• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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The Roots We've Planted

The lush flora adorning Gardenia painted it as the paradise it was clearly meant to be. Abbot Meadow himself projected the sort of aura that one would expect from the leader of a village of monks; his mellow disposition encouraged unity via serenity in place of a boisterous and proud persona that a warrior figure like Fire Fight possessed. Everywhere the foals looked they saw monks peacefully praying in small flower gardens, rocks in the middle of small creeks or by the river itself. Other monks that weren’t praying could be seen tending to the gardens or building and maintaining their housing. Foals younger than Greensprout practiced their meditation with adult monks if they weren’t happily playing together.

“Thanks so much for helping us out, Abbot Meadow, but we really need to go find our friends. They’re probably worried sick about us.” Fire Fight said.

“I’m more worried about their well-being after that lightning bolt hit. I don’t think they were nearly as rattled as we were, but it’s safe to assume that they didn’t fare a whole lot better than we did.” Shadow Shroud said.

“Yeah, that too.” Fire Fight said.

Abbot Meadow bowed his head. “You’re quite welcome, little ones. But tell me. What are you all doing out here? Where are your parents?”

“Furthermore, why do you have all these weapons? I can understand Air Slash having his swords since he’s a Bladerunner, but what of the rest of you?” Greensprout added.

It was in that moment that one inconvenient reality hit the foals: they had been caught! Shadow Shroud was ready to put the whole abbey to sleep so that they could escape, but assaulting such kindly ponies in such a tranquil place felt wrong, and even if she did, they’d surely remember them all anyway. “We’re…..” she tried to muster some kind of clever lie.

“We’re travellers!” Spiral Galaxy blurted.

“Uh, word! We just explorin’ unseen corners of Equestria, ya feel me?” Turf War said.

Meadow cocked his head. “At such a young age and without any adults? Do you not attend some kind of school?”

“N-No, we don’t. All of our parents are….well, home.” Air Slash said.

Greensprout then put her hoof on his shoulder, causing him to blush furiously. “You’re not lying to us, are you?” she asked softly.

The others looked at Fire Fight frantically hoping for him to come through somehow, but he was just as frazzled as they were. He could see Shroud reluctantly reaching into her cloak, no doubt for her kunai and stopped her. “Shroud, no.” She sighed in some kind of nervous relief as she stopped herself. “We’re sorry, abbot. We…..can’t really tell you. It’s…..personal.”

Meadow exhibited a look of worry on his face. “You all haven’t….run away from home, have you?”

Fire Fight sighed. “Sorry, guys…..looks like we gotta come clean, but I swear we’ll get through this!” he said. The others gulped as they nodded at him. Fire Fight then explained who they all were aside from Shadow Shroud being a Shadewalker, and told Greensprout and Meadow the whole scenario with them running away because they felt that they didn’t belong in Equestria since their special talents were considered ‘dangerous’. He then let his friends tell them a little about their own history and how they came to join the Battle Foals; they had to tell Crazylocks’ story for her since she was….impaired….and busy inching around on her stomach like a worm, and they had to explain what they could of Kickback, Quantum Tech and Zebota since they weren’t here. Fire Fight finished by telling them his plan to create a place for them all and other lost foals that they could find to live away from Equestrian society and live peacefully. The only thing he left out was Shroud killing Gene Splice. “That’s….That’s about it….”

Meadow and Greensprout just stared at them in disbelief, and then pity. They had never heard such a disheartening series of tales before. “My word….Surely you don’t believe that you deserve to cast into such exile?” Meadow asked.

“Man, if y’all could see da whack kinda stuff we been through, you’d know exactly why we bounced. And lemme tell ya, I ain’t never been happier ‘bout somethin’ in my life. Yeah, we been nearly got killed a few times, but it’s all been fun. We where we was meant to be.” Turf War said.

“Yeah. I don’t think I’d have ever been able to start being able to control my powerful magic had I never met these guys. Crazylocks would never have found salvation, Quantum Tech might never have been able to freely experiment, and…..well life just would have been awful for all of us.” Spiral Galaxy added.

Greensprout shook her head. “Still….I’m not sure that I entirely approve of the path you’ve chosen. Fighting and violence have no place in a peaceful world. I can see that you all have suffered, but perhaps you should reconsider your choices. Reconciling with your families is not out of the question.”

“Tell that to our marks, Greensprout.” Fire Fight said as he showed her the fateful, draconic mark upon his flank that spoke loudly about who he was.

“Indeed. Also consider the plethora of monsters and corrupt ponies that we had to squabble with. Perhaps you should take your sermon to them as well. I’m sure they’d gladly lend you their ears.” Shadow Shroud sneered.

“Forgive me. I did not mean to attack you. I only mean to say that-”

“Greensprout.” Meadow said. Greensprout glanced up at him. “It is not our place to judge their paths. We only serve to guide those who feel lost.” He said. “I can’t say that I rightly agree or understand them either, but we cannot force them to change their beliefs through mere words.”

