• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Into The Depths

Morning had just about broke over the river when the foals’ raft neared Horseshoe Bay. Turf War and Spiral Galaxy, who were on watch at the time, woke the others up. Spiral and Fire Fight magically docked the raft, and the others pulled it ashore before hiding it in the woods around them. They were right at the tip of the woods where a set or railroad tracks could be seen out in the open leading to Baltimare, which was only a short hike away. Before they did, Fire Fight cooked up some breakfast that involved the prickly pear that Kickback had picked; Air Slash and Shadow Shroud carefully peeled away the needles. It turned out to be pretty delicious stuff…..had the two warriors foals not miraculously missed a needle, and left a very disgruntled Turf War with a pricked tongue.

They crossed over the railroad after looking both ways into the more forested area around the city. As they snuck through the forest towards their destination, the salty scent of the sea became more and more prominent, telling the foals that they were close.

At last they had stumbled upon the small port city of Baltimare. The ocean breeze drifted even into the forest beyond as various kinds of marine workers trotted happily across the streets carrying their natural cologne. They were behind two buildings that formed an alleyway leading into a street.

Shadow Shroud flipped into her disguise dress. “Looks like I should scout the area.”

Turf War stopped her. “Hol’ up, homegirl. You ain’t all dat street smart. I better come wit ya.” He said.

Shadow Shroud rolled her eyes. “Turf War, this is hardly as big a city as Detrot, and I’m perfectly capable of handling myself in the event of an emergency.”

“Well, yeah. But I’m sayin’ d’ho. Dis still a big place. And besides, if you gotta blow yo’ cover, you blow all our cover too if ya think about it. If dat happens it’ll be a damn cold night the rest o’ the way, ya feel me?” Turf War argued.

“I’m not so careless that I’d just throw a kunai at the first pony who looks at me suspiciously!” Shadow Shroud said.

“C’mon! Y’all needed my help back in da hood. You gonna need my help he’e. Now I ain’t sayin’ you won’t be ok, but I’m just sayin’ two heads better than one in a big city, believe dat. And one of ‘em might as well be mine.” Turf War said.

Shroud thought it over for a moment, and then conceded. “Very well, I suppose it’s always wise to err on the side of caution anyhow.

Turf War nodded. “Cool!” he said. He turned to the others. “Can I leave my stuff wit y’all?”

They all nodded. “Surely, partner.” Kickback said as he tipped his hat.

“Are you sure you want me to come too? I could….er……..help you pick out…….another dress? I mean it’s kinda…….ehehe……not the best.” Spiral Galaxy hesitantly offered. She hoped that she didn’t earn herself a dagger to the throat.

Shadow Shroud rolled her eyes in frustration. She knew her friend meant well, but this whole thing was getting old. “Spiral, I appreciate your concern, but there’s a reason why it’s ‘not the best’. If I don’t look super pretty or whatever, then I won’t draw unneeded attention.” She explained.

“But why wear a dress at all? Most mares and fillies usually don’t unless they’re going to a really big party like the Grand Galloping Gala or something.” Spiral inquired.

Shroud lifted her dress to show her ominous Cutie Mark. “Do you not see this? Many will wonder what a sweet little filly like me is doing with such an…..undesirable special talent. Even if they do decide to blow it off, I could still be remembered, and that alone could not only compromise the existence of my clan, but also our mission across Equestria. It’s a risk I simply cannot take!”

“Ah reckon we oughta let her do what she does, Ms. Spiral.” Kickback added.

Spiral sighed, and conceded. “Ok….I trust you.”

Shroud walked up and gave her a hug. “Thanks though.” She whispered. She let go, and the fillies smiled at one another. “Alright. Wait here.” She said. Shadow Shroud and Turf War then snuck through the alleyway, and into the city street out of sight from the foals.

“I just hope she doesn’t have a repeat of the bakery in Hoofington…” Fire Fight commented.

Spiral cocked her head. “What happened there?”


