• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Parents and Reconciliation

Author's Note:

Just a couple more chapters after this, guys!

I'm a little behind schedule finishing this story, but the end is in sight!:rainbowdetermined2:

It had been about two days since the Battle Foals fell Snowdrop, giving them plenty of time to relax. During that time, they were spoiled rotten.

They were fed as well the adults could possibly muster in the aftermath of the snowpocalypse, and they played with the other foals- Twilight even got out some boardgames from an old collection of hers. Zebota went outside with some curious ponies that were willing to try and play with Shrapnel, which they and the wooden titan thoroughly enjoyed. Frostbite had a surprising amount of fun with Spike and Big Mac introducing him to Ogres and Oubliettes, amidst resisting the temptation to devour his hostess’s crystalline estate. Air Slash and Valkyrie decided to put on a show by having another duel, which the young samurai won this time, a loss that Valkyrie gracefully took.

It had become easy to forget that these foals were the brave heroes that saved Equestria from a multitude of powerful evils.

But this was now, and they knew who all was coming today. It was shortly after they had a scrumptious breakfast of cheesy scrambled eggs with mushrooms and potatoes, blueberry pancakes, fruit, and grits. The foals waited by the front door, patiently, yet apprehensively. Off in the distance, they heard a train whistle blow. They could only assume they knew who was arriving. Celestia had already gone ahead to pick them up.

“Well guys… it was fun.” Fire Fight said.

“Yeah… I’m gonna weirdly miss almost getting killed by big scary stuff.” Spiral Galaxy said.

“Call it Stockholm Syndrome?” Tidal Wave joked.

“Hey, when one journey ends, another can begin. Happens to me all the time!” Valkyrie said.

“Ah reckon most of us have had enough journeyin’ fer a while now. Ah just… wanna see everypony’s smilin’ faces in Didge City again.” Kickback said.

“Word. All my homies in Detrot gonna mad relieved that I’m alright.” Turf War said. “I mean, they prolly gonna whoop my ass fo’ dippin’ on ‘em first, but hey.”

“At least we know they’re not going to be be too mad at you all.” Greensprout said.

Frostbite cracked his knuckles. “If any of them give you hell, I’ll step in for you.”

“I wouldn’t be so quick to resort to hostility, darling.” Quantum Tech said.

“It’ll all be fine, my little foals. I promise.” Cat Fight said.

After a short, somber while, the front doors opened; and in walked the good princess, along with most of the Battle Foals’ parents. The foals themselves, while happy to see that they were okay, felt really awkward trying to even look them in the eye. Their parents, however, were visibly overjoyed to see their children again and ran to them.

“Turf War!” the street colt’s mother cried, throwing her arms around her son.

“Whoa! Mom!” Turf War said.

“There you are, boy!” his dad said, following suit. They let go. “Do have ANY DAMN idea how… how… oh f*** it. Are you okay?”

“F*** you talkin’ ‘bout ‘f*** it’! Turf War, the hell was your dumb a** thinkin’!?” his mom said. “Do you know how many times I screamed your name ‘round the entire city after you disappeared!?”

“Whoa, whoa! Slow down, mom! I’m straight.” Turf War said. “Always had been straight. Hell, I just helped save Equestria, ain’t I? I mean, shoo.”

“Oh, hallelujah! Meanwhile, your dad and I were out here… Ah, s***. I don’t even feel like being mad anymore.” His mom said. “You at least happy to see us?”

“Y-Yeah, uh…” Turf War stammered. Look y’all, I… I…”

“C’mon, boy. Just spill it like milk.” His father said.

Turf War took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “I was just frustrated, y’all. All I ever wanted to do was do the right thing, and I knew I could too. Barely ain’t nopony else was. S***, I found out about Curfew, and that really didn’t help.”

“Baby, your problem back then was tryin’ to carry all that weight by yourself, especially with Detrot bein’ so dangerous.” His mom said.

“It wasn’t wrong of you wantin’ to be a big stallion, but you’re still a foal. I just didn’t want to lose my damn son.” His dad said. “Even you did turn out to be some dam titan slayer! I mean, mother******! How’d you and your crew pull all the s*** that you did?”

Turf War smiled, feeling more at ease. “Sheer force o’ will with a dash of dumb luck. That’s what.” They all laughed. “So… Y’all ain’t too mad?”

“Well, you’ve definitely got some cleanin’ up to do once you ger home, and I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout just your room.” His mom said. “But… we’re proud o’ you, baby.” And they hugged again.

“Oh, Spiral Galaxy!” The cosmomage’s parents embraced with a warmth that could only come from guardian instinct.

“You guys…” Spiral muttered.

They broke off. “Honey… you ran away because of us… didn’t you?” her father said.

Spiral eyed away. “I… don’t want to hurt your feelings…”

“Honey, we hurt you enough that you ran away! Do you know how horrible we’ve been feeling already?” her mother said.

“Mom, we each know just how dangerous I was. I… I didn’t want hurt anypony anymore.” Spiral said.

