• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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The Cure For Madness

Author's Note:

Happy 2017 from me and the Battle Foals, guys!

Fire Fight took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves. “Ok….On three, we’re gonna jump out. When we do, Kickback, shoot out those big tubes containing those embryos.” He whispered.

Kickback, who was still as calm as could be despite being stared in the face by a bunch of ravenous chimeras, tipped his hat in affirmation. “Sound and Fury are just about ready to start talkin’, sheriff.” He replied.

“O-Ok…” Fire Fight was about to start the countdown, but he suddenly noticed that Shadow Shroud had vanished. He rolled his eyes. “Of course…” he muttered. “Ok….One, two…..”

“THREE!” Kickback finished the countdown suddenly, and quickly jumped in front of everypony. Before anypony could say anything, Kickback drew his precious guns, and fired them with pinpoint accuracy into the containers cradling the chimera embryos. He shot them out within seconds; the bullets even struck the embryos themselves!

Meanwhile, the horde of chimeras pounced on the other foals, but Spiral Galaxy pushed them back forcefully with a gravity field down the tunnel. They then rushed into the lit laboratory to Kickback’s side.

Kickback eyed the scientist with calm aggression as he held his hat just low enough that his eyes peered past the brim. “Pardon the intrusion, sir, but Ah’m not too sure Ah approve of you and yer little varmints here none!” he aggressively sneered.

The scientist was certainly shocked to see that he had very unexpected guests. “What!? Who are you!? How did you find this place!?” he demanded.

Just then, the horde of chimeras emerged from the entrance, but were suddenly struck with some kind of concussive burst that made them dizzy. A black form could be seen flashing between them and audibly attacking them. The form was of course Shadow Shroud, who concluded her ambush, and jumped up and away from the small mass of corpses she left, and landed next to her comrades. She had donned her mask. “We simply….oh, how would a scientist put it?......Ah! Had a eureka moment.” She said.

The scientist was both dumbfounded, and devastated. He certainly wasn’t expecting such an assault from a foal, but…”M-My….MY BABIES!!! YOU…..YOU KILLED THEM!!!!” he shouted in fury. “H-HOW COULD YOU!? FURTHEMORE, HOW DID YOU PERFORM SUCH AN IMPOSSIBLE STUNT!? YOU MUST TELL ME!!” he said. His tone was suddenly less threatening.

Shadow Shroud drew a dark wooden stick from her cloak. “Over my dead body!” she exclaimed. The stick she was holding suddenly flipped a curved, scythe-like blade from out its body, revealing that it was a foldable kama. “Or perhaps yours!” she hissed.

Fire Fight was the only foal who wasn’t surprised at Shadow Shroud’s latest trick up her sleeve, and looked at the scientist. “Who are you? Why are you doing this!? If you starve Fillydelphia’s wheat supply, you’ll eventually affect all of Equestria!” he demanded.

The scientist chuckled, and eventually let it blow out into a fit of maniacal laughter. “Why? ‘WHY’, you ask? Isn’t it obvious!? They rejected me! ME!! Their friendly neighborhood Dr. Gene Splice!! All I wanted to do was show Equestria the extent of what biology could bring us! I studied any and every form of organic life. I had all kinds of labs everywhere! My botany lab in Fillydelphia, my marine biology lab in Baltimare, my ornithology lab in Griffonstone, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I STUDIED!! EVERYTHIIIIIIIINNNGG!!!” he ranted. He coughed and sputtered from throwing such a fit for a moment, and eventually calmed it into mere panting. “I’ll…..I’ll show them!.......I’LL MAKE THEM PAY FOR THEIR INSOLENCE!! I’LL MAKE THEM BOW BEFORE MY GENIOUS!! THEY’LL SEE MY CREATIONS, WHAT I’M CAPABLE OF, AND THEY’LL WORSHIP MEEEE!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!”

Shadow Shroud looked at her comrades. “He’s insane.” She stated.

“No s***.” Turf War affirmed.

Air Slash pointed his sword at Gene Splice. “Listen here, madman. I’m willing to give but one chance at redemption. Call off these abominations and surrender yourself peacefully, or my blades shall cut the strings of their fate without mercy!” he warned.

