• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Heading Home

When the foals emerged from the cave, they found that morning had just about broken. Ponyville could be seen far out into the distance. Even more promising was that the waterfall that cascaded down from Canterlot was just to their right. They hurriedly limped over there, and each got a nice gulp of water from it. They made a point of refilling their bottles as well.

Shadow Shroud looked at her map. ā€œHmmā€¦..Okay, looks like thereā€™s a railroad track to the east of here. Weā€™ll cross over it, and then head south to this wooded area here. From there, weā€™ll build another raft like we did at Foal Mountain, and then just ride downstream the rest of the way back to the forest. Fire Fight and I should be able to guide you guys back to the castle from there.ā€ She explained as she pointed to her map.

ā€œI doubt the raft would be a very good idea, Shroud. Weā€™d be right next to civilization, and be very easily noticed even at night. But taking that route along the riverbank would still be good since weā€™d still be in the woods.ā€ Spiral Galaxy said.

ā€œHmmā€¦.good point. Then I vote we do that. Sound good?ā€ Shroud asked.

Turf Warā€™s stomach suddenly growled. ā€œWe got one ā€˜noā€™ down heā€™e. He say he want some breakfast first. Dat straight?ā€ he said.

Fire Fight chuckled. ā€œIā€™m on it, guys.ā€

ā€œAnd you all had better eat well and rest up first. You all took quite the beating to say the absolute least.ā€ Quantum Tech said.

ā€œUghā€¦ ā€˜Beatingā€™ is only the beginning.ā€ Air Slash said as he rubbed his shoulder. Fire Fight cooked up a nice medley of some herbs, veggies and the cave mushrooms for everypony. Quantum was impressed at his skill, even going as far as to say that he surpassed her familyā€™s personal chef.

Quantum Tech then suddenly realized something. ā€œWait! Kickback, didnā€™t you say that you were almost out of bullets?ā€

ā€œShucks! Ah just about forget! Any idea how Ah could get a restock?ā€ Kickback asked.

ā€œIā€¦..suppose I could try to manufacture more for youā€¦..assuming I could acquire the necessary materialsā€¦.ā€ Quantum said.

ā€œIā€™m that there are plenty of such resources within the Everfree forest. All we have to do is look around.ā€ Shadow Shroud said.

ā€œIā€™m an experienced smith, so leave any handling of metals to me.ā€ Air Slash said.

ā€œI absolutely will, Air Slash. Your craftsmanship of these weapons and armor is nothing short of impressive.ā€ Quantum Tech said.

ā€œThank you.ā€ Air Slash said.

ā€œCould I ask you to sharpen my knives when we return? Theyā€™ve become rather dull with how much Iā€™ve put them through.ā€ Shadow Shroud asked.

Air Slash nodded. ā€œCertainly. Fire Fight, Turf War, if you two want me to tend your own armaments, Iā€™d happily oblige.ā€

ā€œI appreciate you foā€™ dat, son.ā€ Turf War. Fire Fight nodded as he was chewing his food.

ā€œCan you patch up my armor too, Slash?ā€ Spiral asked.

ā€œYes. It seems I have my own work cut out for me.ā€ Air Slash said.

ā€œIndeed, but letā€™s wait until we reach our destination before worrying about such things.ā€ Quantum said. Air Slash nodded.

Fire Fight held out his hoof. ā€œPut ā€˜em in, guys.ā€ He said. They all fist bumped except for Quantum Tech, who just gently placed her hoof into the circle.

ā€œErmā€¦ā€¦Like this?ā€ she asked.

ā€œNah, homegirl! You gotta bump it dā€™ho! See? Like dis!ā€ Turf War demonstrated firmly putting his hoof into the circle.

ā€œErā€¦.very wellā€¦.ā€ Quantum Tech did as Turf War showed her, and he approved. They all shared an excited ā€˜Yeah!ā€™. Quantum Tech just gave a nervous smile. ā€œThat felt rather undignifiedā€¦ā€ she mumbled to herself.


After their breakfast, the foals set out. The railroad that Shadow Shroud mentioned was indeed where she said it would be. They looked both ways before quickly crossing it. There were thankfully no trains well within sight, but they still hurried towards the forest just to be sure. Their injuries had healed considerable from resting and having a good meal, so they could use most of their strength.

When they made it to the forested area, they made a point of gathering more food. Air Slash managed to nab a bunch of eggs once more while the others harvested some basic fruits, herbs, natural wheat, edible flowers andā€¦ā€¦fish carcasses?

ā€œNo, Crazylocks!ā€ Shadow Shroud swatted them out of the manic fillyā€™s hoof.

Crazylocks pouted. ā€œAww, but theyā€™re my favorite midday snack after some nice acupuncture with piranha teeth!ā€ she whined. They all just shook their heads in annoyance, and told her to follow. ā€œHmph! At least I could have fun at the Fish Bones Bonanza back in the earthworm cavesā€¦ā€


At last they had reached the edge of the Everfree forest. It was as foreboding as its two returning occupants had remembered. Nevertheless, they were fearless to brave its horrors. ā€œCareful, guys. This place has a bad rap all over Equestria for a reason.ā€ Fire Fight warned.

ā€œMan, if we can fight off a crystal monster, we can get through here, right?ā€ Turf War asked.

ā€œNever let your guard down, Turf War, especially in a place such as this. Iā€™ve heard many a tale of ponies venturing into this dreaded place only to never return.ā€ Air Slash said.

ā€œWell, Fire Fight and I made it through just fine, didnā€™t we? Besides, thereā€™s a zebra that lives out here, so weā€™ll have to make sure we donā€™t accidently bump into her as well.ā€ Shadow Shroud said.

