• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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“YOU THREE! GET INSIDE NOW!!” Fire Fight shouted to the CMC, who promptly sprinted into the relative safety of the ruins. He hoped that they wouldn’t accidently happen upon Shadow Shroud.

More important, however, was the hurricane of mist that had enveloped the skies around their island home. As it descended closer to the ground, an unbelievable cold overwhelmed the entire atmosphere. “This phenomenon again!” Quantum Tech said. “And… it’s SUBSTANTIALLY more powerful!!”

“No! Really!?” Spiral Galaxy said as driving snow threatened to smother her, forcing her to gravitate it all away from her.

As the raging storm began to settle at ground level, the mist quickly started congregating at the shoreline. Slowly but surely, the air within that vicinity froze into a discernable construct.

“WH-WH-WHAT’S GOING ON!?!?” Tidal Wave said in a panic.

“It’s not me!!” Frostbite said.

“It’s a persistent foe you two now get to contend with! Summon your courage!” Air Slash said. He practically ripped his swords out of their scabbards as he stared the anomaly down with almost predatory intent, but he then noticed the two carriage guards shaking in their boots as they reached for their weapons, cowering at the site of such a powerful phenomenon. “Either draw your weapons or hide in disgrace! You serve the crown!!”

The guards, startled, fumbled their weapons out. “Y-Yes, sir!” the stallion stammered. He carried a standard sword while the mare had a mace.

The two looked at each other and gulped. “We sure hope you kids are as tough as they say!” the mare said.
Bullseye nocked an arrow onto her bow with a snarl on her face. “Just watch!”

The mist had finally condensed into a solid shape. It was an enormous turtle roughly half the size of the island. It’s shell looked as if it was a mountain range made of ice with frozen flora growing on them, and its head looked as if a war helm had been frozen onto it; it’s eyes gleamed a vicious, hateful yellow. It’s legs were oddly spider-like and had hooves in place of webbed feet. Merely stepping onto the ocean caused the salty water to flash freeze, allowing it to stand. It bellowed a guttural roar that shook the air around them like a snow globe, ice and hail overwhelming them.

Quantum Tech’s mech stomped outside to its master, who promptly boarded it and readied herself. “All systems: go! DEFEND OUR HOME!!!”

Air Slash took off like a rocket towards the behemoth as it took a step. He furiously launched a sword at the leg. It struck and was enough to deter it back, but it did no damage. Suddenly, it inhaled a vast amount of air and blew Air Slash away in a concentrated blizzard. The trained samurai couldn’t correct himself was about to crash when Frostbite swooped in and caught him.

Frostbite rode the violent air current and managed to swoop upward out of it and land safely, though roughly and released his comrade.

“You have my thanks.” Air Slash said.

“Yeah. Now we all know this thing’s a juggernaut.” Frostbite said.

“More like dreadnaught!” Turf War said. “We gotta keep homie from comin’ up here!” While they were distracted, the beast took its step onto the sand. The very impact caused a glacial tower the size of its leg to erupt where it stepped. “Like we REALLY to stop homie!!”

“We need to assault it head on, but… carefully.” Spiral said.

Suddenly, a house-sized hunk of ice came flying their way. Kickback whipped out his whip and ran towards it. “Get back, y’all!”

“Kickback!” Greensprout shouted.

The cowpony weaved his whip around furiously, causing his whip gradually grow a bright blue. When he cracked it, a massive sonic boom shattered the sound barrier, and the ice hunk along with. All the while, Kickback remained wordless and stoic. “And that was just the first act.”

The foals gawked in surprise. “Well that’s a new one.” Fire Fight said.
Quantum Tech fixed her glasses and giggled. “You have me to thank for that!”

“ANOTHER DEMON RISES!!” Zebota shouted. The tower of ice sudden sprouted turtle legs of its own as well as a head where a mouth and yellow eyes formed. It roared before scuttling rather quickly towards them.