Spiral Galaxy created a galaxy field around herself. The ground around her rumbled in fear of her power. “And I’ll give you something to bow before!” she threatened.

Gene Splice just continued to chuckle like a maniac. “GO ON!! TRY TO OUTMATCH PERFECT BIOLOGY!! MY CREATURES WILL MAKE A MEAL OF YOU ALL!! AND THEN I’LL HAVE LOADS OF PRECIOUS MATERIAL TO STUDY THEN. AHAHAHAHAHA! COME, MY DARLINGS!! DINNER TIME!!!” he shouted as he pressed a switch next to him. It activated a beacon that seemed to draw the chimeras to it. Many more of them came out from the dark tunnel, or just dug through the dirt walls and into the lab. They hissed and roared as they surrounded the foals, who prepared themselves for another riot. Gene Splice then retreated into a machine next to him through a door, and closed it. Whatever he meant to do in there would have to be revealed later since the foals had a pest problem that needed their immediate attention.

“At least we can see this time.” Fire Fight said as he ignited his horn.

Shadow Shroud drew a second kama. “Indeed. I quite enjoy being able to see my prey fall.” She said.

Spiral intensified her horn. “And fall they will!” she exclaimed. She shot a bolt of magic past a large group of the chimeras clustered around a wall they’d dug out of, and it explo-…er, imploded into a black hole that yanked them into one another before dissipating. They were much more resilient that the Sand Vipers, so the worst it did was break their formation. After that, she gathered her focus, and formed an anomalous cluster of waves that began forming something inside of it. Within a couple second, it turned out to be a tiny meteor that was already ablaze. Without thinking, she launched it at the cluster of chimeras that had begun to crawl away from one another, and it struck the center of their form with a devastating impact. The subsequent explosion caused many a charred and ruptured chimera to scatter about. Spiral Galaxy gasped, surprised at what she had executed.

“Spiral, that was awesome! Keep it up!” Fire Fight shouted. He immediately rethought his statement when a large cluster of soil and sediment that had been shaken by the shockwave fell from the ceiling, and nearly crushed them.

Spiral grimaced from within her galaxy shield. “Or not…” she said. She relaxed her magic a little, and returned to using star lasers.

Fire Fight, Turf War and Air Slash found themselves surrounded by the chimeras. One of pounced towards Turf War, but he smacked it away with his hammer. He hit another one that pounced right after with the axe end of his hammer, and blocked another one with his shield. However, this one managed to crawl over his shield just like before, and roared in his face. Turf War recoiled his head back, and wafted his nose. “G******! Yo’ breaf is hot!!” he shouted.

Fire Fight suddenly leapt over his head, and kicked the chimera by its head off of Turf War’s shield, and jumped off straight up into the air, and launched a couple fireballs downward at it, and a few others beside it. The chimeras were suddenly distracted by the rain of fire, and Fire Fight falling towards them. This gave Turf War a prime opportunity to wail on them, and he did. A few smacks with his hammer and shield sent them flying, and he then managed to catch Fire Fight on his hammer. The two nodded, giving Turf War the signal to launch him, so he did. When he was once again airborne, a few more chimeras clung onto some equipment hanging on the ceiling leapt towards him, but Air Slash soared towards them, and sliced away, causing them to drop right out of the air like zapped flies. Air Slash soared back towards Turf War to aid him while Fire Fight rocketed himself towards where Shadow Shroud was fighting a group of them, slamming into one, and then uppercut another one that tried to pounce onto him before spin-kicking it away from him.

Shadow Shroud was making good use of her kamas. Having more claw-like blades than her kunai, they more easily cut through the chimeras’ repto-mammalian hides. She swung one of them upwards into a chimera’s throat from below its jaw, and quickly retracted it before following into a flip where she swung the other downward into the skull of another chimera coming from right on top of the other. Another one suddenly pooped up from her right, and bit down on one her kamas. It pulled her towards it, but she swung her other kama into its eye. The chimera screeched in agony. Shadow Shroud was about to follow up with a killing blow, but another chimera snuck up from her left, and pounced on her. Just before it could clamp its jaws onto her, two gunshot rang out that left her two opponents to rot. She looked over to see Kickback pointing his guns with calm fury.

