• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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The skies above Heimr Island were palpably blackened by Nidhogg’s overwhelming presence, and the horde of airborne soldiers surrounding him created a spectacle of a clash between hope and despair. On the ground, Zebota harnessed the land itself to provide what support he could whilst empowering Quantum Tech and Spiral Galaxy; everyone else was held aloft in the sky by nothing but their courage, ready to quell the great evil before them.


The draconic devil shattered the sky with his booming voice as flares of hellfire launched from his body like fireworks and scattered across the aerial warzone.

“SCATTER!!” Valkyrie shouted. Everyone quickly swooped and banked out of the way of the incoming blazes, careful not to bump into each other.

Just as he was charging up for another barrage, a ferocious beam of light blasted from below, striking Nidhogg with enough force to interrupt his concentration and stagger him in the air. When they looked down, it was clearly Quantum Tech firing her death ray. “He’s vulnerable! Attack!!” she shouted. Zebota’s nature glyph could only serve as an energy buffer to allow Qauntum’s laser to fire more continuously.

Once Nidhogg recovered from the surprise attack, his infuriated gaze turned downward. “You DARE to think you have any significance when you’re all the way down there!?!?” He concentrated what charge he managed to hold on too and vomited a stream of fire.

Quantum frantically went to activate her force field, but Spiral casted a black hole that absorbed the inferno completely, immediately closing it afterward. She then compressed the energy leftover and projected it above her and her friends. “There’s a little extra protection for ya!” she called out.

“Much appreciated!” Quantum replied. Her laser had petered out just in time, and her mech went into recharge mode.

“Hmph! No matter…” Nidhogg scoffed. “I will strip you of your souls one way or another!” He ignited his fins once more.

For some reason, the griffon soldier carrying Tidal Wave could be seen flying away from the action. “Where the hell’s he going!?” Valkyrie shouted.

“We don’t got no time to find out! Just bust loose!!” Turf War said.

“Just be careful not to overexert yourselves! I have to be the one to get close to him!” Greensprout reminded.

Just as she said that, Nidhogg glared at her and fired a barrage of dark flames and vomited yet another torrent of fire. She gasped, but raised her Gaia Root, ready to defend herself from the darkness. A squad of the griffons extinguished the smaller flames by swatting them with their swords, but Frostbite suddenly flew in front of and exhaled his own torrent of ice fire back at the dark lord.

“Frostbite!” Greensprout blurted, but she composed herself and forcefully channeled her holy energy into him, giving him the boost he needed. A vast amount of stress built between the opposing streams of draconic fire, but Frostbite held on despite the sheer amount of effort on his part compared to Nidhogg.

Just when it looked like Frostbite was at his limit, a gigantic waterspout fell from the sky and drenched Nidhogg in a violent cyclone. “WHOA!!” a griffon shrieked as everyone scattered. A bright blue glimmer could be seen swimming furiously within the storm. With his flames smothered, Nidhogg could only take a rather violent beating from huge blades of water forming inside and slicing him. The salty smell of the ocean was overwhelming

Regaining his composure, Nidhogg brushed of the blows and curled up charging power. After a split second, he released a powerful shockwave that the waterspout manage to absorb most of, but it knocked the blue gleam out of it.

“WHOOOOAAA-OA-OA!!” It was none other than Tidal Wave.

“TIDAL WAVE!!” Spiral shouted. But just as she was about to catch him in a gravity field, the aquatic colt swiftly waved his lance around and brought a great volume of the seawater he’d collected right below himself and landed safely in the cushion, splashing into it and swimming safely to the ground.

Once he caught his breath, Tidal Wave nervously looked back up at their adversary. He gulped before surrounding himself in a veil of what water her could retrieve and jettisoned himself back into the air to rejoin the fray.

Frostbite, however, wasn’t as okay. Feeling winded from nearly exhaling his lungs out, he used Tidal Wave’s assault as an opportunity to retreat to the ground to take a much needed breather.

Nidhogg unfurled his wings and flapped them, each flap summoning a small but powerful cyclone that threatened to tear them all apart, prompting everyone to scatter. The draconic devil used the opportunity to slither through the blackened sky and swipe his dreadful claws and swing his tail at the horde, some of whom were unlucky enough to get hit and smacked out of the air like volleyballs.

“RAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” A random swipe of his claw was forcefully parried by Captain Frigg’s greatsword, sending a sharp pain throughout his hand. “TRY THAT AGAIN, YA GIANT BAKED WORM! I DARE YE!!” she taunted.

“Rrgh! How dare you!” Nidhogg growled, his eyes viciously gleaming. He reared his other, ready to violently swipe it when suddenly… “AAHH!!!!”

Valkyrie, empowered by the Valhalla, rammed her sword into his palm, causing great agony. “Hah! Score one for me!” she said. However, when she tried to pull her sword out… “Oh, crap…”

Nidhogg made a toothy grin upon realizing this golden opportunity. He swiftly went to clap his hands together when a meteor suddenly struck him in the head, and he roared in great agony. The shockwave that rippled throughout his body was enough to shake Valkyrie’s sword free.

Valkyrie looked down at the obvious source of the meteor, who had lowered her shield so that she could summon the anomaly. “Nice shot, kiddo!” she called out. Spiral’s only reply was a wink before erecting her shield once more.
Now frustrated, Nidhogg ignited his body, and a flaming aura surrounded him. “I WILL BURN YOU INTO OBLIVION IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO!!!!!” He unleashed a massive barrage of ignited scales.

Everyone either dodged out of the way, parried the shots, or were shot down. But before the last of the scales could connect, Kickback drew his guns and fired rapidly at them, nullifying a big chunk of the barrage. Shadow Shroud summoned a great multitude of illusory copies that slashed the flaming scales out of the sky. Bullseye unleashed her second to last golden arrow, and it managed to take out the rest of the shots, and Tidal Wave used the water available to quell the blazes. “YEEE-HAW!!” Kickback shouted.

Summoning all the willpower he could muster, Fire Fight used his magic to stop and fizzle out all of the residual fire. “Feeling tired yet, Nidhogg!?”

The demonic drake did seem to be feeling a little exhausted. “Tired of you…yes…. I think I’m done wasting mere words on your bugs!!”

With all of his strength, Nidhogg swung his serpentine body around, smacking a few more griffons out of the sky, but just before it could hit Greensprout, something jumped in front of her and her griffon escort.

“HRRAAAHH!!!” A shockwave so fierce that was practically tangible rocked the entire island as Turf War, with all of strength and flying momentum built from his griffon escort, smacked Nidhogg’s tail with his hammer. The damage reflection effect caused the drake’s body to visibly ripple to the point where it was blatantly agonizing, and a tremendous shriek of pain nearly cracked the clouds apart. Turf War’s griffon ride caught him as he fell. “HIT ‘EM, GREENSPROUT!!”

“Right!” Greensprout replied. Her griffon soared forward, but Nidhogg’s fire reignited on its own.

Meanwhile, back on the ground, Frostbite had taken the last of his deep breaths and was ready to rejoin the fray when Quantum Tech called out to him. “Frostbite, wait!”

“Ugh! What!?” he impatiently asked.

“I just had an idea!” Quantum open a hatch on her mech suited and used her magic to pull out a single item: a shard from the crystal golem in the caves below Canterlot. “Spiral, could I trouble you to charge this?”

“Say no more!” Spiral replied. She had to lower her shield, but she focused all of her magical might into the small shard.
Within minutes, it was glowing brilliantly.

“That should suffice.” Quantum said before handing it to Frostbite. “I think you’ll know what to do with it, darling.” She confidently fixed her glasses.

Frostbite stared blankly at the jewel for a moment, but smiled deviously when he got the picture. “Hoho… say no mo- LOOK OUT!!”

A small cluster of Nidhogg’s flaming scales were careening down towards them, and Spiral had lowered her shield; But Shrapnel stood before the storm and channeled the nature energy produced by his master.


As if to call out to the heavens themselves, the wooden titan howled at the top of lungs, and the sheer force of his empowered voice shattered the scales like glass. He sat down and calmly scratched behind his ear.

Frostbite shoulder-bumped the beast as he ascended. “Slick move, Sparky.” Shrapnel only grunted as he watched the ice dragon soar into battle.

Just as Frostbite regrouped with his comrades, Nidhogg tried for another tail swipe, obviously losing his patience. However, Crazylocks had hopped aboard a griffon soldier who flew close to the ground so that she could gather a huge amount of boulders with her magic; once high enough, she used a spell to lock the massive cluster together and fired it at Nidhogg’s tail. The ensuing impact parried his tail, and shards from the cluster broke off and struck his face and claws.