Shadow Shroud and Turf War looked around the street corners before them, acting naturally as they seemed to be just normal foals exploring the city. Had Fire Fight been in the mix, he would have almost recognized his former home city had it not been for the plethora of seafood restaurants, marinas and the sort. Sure, Manehatten had its fair share of those as well, but the sea isn’t nearly as culturally embedded there as it is here in Baltimare. The scent of freshly boiled seaweed pasta emanated from a couple nearby little cafes.

As they ventured around the nearby blocks, the two couldn’t find a single place where they might effectively use as a hideout until they found another lost foal. Every building was way too active to be even remotely suitable. Not only that, but every foal they saw was about as normal as could be. There might have been one or two foals looking out into the Celestial Sea as if to wait for their sailor for a father to come home, but nothing that really warranted their attention. The only thing that really stuck out was a marine biology office that looked as though it had been long abandoned, but was too close to active civilization to suit a hideout.

While exploring, Turf War suddenly thought of something. “Ya know, dis joint, Fillydelphia and Manehatten used to be a megalopolis back in the day, ya knew dat, right?” he said.

Shadow Shroud looked at him as though he’d just poured ketchup and mustard onto a plate of spaghetti. “Turf War, I’d prefer you refrained from inventing your own words.” She said.

“Nah, it’s true! Dat’s when you got two or more big cities like dis being together, like ‘right next door’ together, and basically just makin’ one big a** city. Dat’s all! Damn, don’t gotta do yo’ boy like dat. Anyway, d’hey to break apart da joint when the un’ergroun’ subways d’hey was usin’ were becomin’ kinda pointless when bus trips were becomin’ less expensive, and they were really expensive to manage anyway. Peeps were selling d’hey houses, businesses, apartments, ya know. The whole megalopolis ran on the same giant sewer system that was right next to the subways, which nopony even bothered to demolish.” Turf War explained.

Shroud cocked her eyebrow. “And this is relevant….why?”

“Homegirl! Un’ergroun’ subways dat still connect from dis city to the next! Think about dat fo’ a second.” Turf War said. Shadow Shroud, in a little frustration decided to humor him, and give it some thought. It was within a moment that what he was trying to say caught on to her. “We could use it…” Turf War started.

“As an effective hideout, and quick, hidden route to Fillydelphia when we’re done here!” she finished. “Well, well, Turf War. I’m impressed. Seems you did pay attention in school after all.” She sneered.

Turf War shrugged. “Nah. I was readin’ some like gang history kinda books when I was li’l so I could get an idea of how I might fight ‘em before I met y’all. Dat just so happen to be one o’ things I read when I was lookin’ up ol’ mafia and gang activity from way back when.” he said.

“Useful nevertheless.” Shroud said.


They found their way back to the alleyway where they had initially emerged, and snuck back through to the other to inform them of their idea. “Eww! Sorry, but there is NO WAY I’m going into a sewer! Can’t we find an abandoned warehouse or something?” Spiral protested.

“If such a place existed, I’d make that the first choice. But alas, it doesn’t. Sorry, Spiral. Don’t worry though. Turf War led Fire Fight and I through a sewer back in Detrot with exemplary results, so I’ve no reason to doubt his abilities now other than the fact that he’s never been down in this system.” Shadow Shroud said.

“In addition, you’d have a roof completely over your head, so your magic would be under control.” Air Slash added.

“Yeah. Do you really think it’s any worse than what you’ve endured so far?” Fire Fight said.

Spiral sighed in defeat. “Ok fine…” she muttered. Shadow Shroud hugged her once more in apology.

Unfortunately, the alleyway they were just behind didn’t contain a manhole cover, but Turf War recalled seeing one in the next alleyway over. He led them over to said alleyway after retrieving his gear, and the cover was sure enough there. The alleyway itself was just dark enough to allow Shadow Shroud to flip back into her cloak, and creep through to scout the street for any passerby that might spot them seeing as they’d have to move their somewhat clunky inventory down there. One by one, she gave each foal the signal when the coast was clear to safely rush towards the cover, and drop into the manhole. Air Slash went with Spiral Galaxy to help encourage her to make the necessary move, which she reluctantly accepted. Once everypony was below the cover, Shroud seized the opportunity to join them.

