• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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The Christening

In Ponyville…..

The CMC along with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were having a sleepover at Rarity’s boutique. It was a rather somber setting compared to normally joy-filled atmosphere that they were used to on such occasions. With their searches for Fire Fight all coming up short, they were all starting to lose hope. “What’re we s’posed to do, y’all? If we keep being one step behind Fire Fight, we’ll never find him.” Applebloom said.

“Yeah, we keep looking for a possible lead, but….it looks like he’s pretty good at covering his tracks.” Diamond said.

“If only we could figure out how….then we’d be able to uncover them.” Scootaloo said.

Silver Spoon looked over at Sweetie Belle, who was solemnly looking out her window. “Hey Sweetie Belle, did Rarity ever tell you more about that weird filly that she mentioned?” she asked. Sweetie Belle didn’t respond. She was too busy looking out her window into the darkened town below. The light of Luna’s moon was only so bright, and it did little to ease their heartache. “Sweetie Belle?”

“Huh!? Oh….no, I keep forgetting to ask her. Sorry….” Sweetie Belle said.

“Oh…That’s ok……Just…remember to ask her, ok?” Silver Spoon said.

“Yeah….” Sweetie Belle looked back out her window. The shadows of the town casted over the desolate streets like blankets of looming despair. What else could they do? They could only do so much as foals, but at least everypony else was helping, namely Twilight and Cheerilee. Within the casted darkness beyond……Sweetie suddenly noticed a small shadow jump from one shadow to another in a split second. “Huh?”

“What’s up, Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle looked back at her, and then back out to where she saw the shadow. She looked around carefully, but it seemed to have vanished. Did she imagine it? “Uhh….N-Nothing…I must be falling asleep.”

Back at the Ruined Castle….

“GOOD MORNIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!” Crazylocks screamed at the top of her lungs as the morning sun made its climb. All of the other foals groggily and angrily stepped out of their rooms, and into the hallway where Crazylocks was standing, smiling with that same manic innocence.

“Mornin’, b****!” Turf War said. He could then feel Quantum Tech’s authoritative gaze looming onto him, and he immediately eased up.

Fire Fight sighed. “At least we won’t need to make some kind of alarm clock…..” he muttered.

As Fire Fight was getting started on breakfast, Shadow Shroud approached Quantum Tech. “Hey. I got lots of the stuff you were hoping for. I couldn’t find any sort of welding tools, but there was plenty of iron and copper for me to…..relieve them of. You were asleep when I got back, so I left them in your new lab.”

“Oh, splendid! I can probably get to work right away! Thank you, Shadow Shroud!” Quantum said.

“Sure. Just don’t forget to eat first.” Shroud said.

Quantum giggled. “Of course not!”

After a breakfast as hearty as their dinner last night, the foals got back to work. Fire Fight, Turf War, Crazylocks, Shadow Shroud, Spiral Galaxy and Kickback ventured into the forest to check out each of the spots marked on the map that Quantum Tech found. Meanwhile, Quantum Tech and Air Slash got to work using the materials that Shadow Shroud had collected the previous night to create some equipment that Quantum wanted to test out; Fire Fight had stoked the forge for them, and showed Quantum how to use a little of his fire magic so that she could weld herself if need be. She was a fast learner indeed.


The venturing foals took Quantum’s map with them so that they wouldn’t get lost, and decided to go explore the mine first. They had plenty of food, so any materials that they could get from that mine were their first priority, especially considering that Kickback was low on ammunition. He left his guns with Quantum Tech and Air Slash; she said that she had an idea of how to improve them, but wanted it to be a surprise. Kickback was initially hesitant to leave his precious firearms in other hooves, but being as technologically inclined as she was, he decided that they were good hooves to leave in. Quantum assured him that she wouldn’t have to take them apart anyway, and stated that she’d hate to leave her ‘valiant prince without his trusty weapons’….much to his annoyance.

“You sure you gonna be ok wit dat li’l a** whip, homie?” Turf War asked Kickback.

Kickback tipped his hat. “Ah’ll be just fine, thanks.” He replied.

“Thanks for letting me use your meditation room, Shadow Shroud. I know I’ve gotten better, but at least now I’ll have a proper place to practice.” Spiral said.

“Of course, Spiral. We should continue to meditate together. Somepony needs to be there just in case we’re about to wish upon another shooting star.” Shroud sneered.

Spiral pouted. “Meanie! But, yeah. You’re right. At least this hornband can really help me focus. I might have to start meditating outside soon enough.” She giggled. “You and I can have sleepovers with Quantum and Crazylocks too!”

