• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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With Great Power...

Tidal Wave could feel every eyes on him shine like spotlights waiting for him to perform a solo dance he hadn’t rehearsed. Despite his powers coming in handy during a dire situation, it wasn’t unreasonable that the other foals would be concerned why he didn’t inform them about such….quite literally tide-turning abilities. All the aquatic colt could think about was how they would respond to his explanation.

“Come on, Tidal Wave. Just tell us.” Spiral Galaxy said.

“No reason to hold it back, partner.” Kickback said.

Tidal Wave sighed. “You promise you won’t hate me?”

“Dude, why would we?” Fire Fight said. “We’ve all been there. We’re just concerned why you never said anything about it.”

“Y-Yeah….True that….” Tidal Wave said. He took a deep breath. “It happened just before I left Yodelneigh.” Tidal Wave explained his encounter with the bullies that harassed Aesir and how they came after him at the lake Justas he was leaving. “I-I don’t how it happened, but…..I just got really mad, and the lake water just sort of…..surged out and protected me. But….I could tell that I did it. I was as shocked as they were, and I just swam away.” He explained. “I didn’t tell you guys or Zebota, because I didn’t want him to take it from me. I…..promised him I’d be responsible with it, but that just had to happen.”

The foals weren’t sure whether to be confused, or surprised, or perhaps both. Having no clear explanation of how Tidal Wave’s jewel suddenly granted him hydrokinesis was puzzling, but they remembered Zebota clearly explaining that it shouldn’t grant him anything beyond simple water-breathing and aqua-empathy. Fire Fight wondered if Quantum Tech might have missed something in her analysis. “You trippin’.” Turf War said.

“Dude, you saw it for yourself. It’s real.” Tidal Wave said.

“Is…..it possible that Zebota knew this would happen, but he wanted to let you discover it? Somehow, I can imagine him doing that.” Shadow Shroud said.

“Yeah, but to what end?” Spiral asked.

“Ah reckon…..maybe Zebota would wanna let him grow like a plant. He’s minds nature like a gentlecolt minds his neighbors, so maybe he planted that seed in Tidal Wave just so they could both grow into stronger plants?” Kickback hesitantly suggested.

“How poetically accurate.” Shroud commented.

“We’d have to ask him once we get back.” Turf War said.

“N-NO!!” Tidal Wave plead. “What if he takes it away?”

“Tidal Wave, why’s that so bad? Maybe there’s just something wrong with it, and he’d have to look at it for a minute?” Spiral inquired.

Tidal Wave looked like he was holding back tears. “I…..I don’t want to feel helpless anymore.”

“Helpless? You can wield a spear like that, and you think you’re helpless?” Valkyrie asked.

“It’s more than that!” Tidal Wave said. He was on the verge of tears. “Ever since I was born, I’ve been nothing but exactly that! I couldn’t fly, everypony picked on me, my mom had died, and my dad could only do so much just to make things easier for me! Even so, he was given a hard time just for being my dad! Every time I read comics and watched the heroes just be so cool and save the day and all that, I always yearned for even the smallest chance to just….be like them. I wouldn’t be helpless anymore. I’d actually matter and be able to stick for myself.” He said as he glanced down at his jewel. “Now that I have this, that dream has pretty much come true. I’m not the flightless weakling anymore! I know it might be selfish of me, but…..please…..I don’t want to lose it……”

The foals couldn’t help but to feel for their friend, but Valkyrie just solemnly shook her head. “Dude, really?” Everypony looked at her. “You seriously think some water mojo necklace makes you a freakin’ hero?”

“Tch. Says the griffon who just empowered herself with her ancestor’s or something.” Tidal Wave retaliated.

“Okay, 1. No hating on the Valhalla; it’s worth more than every house in whatever little nowhere town you come from. 2. You think that was easy? I’ve got the essence of my ancestor’s surging through my body, and they only just got rudely awoken from their long nap without even a chance to hit the snooze button- not so convenient for them. You think that doesn’t put a ton of strain on me?” Valkyrie asked.

“It ain’t look like it did.” Turf War said.

“Well, that’s only because I’ve practiced it over and over until I could just barely shrug it off.” Valkyrie said. “Point is that you can’t take something like for granted. If you slip up with those water powers, there might be more than just a bad rain shower coming your way.”

