowed his head. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, to what do we owe this honor?”

“You must be Abbot Meadow. It’s nice to meet you, sir. I hope you all weren’t in the middle of anything important. And please just call me ’Twilight’” Twilight said.

Meadow chuckled. “Very well, Twilight. You’ve not come at a bad time. Although, I can’t say we were expecting you. What business do you have in our humble hamlet?”

“I’m sorry I came unannounced, Abbot, but I have a few things I need to ask you about.” Twilight said.

“And what might that be?” Meadow said.

“I don’t know if you guys know or not, but lately, a good number of foals ran away from home, and we think that they’re traveling Equestria together.” Twilight explained.

Spike walked to him and showed him a newspaper detailing the foals. “Have you seen any of them? Did they maybe come through here?” he asked.

Meadow was slightly caught off guard as he perused the paper presented to him. He should have expected this, but he had to keep his promise to Fire Fight and keep a straight face. “O-Oh dear! What a terrible shame! No….I-I’m sorry. To my knowledge, these foals have not visited Gardenia.” It pained him deeply to lie, and to a Princess no less, but he’d feel worse for betraying the Battle Foals. The surrounding monks knew his anguish since they were in the same boat.

“I-I see…It’s fine.” Twilight said. “Erm….I understand that you’re caring for a filly named Greensprout?”

“Er…Y-Yes? What of her, Twilight?” Meadow stammered.

“Well, I was wondering if I might speak with her as well.” Twilight said.

Meadow sighed. “Regrettably, she is not here, Your Highness. She and a few other monks are….on a pilgrimage as per our customs. I’m afraid I have no way of truly knowing where she is now.”

Twilight felt confused. Something obviously didn’t add up based on what she was told by the CMC, but she decided to let him keep going to see if she could catch him lying. “Oh? How long ago did she leave?”

“Not too long ago, as a matter of fact. Roughly a week, I’d say.” Meadow said.

“And where did she go first?” Twilight asked.

“She went north towards Trifectown.” Meadow said.

While it wasn’t quite what she was looking for, Twilight knew she had hit something. “Is that so? Well, I’ll have you know that three friends of mine happened to encounter her there whilst visiting.”

“Oh, did they?” Meadow said.

“Yes, and according to them, she claimed that she had just moved there with her mother, whom was nowhere to be found.” Twilight said.

“Whoa! Uh…Yeah, that’s pretty weird, sir.” Spike said.

“You’re not lying to us, are you, darling?” Rarity asked.

Meadow was having a difficult time keeping his composure. A monk with a poker face was certainly not something you’d think readily possible, and he wasn’t doing that notion any favors. He cocked he head as he tried to fake confusion. “Uh….N-No. I….I don’t understand why she would say something so silly.”

“Speaking of which, if you’re just her guardian, then where even are her birth parents?” Spike asked. Twilight couldn’t believe she hadn’t asked that sooner.

Meadow’s nerves calmed down some as he could finally tell the truth about something. He let out a solemn sigh. “They are……deceased…..They died shortly after she was born, and I found her cradled in a basket. She’d been my child ever since.”

The three felt their hearts ache a little at his explanation. “Oh….I’m so sorry.” Twilight said. She noticed how his tension had loosened when he explained that, so she didn’t think he was lying. “C-Can I asked what happened?”

Meadow shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’d rather you did not.”

“Fair enough.” Spike said.

“Though, I must ask: Why are you so interested in Greensprout? She did not run away like the foals in this newspaper.” Meadow inquired.

“Well…..Greensprout was encountered by those friends I mentioned shortly before a filly from that town ran away, and when we learned that she had disappeared shortly after and was lying about why she was there, we became a little suspicious and looked up her name. That’s what brought us here.” Twilight said. She wanted to keep her other ulterior motive a secret in case her worst fear was true.

“We mean no disrespect, of course.” Rarity said.

“Hmm….I see.” Meadow said. “And you’re certain that it’s not another filly by that name that you seek?”

Twilight shook her head. “As far as the latest records are concerned, there’s only one ‘Greensprout’ in Equestria.” She pulled out the black diamond and showed it to the abbot. “Have you ever seen this before?”

Meadow examined the item, but having never seen it before, he could only draw a blank. “I’m afraid not. What is it?” he asked.

“I’m not exactly sure, but…..” Twilight wasn’t quite sure how to explain it without potentially blowing her cover.

“Hey! You never did tell me how you got that thing, Twilight.” Spike said.

“Now that you mention it, it is rather odd, darling. Care to tell?” Rarity said.

“I will later, you guys.” Twilight said. She looked back at Meadow. “I still don’t understand something, though. If you knew that Greensprout was on a pilgrimage, she’d have no reason to lie about living somewhere she wasn’t. Why in Equestria would she say something like that under your supervision? I want to believe you, Abbot, but I get the feeling that there’s something you’re not telling me.”