Just as everyone was ready to charge it, a burst of golden light suddenly lit from behind the beast. “<SCREEE!!!>” A large slash line ran across it and caused it to explode, and a familiar surge of light fired a golden blade at the main monster’s other leg before it could step forward.

Before Fire Fight knew it, a familiar feathered face was in front of his. “Valkyrie!”

The ornery avian wiped her beak. “S’up?”

“We’re having an ice cream party!!” Crazylocks blurted.

Quantum locked onto the writhing wraith. “High time we’ve crashed this party, I’d say!”

“Right! Our focus needs to be on the legs for now! Quantum, see if you can’t scan for its core! Turf War, Valkyrie, Crazylocks, Frostbite, attack it head on with me! Spiral, summon up a storm to try and pin it down! Everyone else, flank it! This snow day is cancelled!” Fire Fight ordered.

“ROGER!!” Everyone said in unison.

“BATTLE FOALS, CHAAAARGE!!” Fire Fight bellowed, igniting his horn and fists like volcanoes as he made a mad dash for their invader along with his assigned comrades.

The behemoth roared, summoning tornadoes of ice. Fire Fight countered them with blasts of fire, which dispelled them long enough for the foals to get past. Hunks of rock and ice caught in the whirlwinds were flung towards them, but Valkyrie and Turf War shielded their friends while Frostbite punched through the debris. Crazylocks magically lifted the shards and formed her own shield, seemingly using minor freezing magic to keep them in place. However, this was enough to distract them, allowing the titan to step again and create another ice pillar. Frigid spikes were launched their way, but Crazylocks blocked them all; however, the assault was great enough that her ice shield was fractured.

“I WANNA SEE YOUR MANAGER!!!” Crazylocks charged the ice shards with magic and then launched them at the ice pillar. They stuck into the pillar and then glowed brightly before detonating, destroying the tower.

“Somepony’s full of surprises lately!” Fire Fight said. The behemoth’s eyes suddenly glistened furiously, and from them fired a beam of icy lightning. “Whuh-oh!” Fire Fight stopped running and focused all of his effort into concentrating a powerful flamethrower to counter it. “Go on, guys!”

Fire Fight was too late to realize that his candlelight was too small compared to the ice beam, and he was about to be a popsicle when a familiar, powerful beam of energy combined with his fire and held back the beast’s attack. “Nrgh!... Thanks, Quantum!”

Quantum Tech was firing her death ray whilst scanning their foe. “I can’t keep it firing forever, so hold tight!” She looked over to Spiral Galaxy. “Darling, not to rush, but have you quite readied yourself?”

Spiral was glowing with intense light while struggling. “I’m…working…on it!”


Meanwhile, the rest had decided to flank one side seeing as something so big would need to take as much damage as possible in one place to be crippled. The guards were with them. “So… what’s the plan?” the mare guards asked.

“Kill it, that’s what.” Bulllseye said.

“By way of…?” the stallion asked.

“Are you not trained militants? Have you not any ideas?” Zebota asked.

“You think we were trained for this!?” the mare rebutted.

“A shameful truth…” Zebota said.

“Get me close, and I bet I can blow its leg off. That’ll slow it down.” Bullseye said.

“Sister, it’ll just regrow it. The frigid land gives it more power!” Greensprout said.

“Damn. Good point.” Bullseye said. “Wait! Land… power… Zebota, think you can use your zebra voodoo to hold its power back or something?”

“I… can try…” Zebota said. He then looked up at his titan. “Shrapnel, you will have to fight without me.” His monster licked him once across his face, and the little mystic smiled. “Good boy.” They reached the shoreline to the left of the behemoth. “I will do what I can! Hunt well!”