Spiral put her hoof on his shoulder. “I kinda know how you feel, Tidal Wave. But in my case, I was a prisoner of my own sheer power….well…..I guess I still kinda am…..so don’t make the same mistake I did and become too curious. It won’t end well. Fire Fight and everypony else helped learn how to control it better, but if I didn’t let it get out of proportions to begin with, it wouldn’t have been an issue.”

“Ah’m rightly sure that Zebota will understand, partner. He’ll be surely surprised, but he ain’t as stern a feller as he might seem.” Kickback said.

“Even though he almost had us killed.” Shroud commented.

Tidal Wave perked up upon hearing that. “Wait. What?”

“Uh! Long story…” Fire Fight said. “Look, Tidal Wave, most of here are here because the power we hold even alone was feared, especially because of how we were using it. You’re lucky that the worst of it came from your wings being….what they are. I guarantee that if you had those powers beforehand, ponies would think you were like….possessed or something. It’s as if they don’t even let you at least try to show that you’re responsible with your talents, but I digress. What’s important is that you chose to use your powers responsibly, and I don’t see how Zebota could ever have a problem with that. Besides, if you were really so powerless before, you wouldn’t have mustered that courage to escape it all.”

“Fo’ real, dog. When I was back in da hood, I wasn’t s***.” Turf War said. “I was just some random-a** colt wit a sign an’ a trash can tryna bust gangs n’ all d’hem. I ain’t had no damn magic o’ none o’ that, but I still be out d’here bashin’ b- uh….jerks n’ all. If there was problems in Cloudsdale n’ d’hey see da skills wit dat spear, hehe! D’hey ain’t even gonna try, my boy.”

“You only mistake was allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Don’t let what you desire define who are, but rather, what you have.” Shroud said.

Tidal Wave listened to his friends and let their words sink in. Being lectured by all of them was a bit embarrassing, but hearing their kind words made him feel loads better. “Thanks, guys.” He muttered.

“Sure, buddy!” Spiral said. “Thanks for saving me too.”

Tidal Wave looked at her. “Yeah, no problem. That looked painful.” He said.

“I’d rather spare you the details.” Spiral said.

“Please do.” Tidal Wave said.

“Alright, alright. Save the hugs and kisses for later. You guys scratched my back, now it’s my turn. To the portal?” Valkyrie said. Spiral and Tidal Wave blushed a little from her first comment.

“Yep. Glad we could help, Valkyrie! You are pretty cool.” Fire Fight said.

Valkyrie chuckled and stroked her feathers. “Tell me something I don’t know.” She said as she started marching towards the destroyed door, and the foals followed.

“Okay. 2+2=4.” Shroud teased, earning her an annoyed snarl from the bombastic bird.

“Just eh…..keep that there head in yer bag if y’all’d be so kind.” Kickback said.

“What? This?” Valkyrie said as she only partially pulled the head out of her satchel, but put it back when Kickback held his mouth. “Hehe! Just kidding.”

Kickback rolled his eyes. “At least ya have a sense o’ humor.”

“And at least you know how to keep your cool, or at least put it back together.” Valkyrie said.

“Hey, Tidal Wave? Did anything happen while you were down in those submerged tunnels? We felt the ground shake a couple times.” Fire Fight asked.

“Yeah, and I wasn’t swingin’ my hammer ‘round.” Turf War said.

“Except when you were trying to show off.” Shroud said, to which the ghetto colt just turned away from her.

“Oh! Umm…..not really. Just a little…..obstacle is all.” Tidal Wave said.

A wave of concern brushed over them. “What happened?” Spiral asked.

“Ehehe….I was……kinda, sorta attacked by a giant glowing eel. It rammed itself into the cavern walls a couple times. That’s probably what you felt.” Tidal Wave said. “I took care of it though. Not too much trouble.”

“<whistle!> Bet that was a rush! I might give you a gold star or something later.” Valkyrie said.

“Pfft. Yeah, thanks.” Tidal Wave retorted.

“Still though…..there’s clearly more to you than even you yourself realize, Tidal Wave. We’ll have to ask Quantum Tech to make another analysis of your DNA when we get back.” Shroud said.

“Yeah. She’s gonna really interested in your Valhalla too, Valkyrie.” Fire Fight said.

Valkyrie shook her head. “Really rather she didn’t, dude. This thing’s a little more fragile than it looks. Plus, it’s my family’s heirloom; I can’t just let some random stranger look at it.”

