• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Fire Safety

Back in Ponyville…

The mares and Spike had a long, sorrowful return home. While they had indeed been able to track Fire Fight for a while, they had lost any sure way of being able to follow him now. All they could do now was hope for another lead soon. Rarity was amongst the most dissatisfied. While she got some potential answer about the mystery filly, she still got more questions than answers. A ninja filly? That sounded more farfetched than a dragon that breathed ice! Nevertheless, she encountered her and wanted to know more.

It was around breakfast time when they arrived. They got off the train and entered town. “Ah’m just so sorry, ma’am. At least we know that he’s alright though…..sounds like.” Apple jack said to Ms. Fight.

Ms. Fight sighed. “Thank you, Applejack…..I deeply appreciate your effort, but…..”

Applejack pulled her in and patted her shoulder. “It’s gonna be ok.” She whispered.

“I just find it a little disturbing that he’s apparently taking other foals with him. I know it’s only an assumption at this point, but the dots connect a little too perfectly, wouldn’t you say?” Twilight said.

“Yeah. But why he would be, I don’t know…….Hey……You know, if we look out for any more cases of runaway foals across Equestria, then if Fire Fight really is taking them, we just might find him and get those foals back home too!” Spike suggested.

Twilight giggled. “Yes, Spike. That’s probably the best we can do for now. What do you think, Rarity?”

Rarity was too lost in thought to heed Twilight. That filly….she had to be real. She basically got confirmation that she was! Still….who was she? What is she hiding? Too many questiones swam in her head. And….now that she thought about it……something else felt…off about her when they first encountered.

“Rarity?” Twilight said.

Rarity snapped out her train of thought. “What? Oh! Yes, darling?” she said.

Twilight cocked her head. “Are you okay?”

“It’s this whole funny business with that li’l ‘ninja’ filly, huh?” Applejack asked.

Rarity nodded. “Yes…I just can’t help but to wonder about her. I’ll probably just lose so much sleep trying to wrap my head around the whole ordeal.”

“Don’t worry so much about it, Rarity. I want to find out about her two, but I think we prioritize Fire Fight right now, wouldn’t you say? Why don’t we go relax at the spa a little later on, ok?” Twilight said.

Rarity smiled. “That would be delightful, dear.”

“Anyway, we were saying that we should look out for future cases of foals running away since Fire Fight might have something to do with them. Sound like a plan?” Spike said.

“It does indeed, my little Spikey-Wikey!” she cooed she nuzzled the little dragon’s neck, causing him to blush furiously. She then turned to Ms. Fight and put her hoof on her shoulder. “I hope you know that I’m not just doing this simply to find that filly, darling. I truly do want to find Fire Fight. He was so kind when he visited my boutique that day. Sweetie Belle and I have just been under a rain cloud ever since we got the news. We haven’t been too terribly pleased with our parents either.”

Ms. Fight smiled. “I know. Thank you, Rarity. I’m curious about her myself, admittedly. But yeah, we need to focus on Fire Fight……*sigh*…..”

“Would y’all like to come and have breakfast with mah family? Apple Bloom will probably be at school by the time we get there, but at least let me do ya one more kindness.” Applejack said to Ms. Fight.

“Well…..oh…..sure, why not? I’m not exactly in the mood to cook right now anyway.” Ms. Fight said.

“Well alright then! I guess we’ll be off. Bye, everypony!” Twilight said as she waved goodbye. Spike and Rarity went with her.”

“Bye, y’all!” Applejack said. And with that, she and Ms. Fight made their way to Sweet Apple Acres.

They trotted in the morning sun through town with smiling ponies all around them. Everything was as happy and normal as could be. Somehow, Ms. Fight was starting to feel a little better being in such a brighter atmosphere. It helped that Applejack would treat her to a nice meal. Even though Applejack wasn’t a mother herself, her care for he little sister put them on somewhat even ground, so they might have a good conversation despite recent events.

They had reached the gate of the orchard where they bumped into Apple Bloom. Her bags were in tow, meaning she had obviously just left for school. “Oh!.....Hey, Applejack.” She said quietly, looking away a little from her. She then noticed Ms. Fight with her. “Did….y’all find Fire Fight?” she asked.

The mares sighed. Ms. Fight hung her head as she lost a little of her light. “No, Sugarcube. We didn’t…….but, we came close!........we think….” Applejack answered.

“Oh….well……I’m gonna go on to school then. Bye.” Apple Bloom said as she walked off.

Applejack hung her own head down as she watched her little sister so coldly walk off. She was understandably still upset with her sister. She’d become so distant that it almost felt as though she herself had run away. “Ms. Fight…..is this what it feels like?” she asked.

Ms. Fight embraced her. “Don’t try to think about it. It’s an awful feeling I don’t ever want you to feel” she said. She let of her and looked ahead in Apple Bloom’s direction. “That damn teacher on the other hand…”


Apple Bloom had made it to the trail when she saw the other CMC. They waved to each other as they trotted toward one another. “Howdy, y’all!” she greeted.

“Hi, Apple Bloom.”



They began their walk through the wooded area of the trail. Silence fell amongst the group as the entirety of their trek brought back memories. They remembered the day that they’d seen Fire Fight talking to somepony apparently only he saw. They thought he was being a little weird, especially since he seemed so convinced that who or whatever it seemed to really be there, but they would never judge a friend. The thought of him of coming and going so quickly under such awful circumstances gave the entire area a depressing atmosphere. Button Mash wasn’t even in the mood to pull out his Joy boy.

