• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Change of Plans

“I don’t get it! What’re we missing!?” Scootaloo said. She along with the rest of the CMC were meeting at their clubhouse with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in company. “Every time we go somewhere where a foal ran away, all we get are ponies saying that they saw Fire Fight or that mystery filly that he’s with.”

“Probably because we’re trying to catch him just as he’s leaving.” Diamond Tiara said. “We need some way to figure out where he’s going next and catch him there.”

“Well then, let’s think. What have all the places we’ve gone to had in common?” Button Mash said. “One thing I noticed was that Dodge City was just down the river from where we found that burned down florastrad, and if you remember, that’s where that Bladerunner colt disappeared from followed by that Kickback guy, meaning that he’s taking a discernable path.”

“Yeah, but then he made it to Canterlot next. Why didn’t he go to Appleoosa from there? It was just across the desert, and Ah doubt that he’d have an awfully hard time considering how hardy he is. Not to mention that this Kickback feller has lived in the desert his whole life.” Applebloom said.

“But what about the other foals that we think are with him? They’re probably not as heat-tolerant.” Sweetie Belle said.

“I think we should think more about how he got to Canterlot from Dodge City first.” Silver Spoon said. “They’ve snuck onto at least one train before, so maybe they got onto one and got to Canterlot from there?”

“There ain’t a direct train from Dodge City to Canterlot though.” Applebloom said.

“Hmm…..but there is one in Fillydelphia, maybe Baltimare too. Those towns are just down the river from Dodge City, so maybe he went there, couldn’t find any foals that wanted to run away in either city and left for Canterlot.” Button Mash said.

“That’s not too crazy to think, Mash.” Scootaloo said. “But then that’s where the trail goes cold….”

“Yeah. He could’ve gone anywhere in Equestria from Canterlot…” Silver Spoon said. “And just who is this filly that nopony seems to know?” her tone turned a little sharp.

“Rarity still hasn’t told me anything about her other than what happened on the train. I’ve tried asking her, but it’s the same thing all over again. I think she’s keeping something from me….” Sweetie Belle said.

“That just makes me more worried. Fire Fight could be in a lot of trouble, and nopony’s telling us about it!” Silver Spoon said.

“We better talk to Twilight and Ms. Cheerilee. I think it’s time we came up with a new plan. Just trying to track him down like this obviously isn’t working.” Diamond Tiara said.

“Well, what are we supposed to do? Go to a random town and hope that he shows up? Because, if he sees the whole class in one town looking for him, he’ll just sneak away.” Sweetie Belle argued.

“Who said it had to be all of us?” Diamond said. “If we spread out in subtler numbers, we’ll be able to cover a wider area all at once.”

“Yeah! Plus, we might be able to map out his route based on where we know he’s been.” Button Mash said. “Since we’ve determined that he’s been to a lot of places to the east, I say we focus on the western parts of Equestria.”

“Great idea! Let’s go talk to Ms. Cheerilee right now! She’s probably still at the schoolhouse.” Scootaloo said. She got and ran to the door. “Come on, crusaders!”


As the crusaders and company trotted through Ponyville towards their school, thoughts of finally finding their fiery friends frolicked around in their minds. His mother would no doubt shove them out of the way before they could even reach him, but they’d definitely have a huge welcome home party thrown for home, especially considering what all he must have been through. Button thought about having him over for a game night and playing co-op in Mareio Bros. The CMC thought about seeing his full initiation into their club through. Silver Spoon thought giddily about going on a date with her blazing red crush, and Diamond said that she’d help her decide what to wear and everything.

But of course, there was the issue of him possibly not wanting to come home; he didn’t feel like he belonged because of his talent. That would certainly be a job for the CMC, but that made them think… “Guys, do you think that maybe we should help all of those other foals he’s taken too? I mean….if he thought they needed help to the point that he’d encourage them to run away, then….” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah….Yeah, you’re right. We heard about the problems they all had, and it really sounds like they don’t understand themselves very well.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Ah just hope Fire Fight’s been able to do what he could for ‘em. If their still with him, then Ah reckon he must be.” Applebloom said.

“Yeah, but let’s worry about that when we finally find them.” Button said. They all nodded in affirmation while Sweetie Belle gave Button a quick peck on the cheek.


The foals finally reached their schoolhouse, eager to chat with their teacher about possibly changing their course of action. When they reached the door, they opened it to find Ms. Cheerilee chatting with Twilight and Fire Fight’s mother. The two parties looked at one another surprised. “Oh, hello!” Cheerilee said.

“Oh! Uh….sorry. Are we interrupting something?” Scootaloo asked.