As he watched everyone charge headlong towards the ferocious force, Zebota unfolded his boomerang and held it to his brooch. “mbovu pepo ambayo kuchafua ardhi hii, nyumbani hii, kusikia mimi! I kulinda eneo hili, na roho ambayo kulinda hivyo! Kuachilia uwezo wako uongo na kuanguka kwa nguvu yetu!” A glyph of light, bigger than anything he’d mustered appeared around him and shined fiercer than any sun, and he could feel a spiritual connection forming between him and the beast. He could feel a headache coming on, as if it was already fighting back. “I WILL overpower you, monster!”

Tidal Wave separated from everyone else and head for the frozen ocean. “I’ll see if I can work some magic underwater!” he said as he caused a geyser of seawater to erupt from one point in the ice before diving in.

“He’s gonna freeze!” the mare guard said.

“I assure you he’s well-protected!” Air Slash said. Suddenly, clouds of mists spewed from the brim of the titanic turtle’s shell, and they condensed down into icy constructs of bats with scorpion tails and bobcats with spiky fur. Screeches oppressed the air while hungry roars charged them on land, and Air Slash cleaved the first one with a well-launched sword beam. “TO ARMS!!!”

Kickback fired up at the swarms and knocked many of them out of the sky. However, they began launching the stingers on their tails, which he had to start shooting instead, giving the other bat-scorpions the chance to dive-bomb them. Bullseye put an arrow in one and ripped it out as the slain construct fell towards her, following up with a bow-blade slash across another that was about to hit her. Shrapnel got in front of everyone and began ravaging the ice bobcats; one of them pounced towards him, but he caught in his jaws and crushed it into glitter.

Air Slash wasn’t far behind and easily sliced through the horde of gnashing fangs; however, he got a little careless and let one claw him across his back. “ARGH!” He retreated a short distance and then felt a soothing warmth across him.

“Stay strong, Air Slash!” Greensprout said as she healed his wound. He gave her a confident nod.

The two guards looked at each other, obviously nervous but certainly impressed by how bravely such young ponies faced such a frightening situation and how capable they were of doing so. Looking out at the horde opposing them, the stallion gulped and raised his sword. “Here goes nothin’…” When a scorpion-bat thrust its stinger at him, he closed his eyes and took a swing of faith. “HAAARGHH!!!”

He managed to parry the stinger away and cause the creature to stagger in the air, allowing the mare to crush it to bits with her mace. “HYAH!” The two looked stunned at the shattered remains of the icy abomination. “We… We took it out?” They smiled at each other and started laughing when the reality hit them. “We took it out!”

“Yeah! Guess uhh… Guess these aren’t just ceremonial after all.” The stallion said.

“HEY! CAN YOU IDIOTS HAVE YOUR SPECIAL MOMENT LATER!?” Bullseye shouted at them. She launched a light arrow skyward which proceeded to decimate the rest of the wave, only for the next one to be on the way.

“R-Right! Sorry! On the way!” the mare stammered. With a newfound courage, she and her partner charged more readily into the fray.


Meanwhile, back in the ruins, the CMC hid in a prison cell that the Battle Foals hadn’t renovated under an old blanket. Even under the cover they could feel the bitter, frigid cold wrought about by the storm. “Sh-Should… Should we… g-go see what’s happening?” Scootaloo asked.

“Are you crazy!?” Sweetie Belle said. “Something is shaking this whole island by existing! I’m not going out there!”

“I didn’t say we had to go out! We can just look out a window!” Scootaloo said.

“What window though? That dinky little peep hole?” Applebloom asked, pointing to the small barred window.

“It’s better than nothing.” Scootaloo said. The two of them at her expectantly, obviously too nervous to do so themselves. “Ugh! Fine…” She took a big gulp that struggled to pass through her tightly knotted stomach as she approached the window. When she had her full head in the window, her friends his behind her and peeked out. They were all horrified at the sight of the gigantic ice monster invading them. “Wh-Whoa…”

Suddenly, a bat-scorpion appeared right on front of them on the other side and shrieked, causing the three to fall back screaming. The enraged construct furiously stabbed at the window trying to break through, and the defenseless fillies could only clutch each other and watch as certain death was staring them in the face. However, a loud <shing!> could be heard outside, and the beast was oddly motionless. After a second, it fell in half at the torso and just collapsed out of sight, and the CMC looked at the window and each other in confusion.