Shroud cocked her head. “’Sleep….over’?”

“Yeah, you know! When you go to your friend’s house to gossip, do each other’s manes and stuff. My friends back in Hoofington did it all the time before…..well, you know.” Spiral explained.

Shroud cocked her eyebrow. “You do realize that we now live under the same roof, right?”

“Yeah, but not the same room. We could still visit......You….never really got to do something like that, huh?” Spiral said.

“It……probably wouldn’t have been my idea of fun anyway.” Shroud muttered.

“Well, you never know until you try!” Spiral said.

“GUYS! GUYS! GUYS!” Everypony looked over to see Crazylocks standing near…..a pile of what appeared to be animal droppings. “Would you be grossed out if I ate this?” The pile suddenly burst into flames, startling the manic filly. She then looked over at a very annoyed Fire Fight, who was giving her a look that just said ‘no!’”

Spiral grimaced. "O....kaaaayyyy....Maybe not Crazylocks......"


A few trips and falls, monster attacks and more of Crazylocks’ antics later, the foal finally reached the mine. It was pretty much right where the map said that it was. The entrance was littered with mining equipment that failed to withstand the test of time, including some mining carts with ore stored in them. The foals examined them to only find iron, and…..a single piece of ore of a metal that none of them recognized. It was a scarlet red that was a little darker than Fire Fight’s coat, and felt….somewhat hot to the touch. “Huh….wonder what this stuff is?” Fire Fight said.

“Quantum Tech and Air Slash would surely know. Let’s take it back to them when we’re done here.” Shroud said.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Fire Fight said. He picked up the red ore, and placed it in his bag. They then ventured into the mine.

A good ten yard or so into the entrance were two branching paths. One was marked with a sign that said ‘iron’, and the other one was marked with a sign that was too faded to completely make out. Only a ‘y’ followed by an ‘n’ were legible. “Maybe it’s that red stuff that we just found?” Spiral said.

“Only one way to find out.” Kickback said. The unicorns and Crazylocks lit their horns, and ventured into the tunnel.

A good ways in, they stumbled upon a deep crevasse that separated the mine cart tracks. There was a drawbridge that been raised. “Hmm…..Perhaps this was a means to prevent intruders from stealing these miners’ claim.” Shroud theorized.

“Guess whatever dis stuff is is real valuable.” Turf War commented.

Kickback looked down into the crevasse, and could faintly make out something in the swallowing darkness. “Could Ah ask y’all to shine yer light down yonder?” he asked.

“Sure!” Fire Fight said. He and Spiral did as he asked while Crazylocks just…..did her thing. They noticed that there was a cleverly hidden lever on the wall on their side. It must have been how the miners bypassed their security. “Jeez. We might have to get Crazylocks to fly down there, and flip it. That’s kinda deep.”

“Not to worry, sheriff.” Kickback said. He pulled out his whip, and lashed it down into the crevasse towards the lever. His whip caught onto the lever, and he pulled it up, flipping the switch and lowering the drawbridge. He tipped his hat. “There ya go!”

Shroud giggled. “I hope Sound and Fury don’t start getting jealous.” She sneered.

“I don’t reckon so. Those two know how to behave themselves.” Kickback said.

“Let us hope so” Shroud said. The foals continued their trek through the mine tunnel, and finally reached the proper work area. Sure enough, the walls were littered with the odd red metal that they had found outside in the mine cart. There were loose ores scattered about as well, and Fire Fight took some of them.

“So there’s iron, and…..whatever this stuff is.” Spiral said.

“Why don’t we bounce back to the crib, and ask Quantum what she thinks?” Turf War said.

“Hmm…..well, we did plan to investigate each site one at a time anyway. I suppose it wouldn’t a huge waste.” Shroud said.

“Yeah, why not?” Fire Fight said. With his bags full of the red metal, the foals made their way back to the castle, but not before having to stop Crazylocks from lecturing a spider about why it shouldn’t date another manticore…….


The foals successfully returned home, and announced their presence. Quantum Tech and Air Slash came down to greet them. “Howdy, y’all!” Kickback said.

Quantum giggled and snuggled up to him. “Hello, my handsome!” she squeaked. Kickback had to gently push her away. “Oh! I have good news regarding your guns! I found another little resource map in the wizards chamber, and one of the things it points to is an underground geyser surrounded by some sulfur deposits! Not only that, but I also found some jars of potassium nitrate that I suspect they had been using to make fertilizer for their gardens! I had no idea that they had figured that out so long ago! If Fire Fight would burn me some charcoal, I can produce some gunpowder for your bullets."

