• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Fire Fight's Awakening

Author's Note:

Hi, guys.
I hope this longer-than-usual chapter makes up for me not uploading for so long. Sorry about that. Life's a... you know.

“There you all are!” Fire Fight cheered.

“Honorable Battle Foals…” Princess Celestia said, poised with regal presence. “Thank you. Your strength has been Equestria’s shield in the time of crisis. But now…” She turned to face the Elements. “Now is the time to strike the last nail in our foe’s coffin!”

Twilight nodded. “Girls?” She said, facing her friends, who nodded back.

They congregated and focused their power. Ribbons of rainbow-colored light enveloped each of them, and they attained their empowered states. The light connected between them, and converged into their group. The radiant ball of light beamed into the sky, whereupon it fired a ferocious rainbow beam unto a nervous Snowdrop.

The rainbow smothered all over the cold-hearted filly, and swirled around her like a raging whirlpool. Slowly, it came to a halt, a calm and serene stillness.

For a moment, all seemed well. The intense rage, the bitter coldness, the lust for destruction in the air, all seemed to die down… until…

The Rainbow sphere enveloping Snowdrop suddenly froze solid. It violently shook, cracked, and then shattered like glass, releasing Snowdrop.

“HAHAHAHA!!! Did you really think it’d be that simple!?” Snowdrop bellowed.

“YOU’RE KIDDING ME!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“How? How!?” Tidal Wave said.

Luna shed a tear as she looked upon her old friend’s wicked smile. “She… She’s just that far-gone. Even friendship cannot thaw her frozen heart.”

Fire Fight sighed. “Then brute force it is.” He said, stoking the flames around his armaments.

“Sad as it may be…” Celestia muttered, glancing over apologetically at her sister. However much it must’ve hurt, Luna nodded back, ready to fight.

“We should at least assure the citizens’ safety.” Rarity said, noticing that the zombified ponies were marching towards from where they were swept.

“Maybe we can’t simmer down li’l Snowdrop there, but Ah’ll bet we can get them folks outta their tizzy.” Applejack said.

“Yeah! Nothing snaps you out of a bad mood like a laughs and smiles!” Pinkie said.

“Then that’s what we’ll focus on.” Twilight said. “I’m guessing the rest of you will be ok?”

Shadow Shroud nodded. “Leave the deicing to us, Your Highness.”

And so, they did. The Elements raced to the zombies and began showering them with their harmony magic. One by one, they were purified, and magically swept into the ruined town for safety.

“Hmph! They were useless anyway…” Snowdrop scoffed. “My first concern ought to be you!” She summoned a violent swirl of frost and snow, which constructed more ice monsters at an alarming speed. “SLAUGHTER THE BATTLE FOALS!!!” She commanded, and her frigid drones immediately charged them.

Without any citizens meat shields to restrain their assault, the Battle Foals, accompanied by the Sisters of the Sun and the Moon, unleashed their unbridled, unfiltered strength.

Kickback whipped his guns right back out and opened fire, with Quantum Tech right beside him with her railguns. Behind them, Spiral Galaxy concentrated, and she summoned another meteor storm. The shower of celestial ordinance quickly dispersed the horde, and destroyed much the smaller ones.

The heat from the smoldering craters created in the wake quickly melted much of the ice and snow around, which Tidal Wave drew around himself. He dashed around like an aquatic sonic boom and did what he could with he lance- he didn’t have enough water the construct larger extensions. He swiftly pierced an ice scorpion and swung it off of his lance, hurling it into the face of a golem, but it only amounted to being pelted by a small, mildly harmless stone.

Though it was merely annoyed, it was enough for Tidal Wave to be able to race up to it, dispel his water guard, form it into a large blade, and slice through the golem like butter, instantly shattering it. “One down!” he said.

However, just as he clad the water back around him, a massive wall of ice erected in front of him, blocking his escape. “Huh!?”

“HAHAHAHA!!!! Where to now, Tidal Wave!?” Snowdrop taunted from above.

