• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Broken Silence

A deafening silence resounded in the wake of Twilight’s sudden inquiry. All of the Battle Foals stood with their mouths agape, eyes swollen from panic. Meanwhile, everypony else bar Rarity was confused.

“Fire Fight?” Twilight asked.

“U-Umm…” Fire Fight stammered. He could feel his horn starting to ignite from adrenaline. “Who?”

“You know who.” Twilight said. She could feel the palpable tension she’d just created.

Fire Fight firmly shook his head. “N-No! I really have no idea who that is! Is she another runaway foal? ‘Cause she’s not with us.”

“How do you know she’s a filly?” Twilight asked.

<Crap!>” Fire Fight thought. “Oh, it just sounds like filly’s name. Am I wrong?”

“Honey… what are you hiding from us?” his mom asked anxiously.

“Is she that ghost?” Scootaloo asked.

“No! She’s nopony! She doesn’t exist! I don’t know who you’re talking about!” Fire Fight insisted.

Tidal Wave and Spiral Galaxy frantically eyed around while clutching hooves, Air Slash instinctively grabbed his sword ready to draw it, and everyone else nervously glanced at each other, hoping that nothing drastic would happen.

Before anything else could be said, Rarity felt something land on her back. “<Gasp!>” She didn’t look back, for she was afraid she knew what it was. Her eyes widened and breath quivering, she slowly turned her head around.


Rarity let out a bloodcurdling shrieked as she bucked, but Shadow Shroud leapt off of her with aggressive grace. She landed on her hooves as light as a cat in front of the posh pony and eyed her. Rarity looked at her like a rabbit who just noticed a fox; the amethyst eyes, the blueish gray man, the dark grey coat… it was her! The only thing missing was the orange dress that was instead replaced by a midnight cloak. “Y…You!”

Shroud creased a devious smile. “So nice of you to remember, Ms. Rarity. Enjoy your nap?”

“SHADEWALKER!!” Knight’s Soul exclaimed, rushing at her with his sword drawn. He swung his sword at her, but she disappeared in a flash of smoke when the cold steel was mere inches from her. She reappeared less than a second later behind the senior samurai and whacked him on the neck with the pommel of her kunai. He brushed it off and quickly swung behind him. She flipped over his blade and landed gracefully in front of him.

Just before the swordsman could spin around and strike her, his son hurriedly swooped in and blocked his father’s blade with his own. “Father!”

The shock of his son’s actions caused Knight’s Soul to drop his guard, allowing Air Slash to push his blade away. “Air Slash?” he asked. “What is the meaning of this? Surely you must know who she is!”

Air Slash looked his father in the eye and took a deep breath. “I do, father. At first, we were at odds; but… we were able to find common ground in time.”

“Namely!?” Knight’s Soul demanded.

Before could speak, he was cut off. “We learned not be ignorant idiots.” Shroud said.

Air Slash looked back at her, surprised at her tone. “I beg your pardon?”

Fire Fight was utterly flabbergasted that she would even show herself. “Sh-Shroud! Wha…”

“Oh, don’t worry, Fire Fight.” Shroud said rather passive aggressively. “It’s not as if they ever posed us any threat, right?”

“What? What’re you talking about?” Fire Fight asked.

“Who’re you!?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Shroud eyed at the CMC like a hawk, intimidating the trio. “Why, I’m the friendly ghost, of course.” She said as she twirled her kunai.

“Ghost?” Applebloom asked. “Wait… that was you!?”

“Well, somepony’s sharper than she seems. Then again, you did follow my trail rather proficiently, to say nothing of you figuring out how to fire a cannon.” Shroud said.

“Umm… thanks?” Sweetie Belle said.

“Sweetie Belle, you keep your distance from her! She’s incredibly dangerous!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Nah, she ain’t!” Turf War said.

“Well, objectively speaking, she’s quite hazardous; but that’s hardly the point!” Quantum Tech said. “Shadow Shroud has been the absolute closest friend we’ve had on this excursion apart from each other. Be assured that have no reason to fear-”

“I can speak for myself, Quantum Tech. Thank you.” Shroud said coldly.