“We know, honey.” Her dad said. “But we should’ve tried to help you rather than run away from you.”

“Well don’t worry so much about that anymore. I’m more than able to handle myself thanks to my new friends helping me!” Spiral cheered.

“So we heard!” her dad said. “Heh. This little field trip of yours turned out to be a blessing in disguise, didn’t it?”

“It did for all us, daddy.” Spiral said.

“Speaking of your new friends, where’s this ‘Tidal Wave’ we’ve heard about?” her mom asked, leaving her daughter suddenly blushing like a fresh tomato.

Kickback’s father walked up to him, and the two cowponies just smiled and hugged each other.

“Abbot Meadow!” Greensprout rushed over to her to her adoptive father and embraced him.

The good abbot embraced her back. “There, there, my child.” He said.

She let go. “Where’s everypony else?”

“Safely back at Gardenia, I’m pleased to say. At least they should be by now.” Meadow said. “They are all eager for your safe return, but I instructed them to begin restoring our abbey as I went to return you home. Hopefully it’ll be finely livable once we return.”

“Oh, blessed day!” Greensprout said. “Oh… but I’ll dearly miss the friends I’ve made of the Battle Foals.”

Meadow chuckled. “Fret not, my child. They will always be welcome in Gardenia should they want to visit. I certainly can’t wait to hear of your… shall we say, spontaneous pilgrimage.”

Greensprout smiled. “I learned a great deal, Abbot! I’ll let everypony hear about it!”

Fire Fight then noticed another familiar face in the crowd. “Whoa! Hey, Film Noir!”

The actress happily pranced up to him. “Oh, Fire Fight!” She couldn’t help but hug him, letting her notice his new wings. She gasped. “No way!”

Fire Fight proudly spread his wings. “Yes way! I’m a new colt!”

“Oh my Celestia! That’s incredible!” Film Noir said. “Are you still gonna be the big leader of the Battle Foals?”

“Of course!” Fire Fight declared. “It’s just gonna be a while for all of us to adjust to life back home now that we’re on better terms with everypony.”

“Most of us…” Sitting off in the corner was Bullseye, looking somewhat hopeless with her healed eye not even in view. She couldn’t go back with her parents, so where would she go now?

“Think again, Bullseye.” Said an approaching Celestia. “Film Noir?”

The actress nodded and slowly approached the downtrodden filly. “Bullseye… I know you’ve had it rough and… you don’t really know me, but… Princess Celestia approached me with an idea that I really liked, and… would you want to let me adopt you?”

Bullseye looked up at her in shock, revealing her healed eye. “Wh-What?”

“Film Noir, really?” Fire Fight asked.

Flim Noir nodded. “I’ve always wanted foals of my own, but being an actress wouldn’t give me ample time to raise one. Plus… you need a loving home and family.”

“I-I, uhh…” Bullseye stammered. It was unclear whether she felt excited, apprehensive, or both.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to. I’m not gonna let you be forced into something you’re not comfortable with.” Film Noir said.

Bullseye was looking back and forth between Film Noir and the floor, fidgeting almost uncontrollably. Her eyes were fearful, but also… longing.

“Bullseye… I’d do it if I were you.” Fire Fight said. “Film Noir is one the most caring ponies I’ve ever met. You wouldn’t have to worry about getting hit or anything with her.”

Bullseye listened to her friend. She stared at Film Noir, and then down at the floor. Tears welled in her eyes as she began to sniffle. Then out of nowhere, she flew into Film Noir’s chest, wrapping her arms around her like and sobbing like a baby. “Please love me!!” she cried.

Film Noir sat down and embraced her back. “Oh, sweetie. I’ll love you with all my heart and soul. I promise!” She gently kissed her new daughter on her head as she cried tears of joy.

Amidst all the happy reunions, Zebota patiently watched with Shrapnel at his side. The sight of the Battle Foals embracing their parents reminded him of his own. He’d come to terms with their deaths and accepted Shrapnel as his family, but nothing would replace the emptiness in his heart left behind in the wake of his grief.

“Child…” Zebota looked up and saw Zecora walking up to him.

“Ms. Zecora. Were you well in the forest?” Zebota asked.

“We were well. Thank you for your concern.” Zecora said. “It seems your friends will retire to their homes. To where will you return?”

Zebota sighed, and Shrapnel leaned his head down closer to his master. “To the forest again, I suppose. I had survived well enough on my own; there is no reason why I cannot do it again, especially with Shrapnel at my side.” He scratched under his titan’s chin, causing him to softly grunt.

“Ah, yes. You have lost your family some time ago. Are you really you sure a family, you want to forego?” Zecora asked.

“It… It matters not.” Zebota said. “I will know where each of them are, so I could visit whenever I have time… I suppose.” Shrapnel nuzzled his master’s neck.

Zecora sat down right next to him. “Zebota… No creature should survive alone in the woods. Loneliness and longing, it only broods. If a place to call home, you have no other…” She gently lifted his chin up so that he was looking her in her soft, warm eyes. “then please, call me your mother.”

