• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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All Kinds of Wonders

Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud successfully snuck back to their cave hideout where the others greeted them. Shroud had already flipped back into her cloak. It was a bit disappointing to see them without a new friend, but they knew that they shouldn’t expect immediate results. “Was everything ok while we were gone?” Fire Fight asked.

“Aside from Crazylocks’ antics, all was well. What of you?” Air Slash replied.

“Canterlot is so focused on itself that it was laughably easy to scour without raising suspicion. It’s quite big and crowded however, so we’ll need to make another sweep tomorrow.” Shadow Shroud answered.

“Figured you might say that. Let’s just hope that the Royals Sisters haven’t gotten word of what we’re doing.” Spiral Galaxy said. “Hey, Kickback sang while you guys were gone!”

“Did he now?” Shroud asked.

Kickback lowered his hat, and blushed. “Aww shucks. Ah reckon it was gettin’ a little borin’ ‘round here, so Ah just decided to brighten things up some.”

“It was still a bumpin’ beat, son.” Turf War commented.

“Yes. Did anything of note happen in Canterlot?” Air Slash asked.

“I guess. We met this filly named Quantum Tech, and she was something else!” Fire Fight said. He explained the whole deal with the hornband, her glasses, and her disapproving parents. “But other than that, we didn’t really notice anything too interesting.”

“Are you kidding!? That’s amazing!!” Spiral exclaimed. “She’s gonna be really famous someday!”

“Why her parents gotta do her like dat d’ho? Dat’s f***** up.” Turf War commented.

“Is it only her parents that look down upon her skills, or did others seem to follow suit?” Air Slash asked.

“She said something about other unicorns being afraid that they might get hurt by the hornband, so…..maybe?” Fire Fight answered.

“I personally found it rather interesting. She’s certainly a candidate in my book.” Shroud said.

“Now what makes ya say that, Ms. Shadow Shroud? Equestria needs brainy ponies like her.” Kickback said.

“Now if only her parents would realize that, huh?” Shroud retorted

“Shroud, don’t you think you’re being a little too quick to judge? I mean it’s only her parents that we know for sure disapprove of her. For all we know, the best universities in Equestria could already have their eyes on her. We can’t take stuff like that away from her.” Spiral said.

“Yeah, but what if her parents be so whack dat d’hey actually do? What then?” Turf War argued.

“Look, I’d be cool with observing her a little more, but I’m still not too sure about her.” Fire Fight said.

“Good, because she caught my interest. We’ll head out in the afternoon tomorrow once more and-……..What’s she doing?” Shroud said.

They all looked at Crazylocks. Somehow, for some reason, she was doing pushups……..on her tongue while balancing a stalagmite that she likely ripped from the ground by its tip on her tail end. It was easily six times her size…….

Turf War sighed heavily, and facehooved. “Dis b**** need help….”

On a Train to Baltimare…..

“And it just casually took the bucket of wheat before disappearing into the woods again?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy had told her, Spike and Film Noir about her odd encounter with the timberwolf before leaving.

“Yes. And when it looked at me, it didn’t feel like it saw me as prey, but rather……well……I actually couldn’t tell. It was as if I was just something it happened to notice. I don’t understand why’d it’d want wheat.” Fluttershy explained.

“Did you get a chance to tell Zecora?” Spike asked.

“No, I didn’t. I’ll have to make a point of that when we get back.” Fluttershy answered.

“Thanks for coming by the way, Fluttershy. I bet those biologists will need an opinion from a real animal expert like you.” Film Noir said.

“Oh, of course! I’m kinda curious to see them for myself anyway. Although, they sound like that they’re pretty scary.” Fluttershy said.

Film Noir nodded. “Yeah. They gave me one heck of a spook. The authorities were scratching their heads too.”

“Do you have any idea of what they might be from what Film Noir told you?” Twilight asked.

“Not really…..There is such a thing as reptiles that like to live underground along with gophers and moles and the like, but I’ve never seen or heard of them breeding, and none of those species get as big as you said they were. I’ll really just have to see for myself.” Fluttershy said.

“If there was some kind of magical accident, or an otherwise magic-related event that caused that to happen to them, I’ll be able to spot it.” Twilight said.

“Good idea.” Fluttershy said. She then looked at Film Noir. “Say….didn’t you play as that bank teller in ‘My Last Hope’?” she asked.

Film Noir perked up. “I did! That was my film debut performance as a matter of fact.” She answered.

“That was your debut!? That movie came out only about eight months ago! You did a great job!” Twilight said.

Film Noir blushed sheepishly. “Oh…..thanks. I was glad they gave me a minor role. I’d have been a nervous wreck if they just up and gave me a lead role.”

“Well, all it took was that debut and that other movie you appeared for ponies to recognize your talent! I can’t wait to see what else you star in.” Spike commented.

“What? My role in ‘Aging Tradition’? I hated how that turned out. I was all over the place, and I constantly fumbled over a few simple lines. My director got pretty frustrated a couple of times.” Film Noir said.

“Maybe it was because you had to put on a persona that was much different to what you’re used to being. You still did a great job.” Twilight said.

“Oh, gosh……<giggle>…..thanks…..Expressing your talent can be really difficult when you have no idea what ponies will think of you, huh?” Film Noir said.

“Don’t I know.” Fluttershy said.

Within The Everfree Forest….

“Where did I drop that blasted thing!?” Zecora was deep in her home forest. Unfortunately, while she was collecting various herbs and plants for potions, she had somehow lost her small satchel containing the harvest flora. She retraced her steps across the many overgrowths that she had traversed. It wasn’t near the Poison Joke, Dragon Pen Moss, or Thrashweed. It was finally when she came to the patches of Wonder Mushrooms that she found her satchel hanging on a low branch of a nearby tree. Apparently, when she passed by the tree as she made her way back, the satchel’s strap had slipped onto the branch, and it slowly slid off as she blissfully walked by.

Zecora facehooved. “I am a fool…” she muttered. She looked inside to make sure that all of her collected items were still there, and they were. However, when she looked at the mushrooms again, she noticed something…..rather strange. She collected a pretty good number of them, but……it looked as if more of the mushrooms had been picked than she remembered. She would have concluded that they were simply consumed by other creatures, but they hand been very clearly cut off or picked. There weren’t any teeth marks.

Zecora suddenly felt eyes looming onto her. She went into serious mode. “Who goes there!? Show me your face! You cannot hide from me in this place!” she called out. She carefully scanned around as she looked for any signs of life that didn’t belong. The forest itself was calm, but she could feel a small wave of disturbance within its flow. She just couldn’t quite discern what it was, or where it came from.

Eventually, she suddenly noticed something from far away. Far across the clusters of trees and patches of mushrooms was a large pond with a pretty dense fog clouding its surrounding bank. On the other side shrouded in the mist was…..a figure? Zecora could just barely make out the shape of some kind of creature that seemed to be relatively small, and had green eyes that just barely shined through the obscuring fog. Zecora lightly gasped in surprise.

The two just stared at one another for a moment. Zecora was at a loss as for what to do. On one hand, she wanted to call to….whatever it was to hopefully get an answer, but contrarily, she didn’t want to risk scaring it off. So she just decided to wait and see what happens. The next moment, the figure presumably decided that it was no longer interested in her, and vanished. A perplexed Zecora was left to wonder what this phantom she just encountered was, and what it was doing.

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