Meadow’s nerves once again began to get agitated as he tried to keep his cool and find an answer. He’d managed to dodge that question once, but there was nothing else he could say without sounding suspicious, or even threatening. Twilight’s expectant eyes burned through his soul. “Just cut the act, old man.” Everypony looked over to see a rough-looking brown mare with an oak-colored mane walking up to them. “She’s pretty much caught us red-hoofed.”

“I’m sorry. Who are you?” Twilight asked.

“And whatever happened to your hair!? It looks like you just got out of a tornado, darling!” Rarity said.

The mare suddenly faced Rarity with a surprised glare. “What the-!? You wanna come over here and say that my face!?”

“Now, now, sister.” Meadow said. “Forgive her. This is Rocky Mountain, a former bandit leader who came here recently with her followers seeking spiritual cleansing. As you can see, she’s still a little temperamental.”

The vulgar mare looked down in shallow embarrassment. “Er….yeah….sorry.”

“Me too, dear. I didn’t mean to insult you.” Rarity said.

“Bandits?” Twilight asked.

Rocky Mountain sighed. “Yep. You wanna call yer guards to come cuff us? Wouldn’t be a huge deal.”

Meadow chuckled. “What would be the point of your arrival here if you simply allowed that? You chose to redeem yourself. You don’t want to give up now, do you?”

Rocky Mountain couldn’t help but to crease a little smile of gratitude. Meadow had been kind to her ever since she explained her encounter with the Battle Foals, and she did kind of owe him a chance to help her. “Nah. I wanna stick here.” She looked at Twilight. “I mean….if that’s cool with an actual authority of Equestria, ya know?”

Twilight wasn’t sure she liked the idea of letting criminals go unpunished by the law, but it was clear that Rocky Mountain had no ill intent, so she gently smiled. “I’ll let Gardenia be your place of incarceration so long as you don’t cause trouble here. I’m sure Abbot Meadow will do well to rehabilitate you.”

“Heh! Jeez. Don’t gotta make it sound like I’m a damn animal or something.” Rocky Mountain joked.

Twilight giggled before getting back to the topic at hoof. “What do you mean? Do you know something about the runaway foals? Is Greensprout involved?”

Rocky Mountain walked up next to Meadow, who felt conceited as he was indeed forced to accept defeat. They looked at each other and solemnly nodded. “Forgive me, Fire Fight….” Meadow muttered. He cleared his throat. “Your hunch is correct, Twilight. Fire Fight and his companions were indeed here.”

The three visitors gasped. “They were!? Altogether!? What were they doing here!?” Twilight asked.

Meadow explained how Fire Fight and some of his friends had gotten separated, how they were discovered and brought to Gardenia, and how Greensprout went to help them find their missing friends. He then told them about the dangerous adventure they had to undertake within the underground ruins and how it lead to Greensprout discovering the truth about her parents. The last thing he told her was about Greensprout’s real ‘pilgrimage’ with the other foals. “It was not an easy time, but….an eye-opening one for sure.”

Twilight, Spike and Rarity just stood there in shock of everything they just heard. There was so much to be said, but….where to begin? “I…..” Twilight was too flustered to even get a thought out of her mouth. What was she going to tell their parents?

Meadow sighed. “I know my decision may have been foolish, perhaps irresponsible, but there’s something about life that Fire Fight seems to understand, and he is a noble young colt. I have faith that he can make a difference for us all, and I did not want to hinder his quest.”

“What quest?” Rarity asked.

Meadow explained Fire Fight’s ideals of a place where those who have unappreciated, even scorned skills or talents like his can live in peace, and Greensprout wanted to learn from those ideals, prompting her to accompany him on his journey. “It was heart-rending to see my precious filly leave, but if I cannot spite her for wanting to expand her horizons, and I have faith that Fire Fight and his friends will protect her as she cares for their well-being.”

“So, we were right….” Twilight muttered. “Did you know that they were headed for Trifectown?”

Meadow nodded. “Yes. In fact, it was I who advised them to go there to begin with. Beyond that, I’m afraid I can’t say anything of their whereabouts.”

Twilight couldn’t help but to feel slightly betrayed by somepony who, for all intents and purposes, should have helped her get those foals back home, but she was comforted knowing his good intentions. “I understand, Abbot. In fact….I should strangely thank you.” Meadow cocked his head in confusion. “You telling them to go to Trifectown potentially saved a filly’s life.”

Now Meadow was a little concerned. “Whatever do you mean?” Twilight explained the situation with Bullseye and her parents, and she theorized that Fire Fight must have helped her escape from them.

“Abusive parents!? How abhorrent! Oh, I hope this ‘Bullseye’ feels safer with her new friends. Greensprout is no doubt tending to her broke spirit.”