“Surely!?” Kickback asked.

Quantum nodded. She then handed him back his guns, but there was something different about them. Their barrels had been wrapped in tubes made of cloth and foam with a layer or rubber underneath. “And this should solve the problem of your guns being a little…noisy. Give it a try, and see if it works.”

“Well, alright.” Kickback took one of his bullets, and loaded it into his gun. He fired it at a random column a few yards away, but the gun sounded more like party popper being heard from across a large field of grass.

“Well, my ears aren’t ringing, so it must be working.” Shroud said.

“Shucks! I’m awful grateful, Ms. Quantum Tech.” Kickback said.

Quantum fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Anything for you, my sweet!” she cooed. She then looked over at Fire Fight. “I trust you’d be able to gather sufficient wood for some charcoal?”

“Say no more!” Fire Fight said. “Oh, hey! We went to that mine, and found this weird-looking metal. Would you happen to know what it is?” He pulled out a sample of the red ore that they had found.

Air Slash almost immediately gasped. “Is that…!?”

Quantum Tech examined more closely. “It is! It’s pyranium!! This was in the mine!?”

Fire Fight cocked his head. “Uhh…..what’s pyranium?”

“It’s an incredibly rare magical metal that burns indefinitely if you ignite it with fire magic! Oh, what a find!!” Quantum exclaimed.

“I’ve heard only stories about this metal from my father! To think it actually exists….Fire Fight, I could make you new gauntlets and armor out of this material! You’d be able to much more effectively make use of your pyromancy with armaments like that! It’d be perfect!” Air Slash said.

Fire Fight’s eyes widened in astonishment. “R-Really?” Air Slash nodded.

“Dang, son! If you wasn’t hot already, oh s- uh….oh boy!” Turf War commented. He could feel Quantum’s eyes on him.

“One more thing.” Air Slash said. From his bag he pulled out seven identical objects that he handed to each of his comrades. They were small silver medallions depicting a small unicorn, earth pony and pegasus aggressively charging in a Yin Yang style pattern towards each other. In the center was an alicorn foal calmly sitting down giving an aggressive glare with its wings spread.

“What are these?” Spiral asked.

“These are little symbols I made to signify our unity.” Air Slash explained. He turned around to show the others that he had sewn an eighth one for him into the center of his X-shaped scabbard. “What do you think?”

Shroud giggled. “If it’s not the Bladerunners, it’s something else, huh?”

Air Slash nodded. “Yes. I figured that if we’re truly committed to our cause, we should make it official. What say you?”

The others stared at their medallions. Air Slash had of course crafted them very well. There was something about the alicorn foal in the center that just shouted ‘I mean business!’. It very much resonated with Fire Fight, and the others were certainly reminded of the fiery spirit of their fiery leader. It was pretty much perfect.

“D’hese are pretty sweet, son! I’ll rock dis any day o’ da week!” Turf War said.

“Reckon this’d look mighty fine on mah hat, partner.” Kickback said.

“My goodness! Perhaps I’ll simply display this as a trophy of sorts.” Quantum said.

“Do you think could put mine in my armor, Air Slash?” Spiral asked.

Air Slash nodded. “Yes. I had actually planned to do that for the ones who wanted or needed armor; I just wanted to show these to you before I did so.”

Turf War patted Air Slash’s shoulder. “Cool, man! But ya know what? We gotta call ourselves somethin’ now dat we got dis symbol, y’all. How ‘bout…..”

Quantum interjected before he could complete his thought. “If it’s anything gang-related, then no.”

Turf War pouted a little. “Dang…”

“How about….‘The Runaway Heroes’?” Spiral suggested.

“Or maybe…..‘The Mighty Herd’?” Kickback suggested.

“NO! WE SHALL CALL OURSELVES…..‘The Biscuit Buccaneers’!” Crazylocks shouted. Everypony just facehooved.

“Actually, I’ve think I’ve got it, guys.” Fire Fight said. “We’ll call ourselves….‘The Battle Foals’!” he declared proudly. ‘Battle Foals’…..It had a really nice ring to it. They had truly been through many of what could be called battles, and were pretty much born for it. It was the perfect name for their band of brothers and sisters. They all agreed.

With the rest of the day ahead of them, the newly christened Battle Foals resumed the lives that they had begun to rebuild with one another.

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