• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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A Ways to Go

The mist was apparently leagues away from where the foals first sighted it, because it took them a couple more long hours for the Jotun to reach it to a point that everyone on board could truly assess its status as a physical entity. When they at last came close enough to discern its true scale, it measured to be enormous, enough to cover a large village. Quantum Tech and Ymir came out from below deck.

“We’re here…” Frigg mumbled.

“Are you sure?” Fire Fight asked.

“It can only be so, young man.” Ymir said. “Heimr Island was chosen as a prison colony partially due to the mass amounts of dew that accumulates around it year-round. Apparently, the king at the time thought it would be effective in discouraging would-be escapees.”

“This is Ymir, everypony. He’s the scholar that the king mentioned.” Quantum explained. They all bid greetings.

“And I hope one with a bright idea about our approach.” Shadow Shroud said. “Being discreet with such a large vessel is….tricky in many senses of the word.”

“Not to mention the fog being quite so thick. We should take care sailing through it.” Ymir said.

“Please do not fret, ponyfolk and griffonfolk.” Zebota said. He walked up to the very tip of the ship’s bow, bringing Shrapnel with him. His brooch shined as held out his boomerang and a magical glyph generated underneath him and his titan.

“Nisikieni, yanayosababisha upofu ukungu. Kuinua pazia ambao unazunguka kisiwa kulaaniwa na maovu. Kama mnyama wangu aseme, inaweza sauti yake nguvu kuondoa uongo wote na kutoa ufafanuzi ili tuweze kusafisha pigo kutisha ndani ya.”


Everyone on deck bar Captain Frigg watched in awe as Shrapnel’s majestic howl caused the mist veiling the island to just thin out, revealing the island and unleashing its ominous presence.

“How remarkable…” Ymir muttered.

“Yeah, it still amazes us.” Kickback said.

“Hmph.” Frigg scoffed. “So he can do a wee magic trick r’ two here n’ there. This is a military ship, not a talent show.”

Turf War started twirling his hammer-axe. “Man, you gonna throwin’ a hell lot of roses our way once we done showing you what we really got!”


A sudden guttural roar resounding from the island startled him and caused him to drop his hammer. “Ah, hell nah!” He noticeably shivered.

Frigg disapprovingly glared down at him and shook her head. “Useless milk drinker…” she mumbled. She then turned her attention to Quantum and Ymir. “Alright, the mist’s gone. What’s your move, you two?”

Ymir showed the captain his map of the island and pointed to the wide beach and grass area that he and Quantum had agreed on. “This would be the most suitable location for a landing, my captain.”

Frigg examined the map as Quantum started talking. “I would advise-”

“Hush.” Frigg interjected, leaving Quantum annoyed. Once she was satisfied, she returned the map to Ymir. “Alright, ye swabs! Make fer the southeastern shoreline n’ ready yourselves to drop anchor! Our expedition is about to begin, and yer blades better be sharp enough to slice through a dragon’s scales like a hot loaf o’ bread!”

“Wow, racist…” Frostbite muttered.

“Anyone too chicken to set foot on the blasted ol’ rock can kindly swim all the way back to Griffonstone like the wee shrimp they are! Otherwise, arms yourselves to the teeth!”

“Uhh…captain? We’re griffons…we don’t have teeth.” A crewman clarified.

Frigg drew her one-handed bastard sword that looked almost as big, perhaps even a tad bigger and roughly bonked it onto the crewman’s head, which was thankfully was protected by a helmet. “YA KNOW WHAT THE HELL I MEAN, SWAB!”

The crew asked no more questions and sailed the ship around the island until they located the shoreline in question and landed on its sandy ground, dropping anchor in the process. Boarding planes were lowered down, allowing for the crew and the Battle Foals to venture down into territory that already exuded a hostile vibe, as if it were trying to tell them that they had only one warning to turn back.

Before anyone could utter a word, the obvious marvel before was the gargantuan prison surrounded by the crushing grip of Mother Earth inflicted by dense flora, causing it to seem almost as though it were built out of them rather than stone and steel.

“This place is gigantic…” Tidal Wave muttered.

“I wonder how many prisoners were really held here…” Spiral Galaxy muttered.

“According to our most reliable sources, close to a thousand.” Ymir said. “I suppose the king of that day and age anticipated needing far more space than what was needed.”

Frigg looked down at Fire Fight expectantly. “Well hotshot, what’s you’er move?”

“Oh!” Fire Fight realized that he hadn’t even mulled over a sound strategy, and he had to think quickly. “Greensprout and your medics should stay here with the Jotun. If anyone gets hurt, they can rush back here for treatment. That said, we should advance slowly and cautiously until we have a better grasp on the situation. We should divide our forces into teams too so we can cover more ground.”

“Divide us how?” Frigg asked, her stern tone unchanged.

“Mr. Ymir, may I see your map?” Fire Fight asked the scholar.

“Certainly, young man.” Ymir handed him the map, and he carefully studied it.

“Hmm…” The prison complex itself was comprised of four huge cellblocks set up in such a way that there was a courtyard at the center of them likely used as an exercise yard. Around the outer perimeter were guard towers, one of which could be seen from their current position, but was crumbling.

“Zebota, do you sense any like…negative mojo or anything.” Fire Fight asked.

“The entire island is blanketed in such a presence, Fire Fight, as if there is a malicious consciousness about.” The mystic answered. Shrapnel grunted in affirmation.

“He says ‘the scent is thick enough to clog my nose’.” Crazylocks blurted.