ā€œA zebra? Really?ā€ Spiral asked.

ā€œYeah. Her name is Zecora. She makes potions andā€¦.does other weird zebra stuff that I donā€™t really understand. Anyway, sheā€™s a citizen of Ponyville, so yeah, weā€™ve gotta avoid her.ā€ Fire Fight said.

ā€œUnderstood. Shall we?ā€ Air Slash asked. When he looked back, he could see that Quantum Tech was shivering heavily. She was understandably scared of having to trudge through a location spoken of in ghost stories. ā€œQuantum Tech?ā€

ā€œHuh!? Oh! U-U-Ummā€¦.Y-Y-Yes! Just, uhā€¦Just let me make a few observations firstā€¦.ā€ She stammered.

Kickback gulped, and walked over to her. ā€œAh hope Ah donā€™t regret this.ā€ He whispered to himself. He held out his hoof to her. ā€œCome on now, Ms. Quantum. Weā€™ll be fine.ā€ He said softly.

Quantum Tech saw this, and eased up. She smiled at him, and took his arm. ā€œThank you, darling!ā€ she said.

Kickback suddenly wasnā€™t feeling so proud. While he was a gentleman at heart, he was gonna have a difficult time with Quantum. As they finally began their hike through the fabled forest, Spiral couldnā€™t help but to start snickering while the others just smiled amusingly at them. Kickback felt pretty annoyed as Quantum clung to his arm. He couldnā€™t bring to himself to force her off of him seeing as she likely wouldnā€™t make it through the forest otherwise.

While she was still laughing, Spiral picked up some leaves and fallen flower petals, and began playfully tossing them at the two. ā€œDunā€¦Duh, Duh-Duh! <snicker> Dunā€¦Duh, Duh-<snicker>Duh! Dunā€¦D- Ha! Hahaha!ā€ She couldnā€™t help herself.

Kickback was becoming agitated. ā€œMs. Spiral, Ah donā€™t reckon yer helpinā€™ none.ā€ He said.

Spiral eased her laughter. ā€œSorry, Kickback!ā€ she said.

Kickback directed his eyes towards the genius filly who was clinging to him like a fangirl, and sighed. ā€œAh regret thisā€¦ā€


After a few run-ins with some monsters here and there that were easily put down, the foals had finally reached their destination. ā€œAh! Home sweet home.ā€ Shadow Shroud said. The castle hadnā€™t changed a bit since it was last seen. They entered the doors without hesitation Quantum finally let go of Kickback.

Standing in the ruined foyer brought Fire Fight back to that fateful night. He vividly recalled the moonlight gleaming viciously from Shadow Shroudā€™s kunai and his flames lighting the dark room as they clashed. He looked over at her to see that she was smiling at him too. He could see it in her eyes; she remembered too. This was where everything began. Despite some uneasy feelings in the beginning, this would turn out to be a happy place for the two of them, and for their new friends.

Everything was still there. The fallen columns, tattered rugs, stairs, and suits of armor that wielded either swords or axes were all left untouched. Crazylocks began slowly inhaling in a gasping manner; she was probably taking in the scenery of her new home.

ā€œDamn! Dis a fine crib!ā€ Turf War said.

ā€œItā€™s a little dilapidated, but if Shadow Shroud saw fit to settle here, then I see no reason to complain.ā€ Air Slash said.

ā€œI wonder if thereā€™s like aā€¦.meditation chamber or something where I can practice controlling my magic?ā€ Spiral asked.

ā€œNot really, but there is a nice and quiet room just below the fountain in the courtyard where I would meditate. Iā€™ll show you.ā€ Shroud said.

ā€œOkay!ā€ Spiral said.

Shroud then faced Quantum and Air Slash. ā€œIā€™ll also show the metal forge and the wizards chamber that I mentioned-ā€


Crazylocks screamed at the top of her lungs just before she pounced like a predatory cat at one of the suits of armor holding an axe, ripped the axe from the suit, and furiously slammed it on the ground. She repeatedly did this until the blade of the axe shattered, and moved onto another one.

ā€œCRAZYLOCKS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?ā€ Fire Fight shouted. He, Spiral and Quantum used their magic to restrain before any more damage could be done.

Crazylocks slammed and scratched against the magic bubble like a wild animal. The same fury that she had exhibited upon hearing Gene Spliceā€™s name had been evoked, and it was still a terrifying display. ā€œYouā€™d better calm down this instant, missy!ā€ Quantum demanded.

Something about Quantumā€™s tone must have had an effect on Crazylocks, because she calmed her rage considerably. She was still snarling and growling, but overall calmā€¦..for her standards. ā€œThe axesā€¦..The axes are dangerous! Donā€™t ever trust them! Theyā€™ll look you in the eye and say ā€˜Hey, kiddo! Want a cookie?ā€™ and then stab you right in the back as soon as your turn around! Theyā€™re evil! EVIL!!ā€ she declared.

Turf War was confused upon hearing that. ā€œUh, homegirl? Yā€™all I got a-ā€ He was cut off when Kickback elbowed, and shook his head as if to warn him not to provoke her any further. Turf War realized just what kind of danger he nearly put himself into. ā€œDude! I owe you my life!ā€

ā€œSoā€¦.What? Do we just get rid of all those axes?ā€ Spiral asked.

ā€œIā€™ll repurpose them somehow. We wonā€™t have to worry about our friend here having another episode.ā€ Air Slash said.

ā€œIā€™ll melt them down for you if you need me to.ā€ Fire Fight said. Air Slash nodded. They quickly moved any remaining axes away from Crazylocks, and Shadow Shroud hid them under the fountain until her temper blew over. It was a long road coming back, but the foals could finally begin relaxing and rebuilding their lives.

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