• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Ancestor's Light

Author's Note:

Hey, guys!
Sorry it's been so long. Stuff just keeps happening for me. In case you missed my blog post, I went to visit some family where I would have VERY limited access to the Internet.
Now that that's out of the way, enjoy!

Lechuza’s very presence made the atmosphere heavier than before, and her menacing appearance didn’t help either. Nevertheless, Valkyrie maintained her stance and bravely faced the wicked avian. “So, the terrible queen of the harpies herself finally decided to show her ugly mug before the blood of Siegfried . Hehe! I’ve been dreamin’ about this day coming.” She said.

Lechuza let out a horrible hiss. “Sssssoooooo…… You know of my radiancccce, and yet you’d dare to facccce me? Foolissshhhh child! Even the mighty hero himssself treaded lightly in my presssence!”

“Wh-What!? You’ve lived for that long!?” Fire Fight asked.

Valkyrie turned to him and nodded. “Yeah. Long ago, Lechuza cast a nasty curse of herself that made her immortal. Heard it needed a good number of sacrifices of griffons, ponies, even other harpies.” She explained.

Upon hearing that explanation, the foals gazed upon the harpy queen with horror and disgust. “You…..monster!” Spiral Galaxy exclaimed.

One of the harpies surrounding Lechuza hissed. “Her Radiance, Lechuza is worthy, WORTHY of such holy might!” she declared.

“Bearer of the Valhalla….” Lechuza said. “Declare yourssssself! And tell me….. What are thesssse pony foalsssss doing here? Come to bargain with their livessss?”

“As if!” Valkyire scoffed. “My name is Valkyrie, and today, I’ll succeed where all my other ancestors failed: Your head is mine, Lechuza!” she declared. “And don’t worry about the ponies; they’re….collateral damage….I guess? They just kinda appeared outta nowhere.”

“Pfft! Gee, thanks!” Tidal Wave scoffed.

“Your Radiance, the unicorn filly….her magic reaches into the stars themselves!” one of the harpies said. “Her power is without equal!”

Lechuza turned to her subordinate. “Issss that ssso? Then it wasss ssshhhe who desssstroyed our door…..<hiss>….How interesssssting.”

“Yeah! Now imagine if that door was you! Think you can absorb that, you old hag!?” Spiral taunted as she charged her horn.

“I wouldn’t test that theory if I were you, Spiral!” Shadow Shroud warned.

Spiral suddenly remembered their ability to devour magic and ebbed her magic. However, Lechuza creased an old, malicious smile. “Oh no…..pleasssse do!” she hissed. She held her wrinkly talon out and conjured a dark orb of her own. “I feel hungry!”

The orb suddenly expanded quickly, and Lechuza motioned her talon back as though she were swiping something. It was then that Spiral felt as though her horn had been grabbed. “<GASP!>” Curse magic suddenly formed around her horn and ripped the cosmic energy right out of it. Spiral felt as if somepony was trying to rip her mind right out of her. “ARGH! AAAAARGGGGHHHH!!!” She dropped to her hooves with an arresting headache.

“SPIRAL!” Tidal Wave exclaimed.

The cosmic magic was quickly absorbed into Lechuza’s talon, and she licked her beak as though she was about to savor a delicious meal. “Delightful….” She hissed. She then enveloped herself in the supercharged curse spell, letting out a demonic caw as she did. Seconds later, her entire form was cloaked in a sort of black and red fire that burned with an evil aura. “Hehehehehe…..Hahahahahah! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! EVEN THE COSMOSSSS BENDSSS TO MY DARK WILL!!!” All the harpies around began cheering on their queen as her power seemed to intensify, and the regal wretch turned her malevolent gaze onto the winded Spiral Galaxy. “However….. my immortality is growing thin. <hiss> Your ssssacrifice would sssssate it’s hunger for ages to come!” she declared as she used used her curse magic to reach out to Spiral’s horn once again.