Zebota’s eyed widened and ears perked up like an excited puppy. “You… You mean that?”

“Of course, child. My ponyfolk friends, I may hold dear, but our home and people, my heart still feels near.” Zecora said. “It would bring joy to heart to have a brother zebra at my side. Would you, as they say, hop on for the ride?”

Zebota smiled like a wide, lush valley. “Ms. Zecora, I…” But then he turned to his closest friend. “I could still keep Shrapnel, right?”

“Without question! In our family, he may tag along. I could never think to break such a beautiful bond!” Zecora said.

Zebota’s smile returned to him, and he embraced his new mother. “Thank you, Ms. Zecora! Thank you!” he said. Shrapnel crawled over and started nuzzling Zecora. She knew this was the beginning of something great.

“All the buff tadpoles now return to their ponds!” Crazylocks said.

“Indeed, my beautifully manic friend. Indeed they will.” Quantum Tech, causing her to lament about possibly returning to her own parents.

“Quantum Tech?” Celestia asked.

“Oh! Your Highness?” Quantum replied.

Beside Celestia was a familiar face. “I trust you’ve met Dr. Whooves?”

“I have.” Quantum smiled at the scientist. “Good day, sir!”

“Good day, young filly.” Whooves said.

“Hi, not-bad-lab-coat guy!” Crazylocks blurted.

Whooves chuckled. “I see you’re still in good spirits, little Crazylocks!”

“What brings you here, Doctor?” Quantum asked.

The Doctor cleared his throat. “Well, I’d heard your little… predicament seeing as your parents wouldn’t provide an ideal place for you to nurture your talents, so… at Princess Celestia’s behest, I’d like to make you my apprentice!”

Quantum gasped. “You… You’re adopting me!?” she asked gleefully.

“Oh! Well, I suppose it wouldn’t be inaccurate to say so.” Whooves said, sheepishly scratching the back of he head. “And as promised, I’ll be aiding in the endeavor of curing Crazylocks. I certainly won’t be the only pony seeing to her, but researching how to treat her will become one of my utmost responsibilities.”

Quantum could barely hold back tears as she ran up to hug the scientist without any regard for formality. “Oh, thank you, Doctor- Oh! I suppose I should say ‘father’. Teehee!”

Whooves chuckled. “I don’t mind if you simply continue to call me ‘Dcotor’.”

“YAAAY!!! NEW FAMILY!!!”Crazylocks then jumped into him, knocking him back all the way into the wall.

“OOF!!!” Whooves could see Crazylocks laughing and playfully beating at his chest, which mildly hurt given her unnatural strength. “I should begin research right away…”

Valkyrie and Frostbite stood together off the side not doing anything in particular. They were happy to see their foal friends finding peace once again. Fire Fight walked up to them.

“I guess you guys are heading back across the Celestial Sea, huh?” he said.

Valkyrie wiped feathers off. “Yeah. Gotta make sure my people didn’t go all cold turkey on me. Tough as they are, Griffonstone will always need it’s Numer 1 hero!” she boasted.

Fire Fight just chuckled and rolled his eyes. “What about you, Frostbite?”

“I think I’ll keep Heimr Island warm and toasty for you.” Frostbite said. “Grover said that place was ours after all.”

“Oh yeah! Wow, I already forgot about that place.” Fire Fight said. “We could definitely use it as base of operations when we’re not busy.”

“Weren’t you kinda planning that from the beginning?” Valkyrie asked.

Fire Fight shrugged. “Minor change in circumstances, but still the same deal.” He said. “At the very least, it’s a place where we can see each other again. Heck… maybe even train new recruits if we’re crazy enough to get any.”

“Cool!” Frostbite said. “Just uh… I hope you don’t mind if I… decide to fly in to visit every now and again.”

“Dude, totally!” Fire Fight said.

“If I have time, I might drop by too, but Griffonstone will always be priority one for me.” Valkyrie said. “Still though, glad I could be a part of your little gang. It turned out to be pretty rad.”

“The feeling’s mutual, Valkyrie.” Fire Fight. He fist bumped his two comrades.

Fire Fight went back to his parents, who were quite content to see everyone making their peace. “I’m so happy everything has worked out.” Cat said as all the other Battle Foals gathered around their cherished leader.

Fist addressed them. “If you guys ever wanna just come over to visit, you’re more than welcome in our house!” he said. “A-As long as you don’t any ‘Battle Foal’ training.” They all laughed.

“Why do I get the feeling you’d be a great sparring partner?” Shadow Shroud asked.

Fist sheepishly chuckled. “I’m not sure I’d want to tango with you, darlin’.”

“Wise you are.” Said an unseen voice.

Everypony looked around, but didn’t see anypony… except for Shadow Shroud. “LOOK OUT!” she shouted pulling out her kunai.

"Whuh!?" Fist stammered.

Falling from the ceiling was a black figure that Fire Fight didn’t notice was falling right towards him! Shadow Shroud leapt at them and parried them away, causing them to back flip to land square on their hooves. It was a fully cloaked adult Shadewalker.

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