Greensprout lowered her head. “Y-Yes, Abbot.” She muttered.

Meadow chuckled. “Have no shame, child. You’re still in training.” He then looked at the Battle Foals. “Fire Fight, why is it that you believe in your conviction? Why take foals from their families simply on the belief that they don’t belong with them?”

Fire Fight took a deep breath. “Because I’ve known the darker side of Equestria for most of my life. I’ve known and seen what it’s like to be shamed for just living. I am a part of something that most ponies refuse to acknowledge- all of my friends are. The whole time we’ve been on this journey, we’ve seen darkness everywhere we went, darkness born from the same kind of suffering we’ve endured if it wasn’t a force of nature that fought for its existence. Every moment we’ve spent, every obstacle we’ve had to endure, every darkness we’ve had to purge….We all did one and one thing only: fight. Even before we each set out for the road ahead, we were fighting. Turf War and I fought against ponies that were anything but peaceful, Spiral Galaxy fought her own sheer power as she tried to maintain a normal life, Kickback fought with his grieving father over the past, Quantum Tech fought her parents to keep her passion alive, and I can’t imagine what Crazylocks had to do to get away from….her captor. Regardless of where we came from or why we came at all, we all have felt the pain of being shamed for living as we were meant to. Equestria says that out Cutie Marks symbolize who we are, so who is anypony to try to tell us how to live for the sake of maintaining a society where not everypony is equal?”

As Fire Fight gave his speech, he caught the attention of other surrounding monks, and they stopped what they were doing to listen to him. His words clearly struck a chord with even the abbot and doubtful Greensprout. When he finished, the look on Meadow’s face seemed to harbor doubt as well as….regret? Conceit? Relief? It was difficult to tell. The audience of monks whispered amongst each other while Greensprout exhibited the same kind of confusion that Meadow felt and silently thought to herself. Air Slash couldn’t help but to notice that she was rather cute when she was lost in thought.

Meadow cleared his throat, silencing the surrounding monks. They and the Battle Foals anxiously awaited his response. “Fire Fight…….you said that you got separated from your friends at the summit of the gorge, correct?” he asked.

Everypony just looked at him in surprise. This wasn’t quite the response that they were expecting. “Umm…..yes, sir?” Fire Fight replied.

Meadow chuckled. “Then I would implore to seek them out. No doubt they are frantically searching for you as we speak.”

“Hol’ up! Y’all….ain’t gonna try to stop o’ nuttin’?” Turf War asked.

Meadow shook his head. “No. You have all…….given us something to discuss.”

“What is it that we must discuss, abbot?” one of the monks said.

Meadow looked over at him. “I….can’t say that I’m quite certain of that myself….Fire Fight’s words have compelled me to review how ponies see true harmony.”

“I-I’m sorry, Abbot Meadow. I didn’t mean to say anything rude.” Fire Fight muttered.

“You did not. Grass seedlings may grow from the same soil, but each sprout is different. Ponies follow this same principle. You simply reminded me of that.” Meadow said. Fire Fight nodded, feeling relieved of his guilt.

“We can’t thank you enough for your kindness. We wish you all safety and prosperity.” Shadow Shroud said.

“Then this is goodbye?” Greensprout asked.

The thought of leaving Greensprout so soon made Air Slash feel a little frantic. “N-N-No! We’ll come back!....maybe…..just……to see what you have to say……perhaps…..right?”

Shadow Shroud sighed sympathetically. “Air Slash, once we find the others, what reason do we have to return here? It’s a miracle that they’re even letting us go free. We….how does Kickback put it?....Ah! Dodged a bullet. Perhaps you could visit this place sometime in the future of your own accord.”

“But…..who knows when such an opportunity will arise?” Air Slash whined.

“Sorry, dude….” Spiral said to him.

Air Slash sighed as he glanced over at Greensprout. “I suppose you’re right…..Greensprout, thank you….I……I will remember you…..” he muttered.

Greensprout was a little confused at Air Slash’s behavior, but nonetheless disheartened. “And I will remember you too, Air Slash, all of you……Good luck.” She muttered. With that, Air Slash sorrowfully turned around to join his comrades. Greensprout could only watch as they walked upstream and out of Gardenia, but seeing them leave after Fire Fight’s powerful words made her feel strangely…..incomplete. What was it that made abbot Meadow feel compelled to call a meeting with the other monks? How did a foal driven by a desire to fight manage to stand on the same level as the wisest pony she’s ever known? She had to find to out. “Wait!” She called out.

The Battle Foals quickly looked back at her, namely Air Slash while her fellow monks and the abbot followed suit. “Is something the matter, sister Greensprout?” another monk asked.

Greensprout looked at Meadow. “Abbot, would you allow me to aid them in the search for their friends?”