“Oh! Err… yes, of course.” Quantum said.

“Shroud, what’s gotten into you?” Spiral Galaxy said.

“Hush.” Shroud hissed, startling the cosmomancer.

“Everypony, stop!” Twilight ordered. She then looked at the shadowy filly. “So you’re Shadow Shroud?”

Shroud flipped her mane. “I am. And how did your highness become aware of my existence?”

“Rarity told me about her encounter with you; ever since then we’ve wondered about you and what you might be doing with Fire Fight. It was only when we inquired around in Gardenia that the abbot finally gave us your name.” Twilight explained.

“Abbot Meadow!?” Greensprout said.

“My boy snitched!?” Turf War said.

“Hmm…” Shadow Shroud looked intently at Rarity, who gazed back at her stiff as a statue. “Seems I was a bit careless with you. As for the good abbot…” She twirled her kunai. “I’m afraid I’ll have to deal with him rather… harshly.”

“Sister! You wouldn’t!” Greensprout pled.

Air Slash pointed his sword at her. “Have you lost all sense of honor?”

Ms. Fight looked at her son. “Honey, who is this?”

Fire Fight, still taken aback by his friend’s sudden shift in mood, took a big gulp. “She’s… somepony who helped me. I-I really shouldn’t risk saying any more than that.”

“‘Risk’?” Fist asked. “She didn’t kidnap you, did she?”

“No! We just ran into each other, and… became friends. It’s really as simple as that. I promise you she’s good. She’s been really helpful.” Fire Fight said.

“Helpful?” Cat asked. “It seems to me like she’s been poisoning your mind!”

“The only poisonous one here is you!” Shroud said to her.

“Excuse me?” Cat demanded.

“You’re the one that let your own son get outcasted to the point of running away. If you ask me, I think he’s far better off without you.” Shroud said.

Cat gawked at her, mouth agape. “How dare you!”

“Shroud!” Fire Fight said. “What’s with the aggression all of a sudden?”

Shroud rolled her eyes. “Well excuse me for coming to your defense. We made a promise, didn’t we?”

“Not like this! Look, I know you’re upset, but-”

“You know nothing about me. I am a Shadewalker after all.” Shroud said.

“‘Shadewalker’? What’s that?” Sky Strike asked.

Knight’s Soul cleared his throat. “They are nothing more than secretive a clan of rogues, assassin’s, and murderers. My family has been at odds with them since their founding, but it now seems that the cowards finally decided to rear their ugly heads.”

“Not her, father!” Air Slash pled.

“You!” Knight’s Soul exclaimed. “You of all ponies ought to know better than to trust her and her kind!”

“I thought the same, but we’ve settled our differences.” Air Slash said.

“That’s enough!” Luna ordered, her voice booming. Once she was satisfied that all was quiet, she used her indoor voice. “Let it be known that Shadow Shroud is not our enemy. She is indeed a crucial member of the Battle Foals. Her help will be as valuable as them all.” She declared. “Now then, we must make haste. The fiend’s evil is spreading further as we speak. We will have to continue our meeting whilst on our voyage back.”

“Uhh… Yeah, sure.” Valkyrie said.

With an incredible amount of tension strangling the atmosphere, everyone boarded the ship. All the while, Fire Fight kept his eye on Shadow Shroud, who simply leapt aboard the vessel without so much as a word. She glared at him as she watched him board, and all he could return was a look of guilt, guilt of not being able to conceal her any longer.

All of the guards, having been warned about him prior, nervously helped to load Shrapnel aboard. The wooden titan curiously sniffed about while his master kept him calm. Meanwhile, everyone had duck and cover as Quantum moved her mech aboard; Twilight gawked at it like a fangirl at a rock concert upon seeing it. Crazylocks suddenly sprouted her wings, startling those around her who weren’t in the know and just fluttered aboard with Bullseye tailing her; the young archer was noticeably anxious being surrounded by so many adults. Once all was said and done, their galleon set sail.