“Umm… What just happened?” Applebloom asked. The sound of somepony running just outside in the hallways startled them. They looked out the door to see nothing.

Scootaloo carefully peered out, looking all around to see that not a soul was with them. “Hello?” she called out. “Oh, please don’t tell me this place is haunted…” A cloud of black smoke suddenly erupted out of nowhere, and she fell back terrified. “THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED! THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED!!”

She jumped into her friends’ arms and they sat there terrified as they heard a series of furious slashes from within the cloud. It was short, but done with a passion. When the smoke dissipated, their eyes widened as the message ‘try the cannons’ appeared scratched on the wall just opposite of their doorway. Chills ran down their spines, even in the cold.

“C-C-Cannons?” Sweetie Belle stammered.

Suddenly, a small shadow zipped across the doorway down the hall followed by more scratching. “Y-You girls go check it out! I’ve seen enough!” Scootaloo said.

“Ugh…” Applebloom cautiously peered out into the hall and looked in the direction that the shadow had gone, but no one was there; however, she was perturbed even more when a scratching of an arrow had appeared on the wall pointed in the same direction. “Umm…” Her voice trembled. “Sh-Should we… do as it says?”


The ice titan’s roar shook the whole foundation of the ruins, causing Sweetie Belle to scream. “I DON’T WANNA STAY HERE ANYMORE!!” she cried.

Scootaloo took a deep breath, got her game face on, and ran out into the hall. “Then let’s at least try and take the ghost’s advice!” She whipped out her scooter with a determined look on her face. “Hop on!”

The two stared dumbfounded at her. “Uhh… when did ya bring that?” Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo cocked her eyebrow. “What’re talking about? I always have my scooter!” she said. “I just… forgot my helmet this time. Oh well…”

“Uhh… right…” Sweetie Belle said. They hopped on, and Scootaloo took off like a rocket.

Applebloom leaned in to whisper to Sweetie Belle. “Where do ya suppose she-”

“Don’t think about it.” Sweetie Belle whispered back. They followed a series of scratched arrows in the walls and floor that led eventually led them to a staircase. When they climbed it all the way to the top, they realized that they had been led to a guard tower that had three cannons pointed out of windows that were conveniently pointed out at the monster.

“Well, we’re here, but how are we supposed to use these?” Scootaloo asked as she inspected the old weapons.

“Guys! Look here!” Sweetie Belle said. She was at a desk where a small booklet was opened. In its pages were very detailed images of griffons operating the cannons. “This looks like an old training manual. I can’t read it, but these pictures are pretty clear about what you’re supposed to do!”

“Good eye! Now let’s blast that… that… thing! Yeah…” Applebloom said. With some difficulty and CMC-exclusive hiccups, the three figured how to load the cannons, even how much gunpowder they were supposed to add, which wasn’t in very high stock. “Ok, let’s try just one. Ah… don’t wanna risk blowin’ us outta this high tower.”

“Good idea.” Scootaloo said. “So… who’s gonna light the fuse?” she asked nervously.

They looked at each other anxiously until Sweetie Belle remembered watching Fire Fight cast his fire magic. She thought back to how he did it and focused on the fuse. Sure enough, it lit.


The whole window just blackened with gunpowder as the cannon’s wheeled mount was pushed back by the blast. They looked out inside just in time to see their ammo strike the beast in the face, causing it to roar in agony.

The fillies looked at each other with surprised determination and slowly smiled at each other. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS: CANNON FIRERS!!!” They cheered in unison as they high fived. With everyone somehow able to fight, it was now only a contest of strength and willpower…

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