“Let me show y’all just what a desert storm looks like.” Kickback said. He began firing his guns in all directions towards random chimera. Not all them dropped dead immediately, but the ones he managed to stagger were quickly finished off by the other foals. A veil of gunsmoke formed around him as he continued to fire away, so he holstered one of his guns and used the free hoof to fan it away with his hat. As the smoke cleared, a chimera suddenly jumped from a previous blind spot, and Kickback quickly shot the roof of its open mouth. It fell past him and collapsed.

As the foals continued to fight the beasts, the unexpected happened. From within the machine he entered, Gene Splice had activated some mechanism that caused a bunch of large surgical tools controlled by robot arms to emerge from the metallic wall around the door he’d entered. A loudspeaker suddenly came on, and some metal panels opened to reveal Gene Splice staring them down with his maniacal smile behind a thick plate of glass. “MWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHhahahaaaaaa!! Sorry for the wait, kiddies. Your operations are still scheduled to take place, so be good little foals and HOLD STIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!!!” Gene Splice bellowed.

The surgical tools suddenly thrust towards them while the chimeras were still attacking them. A drill made its way towards Turf War, and he caught it onto his shield just in time. He held it back until its smoked and shut down from overheating. Meanwhile, Air Slash parried a large scalpel headed towards him, and got behind Turf War to protect him from oncoming chimeras that would take the opportunity to catch him off guard. He slashed horizontally, slicing across three chimeras that recoiled back from agony. He then executed his spinning slash into them and quickly retreated behind Turf War once he knew they were dead. Turf War smacked the smoking drill clean off of its robotic arm.

“DIS B**** IS CRAZY!!!” Turf War exclaimed.

Air Slash hacked away at another chimera that attacked him, and eventually parried and slashed off the scalpel that had assaulted him earlier. “Indeed! This will be tougher than expected!” he shouted. He slit the throat of the chimera he’d just attacked.

Spiral blasted a bolt of magic towards Gene Splice that imploded into another black hole, but she concentrated on holding it for a few seconds. The surgical tools all gravitated towards it, but didn’t quite break off- Spiral didn’t want the field to be so intense that it caused a cave-in. “Nrgh…..Rrrrggghhh” she was having difficulty balancing the intensity of the black hole, which maintaining one was hard enough on its own, and it was causing her a headache. Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud had to come keep the chimeras off of her as she focused her magic.

“You can do it, Spiral!” Shadow Shroud called out. She bucked the head of a chimera that was on her upward, and slit its throat with his kama. Fire Fight had one on him that tried swipe its paw at him, but he ducked under it and followed up with a flame-charged punch to its temple, knocking it back a good few feet. Fire Fight then shot a fireball right at its face, and then ran up to it to finish it with a back-flip kick into its throat, rupturing it. While still flipping, he shot a fire disc at one that tried to catch Spiral from behind. It curled in pain from the blaze, and Shadow Shroud finished it with a kama to the skull.

Spiral eased her magic a little as the black hole dissipated. She refocused it as nova energy as everything around her rumbled. Her horn lit like the rising sun as she focused all the power she was exerting into. It concentrated into luminous ball of cosmic destruction.


Spiral Galaxy bellowed with a god-like echo just before she shot the nova she’d concentrated right below Gene Splice’s protective bulletproof glass wall. He looked on in terror as the cluster of light blasted away his weaponized tools and glass wall. The force of the blast blew him out of his chair, and out of the backdoor where he had entered his control room. He tumbled down the stairs he’d walked up, and fell right out the door he’d entered initially. When he looked back up as he tried to stand up from his pain, he caught the sight of his destroyed lab, and Kickback shooting the last of his chimeras in the head.

Spiral collapsed to the ground with a nasty headache, and clutched her head tightly in pain. Kickback went to help her as the other foals confronted Gene Splice. “Are y’all alright, Ms. Spiral?” he politely asked.

Spiral was too busy rubbing her head to respond right away. “Nrgh…….rgh……N-not….rgh!......N-Not really.” She muttered. “But…..I-I-I will be……..Th-Thanks,…….Kickback.” Kickback tipped his hat, and continued to monitor her.