Everyone who wasn’t a crew member went below deck where there were the Battle Foals were surprised to see a number of ponies, foals and adults alike, settled into a large room where blankets were laid down and packages of food and water were carefully stored in one corner.

“Who’re they?” Bullseye asked.

“Evacuees.” Luna explained. “Many living on the coast sought refuge in cargo ships which plan sail south.”

“We had to take one of these ships on short notice to come get you all. Once we’ve landed back in Manehatten, they’ll be on their way.” Twilight said.

“M-Manehatten?” Fire Fight asked.

Cat put her arm around him. “I know, honey. I’m not eager to go back either.” Her husband looked noticeably disheartened as well.

Suddenly, Fire Fight noticed a familiar face near the supplies. “Film Noir!?”

The actress turned upon hearing his voice. She gleefully gasped. “Fire Fight!” She ran up to and embraced the fiery colt. “Oh, there you are, sweetie!”

Fire Fight returned the warm hug. “H-Hi.” He said shyly, fondly remembering his encounter with her in Ponyville.

Film Noir released him. “I’m so relieved we finally found you!” She then noticed the other Battle Foals. “All of you. I can’t wait to meet all of you!”

“Did… you come for me too?” Fire Fight asked.

Film Noir nodded. “Of course I did, but I’ve also been helping with all the other evacuees. Things have been scary as of late.”

“‘Scary’ is one way to put it indeed.” Said a small, aggressive voice from behind. When they looked up, there was Shadow Shroud maintaining her scowl. She jumped down next to the befuddled actress. “How sweet that you’d come all this way to find a colt that isn’t even yours. A little attached, aren’t we?”

Film Noir felt disturbed by the ninja’s mere presence. “I-I’m sorry. Who are… you?”

Shroud drew a kunai and twirled it around. “I’m the guardian angel… or demon… that let you take a relaxing nap back in Galloping Gorge. Surely you remember?”

Film’s eyes widened upon remembering the chaotic encounter she had with Fire Fight back then, namely that she was inexplicably knocked unconscious by something that Fire Fight seemed aware of. “Fire Fight… is she… a friend of yours?”

Fire Fight looked at his friend, or at least the midnight-cloaked filly that wasn’t acting like the kind, somewhat creepily playful friend he’s had since the beginning. She stared daggers into him, expecting an answer from him. He gulped. “She is. In fact… I’d say she’s the whole reason we all lasted as long as we did.”

“Is that so? How thoughtful.” Shroud answered passive aggressively. “But now that your little field trip is at its end, you’re content to toss me aside? I understand.”

“Shroud, no! It’s not like that!”

“Why’re you suddenly actin’ a fool, Ms. Shadow Shroud?” Kickback asked.

You of all ponies should know, Mr. calm-and-collected-even-though-I-accidently-killed-mother!” Shroud said. “How about you tell us how you really feel for once!?”

A flash of anger could be seen in the gunslinger’s eyes, but he took a deep breath and adjusted is hat. “Ah reckon you oughta be doin’ that.”

“Oh, do you?” Shroud hissed.

Fire Fight, having had enough, marched up to his friend. “Shroud, stop!” he said. “You don’t need to hide anymore! You can come clean. You said you wanted to anyway. Please, Shroud. We’re friends, aren’t we?” He held out his hoof.

However, Shroud aggressively pointed her kunai right at his throat. “You think it’s that easy!?” He expression was distorted by anger, and her voice cracked with anxiety. “You think I, a Shadewalker can just… You think we can just be friends just because…”

Fist marched up to her and swatted the dagger out of her hoof. “You leave my son alone!”

“Dad!” Fire Fight said.

Shadow Shroud’s expression flickered between anger and fear as tears soaked her face, and she began sobbing loudly. Without even picking up her kunai, she ran into the hallway, vanishing into the dark of the ship despite the scene she was causing.

All fell silent as they watched her… until Crazylocks broke the silence. “Does this mean she’ll feed us her kunai for dinner tonight?"

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