Spiral staggered to her hooves as she psychically fought back Lechuza’s grasp. “J-Just….Nrgh!.....t-try!” It was no use. Lechuza had managed to suppress her magic and cause her conscious to become brittle to the point where any more resistance would cause it to shatter like glass, so she had no choice but to let up. “<Gasp!>” She could feel an ethereal talon grab her mind and choke it to the point where she was losing consciousness, but even in this state, she could still begin feeling terror. Magic was virtually useless against the harpies since they could throw it back at them, and with Lechuza powered up with Spiral’s cosmomancy, who knew what she was no capable of? Could even Valkyrie face her?.....Was this her end?......

“NOOOOO!!!!!” All of a sudden, columns of water erupted from the surrounding lake and surged towards Lechuza like a soldier bee going in to sting a target. The empowered witch was caught off-guard by the suddenly turn of events and couldn’t defend herself from a face full of fathom. The columns hit her from all sides with incredible force, causing her to lose her grip on Spiral Galaxy, who gasped for air as her consciousness quickly reconstituted. One more waterspout then surged towards the harpy queen and struck her in the chest. She let out an agonized caw as the water columns exploded and receded back into the lake. Much to everypony’s surprise Tidal Wave fell out of the last column with his spear poised at Lechuza. He landed right next to Spiral. “YOU WANNA HURT MY FRIENDS, YOU GOTTA GO THROUGH ME FIRST! HOPE YOU’RE THIRSTY!!” he exclaimed as his water brooch shined and the lake water began churning in response. He raised many orbs of water up from the lake and from them fired high-pressured jet streams at the harpies. The feathered fiends tried to absorb the shots, but because it was water and not actual magic, they took the shots right where it hurt them and were shot down like flies.

Needless to say, everypony was shocked at Tidal Wave’s sudden display of power. “Damn, homie! Who were you havin’ splash fight wit!?” Turf War said.

“You didn’t tell me he could do that!” Valkyrie said.

“We would’ve had we known!” Kickback said.

Lechuza managed to rebalance herself in the air and glared at the foals. “<HISS!!!> HOW DARE YOU!!!” The flaming aura around her became more intense. “I’LL GRIND YOUR BONESSS INTO PUDDING AND TOP IT WITH YOUR SOULSSSSS!!!!”

Valkyrie wiped her nose and smiled deviously. “Tch! Sure, Lechuza! Sounds nice!” She then got her game face on. “But two can play at that game!” She gently clutched her ‘Valhalla’ talisman and took a deep breath. “O warriors of old whose might and ferocity live on in the Valhalla, O heroes of legend whose valiant shouts echo in the winds, Ye whose blood I share and passed down to me your strength of will and heart, I, Valkyrie who bears the symbol of our lineage that houses your resting souls, call unto you! Lend my thy strength, and let us rend our foe!!” As she recited her verse, the Valhalla began to glow with a golden light that more and more enveloped Valkyrie. A swarm of harpies suddenly tried to ambush her from all directions……but as they were about to strike her, the light around exploded, sending them flying.


Valkyrie was bathed in a ferocious golden flame that raged from her body like a meteorite, including her weapons. Her feathers glistened like the blades of cleaned swords from the gilded inferno, and her eyes shined with even more ferocity. “FACE ME, LECHUZA!!!” she shouted. Her voice echoed in such a way that it sounded as though multiple people with varying vocal ranges were speaking alongside her own.

The foals looked on in awe of Valkyrie’s little trump card. She might’ve been brash and arrogant, but it was now easy to see why. “This….is becoming a lot to keep track of.” Shadow Shroud muttered.

Lechuza let out a roaring hiss as she faced the descendent of Siegfried. “SQUASSSSH THESE INCESSSSANT BUGSSSSS THISSSS INSSSTANT! The griffonlet is miiiiiiine!!!!”

“Hail Queen Lechuza!” the harpies all shouted in unison.

Tidal Wave chuckled. “Didn’t anypony teach not to fight against the current!?” He exclaimed as he summoned more water columns, including a carpet of floating water that he stood on. “We can slow roast these chickens, right guys!?”

