• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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A Mysterious Relic

In the Everfree Forest…

School had ended for the day, and the CMC along with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had met with Zecora as planned. While pleasantly surprised to see her young friends, she knew why they had come, and that it meant a great deal to them. She too had searched high and low for Fire Fight that fateful night throughout the forest, but the old Sisters Castle was barren when she searched it, unbeknownst to everypony else. And yet……she couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t alone in there….

Trudging through the thick brush of the forest, Zecora lead the foals to the castle. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Button Mash, having never entered this forest prior were on edge the whole trek. The fillies looked around nervously while Button Mash was trying to keep his cool in front of Sweetie Belle…..and was failing.

Button Mash held his head high and mighty, but he was shivering as though he had a cold. His eyes were wide enough for someone to mistake him for a squid. He occasionally glanced at Sweetie Belle, who was a little more annoyed than concerned for her coltfriend. “Button?” she asked.

Button jumped, startled at the sudden break in the tense silence. He quickly regained his composure, trying to play it off as though he wasn’t scared. “Wha!? Oh! Uhh…*ahem*Yes, Sweetie Belle?” he asked.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “You okay?” she asked.

Button took a couple deep breathes. “Y-Yeah! Of course! Ehehe… I just uhh….am really excited to be undertaking this….th-th-this dangerous trek in the fabled forest! I-I-It’s like my own adventure game! Y-Yeah! So d-d-don’t worry! I’ll prote-”

He was cut off when Sweetie Belle pecked his cheek quickly. He looked at her surprised to her giggled heartily. “Don’t worry, Button. We’ll be fine!” she said.

“Yeah. This place really isn’t so bad once you get used to it.” Scootaloo added.

“I-I-If you say so.” Silver Spoon said.

Zecora chuckled heartily. “Scootaloo speaks the truth, my dear foals. When I first arrived, this place unnerved even my soul. But as I befriended the forest as time flowed by, my apprehension began to dry. After such a long, tiring roam, I had finally found my one and only home.” She stated.

Those words brought comfort to the scared foals. Though, the mention of roaming made them wonder… “I wonder if Fire Fight really did get far from here? If my sister was actually right about him being in Detrot…” Sweetie Belle thought aloud.

“Yeah. Remind us to ask her what her little ‘theory’ was when we get back.” Diamond Tiara said.

“Well, it sure won’t matter much if we find Fire Fight there, huh y’all?” Apple Bloom cheered.

“Indeed, child.” Zecora said. She then thought back to that eventful night, and about how she had heard of the events that had transpired. It brought an ache to her heart to see such discord be allowed to ensure. She sighed. “I wish I could have been there to intervene. All of those pony folk should have been more serene. If we had only heeded his plight, we would not have to search for Fire Fight.” She said.

“Yeah….let’s hope we don’t have to search for much longer.” Silver Spoon sighed.

With a few trips and falls here and there, Zecora had at last led the foals to their destination. The castle was as ruined, yet majestic in its ancient grandeur as ever. It was the only welcoming structure in a forest of a foreboding atmosphere. They entered, and began their search.

Before they could even call out for Fire Fight, they had entered the main foyer and quickly noticed something out of place-burns marks in random spots on the floor. They were scattered in such a way that it looked like some sort of altercation took place here. Zecora inspected them carefully.

“Hmm….These are fresh….” She muttered. “At least a week old, I surmise. But this place is centuries old! When did they arise?” she asked.

Silver Spoon gasped. “Maybe Fire Fight was fighting something here!? He’d use his fire magic to power his punches, so maybe…”

“Yeah, but what would he fight in here? I know this place is falling apart, but it doesn’t look like any animals come in here, right?” Diamond Tiara said.

“Maybe it was that Pony of Shadows thing that I’ve heard about in urban legends! Wow….he held his own against an evil spirit? Now I know he’s tough.” Button theorized.

“Oh, Button. Don’t you believe none of that hooey! There’s no Pony of Shadows.” Apple Bloom said.

“I would not be so sure, child.” Zecora said. The foals looked at her in shock. “I have felt the flow of this place, and there is no ghost. But….Every time I came here, I could not shake the feeling that…I had a host…” she said. The foals began to quiver as they looked around nervously. “And yet, I do not feel now. It seems to have disappeared…..but how?”

“Let’s worry about that as we look around.” Scootaloo said. The others agreed, and began calling out as they searched everywhere.

“Fire Fight!? Are you here?”

“Y’all please come out! Everything’s ok now!”

“Bro! Where are you?”

“Fire Fight, my swee-uh! B-Buddy! Nopony’s mad at you anymore! Please come back!......for me?”

“Fire Fight, do not have shame! The events that took place, you are not to blame!”

