• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Getting Along

Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud reached the edge of the forest as they rushed straight along the wake of destruction left by Spiral Galaxy’s star beam. The trail of seared ground and scarred trees lead to a frightening scene.

The two looked on to see Turf War and Air Slash battling a monstrous Fly Trap monster. In one of its many tendrils was an unconscious Spiral Galaxy. She must have missed her shot and left herself vulnerable. The infernal plant itself was about as tall as the Python from the previous forest, but was rooted to its spot. Its mouth opened….er, bloomed?... wide enough to hold a door in it, portrait perspective, of course. Rows of teeth along its jaws glistened viciously in what sunlight penetrated the forest canopy. Four enormous leaves stemmed from the base of its neck where it was rooted. Despite having no eyes, the foals could feel its predatory glare as its growled loudly.

“TURF WAR, WHAT HAPPENED?” Fire Fight asked.

“Wasn’t me dis time, I promise! Dis b**** just pop out o’ the ground and Spiral blasted it, but-” Turf War tried to respond, but the plant monster grabbed his hammer-axe and tried to pull it away. “HELL NO!” he yelled as an intense match of tug-of-war ensued between him and the floral ferocity.

Turf War slammed his shield against the tendril in an attempt to force it off, but it hardly seemed to bother the beast. It wasn’t until Air Slash, who’d been holding back the other tendrils and distracting it from swallowing Spiral Galaxy, swooped down and quickly sliced the grabbing tendril, letting the fallen limb fall limp onto the ground, Turf War shook it off quickly. Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud watched in horror as the severed tendril regrew itself in mere seconds.

“It’s just as he says! Even when Spiral blasted its head off, it reconstituted before we could get away!” Air Slash said as he fought off more tendrils, trying to get to Spiral’s limp body. One lashed out at him from his lower left, but he rolled through air right over it and quickly severed the limb. “All we can do is attack it!”

“Don’t forget about Spiral! She needs our help!” Shadow Shroud shouted as she drew her kunai while Fire Fight ignited his horn. “Careful! Don’t want to start a forest fire!” she warned him.

“If Spiral’s in trouble, I’m beyond caring!” Fire Fight said. He leapt into the mass of tendrils and blasted its face with a fireball, causing it to recoil. He then fell into a downward kick into its neck, causing its head to recoil forward again. He went in for a flame charged uppercut, but its soft, fleshy underside sustained little damage from even his new battle gauntlets.

The plant looked down at him and hissed. Fire Fight looked up at it in fear as he realized just what he was dealing with. The plant lunged its jaws at him, but he jumped out of the way just at the right moment. While he was still airborne however, the plant caught him while he was vulnerable with another of its tendrils. “Huh!?” Fire Fight shouted. He tried to break free, but the beasts grip was firm and it absorbed any punches from his gauntlets like simple bee stings. All he could do now was blast it with fire to distract it from eating him and Spiral.

“FIRE FIGHT!!” Shadow Shroud shouted in worry. She gritted her teeth. “Hrrrngh! That idiot!” She hurriedly threw a series of shuriken at its neck, trying to sever it without getting too close.

“I already told you! That won’t work! Even its entire head grows back in seconds!” Air Slash shouted at her.

“Quiet, you!” Shadow Shroud shouted back at him.

Turf War was busy beating back and blocking other tendrils trying to grab him. He managed to back away far enough to reach a large rock about as big a dining room chair. With some strain, he managed to flip it up into the air with his hammer and whack towards the plant monster. “HOME RUN, B****!” he shouted. The rock flew into its gaping maw and seemed to choke it somewhat and weigh down its head. Turf War then rushed in to try and knock it unconscious. He leapt into a shield bash towards its forehead, but the beast head-butted him away and quickly wrapped another of its tendrils around him and his shield. It flailed him around and caused him to drop his hammer. “OH S**********!!”

Air Slash swooped down next to Shadow Shroud to catch his breath. The two looked on in horror as they were the only ones left. The plant beast continued to choke on the boulder that Turf War had hurled into its throat will Fire Fight kept blasting it with bursts of fire but with little avail as he was being flailed around and had difficulty aiming. Spiral Galaxy was still out like a light. With its body able to reform itself so quickly and easily, the situation was grim indeed.

The rival warrior foals looked at one another and glared. Even if they hated each other, this was no longer about their family feud. Right now, they’re friends were in grave danger and they needed to save them!

“Continue to distract it. I might have a trick or three up my sleeve.” Shadow Shroud said.