“U-Uh…Y-Yeah!” Fire Fight stammered. He was pumped for battle like everypony else, but Tidal Wave and Valkyrie suddenly showing their true power threw him for a small loop.

Valkyrie charged her sword with the golden light engulfing her and launched a huge blade of light at Lechuza, who quickly erected a wall of darkness to block it, which it mostly did. The sheer force of the blade knocked back a good distance, giving Valkyrie an opening to charge in, and in her supercharged state, she charged at breakneck speed, leaving behind a trail of light as she rammed into the witch with her shield. However, Lechuza managed to catch her mid-flight and absorb the shock with relative ease and throw the airborne knight off of her. Valkyrie quickly regained her balance in the air and soared high into the air with Lechuza gaining on her. When she caught up, the two empowered combatants engaged in a fierce duel that lit up the rest of the cave. Their auras of light and dark created a chaotic effect of day versus night.

Back on the ground, Tidal Wave held nothing back as he quite literally rained destruction down onto the harpies. The other foals could barely even get their heads around his ‘newfound’ capabilities, and he wasn’t afraid to show them off. They could barely even get in close enough to strike themselves as the water warlock summoned huge blasts, blades and stuff of water to relentlessly wail on the feathered fiends. All the while, the harpies were virtually helpless to defend themselves from the oceanic onslaught. “TAKE THIS!! AND THAT!! AND THIS!! TAKE ALL OF IT, YOU FREAKS!!!”

The others backed off and looked out for any stragglers that might have managed to survive Tidal Wave’s torrent, but any potential targets they would have charged were caught and swept away by the aquatic colt. Fire Fight couldn’t even light his horn with all the water getting thrown everywhere. “Damn! Where da lifeguards at?” Turf War said. “I ain’t gonna smoke Valkyrie if he keeps sinkin’ all d’hem.”

“I clearly recall Zebota explaining that Tidal Wave shouldn’t be able to do this, so how is he, and why didn’t he tell us?” Shroud asked.

“Should we really be concerned about that right this instant?” Kickback said.

“I mean….we’re not doing much else so, yeah.” Fire Fight said.

“Ugh….Lechuza really knows how to get inside your head.” Spiral complained. “Sorry, guys. My power caused us some trouble again.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Spiral. Our ‘friend’ seems to have her pretty well covered.” Shroud said.

Valkyrie and Lechuza were at each other’s throats. Blasts of light and curse magic lit up the cave like a fireworks show as they clashed. Lechuza managed to coat her talons with enough magic to effectively parry Valkyrie’s sword unarmed, but the valiant viking remained ever steadfast and tenacious as she continued to duel her corrupted adversary. Lechuza fired a beam of curse magic at Valkyrie, but she managed to shield herself from it while moving in for a strike. She constructed light around her sword in such a way that it extended the blade, and she gave a hard downward swing. However, Lechuza managed to catch it in her talons just before it could make contact. She let out a horrible hiss before exhaling dark fire from her mouth like a dragon at Valkyrie. The griffonlet could only endure the cold, black blaze with just the light of her ancestors to protect her, but the shadowy fire seemed to eat through her barrier like acid. Valkyrie quickly retaliated by releasing her shield and flailing it at the witch. The impact created a flash of light that left a crack in the blackened bird’s aura, staggering her. “RRAAAAAARRRGGHH!!! WHY MUSSSST YOU CONTINUE TO BE MY BANE, SSSSSIEGFRIED!?!?!?”
“TCH! LIKE I HAVE TO ANSWER YOU ANYTHING, YOU CHAIN SMOKER!!” Valkyrie said. She repeatedly swung her sword around, launching blades of light that Lechuza could only block and endure with her curse magic. With her immortality curse dwindling and her old age straining her stamina, the haggard was beginning to feel the effects of time catching up to her. Her curse aura started flickering on and off like a dying light bulb, and Valkyrie used this opportunity.