“Not really. We were just discussing how we should be looking for Fire Fight.” Ms. Fight explained.

“Funny you should say that!” Diamond Tiara said. They explained the idea they had concocted in the clubhouse to the adults, and it turned out that they had the same plan minus Button’s insight on predicting Fire Fight’s path based on where he’s been.

“I suppose it’s true that looking to the east would be a little misguided, so we’ll head out west, but we’ll have to decide who will go with who and where first.” Twilight said. “Though, I think it would be silly not to have you six as a group.”

“Woohoo!” Button exclaimed.

“But it would have to mean involving more of your parents since we can’t just send you foals out into strange lands alone.” Cheerilee said.

Button lost some of his spirit upon hearing that. “Oh….right….”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ve pretty much forgiven all of them save for you-know-who up to this point, and they really want to help find Fire Fight too. I think it’s time you all put your trust back into them. Think so?” Ms. Fight said.

“Meh. I guess you’re right.” Scootaloo said.

“It might take a day or two to plan everything out, but once all is said and done, I’ll make the necessary arrangements, ok?” Twilight said.

The foals nodded. “Ok, great!” Sweetie Belle said. “Say, Twilight? Has Rarity told you anything about this whole ‘mystery filly’ that seems to keep going around, ‘cause she won’t tell me anything?”

Twilight felt her heart skip a beat upon Sweetie asking that. How was she supposed to explain around a hidden clan of dangerous ponies that might want something to do with Fire Fight and not for the better? Having his mother in the room made it even tougher. Any hint of her son being in mortal danger would undoubtedly send her into shock from sheer panic and worry, and she had a promise to keep to the Royal Sisters anyway. “U-Uh….No, actually now that you mention it. I wonder why?”

Ms. Fight could tell that something felt a little off. Maybe it was Sweetie Belle suddenly bringing up the topic that surprised Twilight, but something about her seemed a little weary. “Is everything ok, Twilight?”

Twilight glanced at her and quickly mustered a response. “Y-Yes. I’ve just been wondering about who this filly could be. We’ve haven't heard about any grey fillies in an orange dress running away, so it’s kind of a side mystery.”

“We’ll ask Fire Fight once we find him, ok?” Cheerilee said. Ms. Fight nodded. “Ok, foals. We should have your group assignments by tomorrow or the next day. Be ready!”

“With pleasure!” Silver Spoon cheered. Diamond giggled.

Just as everypony was about to leave, they heard a knock on the door. “Princess Twilight Sparkle?” It was a familiar voice.

Twilight was a little surprised. “Come in!” Upon her saying that, the door open, and none other than Air Slash’s father walked in! Everypony was a little shocked. “Master Knight Soul!? What are you doing here?”

Knight Soul bowed to Twilight. “Forgive me for not sending you word of my arrival, milady. I wanted……to see you all right away.” He sighed. “I see that you’ve made little progress in locating my son and this 'Fire Fight' of yours.”

“No progress at all, really.” Applebloom said.

Ms. Fight’s face was stern. “Why do you ask? I thought you didn’t want your son back.” She said coldly.

Knight Soul took a deep breath. “There….may be more truth to those words than even I realize. Perhaps I did not seek my son, but rather my status as his father. His…..unique approach to how we wield our blades was always off-putting to those that knew him, myself and my wife included. But our confrontation….humbled me, and I thought long and hard about how I tried to raise him with the way he is.”

“And what have you come to?” Twilight asked.

Knight Soul drew his sword and held it over his heart. “You’ve helped me realize that I never tried to understand him, and as such, I’ve decided that I want to find my son, and…..have a talk with him. I want to know just what it is that drives him and why. Why does he choose to wield his blades with such aggression? What is his philosophy? What is he trying to bring to our great clan?”

Ms. Fight lost all of her tension upon hearing his genuine guilt and desire to help his son in his tone. “You mean that?” she asked softly.

Knight Soul nodded. “I do, if you would have me.” He said as he bowed his head.

“Of course, Master Knight Soul. No real parent would want to abandon their foals.” Twilight said.

“You sure said it!” Ms. Fight commented.

“This’ll be awesome!” Button said. “Hey, once we find Fire Fight and your son, ya think you could teach me how to use a sword like that?”

Knight Soul gave him a stern, but amused look. “Do you enjoy risking slicing your own head off, boy?” he jokingly inquired.

Button turned completely pale upon hearing that, and his face was one of somepony being held at gunpoint. “Umm….N-No!”

“Then might I suggest you not be so brazen.” Knight Soul said. He chuckled heartily. With a new ally willing to accept his loss to his own pride and a thoroughly traumatized Button Mash, the search party of Ponyville eagerly awaited to set out to find their friend.

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