No matter where they looked, the only possible traces of his presence were the burn marks in the foyer. The last place they had yet to search was the courtyard. When they all met up there, Apple Bloom immediately noticed something about the garden.

“Huh!? What the-!?” she stammered.

“What is it, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom walked over to one of the plants. “Look! What are all these crops doing here? They look like they’ve been freshly grown!” she explained as she pointed out the various fruits and vegetables being grown amongst the decorative flowers. They were slightly wilted from negligence; Apple Bloom determined that it had been about a week since they last watered-about the same amount of time ago Zecora determined the burns were made!

“So somepony's living here?” Button Mash asked.

Zecora shook her head. “No, child. I know my forest well. No possible neighbors here ring any bells.” She said.

“Yeah, and if these plants are any sign, whoever was here isn’t anymore. Maybe….Fire Fight really did make it to Detrot somehow. He must have gathered what he could here, and left. I can tell some of these were harvested.” Diamond Tiara said.

They all sighed. “Yer probably right. Well….looks like we missed ‘em, y’all. Shoot….” Apple Bloom muttered. They all decided that it was time to leave seeing as they’d find no further trace of their friend, so however begrudgingly, they gloomily walked towards the door leading out of the courtyard.

Before they did, something shiny concealed beneath the flora caught Zecora’s eye. When she inspected it, she found a curious little relic. It looked to be a double-edged triangular dagger. What was funny though was that it looked to be just small enough for a foal to handle, yet still held deadly potential. Further examination of the blade showed signs of plant debris, residue from the castle walls as though it had been slashed through them, and….what looked to be……blood!? A small wave of worry washed over Zecora at the sight of small stains of dried blood that looked like somepony had tried to clean them off. Perhaps Fire Fight simply used it to harvest his food and cut himself by accident? It would explain why it was left in the garden, but the wall residue was puzzling at best, and those burn marks…

She decided to keep this a secret from the foals, not wanting to frighten them. She took the mysterious dagger, and put it in her cloak out of the foals’ sight. She decided to take this issue with Twilight later today.

As they walked out the door, a sound of the forest caught their ears. It was long, ominous, low sound that Zecora and Apple Bloom knew well. “Timberwolves!?” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “But it’s nowhere near time for more Zap Apples to start bloomin’!”

“Indeed, child. And……I only heard one……..Why is there not a pack?” Zecora wondered aloud.

“Let’s get out of here before it wonders which one of us it wants to eat first!” Scootaloo said. They all agreed.

The foals were safely led out of the forest, and they all went home. They all had been swept by the same wave of disappointment. Fire Fight had moved on from the last possible safe place he could be in Ponyville, meaning he was indeed likely in parts unknown. How he’d left unnoticed was beyond them, but the situation was looking even more hopeless than before. They couldn’t search outside of their boundary without worrying their own parents, so their search was basically over.


After the foals were far enough away, Zecora made the walk to Twilight’s castle. The strange dagger she’d found had to be some sort of clue as to what happened to Fire Fight. Whatever ominous secrets loomed its shimmering blade were best left unveiled with the utmost ability of logic and reason. Just as she neared the path leading to Twilight’s front door, she saw Cheerilee standing halfway towards the doors looking up at the castle with noticeable apprehension. Wondering what she was there for, she walked up to the troubled teacher.

“Ms. Cheerilee.” She said.

Cheerilee looked back. “Oh! Hello, Zecora. I…..don’t suppose you’re here to see Twilight as well?” she asked. She put on a weak plastic smile that Zecora saw right through, and she knew why.

“Ms. Cheerilee, remove that brave face you wear. Bottling your true feelings is a heavy burden to bear.” She said to her.

Slowly, Cheerilee’s smile deteriorated into a pitiful frown of a guilty pony. Zecora was right. She knew she had to express her sheer guilt, but didn’t know how considering the magnitude of her actions. She wanted nothing more than to right her wrongs and make it all up to her foals. She began to sob. Zecora embraced her. “There, there, my child.” She whispered.

“Z-…Zecora, I…..” Cheerilee’s aching heart made it difficult for her to get her words out. “What do I do!? How can I tell my students how sorry I am for something I may never be able to undo!?” she sobbed.

“Nothing that has happened can ever be undone, but you know you must solve this problem. It is worse to run.” Cheerilee stopped sobbing, and Zecora released her. “I too seek counsel from Princess Twilight. To see you with a desire to make things right…would bring her heart delight.” She said.

Cheerilee wiped away the rest of her tears, and nodded. She took a deep breath. Suddenly, she was ready to swallow her pride. Zecora smiled at the determination she had mustered. “Ok! I’m ready.” She said proudly.

With that, the mares of different cultures walked as one through Twilight’s doors, eager to make the sun truly rise once more over Ponyville.

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