Air Slash finished catching his breath. He humbly sighed and poised his swords towards the monster. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Shadewalker.” He said to her.

Shadow Shroud donned her mask. “I never run into anything blindly, Bladerunner, so rest assured, you can trust me here.” She said. She then sighed. “Those are words I never thought I’d say.”

“They are words I never thought I’d neither hear nor heed from you.” Air Slash said. The two nodded at one another. Air Slash soared towards the beast while Shadow Shroud ran up a tall tree nearby.

Flurries of tendrils ambushed Air Slash from all directions. With incredible finesse, he flew out the way of each them as they came and slashed them one by one. He flew around the beast in a circle dodging and slashing what tendrils tried to seize him. He avoided Fire Fights blasts and even used them to his advantage as the beast recoiled and left its tough stem vulnerable for a precious second, an opportunity Air Slash seized instantly to left a considerable gash though not enough to totally sever it. He had to retreat to avoid being cornered by tendrils.

Shadow Shroud reached the top of the tree and leapt off of it, activating her clone technique as she did. She and her army of copies leapt back and forth between surrounding trees, leaving the plant beast confused and a little dazed. When she got the perfect angle, she expertly flung three of her kunai in the direction of the three trapped foals. Each one shredded through their respective tendrils they were caught in, causing the severed limbs to fall and free them. With her clones still swarming the canopy, Shadow Shroud immediately jumped down to the still unconscious Spiral Galaxy. She grabbed her body and quickly hid it behind a tree safely away from the monster.

“Ugh…….Wha…*pant*……Ugh…..”Spiral was beginning to stir.

“Spiral, it’s Shadow Shroud! Stay right here! Understand me? We’re going to be fine!” Shadow Shroud ordered her.

“Sh…..Sha…dow……..Shroud?” Spiral’s eyes began opening.

Shadow Shroud left her where she was and leapt back into the fray. She retrieved Turf War’s hammer and brought it to him. “I believe this belongs to you.” She said.

“Good lookin’ out, homegirl!” He said as he took it from her.

She then went over to Fire Fight, who was having some difficulty wriggling out of the mass of severed tendrils Air Slash had left in his wake. She pulled out her kunai and quickly chopped through them, making it easier for him to get up.

“I really do have to babysit you, don’t I?” She sneered with a smile.

Fire Fight shook off the bits of plant on him. “That’s twice in one day you’ve saved me.” He chuckled.

Shadow Shroud flipped her mane. “I suppose I still kind of owed you one for that garden snake.” She said.

The two smiled at once another for a brief moment before hearing Air Slash call out to them. “Fire Fight! Shadow Shroud!” he said. The two looked up to see him slashing away at more tendrils as he swooped down next to them. “If you’re ready, I say we smite this foe!” he declared with his sword pointed at the beast.

Turf War rushed to their side. “I got an idea, y’all. Air Slash, clear a way fo’ me, son!” he said. Air Slash nodded and began another assault.

Shadow Shroud caught onto what Turf War was trying to do and smiled viciously. “I’ll take this dance as well!” she sneered. She pulled a couple black egg-like objects and threw them at the tendrils below Air Slash. They exploded into two big clouds of smoke that Shadow Shroud leapt into at lightning speed with her kunai drawn. While obscured, the colts could hear her slashing away quickly in the smoke.

When the smoke dissipated after about five seconds, Shadow Shroud quickly reappeared by the colts side. “All yours!” she whispered to Turf War.

Turf War nodded and charged. Shroud and Air Slash had cut a clear path for Turf War that he charged through to the beasts head. “HEADS UP, M*********!” he shouted as he swung his hammer upward into its jaw. Being a much heavier hitter than Fire Fight’s gauntlets, the hammer knocked the plants head straight up. Turf War ran back quickly. “NOW!” he shouted.

Air Slash swooped down to Shadow Shrouds side. The two gave each other determined leers as they smiled deviously. “Shall we?” Shadow Shroud said with her kunai at the ready.

Air Slash poised his swords. “Fillies first!” he said. Shadow Shroud locked her eyes onto the beasts neck. She rushed towards it like a cheetah and audibly sliced her target.

“Now, Air Slash!” she called from behind. Air Slash flew towards his target and readied his swords. When he got close enough, he began spinning around in another slash tornado that let him hack right through the plant beasts stem.

The monsters head toppled over with a crashing thud. “Fire Fight, burn its neck before it has a chance to regrow!” Air Slash called out.