“Yes. I’m sure she’s just the sweetest little filly on the inside.” Another monk commented.

“Tch. Yeah. She totally is.” Rocky Mountain scoffed. She explained her encounter with the Battle Foals and how it lead her to bringing her and her lackeys here. She was sure to mention the bloodbath that Bullseye started. Some of her former followers came over to testify to her brutality. “So, yeah. Hoofful o’ sunshine right there.” She sighed. “Fire Fight’s a helluva saint for putting up with her. Hope she gets better.”

“W-W-Well! I-I’m gonna have nightmares…” Spike stammered.

“Goodness….” Rarity said. She had witnessed along with the CMC how cruel Bullseye could be, but she had no idea that it could go that far.

Twilight was now even more heartbroken about Bullseye’s situation. Her heart must have given in to all of the pain she endured every night for Celestia-knows-how long, and as a result, she became a little more than bitter towards the world around her. “Oh, Bullseye….”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to vent about the little harpy so much. Fire Fight’s a good kid. Let him do his thing.” Rocky Mountain said.

“Ms. Mountain, you know why we can’t do that. If there’s a problem to be worked out, we need to find those foals.” Twilight said. “Besides, I don’t think they understand that we think we were wrong too.”

Rocky Mountain shrugged. “Hmm. Yeah….” She sighed. “Sorry, kid….” She muttered. “Hey, if you ever do find the little scamps, tell ‘em I said ‘hi’, okay?”

Twilight nodded. “We will.”

“Cool.” Rocky said. “And, uh….You live in Ponyville, right?”


“Well, uh….I got a brother there, who……..look, just…..tell him where I am and……that I’m sorry……ok?” Rocky asked.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“That’s my business, ok?” Rocky said. “His name’s ‘Rock Solid’. Ya know him?”

Spike had to think for a moment, but he remembered the name. “Oh yeah! Isn’t he that really goofy iron miner?”

“Oh! <giggle> He’s the one who pranked Pinkie Pie at her last birthday party when he detonated fake dynamite that turned out to by big confetti poppers!” Twilight said.

“Ugh! My heart almost stopped when I saw those dastardly little red sticks!” Rarity said.

Rocky Mountain slapped the ground and chuckled heartily. “Damn it, Solid! Yer still doin’ that?” she scoffed happily.

They all shared a little laugh before Twilight realized that she should probably ask something. “So, it was all the foals listed in this missing poster?”

Meadow nodded. “Apart from Bullseye since they hadn’t met her yet, yes. However, they were also accompanied by a young zebra colt with a timberwolf for a pet. Zebota and Shrapnel, if I recall.”

They gasped. They knew that Zecora had hard evidence, but actually having testimony about their existence was a revelation for them. “R-Really? Who else?”

“Well, there was one filly….Pfft. Don’t know what the hell her deal was. She was bouncing all over the place and spoutin’ more nonsense than every comic strip out there!” Rocky said.

“Oh! You must mean Crazylocks! Hehe. Yes, she was quite eccentric.” Meadow said.

“CRAZYLOCKS!?” Twilight exclaimed. She couldn’t believe that by some miracle, the victimized granddaughter of Professor Gene Splice was with them. “Er….sorry. Anypony else? Maybe….a filly who was….ninja-like?”

Rocky Mountain and Meadow looked at each other for a moment, and then back at Twilight. “Erm….I guess?” Rocky Said.

“The one wearing all that black….What was her name? Umm……Oh! Shadow Shroud! That’s the one.” Meadow said.

‘Shadow Shroud’….They at last had a name. Greensprout turned out to not be their culprit, but Twilight could now leave more than satisfied. “I see. Thank you, Abbot Meadow. Rocky Mountain, too. I’m sorry to have put you on the spot like that.”

“We understand, and I’m sorry to have lied to you.” Meadow said.

“Just make sure the kids don’t get screwed in the end…..I can tell they’ve had it rough.” Rocky said. Twilight gave them a reassuring nod before they all bid their farewells.


As the trio made their way out of Gardenia armed with more knowledge than they bargained for, a slight tension could be felt in the air, and Twilight knew why. Rarity finally had some closure as to the ninja filly on the train, this ‘Shadow Shroud’, but….

“Twilight, darling…..Did this have anything to do with that black gem you attained?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, Twi. What’s the deal? You really shouldn’t keep us in the dark.” Spike said.

Twilight sighed heavily. It was now she on the spotlight, and there was no way she was going to get out of it without coming clean. She faced her companions with a light sternness in her expression, knowing the gravity of what she’d have to tell them. “Ok, listen. I never, ever said any of what I’m about to tell you, got it? I can’t stress enough just what sensitive information this is, so this doesn’t leave the three of us, and don’t even tell the Royal Sisters, got it?” Rarity and Spike nervously glanced at each other before nodding. Twilight gulped. “Ok then….”

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