It was nearly pitch-black down in the setting familiar to Fire Fight, Shadow Shroud and Turf War. Air Slash seemed only more motivated to keep his senses active in this potentially dangerous place, Spiral Galaxy was trying not gag whilst keeping her horn alit, and Kickback was as calm and collected as ever. With his horn lit along with Spiral’s, Fire Fight and his cosmic companion were led by Turf War as he navigated. Based on what learned from exploring Detrot’s sewer system, he was able to easily conclude what was what, and what led to where. They passed below many other manholes as they explored the putrid artificial cave. Finally, they came across an unmarked door that was slightly ajar, and looked as though it hadn’t been touched in decades. “Dis gotta be it.” Turf War said.

They entered the door, and passed through a long downward staircase that seemed to lead down into hell- it was black enough to blind the sun. The unicorns intensified their horns’ light to eventually reveal an age old series of railroad tracks with some coaches still down in this forlorn cemetery, where they would endlessly wait to one day be moved again….a day that would never come. The foals climbed into the coach nearest to the staircase, and decided that it was a suitable little crib to settle into for now save for the pitch darkness that was only purged away from Fire Fight and Spiral Galaxy’s horns. This was quickly rectified when Fire Fight realized that these were old oil lanterns that still had some fuel in them; using his magic he was able to light them.

“Ah reckon this’ll do just fine ‘til we gotta settle on other lands.” Kickback said.

“Yeah. That….wasn’t quite as bad as I thought it’d be. I mean it still stank, but……Baltimare sure is clean, huh?” Spiral commented.

Turf War nodded. “Dat was like walkin’ through any damn hallway compared the s*** I walked around back in da hood…..nah, fo’ real. AHA-haaa!” he said. Spiral grimaced at the thought of what Detrot’s sewers must have been like.

“I suggest we go one at a time whilst looking for any lost foals. I would volunteer to go first seeing as I’d be able to cover more ground more quickly if I just casually fly around the city amongst other pegasi.” Air Slash said. “If I spot something of interest that is out of my reach, the Shadow Shroud could sneak over there and…..do whatever she pleases, I suppose.”

Fire Fight nodded. “That makes sense. Just try not to get asked about your Cutie Mark; Shroud already has to worry about hers.” He said. The other nodded in agreement.

Spiral gasped as she suddenly noticed something. “Air Slash! You called Shadow Shroud by her name!” she happily said.

Air Slash and Shadow Shroud looked at one another in surprise. They gazed at each other for a brief moment before exchanging glares. “How disrespectful of you, Bladerunner.” Shroud lightly growled.

“Hmph. As if respecting you is my highest priority…” Air Slash whispered as he looked away from her. The two could feel Fire Fight’s authoritative gaze on them as they lowered their guard, and stopped the charade. Air Slash cleared his throat. “Now then, I’ll just leave my blades here, and…..when do you suppose I should return should nothing catch my interest?” he asked.

“Ah reckon ya oughta get back before dark. That’s usually when foals are headin’ home. Can’t do much by then.” Kickback said.

“Just make sure you know where you’re going when you decide to come back. It’ll be pretty easy to get lost down here.” Spiral warned.

“Yeah. Matter o’ fact, lemme come wit y’all. I’ll wait downside under the manhole you pop out of so I can get y’all back to the crib. Sound tight?” Turf War said.

Air Slash nodded. “Agreed, friend. It would be foolhardy to go blindly, and I imagine that getting my bearings in the city will be marginally easier than down here since I'd have access to actual landmarks.” He said.

“Cool. A’ight, let’s do dis.” Turf War declared.

The other foals wished them good luck as they saw their companions off. They could only hope that Air Slash would return safely with or without good news. Remaining hidden was becoming more challenging with how big their group has already gotten, and it would only get more difficult until circumstances somehow changed that.

As the four foals on the dark coach relaxed after a long trip, Shadow Shroud thought she very faintly heard ominous, unknown sounds coming from somewhere far into the black void. Was it simply everypony breathing, the ambience of their location…….or were they truly alone down there?

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