Quickly complying, Fire Fight flicked his horn back on and shot a furious fireball at the severed neck of the monster. It burst violently just as a new head had begun to emerge. Fire Fight focused his magic harder to intensify the blaze. The smaller, much more vulnerable head let out a pitiful cry as it was incinerated. Eventually, it withered completely and burned into char. Fire Fight smothered out the blaze afterwards.

Spiral Galaxy trotted from behind her tree where Shadow Shroud had placed her to see the scene at hand. She wasn’t surprised to see the creature destroyed by her capable comrades.

Shadow Shroud unveiled her mask and ran over to her. “Spiral! Are you okay?” she asked.

Spiral held her head. “Unnggh. Yeah. My head still kinda hurts. I’m fine though. How about you guys?” she asked.

“Yeah, we good! Dis thing though…” Turf War shook his head. “I think we be getting’ a li’l cocky, dontcha think?” he said.

Fire Fight nodded. “Yeah. Even if we got new weapons, we’re still not invincible. Case and point…” he said. He then looked at Shadow Shroud and Air Slash. “You two were awesome together!” he cheered.

The ninja and samurai got surprised expression on their faces as they looked at one another briefly. They leered at one another for a second and quickly looked clear away from each other.

Spiral giggled. “You know, I’m pretty sure I heard you two call each other by your actual names.” She said.

The two looked at her surprised. “I…..I-I don’t recall ever doing that. Her name and ‘Shadewalker’ sound quite similar, s-so perhaps that’s where my tongue slipped.” Air Slash explained. They once again found each other eyeing one another, but not viciously. The worst it looked was…annoyed more than anything.

Fire Fight chuckled. “One step at a time, you two. One step at a time.” He said. Shadow Shroud and Air Slash looked at each other for a moment before nodding at one another.

Turf War broke what little tension there was. “Y’all know, we could use d’em huge leaves homie got here for our raft!” he said.

The other turned to him. “Hmm….Indeed. If you’re willing to pluck those, I’ll peel thin strips from its tendrils. I imagine those would prove a much tougher material to tie with than simply grass.” Air Slash said.

Turf War nodded. “A’ight. I do dat.” He said.

“I’ll make us some lunch. I bet we’re hungry after that, huh?” Fire Fight said.

“Damn straight!”


“As a horse.”

“And I’m….gonna take a nap.” Spiral Galaxy said as she groggily walked towards a pile of leaves to sleep on.

Fire Fight started to walk towards some firewood when he felt a hoof on his shoulder. “Wait.” He turned to see that it was Shadow Shroud. She had a look of guilt about her.

Fire Fight turned to her. “What’s up, Shroud?”

She looked down at the ground and sighed. “I’m……I’m sorry……I was a child earlier. You were right…..Air Sla- er….the Bladerunner had a fair choice in the matter and was far more mature about it than I was.” She said.

Fire Fight was surprised to hear her say that. He had no complaints about her and Air Slash getting along. But….He could feel what she meant earlier in the meadow. He put his hoof on her shoulder. “I-I’m sorry too, Shroud. I really did kinda force it onto you, didn’t I?” he said.

She looked up and smiled. “Yeah…you did…..but, I won’t let the lesser clan show their better side so easily. If he can put our rivalry aside, so can I......however begrudgingly.” she said.

Fire Fight chuckled and rolled his eyes. He knew she didn’t actually mean anything foul by that statement. He still wasn’t quite sure what exactly urged her to join him, let alone spare his life the night she revealed herself to him, but he had no complaints. Shadow Shroud had proved a valuable ally and an actually good friend. The two looked into each other’s eyes and smiled as they relieved themselves of their guilt and settled their earlier dispute. She seemed somehow…..harmless. Even knowing that she was a dangerous creature of the night, Fire Fight felt strangely comforted in her presence. Perhaps he felt safe knowing that she was his ally rather than his foe?

The moment was interrupted when Shadow Shrouds stomach suddenly growled loudly. She gasped as she glanced down at it, and then back at Fire Fight, who started snickering. She glared at him and brushed his hoof away as she looked down at the ground blushing. Fire Fight was still snickering. “Guess I better get started, huh?” he chuckled.

Shadow Shroud glared at him while still blushing. “Yes! You’d better, whelp!” she growled. Fire Fight could tell that the glare and snarling were only a threatening mask hiding her embarrassment, so he went over to grab to firewood and whip up some well-deserved food for his comrades.

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