“Then you two will have to go in separate groups so we can predict this ‘consciousness’ in more than one place.” Fire Fight said. “Quantum, what do your scanners say?”

Quantum Tech ran her scanners to determine the nature of the island’s negative force. “Oh…Oh my…”

“What is it?” Bullseye asked.

“It’s an energy with similar magical properties to Greensprout’s Gaia Root, but seemingly…with a reversed polarity. That’s…truly the best way I can describe it.” Quantum answered.

“Th-That’s disturbing. Perhaps I should accompany you anyway if that’s the case.” Greensprout said.

Air Slash held her hoof. “I think it’s best that we assess the situation first before commencing a full offensive, my dear. You’d be quite vulnerable in this foreboding place even with us protecting you.”

Greensprout sighed, knowing he was right but fraught with worry. She pecked his cheek. “Please be safe, and come back to me if you’re at all seriously hurt….all of you.”

“We will.” Air Slash said.

“Should I go investigate that underwater cave you all mentioned?” Tidal Wave asked.

Fire Fight shook his head. “Not yet. It’s too risky right now.” He said. “As far as who will go with who… My group will be Shadow Shroud, Zebota, Kickback, Frostbite, Turf War, and Air Slash. Quantum Tech will take the other group consisting of Valkyrie, Bullseye, Shrapnel, Crazylocks, Tidal Wave and Spiral Galaxy.”

“Huh?” Valkyrie interjected. “Dude, let me take point! I’m the trained warrior here!”

“Yeah, but Quantum can assess situations fast enough to know what you should do.” Fire Fight argued.

“Swallow your pride for once, ya play-fightin’ braggart.” Frigg said, shutting Valkyrie up. “As for you…” she turned her judgmental gaze to Turf War. “You’er staying back here and keeping harm away from the Jotun n’ her crew along with our resources.”

“Hol’ up!” Turf War exclaimed. “What the hell you singlin’ me out for? Man, watch bust through this joint and-”


Turf War started shivering as if he were standing unprotected in the Frozen North, as did a few of Frigg’s guards as the ghostly growl erupted from inland. The other foals were mildly startled. “H-Heaven bless my mother…” he stammered.

Frigg glared at him more sternly. “What was that, milk drinker? Didn’t quite hear ya.”

Turf War reluctantly conceded and just solemnly sat down. “I gotcha…” he mumbled.

Frigg nodded. “I’ll personally drag you back to Griffonstone on the wrong end o’ me sword if I learn you cowered away from your duty as a warrior. Is that clear?”

“Damn! Don’t gotta do me like-”

Is that clear!?

Turf War gulped. “Y-Yes, ma’am.”

“Good.” Frigg said before turning her attention back to Fire Fight. “We’re sending in an aerial reconnaissance squad first b’fore we go bargin’ into this bloody rock farm ready for the dart traps to turn us into lunch cheese.”

“O-Oh! Ok.” Fire Fight said. “In that case, take Air Slash, Bullseye and Frostbite with you. They’ve got good eyes.”

“I’d hope so.” Frigg said. “You too, Valkyrie!” She motioned for the assigned foal and selected recon troops from her guards to follow her, and then she looked down at Fire Fight. “You’ve got a ways to go, swab.” She said before ascending with the squad.

Fire Fight lightly sighed, feeling mildly displeased with himself. Shadow Shroud then appeared beside him with that smile that boasted mellow confidence. “She’ll swallow those word whole and choke on them….eventually.”

Fire Fight lightly chuckled. “A little gruesome, don’t you think?”

“Ah get a sneaky feeling she’s seen worse, sheriff.” Kickback said.

They then noticed that Turf War was still pretty dejected after his pitiful display. “Don’t let it get to you, brother.” Greensprout said. “Having any fear at all shows that you have a heart.”

“Not to mention that being ‘fearless’ is the same as being reckless, which is just plain stupid.” Quantum said.
Turf War sighed. “Thanks, y’all. It’s just… How that hell I’m s’posed to whoop somethin’s a** if I can’t see it?”

“You have more senses than just vision, you know.” Shroud said.


The recon squad soared around the perimeter of the dilapidated prison, looking out for any and all signs of immediate danger. So far…nothing. The negative vibe was still as crushingly present as ever, but if it was truly a ‘consciousness’ as Zebota suggested, then it was smart enough to conceal its hand until all players were at the table. But as the fierce old captain could tell you, all’s fair in love and war, so gaining intel on their opponent was a legitimate play.

Murders of crows occasionally scattered throughout the skyline above the prison, emitting their ominous caws as they casually flew by. The group made a point of staying close together in the event of an emergency; all of them kept their eyes peeled.

Suddenly, Bullseye felt a shift in the wind, her hair fluttering towards the prison, prompting her to turn her gaze that way. “Hm?” She noticed movement at the top of one of the prison wall. “Hey! Over there!”

All eyes turned to where she pointed, and a dark silhouette could be seen slowly walking atop the wall, partially shrouded by leftover mist when it suddenly stopped and inexplicably vanished.

“Should we check it out?” a griffon soldier asked.

“No. Keeping looking out. At least one round trip.” Frigg ordered.


The monstrous sound resounded again, but was more mellow this time, making some of them wonder if whatever was making those sounds knew of its guests’ presence.

“Sound like a friend of yers, scales?” Frigg asked Frostbite.

“Hard to say…” Frostbite said. He knew the roar of a dominant being when he heard one…but something about this one felt….unnatural.

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