Before him was a horde of monsters ready to rend and tear him, but he was able to stow his fear and ready his lance. However, he didn’t have lift a hoof- the ice wall starting cracking with soft blue light, and then shattered. Through the shrapnel flew Princess Luna, who stood over Tidal Wave and cast a force field over them, shielding them from the ice monsters, and allowing her to lift him back to their side.

Luna then looked up at her old friend. “Snowdrop, please stop this! This isn’t the solution to your pain!”

Snowdrop snarled at her. “Then what is!? How many times have the Princess of ‘Friendship’ and her ‘friends’ had to solve ‘friendship problems’ across Equestria, only for more, sometimes worse ones to arise!?”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

“It’s a constant cycle. No matter how many times love and friendship have put an end to strife, it always comes back, and we have to learn our lesson all over again! And ponies like you and me are the one caught in the crossfire for no good reason!” Snowdrop replied. “Our own history has proven that the only cure for suffering… is ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!!!” A violent swirl of icy winds raged around her.

“Princess Luna…” Tidal Wave said. “There’s truly no point in arguing with her…” he said as brandished his lance.

“Indeed…” Luna sobbed. She took her force field magic and focused onto her horn. “Then this is for your own good, Snowdrop!” She fired a bolt of powerful magic at her old friend, knocking her back quite a ways.

“AIIIIEEEEE!!!!” Snowdrop screamed. She glared with untold fury back at the lunar princess. “So there’s truly no going back, huh!?”

“I’m afraid not, my dear Snowdrop.” Luna said with conviction.

“Then maybe it’s time I fully took matters into my hooves!!!” Snowdrop unleashed a wave of icy light that shattered all of her monsters. She drew in the countless shards, and absorbed them into her armor as it all swirled around her. Gradually, her armor became bigger, spikier, and more grotesque. She even sprouted draconic wings, the membranes made of thin ice.

“Pfft! That it?” Turf War scoffed. “I don’t care how many spikes ya got- we gonna merc you real easy. Right, y’all?”

“Turf War… I-I wouldn’t get so cocky!” Quantum Tech stammered. The readings she was getting in her mech were supremely worrying. “She’s… She’s off the charts! Everything just… just…”

“Just attack her!” Valkyrie bellowed. With the light of the Valhalla still blazing around her, she lunged toward Snowdrop, who eerily didn’t seem to put up any resistance. The valiant griffonlet swung her sword, but she was suddenly blown back by a powerful shockwave emitted by Snowdrop by just blinking her eyes. “GAH!!” The force was such that it smothered out the Valhalla’s light. “Whoa, what!?”

Snowdrop snickered. “What’s the matter, descendent of Siegfried? Lost your gusto all of a sudden?”

In a fit of anger, Valkyrie tried summoning her power again, but to no avail. “What the-” She looked down, and saw that her sacred talisman was being restrained by some icy blue magical energy. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” Valkyrie demanded.

Snowdrop guffawed. “Made you powerless! Weak! HELPLESS!!” She then fired a bolt of ice lightning at Valkyrie. The warrior griffonlet quickly raised her shield, but even that wasn’t enough to save her from being frozen solid.

“VALKYRIE!!” Fire Fight cried.

Frostbite soared over to her. “I gotcha!” he said, rearing his fist. But from the spikes surrounding her armor, Snowdrop shot barbed shackles made of icy magic that lashed around Frostbite’s wrists, ankles, and neck, and were all then chained into the ground. “Gyargh! Hey!” he said. He looked up at Snowdrop dead in her eye, her malefic, heartless eyes that left him shaken. “D-Don’t think I can’t break outta this!”

“I know you can…” Snowdrop said. “So I thought I’d get creative!!” Her spikes fiercely glowed, which caused the shackles to start violently sparking, continually shocking Frostbite. He screamed in agony, helpless to free himself from his restraints.

“YOU MONSTER!!” Greensprout shouted. She immediately started channeling her Gaia Root into Frostbite in an attempt to strengthen him enough to break out, but the icy lightning conducted into her healing beam, and started shocking her. She screamed as though she were being burned alive.

“GREENSPROUT!!” Air Slash bellowed. Her glared furiously at Snowdrop, and raised his swords. “I’LL SLICE YOU INTO RIBBONS!!!” he screamed as rocketed towards her.