Meadow looked at her with surprise. “What’s this all of a sudden, my child? We have much to discuss after hearing Fire Fight speak.”

“Yes, but….I want to know his resolve firsthoof. I want to see for myself what it is that drives him and his friends. Surely it’s not something that can be determined by mere discussion.” Greensprout replied.

“What foolishness!” another monk reprimanded. “You would allow yourself to be so easily convinced by the words of a foal who-” Meadow cleared his throat, silencing the monk. She looked at him in shame, and bowed her head. “Forgive my insolence, Abbot….”

“There now.” Meadow muttered. He then turned his soft, aging gaze to Greensprout. “It would seem that Fire Fight has compelled us more than we had realized. If you truly believe that you can observe his resolve, then I only ask that you be careful.” He said. Hearing these words made Air Slash perk up. Meadow then looked at the Battle Foals. “I trust that this is of no inconvenience to you?”

“Not at all, sir!” Air Slash blurted. He tried to contain his excitement, causing Spiral to snicker.

“I mean….yeah, it’s cool, but…..are you sure, Greensprout? It might be dangerous out there. If only you could have seen the horrors that we’ve had to face.” Fire Fight said.


Shadow Shroud pushed her away. “Ehh….yes…What she means to say is that we’ll protect her.”

“Well, yeah of course.” Fire Fight said.

Air Slash drew one of his swords and held it over his heart proudly. “My swords were forged to protect! They shall do no less!” he declared.

Greensprout giggled. “Yes. I’m quite sure, and thank you! However, I might be able to provide some assistance should a situation arise….if the abbot would so permit me.”

They looked at her confused. “I thought you said dat fightin’ was whack d’ho.” Turf War said.

“Yes. While I do repulse the idea of engaging in violence, that’s not to say that I could still help.” Greensprout said.

Meadow chuckled. “You speak of the Gaia Root no doubt?” he inquired. Greensprout nodded.

“And what is this ‘Gaia Root’ of yours?” Shroud asked.

Meadow walked towards a building that had a distinguishably more elaborate architecture than the other housings. The foals could only assume that it was his home. He motioned for them to follow. “Come and I will show you.” He said. Greensprout and the Battle Foals followed the abbot into his abode. On the inside, it wasn’t much different from the other housings that they woke up in aside from a few religious banners with symbols that depicted various flora and rivers and such. Within the innermost chamber was a small, shallow pool. In the center was a pedestal standing a wooden staff that seemed just a bit short than Turf War’s hammer-axe. Curiously, one end of it was wrapped tightly around a finely cut emerald that was just big enough to fit in the hoof of an adult. There was a short series of stepping stones that led up to the pedestal that Meadow used to retrieve the staff and handed it to Greensprout. “This is the Gaia Root.”

Greensprout bowed her head. “Thank you, abbot.”

“So…..what it do?” Turf War asked.

“Air Slash, may I see one of your swords for a moment?” Meadow asked.

Air Slash looked at him curiously, but decided to comply. “Erm….yes, sir.” He handed the abbot one of his swords.

“Thank you.” Meadow raised one of his sleeves. “Now watch.” Much to the foals’ shock, he used the sword the cut his own hoof! Blood immediately began oozing from the open wound.

“What are you doing!?” Spiral asked frantically.

“Worry not, child. Greensprout?”

Greensprout nodded. She pointed the staff towards the abbot and a light of a calming green hue then flowed from the emerald to the abbot’s wound. The foals’ looked on in awe as the wound was completely closed within seconds! Meadow used a handkerchief to wipe off any stray blood before rolling his sleeve back down. “This is a holy item that contains the very essence of life itself. Legends say that is was crafted from the first tree that ever grew in Equestria. If used correctly, it can repair broken life and heal any wound.” Greensprout explained.

The Battle Foals had to break themselves out of a trance before saying anything. “And…..you can make use of it?” Shroud inquired.

Meadow chuckled heartily. “Oh, yes! We have all tried to connect with the Root’s mysterious powers, but….it seems to favor young Greensprout. Not even I have been able to master it as quickly as she has been able to. Her ability to tap into its power makes you think that it was simply meant for her.”

“Then why not let her keep it?” Air Slash asked as Meadow gave back his sword.

“Because I am still trying to understand it, Air Slash. Why it favors me is unclear, or even how it works at all.” Greensprout said.

“Indeed. That, and life is a delicate balance that nopony must ever attempt to rise above. Greensprout continues to use it with utmost responsibility, but the flow of life remains ever indiscriminate.” Meadow added.

“I see…” Air Slash said.

“Man, Quantum Tech is gonna have a field day with this thing!” Fire Fight commented.

“Yes, so let’s go find her and the others so that she can!” Shroud said. With that, the Battle Foals welcomed their temporary partner into their entourage before setting out to look for their friends.

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