Fire Fight, Shadow Shroud, Turf War and Air Slash stared down the defeated mad scientist as he tried to stagger to his hooves, but couldn’t fight back the agony he was in. “You….nrgh…….You little…..BRATS!!! You’ve……destroyed my research!...Argh!.....You’re just like the rest! You….can’t see……the value of it!” he said.

“There’s no value in causing a famine, Gene Splice. Give yourself up! You have a lot to answer for!” Fire Fight declared.

“Y’all done f***** up!” Turf War added.

“I gave you a chance, and threw it in the trash. Now you’ve suffered the consequences! You’re no scientist, but a terrorist!” Air Slash said.

Gene Splice just chuckled maniacally under all his pain. The foals were stunned to see him still unwilling to give up. “Go ahead! Lock me up for eternity! You’ll miss me and my expertise! Or just let me continue to work! You’ll see! I’ll create even more terrifying creatures to ravage this pathetic realm of Equestria! I’LL BECOME A GOD!! MWAHAHAHAHAhahahahaaaaaaaaa!” he ranted.

The foals were left at a loss as for what to do with this psychotic stallion. Even if he was imprisoned, he might find a way to break out with his smarts, and act on the threats he’d just made. Those mole-lizards were a hoofful enough, so anything worse would be a nightmare. The only one of them that wasn’t at a complete loss was the cloaked filly who had sheathed her kamas, and drew a kunai…

“Guys…..look away if you have a weak stomach.” Shadow Shroud muttered.

“Huh?.....Wha- Shroud?” Fire Fight stammered.

Shadow Shroud sighed. “There is only one cure for madness as dangerous as this……and I must be the one to administer it.” She said solemnly.

Before anypony could say anything, Air Slash quickly swooped in front of her with his swords drawn. “Stop! I will not allow this!!” he shouted.

He eyed her furiously, but Shroud just glared back at him. “Out of my way, Bladerunner!” she hissed.

“H……Homegirl……..You not serious, right?” Turf War stammered.

Shadow Shroud looked back at him. “Take a good look at him and tell me there’s another way. Trust me, Turf War. I don’t do this lightly. My clan tries to avoid it if possible……but knows when it’s a necessity…”

“NO! I will not allow you to take an innocent-” Air Slash started, but was cut off.

“Air Slash!......just…….let her…..” Fire Fight said solemnly.

Air Slash eyed him with shock. “Surely you jest!?” he said.

Fire Fight looked down in sorrow at the prospect of having to let Shadow Shroud carry out what she intended. “I don’t like this anymore than you do, but……look, before you say anything else about her poisoning my mind and manipulating me, let me ask you this: what would you do if it were up to you?”

Air Slash flinched. Even through his blinding rage spawned from his clan’s pride, he could see that there was sadly no other way. He very reluctantly sheathed his swords, and got out of Shadow Shroud’s way. He fixed his glare back onto her. “Know that his blood is on your hooves, Shadewalker!” he growled.

“I know……It’s a burden I bear with pride as well as regret.” Shroud muttered. As she approached the staggering scientist, Air Slash looked angrily at the scene. Fire Fight and Turf War looked on in shallow horror and sorrow. Kickback hid his face behind his hat- this reminded him of a year ago, and Spiral just covered her face with her hooves.

Shroud removed her mask as she finalized her approach. Gene Splice continued to chuckle as though he was unaware of her intention. “Well! So this is what you look like under that cloak! How fascinating…” he hissed.

Shroud quietly took a deep breath. “I am Shadow Shroud of the Shadewalkers. I hope you remember my face well, Gene Splice, for it is the last mercy you will ever be graced with.” She said in an almost dutiful manner. Gene Splice panted heavily as he maintained his manic smile. Shadow Shroud poised her kunai, and took one more deep breath. “If only mother were here for this moment…” she whispered to herself. With a swift lunge, she pierced the scientist’s mad heart. He gagged from the fatal wound as she slowly removed it from his chest, and collapsed to ground.

As the mad stallion drew his last breathe, Shadow Shroud muttered one last message to him. “May your weary soul find peaceful rest…”

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