“AIR SLASH, WAIT!” Shadow Shroud shouted.

But it was too late, Air Slash’s blind rage wouldn’t save him from a lethal magic blast from Snowdrop… but a ray of warm light did.

Following close behind him was Celestia, who casted a shield of warm solar magic in front of him, blocking much of the icy blast, and he was easily able to brave the rest.

“What!?” Snowdrop said.

Celestia then charged Air Slash’s swords with that magic, and the young samurai took two big swings. Snowdrop quickly folded her spiky frills forward, which caused Air Slash’s sun-bathed swords to sear through the spikes, destroying them, and breaching through Snowdrop’s defense. A burning shockwave from the impact struck her from the inside, and she screamed in agony as she was blown back.

Frostbite and Greensprout were released from their torture, and shambled to the ground, severely weakened. Air Slash wanted to go and check on them, but Celestia hovered with great poise as she looked him in the eye, telling him to hold his ground. Following his warrior’s honor, he did; and the two readied themselves as Snowdrop regained her balance.

Meanwhile, Zebota rushed to Greensprout and Frostbite’s aid. Doing what he could, he tapped into the Gaia Root and channeled some of its magic into Greensprout, who was just barely able to stagger to her hooves and heal both her and Frostbite.

“G-Goodness…” Greensprout said, still visibly pained.

“Holy…” Frostbite said, barely managing to stand. “Wait. Valkyrie!”

They looked over to see Fire Fight blasting the ice encasing her with fire, but as big as his flames were, it didn’t seem to even want to melt. He tried resorting to punching it apart- not even a crack. It was as solid as the hardest stones known the ponykind.

“Umm… guys?” Fire Fight said, but the horrified looks on his comrades’ faces told him everything.

Snowdrop fiercely snarled as she stared down the Battle Foals. “Feeling hopeless yet!?”

The Elements had just finished purifying all the citizens, who all ran scared into the woods. Though equally terrified, they rushed over to the others. “Well now what are we supposed to do!?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Just… Just…” Fire Fight anxiously stammered over his words. “JUST ATTACK HER! NO HOLDS BARRED!!”

He barreled forward and launched a gigantic fireball at Snowdrop, but she effortlessly summoned a frigid gale that smothered it out before it could reach her.

Shadow Shroud tried to get close, but it was as if Snowdrop could sense her every move, and summoned columns of ice beneath that she barely managed to dodge before being forced to retreat.

Crazylocks picked up a large ice chunk and tossed it in the air. “HERE’S THE PITCH!” she said. Turf War then struck the chunk with his hammer, sending it flying towards Snowdrop. But as it neared her, she psychically shattered the chunk, and hurled the pieces at blinding speeds at the foals.

Kickback quickly shot down what pieces he could, but one of them managed to strike him right between the eyes, and knock him unconscious.

“KICKBACK!” Quantum cried. With a glare in her eye, she began charging her death ray. “You’ve just made your last mistake, little missy!” she hissed. As her antennae protruded and began charging, Quantum Tech was alarmed by a very sudden, very heavy drop in temperature. “What!?” Her entire system experienced a deep freeze that even her heaters couldn’t stop, and everything crashed. “Oh no! No!! NO!!!” She frantically pressed buttons all over the place, desperately trying to restart any portion of her program, but to no avail. The whole system crashed, and not even her cockpit would open- she was trapped, and all she could do was desperately bang on the glass of her self-made frozen prison, pleading for help.

Greensprout, still weak, shambled towards Kickback. Snowdrop shot the ice shackles at her again, but a black hole suddenly appeared between them, and absorbed the shots before quickly vanishing. Spiral Galaxy, having used up much of her stamina already, struggled to keep her horn lit. With the last of her strength, she summoned another meteor storm.

Even in the face of a cosmic force barreling towards her, Snowdrop remained chillingly unfazed. If anything, she seemed excited. “HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I WANTED TO PLAY WITH YOU FOR A LITTLE WHILE, BUT NOW I’LL JUST END THIS DRAMA!!!!” With a blinding light piercing from within her armor, Snowdrop summoned a cataclysmic blizzard that smothered out the meteors, leaving them to fall around the foals.