Valkyrie’s war cry projected as powerful sound waves lined with the golden light of the Valhalla. The sheer force of the amplified sound was punishing for Lechuza’s weakening body, and after some resistance, her defenses finally gave way. Her cursed aura quickly died down like a candle being blown out, and her exhausted body gave little resistance. Valkyrie wasted no time charging towards her adversary, rocketing towards the witch like a golden comet. With all her strength, she rammed Lechuza into a wall and ran her limp body along a good distance before tossing her to her side and using her gilded blade to behead the witch. “Uggggghhhhh……..Curse………you……….Val…..hallaaaaaaaa!........” Lechuza could only gurgle her last words as her head took its last breath.

Valkyrie grabbed the head and landed next to the foals where the swarm of harpies was trying to find a way around Tidal Wave’s defenses, but their jaws dropped in horror when Valkyrie held before them the head of their late queen. “Sorry, losers, but your ‘radiant queen’ just couldn’t get her head in the game!”

The harpies gawked at Valkyrie and the head of the fallen Lechuza. The deafening silence was only rivaled by the sound of Tidal Wave moving the water back to the lake. After a moment of horrified tension, they finally snapped. “LADY LECHUZA!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!”


Valkyrie just flipped her feathers as she went out of fury mode. “Yeah, yeah.” She sassed. The surviving harpies all hurriedly flew away in the wake of their shock. Seeing their queen slain was enough to send them screaming in chaos. Valkyrie walked over to the foals and showed off her prize. “I know. I know. I’m awesome. Don’t need to waste your breath.” Kickback saw the head and immediately ran over to the lakeshore and started vomiting, and Shadow Shroud went to go help him. “What’s his deal?” Valkyrie asked as she stored the head in a small satchel.

“He’s…..not so good with dead bodies.” Spiral said. “But, wow, Valkyrie! That was insane! How’d you do that?”
Valkyrie chuckled arrogantly. “This talisman I’ve got, the Valhalla, I think water boy here told you, but my ancestor, Siegfried made it.”

“Yeah! I remember Aesir telling me that.” Tidal Wave said.

Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Of course it was that old coot.” She muttered. “Anyway, all of his descendants that train to and eventually become warriors heir this, and get this: everyone who has rightfully worn it passes their strength into it when they die, and it gets more powerful each time. Even Siegfried himself lives on through the Light of the Valhalla.” She explained.

“Whoa…..seriously!?” Fire Fight asked.

“Yep! So when I kick the bucket, my soul and all of its might that I’ll build up over the years will join all the other heroes that held it. Fenrir the Hunter, Thor the Stormblade, Astrid the Slayer, and eventually me, Valkyrie!” she said. She then turned her smug gaze to Turf War. “Pretty sweet, huh, hammer-head?”

Turf War looked away a little. He felt embarrassed from clearly losing their bet, but he couldn’t hark on her for accomplishing what she did. “Yeah….” He muttered. “We ain’t gonna go af’er d’hem d’ho?”

Valkyrie shook her head. “Nah. Give ‘em a chance to live a more peaceful life. We don’t wanna become terrorists, right?” She walked up to him and put her talon on his shoulder. “And forget about the bet. I gotta admit….you were all pretty cool out there. I can’t take anything from you after seeing you tear it up with the harpies like that.”

Turf War looked at her and creased a little smile. “A’ight. Cool.”

“<cough><sputter> Phew! Sorry ‘bout that, y’all.” Kickback said as Shadow Shroud led him back to the group.
“Quite alright, Kickback.” Shroud said before looking at Valkyrie. “Harnessing the power of your ancestors…..how interesting.” She said before turning her gaze to Tidal Wave. “Though, not as interesting as Tidal Wave’s little trump card.”

Tidal Wave became anxious as he was now put on the spot about his powers. “Yeah, dude. What was that all about? You clearly knew you could do that.” Fire Fight said. Tidal Wave had to gulp before finding the strength to speak.

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