“Well, Ah’m sure she’ll understand.” Kickback said.

“What y’all gonna do wit dat head d’ho?” Turf War asked.

“Duh! Present it to King Grover and show him that one of the Griffon’s oldest enemies is kaput! He’s gonna happy with me.” Valkyrie answered proudly.

“Mmhm. ‘Cause dat’s gonna be the end o’ yo’ problems just like dat. Bam!” Turf War said.

“Hey! She might’ve been one problem, but she was a big one.” Valkyrie rebutted.

“Don’t start, you two!” Fire Fight warned. Something about his tone made Valkyrie decide to reluctantly comply rather than scoff at him for being a pony trying to order her, and Turf War just listened to his friend. The rest of the trek out of the cave was mostly silent, as there wasn’t much left to say. Spiral was a little hesitant to go back outside, but she knew she had to find the strength to fight back against the power that made her feel so helpless. Valkyrie strutted all proud of herself with Turf War giving her annoyed glances on occasion.

Once the entrance of the cave was in sight, they all breathed a sweet sigh of relief. “Well, that’s one more near-death experience out of the way.” Fire Fight commented.

Valkyrie chuckled. “What do you mean ‘one more’? What have you guys even been up to?” she asked.

“Oh, uh…..just exploring the world is all.” Spiral said. “We’ve…..been in more than a few ordeals that uh…..”

“It’s been one heckuva rodeo. Let’s just leave it at that.” Kickback said.

“Uhh….sure, whatever.” Valkyrie decided not to bother, seeing as her only responsibility towards the foals was helping them get through the portal.

“Y-Yeah. I don’t think you’d believe us even if we told- ACK!” As he was stepping out into the sunlight, Fire Fight accidently bumped into something and nearly fell on his flank. “What the?” When he looked up, his heart just about stopped.

“Oh! Excuse me, sweet- <GASP!> FIRE FIGHT!?!?!” Standing above him was a familiar grey earth pony mare with a black and white striped mane and tail, and comedy masks for a Cutie Mark.

“F-F-F-FILM NOIR!?!?” Fire Fight stammered.

“Hey! It’s that colt from Ponyville!” Fire Fight looked over to see a film crew a few yards away from them. It explained Film Noir’s presence there in the first place. All of the other foals shared in Fire Fight’s shock while Valkyrie just looked confused.

“Huh? Who’s this?” Valkyrie asked.

Film Noir thrust her arms around Fire Fight. “Oh, Fire Fight! We’ve been worried sick about you, honey!!” she said. Fire Fight struggled to escape her grasp. “Don’t you worry! Action Shot is in jail, and your teacher felt so bad about what happened. She and your mother have been looking-”


Everypony looked at the entrance to the cave to see Spiral Galaxy hurriedly charging her horn. The only thing that was in her expression was panic, and the sheer force of the universe congregating within her caused the entire area to rumble violently, causing Film Noir to lose her grip on Fire Fight and much of the filming equipment to topple over.

“SPIRAL, DON’T!!!!” Tidal Wave shouted as he tackled her to the ground in an attempt to stop her. This caused Spiral to aim her horn up at the cliff walls, and she released her built-up magic into a nova laser that fired at it, blasting it away like leaf blower scattering leaves and grass. Thankfully, everypony was well out of its line of fire, but a storm of rocks and debris started raining down, prompting everypony to book it out of the way. Tidal Wave had to carry Spiral in her dazed state.

“WHAT THE HELL GIVES!?!?” Valkyrie shouted as she flew out of the way of the raining detritus.

As the rocks fell onto the gorge floor, the film crewmen were mysteriously conked out one by one. All of them were safe from the rock fall, but Film Noir was frazzled at everything that was happening, and she looked at Fire Fight. “Wh-Wh-What!? Fire Fight, what’s…..” She was at a loss for words.

Fire Fight could only give her sorrowful expression, knowing what was coming despite what she’d done for him in the past. “I’m sorry, Film Noir….” He muttered. Before she could even answer, Film Noir was quickly struck in the back of the neck, knocking her unconscious.

Beside the actress was Shadow Shroud with her mask on, but she took it off to reveal her own guilty expression as she faced Fire Fight. “I’m sorry too, Fire Fight…”

“It’s ok, Shroud! Let’s just go! Now! Before they wake up!” Fire Fight ordered. They all complied without hesitation, save for Valkyrie, who just flew after them completely frazzled.


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