Air Slash and Celestia were immediately blown back. Despite the solar sovereign’s best efforts to shield them, even the sun couldn’t shine in absolute zero, and the froze solid together in midair.

“NO!” Fire Fight exclaimed.

“SISTER!” Luna exclaimed.

Quantum could only watch as Kickback’s limp body was buried in driving snow within seconds, and her cockpit window was frozen over so much that it was completely obscured. The last thing anyone saw of her were her tear-filled eyes, crying out in desperate terror.

Shrapnel tried shielding the weakened Greensprout and Frostbite, but a smothered meteor fell onto his head, knocking him out cold.

“SHRAPNEL, NO!!” Zebota exclaimed. His friend’s limp body, though big, was blown away by the sheer force of the raging wind, and the two foals he was protecting were frozen and buried in snow.

Zebota looked towards Snowdrop, but before he could retaliate, her was shot with a bolt of ice lightning, and instantly frozen.

Seeing Spiral out of breath, Tidal Wave ran to her and put up a shield of water, which was instantly frozen in the blizzard. While it offered some protection for a moment, it suddenly shined with fierce light, and shot ice shackles at them fast than he could react, and they were mercilessly shocked until they were unconscious, their screams of agony being smothered out by the freezing cold.

The only thing the Elements could do was try and achieve something, anything with their harmony beam, but the blizzard froze them all solid before it could charge.

“YOU INSANE LITTLE B***H!!” Bullseye exclaimed. She fired a golden arrow above Snowdrop, but the rain of golden arrows were taken by the blizzard’s magic, and they turned an icy blue hue. “Oh, s***!” The arrows of light with redirected towards her, but Crazylocks jumped in front of her before they could hit.

Even with all of her unnatural strength, Crazylocks couldn’t take the ferocious barrage, and she fell unconscious.

“NO!!! CRAZYLOCKS!!!” Bullseye shouted. Seeing her fall distracted her from a bolt ice lightning strike her frozen.

With only enough heat to keep himself up, Fire Fight could only watch.

Turf War desperately tried to block the blizzard with his shield, but eventually succumbed to the freezing cold. He looked back at his friend, his eyes pleading for strength. “Ho….mie….” was all he could mutter as he was frozen.

Luna could only shield herself with her lunar magic, her eyes pleading one last time for her old friend to come to her senses. “S-S-Snowdrop… Please…. R…Remember….” But she too fell to the ice.

And then, there was Shadow Shroud. She was at her knees crawling towards Fire Fight, her eyes filled with tears and oozed despair. “F-Fire Fight…. R…R… Run!.....” And she passed out, leaving Fire Fight to watch helplessly as she was buried in the driving snow.

The only thing besides him now was the maniacal filly hell-bent on freezing the entire world to death, and he only had what last flickers of heat he had to cling to. His friends were gone, the princesses were gone, the Elements were gone, and he could feel the last flames of his life burning out.

“Well!? Do you understand now, Fire Fight!? Do you understand why you’ve lost!?!?” Snowdrop said. Fire Fight didn’t even have the strength to talk back to her. “HAHAHAHAHA!!!! You see? Even the biggest and brightest fires eventually fizzle out. Friendship, love, trust, hope, happiness, acceptance, ALL OF THEM!!! THEY ALL BURN OUT!!! And the cycle of starting them back up begins. It doesn’t matter how many we learn our lesson! We always somehow end up back at square one!!!”

Fire Fight thought back to all the tragedies and evils he had encountered until now. He knew that Equestria wasn’t the perfect paradise many made it out to be. The further he went on his journey, the hotter his flames had to burn. It was arduous, even draining. But he and his friends always managed to pull through somehow… until now…

Snowdrop laughed maniacally. “Where’d that bluster from earlier go? Or is your fire finally going out… like it was going to anyway?”

Slowly but surely, he could feel his breaths becoming weaker, and his vision became hazy. He fell to his knees, and his flames finally went out…


“Unh… Ooh… H-Huh!?”

Fire Fight awoke suddenly, but… where he was confused, even terrified him. He was surrounded by a raging inferno, as though he had somehow gone inside the sun, and he was floating in a fixed spot with no ground below him.