Crazylocks turned to her escort as she spread her wings. “Your service has earned you VIP seat in my ‘box-of-cool-people’ list!” she blurted.

The griffon was obviously befuddled. “Umm…. Thanks?”

“I MAKE NO SEEEENSE!!!” Crazylocks exclaimed as she flew off, leaving the griffon to scratch his head on confusion.

Nidhogg was losing energy, but his body still burned, and there was only one thing left to do. “Greensprout, get ready. I’m about to open the floodgates for ya!” Frostbite said as he tossed and caught the charged shard in his claw.

“Ready when you are, brother!” she declared.

“Alright!” Frostbite clutched the shard, glaring determinedly at his dark adversary. “Down the hatch!” He tossed the gem into his mouth and quickly chewed before swallowing it…. Only to realize it wasn’t exactly tasty. “Blech! Stale!” he complained. Regardless of the taste, Frostbite could feel his body charging with vast amounts of energy. While overwhelming, he knew he had to do it. The fate of the world rested on Nidhogg’s defeat….and he unleashed icy hell.


From Frostbite’s mouth erupted a blizzard of cataclysmic magnitude, all concentrated towards Nidhogg.

“What!?” A very startled Nidhogg mustered the last of his strength, and an eruption of hellfire erupted from his mouth, directed at Greensprout.

Even through the crushing snowpocalypse, much of the dark flames managed to remain to the point where they were about to strike the little monk.

“NO!” Air Slash wasted no time raising his swords and blocking the fire from hitting Greensprout.

“AIR SLASH!!” Greensprout called out in worry.

The soaring samurai greatly strained to look back at her. “Nrgh! G-Greensprout!.... G…. GO!” He was holding on for dear life.

“It’s now or never, swab!” Frigg called out.

Realizing what this moment meant, Greensprout regained her composure and readied her Gaia Root. “Ok… To his head!”

“You got it, darlin’!” her griffon escort said as he flew her to the snake’s head.

Frostbite’s blizzard smothered the dark flames lining his body and pushed her towards her goal, but the inclement weather made it hard to fly. Thankfully, it lasted until mere seconds after Greensprout gave the order to charge, and Nidhogg had just about collapsed from exhaustion and started heavily panting. The chance was too perfect for words.
When she was just above him, Greensprout leapt from the griffon’s back. As she fell, time seemed to slow to a crawl. In spite of her fear, her lack of physical prowess, and her dream of a more peaceful world, Greensprout let nothing hold her back from doing what she knew was ultimately for the better…..and she channeled every last ounce of courage, hope, love, and light that her pure heart could muster into her mystical root as she jammed its gleaming emerald into Nidhogg’s skull.



An explosion of holy light nearly swallowed the sky as Nidhogg screamed in unbridled agony. He could feel his very form falling apart, and portions of his body suddenly started exploding one by one in flames of light. His limp body plummeted to the ground along with Greensprout, who continued to purge him.

Suddenly, the G-force was too great for Greensprout to withstand, and she flew off of his head. “AIIEE!!”

She thought she would meet an untimely demise until she felt someone catch her. “Are you alright, my dear?” Air Slash asked. Greensprout joyfully hugged him and giggled as they descended.

Once safely on the ground, everyone nearly collapsed from exhaustion. Some of the griffons went to go check on the other that were hit by Nidhogg, but it was clear that their strength had been spent. Air Slash too collapsed to his knees upon landing, nearly dropping Greensprout, but hopped off and gently stroked his back.

“Thank you, Air Slash.”

“<pant>…<pant>…<pant> Of course….” Air Slash barely had the strength to speak as Greensprout gently pecked his cheek.

“Hmm?” Greensprout suddenly noticed that she was standing right next to Nidhogg’s face, his body no longer aflame and his eyes distant. Yet Greensprout could tell that she was being addressed.

Suddenly, the draconic devil began disintegrating like his minions, but one last ounce of strength let him speak his last words to Greensprout. “Thank…..you…..” His final whisper echoed gently as his head finally faded away.

A knot tied in the young monk’s heart. Was it sorrow? Guilt? Relief? Either way, the weight of Nidhogg’s darkness had been lifted from Heimr Island, and she basked in the serenity that followed….that she had ushered. A single tear shed from her eye. “Rest in peace….Nidhogg.”

Author's Note:

Happy New Year, guys! Things are really going out with a bang, huh? :moustache:

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