“Wh-What the-? Guys!? Princess Luna!? Shadow Shroud!? Anypony!?” But there was no answer. “What…?”

Suddenly, the flames around him starting rustling as though something were within them. He braced himself, and an enormous flame, easily the size of a race track, suddenly ejected from the infernal blaze. But instead of fizzling out, it snaked and spiral around him as though it were alive, eventually assuming a more tangible shape. It was still a flame, but in the form of a serpentine dragon. It came to a stop face to face with Fire Fight.

Terrified at first, Fire Fight calmed down upon studying the being further. “Wait… you’re…” He looked at his flank. “You’re my Cutie Mark?”

The draconic flame huffed, as if to affirm itself. Sure enough, it was in the exact likeness of the mark upon his flank.

“How… Why am I here?” he asked.

The dragon simply huffed once more.

“Oh… right… Snowdrop…” he lamented. “We… We failed, didn’t we?”

The dragon huffed much harder and leered at him, as if to scold the young colt.

“But… what’re we supposed to do? She’s too powerful. The princesses, the Elements, and even the Battle Foals.” He muttered. “And Shroud, she-”

The dragon suddenly roared, startling the colt.

“What!? What do you want me to do!?” he exclaimed. “Just tell me! I… This is the first time I’ve ever actually… met you, isn’t it?”

The dragon huffed.

“I’ve… ignored you. I shut you away for so long, because… you were a problem.”

The dragon lightly huffed.

“Even after I ran away, I still held you back, and-” That’s when a light bulb went off in his head. “Ran…” That’s when he recalled Shadow Shroud’s last words to him. “No… No, I can’t run away. Not anymore!” he declared. Everpony ran from Snowdrop just like with Princess Luna all those years ago, and look what happened!”

The dragon roared.

“You’re right! I’m done running away! From now on, I’m gonna face my problems… Equestria’s problems head on! Me AND the Battle Foal!!”

The dragon remained stoically silent, as though it had nothing else to say. It reached over to him with its claw, which Fire Fight accepted. The fiery entity tapped its claw on the tip of Fire Fight’s horn, and the young colt felt the power of a thousand sun surging through him.


Snowdrop looked upon her handiwork. Equestria’s last hopes were now encased in tombs of ice and snow, and she knew where to find some fresh stragglers in the woods ahead.

“Hahahahahaha!!! As if there was any doubt. Now… where was I?”

Suddenly, the pile of snow covering Fire Fight’s body began to glow with fiery light, and it even started melting away.


Snowdrop watched in shock as the glimmering spark erupted into an enormous ball of fire that burned like a second sun. It rose into the air level with her, and then burst, prompting her to shield herself. “GYARGH!”

From the explosion flew a comet of fire that soared above and looped back down into a nose dive. It hit the ground like a meteor, creating a shockwave that left a torrent of fire in its wake. The inferno melted away the ice and snow that entrapped the foals, the princesses, and the Elements; and yet the flames didn’t burn them. They all woke up.

“Oh, my head…” Valkyrie said as she staggered to her feet.

“H-Hol’ up…” Turf War mumbled.

“Goodness… We’re… We’re alive?” Luna said.

“But how?” Twilight asked, she and her friends no loner in their empowered states.

Quantum Tech was able to restart her mech, shocked as any of them at the sudden change in atmosphere. “Wh-Wh-What’s going on!? What’s happened!? Readings!?” Her computers were picking up an energy signature on par with Snowdrop. “Oh dear…” she stammered, but when she looked out her window, her fear turned to amazement.

Snowdrop lowered her defenses to see what was happening, and what she saw left her dumbfounded. “Im…IMPOSSIBLE!!!”

“Homie… did you…?” Turf War said.

“Sheriff?” Kickback said.

“Dude! Check the kid out!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she, the other Elements, and the princesses saw Fire Fight.

Shadow Shroud found her footing, and regained her senses. “Ugh… Fire Fight?” She muttered. When she found her friend, she was stunned. “Fire Fight!?”

The fiery colt stood with dauntless courage against Snowdrop, his flames burning hotter and brighter than ever. However, that wasn’t the most notable thing about him…

He had sprouted wings!

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