They finally reach the school yard. The other foals weren’t as active as they usually were. Nopony really was. They’d just think to themselves and talk amongst each other about Fire Fight. It had been like this since that horrific day. None of them could believe what happened. They had no idea that adults could be capable of such terrible things, even Cheerilee of all ponies! Sure, most of the parents genuinely felt very guilty for what they did save for Spoiled Rich, but that wasn’t going to bring back their friend. Diamond Tiara had apologized to all of her classmates for her mother’s behavior; she swore she’d find a way to make her answer for what she did, to which her classmates forgave her.

The CMC came across Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who were as dejected as they had been ever since the….event. They approached them and greeted.

“Oh…..H-Hi guys.” Diamond Tiara sighed. Silver Spoon just gave a nod, barely turning her head to face them.

One look at them spoke for the entire class. “We’re all worried about Fire Fight, huh?” Scootaloo said.

Silver Spoon sighed. “Yeah…” her pigtails hung in front of her eyes as they began to produce a few tears. Diamond Tiara embraced her. “I still can’t believe Ms. Cheerilee! Or our parents! It wasn’t Fire Fight’s fault that those scary stallions were so mean! And he was protecting us! Why should he have been punished for that!? That Film Noir was the only sensible adult in the whole place!” she ranted.

“I know. Really makes me wish she was my mother…” Diamond Tiara commented. “I’m still just so sorry for her, everypony. I’d figured my dad would finally put his hoof down, but….she just has him wrapped around her stupid, over-manicured hoof! It’s so disgusting!”

“We still forgive ya, Diamond. Ah’m still pretty mad mahself at mah sister. She keeps on sayin’ how she’ll stop treatin’ me like a baby, but she just keeps lettin’ those apple rot! I bumped into her this morning. She was with his mom probably tryin’ to make up somehow. I guess they’d just gotten back from Detrot, but they said he wasn’t there.” Apple Bloom said.

“Then why’d they even go there?” Scootaloo asked.

“Because of something crazy theory my sister had about a weird filly she met a train bound to Canterlot through Detrot that she suspected might have helped him sneak on the train.” Sweetie Belle explained. “She never told me the details, so we’d have to ask.”

Button Mash had a thought. “Ya know….we did tell Fire Fight about the Sister’s Castle in the Everfree Forest. Maybe he went there? I don’t think anypony searched there.”

“I don’t know, Mashie. It seems like a bit of stretch. Plus, do you really think he’d be able to barrel through all the monsters that live in there?” Sweetie Belle asked him.

“Honestly, yes. Lots of animals are afraid of fire, and Fire Fight is a better fire mage than most wizard classes in any RPG, retro or new. Plus, he’s just tough altogether.” Button Mash answered.

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Sounds like somepony’s a little jealous” she teased.

Button blushed a little. “N-No! I’m just saying he’s tough…that’s all.”

“And you’re not?” Scootaloo teased.

“Scoots!” Apple Bloom said.

“I seem to recall you saying how you wanted Fire Fight to teach you how to fight so you could protect me.” Sweetie Belle said.

Button blushed more visibly. “Well….yeah, but….” He was cut off when Sweetie pecked his cheek.

“I don’t need you be some fire superhero or whatever for me to love you!” she said.

Button Smiled and kissed her back. “Thanks…” he said. The other fillies giggled at their display.

“I’m honestly with Button here. If I was Fire Fight, I’d probably want to go to somewhere I’d never be found, and he’s definitely tough enough to make it through the forest to that castle. It’s just a matter of if he was actually able to find it. I don’t think we gave him directions.” Scootaloo said.

“It’d be a chance worth taking, I think.” Diamond Tiara said.

“Well….I guess so. But If Rarity really thought that he was somehow in Detrot then….Well, I guess we’re no more sure than she was, so why not?” Sweetie Belle said.

“Alrighty then. Once Ah finish up the last o’ mah chores, we’ll all meet up at the path that leads to Zecora’s hut. She can guide us there safely.” Apple Bloom stated.

Silver Spoon perked up. “Sounds like a plan!” They all high fived.

Just then, they heard the bell ring and a high-pitched voice call out to them. “Alright, kids! Come on in so we can get today started!” Cheerilee put on her teacher as she called out to her foals, but she was only answered with disapproving looks from them all. They reluctantly trotted into the schoolhouse, not even batting an eye at their teacher. After the last one entered and passed her, Cheerilee could feel the tense atmosphere that had built up inside; she almost didn’t want to enter, but she had a job to do. She walked to the chalkboard and faced her students.

Their disapproving gazes maintained themselves as she tried to keep her brave face on. They hadn’t even bothered to say ‘good morning’ to her, not that she was surprised. It had been like since the incident. They were normally so happy to be here with her and each other to enjoy another day of learning, but now it was as if they completely hated her. Cheerilee knew deep down that she had nopony but herself to blame for what happened, and her students had every right to be angry with her. Certainly some of them worried that she’d ostracize them the way she did Fire Fight. Their parents had forgiven her, but the foals were truly the ones who suffered. It was a thought that was very difficult for her to bear as a teacher.

She turned over the chalkboard. “Today, I’ve scheduled us to learn about fire safety.” She said. The chalkboard was riddled with various pictures and instructions relating to the matter. She saw a few of them roll their eyes. “Can anypony tell me the first thing about how to handle an open flame?”

Diamond Tiara whispered to herself. “Yeah, ‘cause you sure messed that up!”

Rumble raised his hoof. “Yes, Rumble?”

“I bet Fire Fight would know.” He said coldly.

Cheerilee was doing her best to keep smiling despite the circumstances. “Ehh…Yes! I’m sure he would! He’s….certainly a smart young colt, huh?”

Silver Spoon whispered to herself. “And brave, and handsome, and actually cool. And you were awful to him because of it!”

Cheerilee felt her heart sink as she knew that this would be a long day…

Class as at least ended for the day and only Cheerilee remained. All the foals got through the material with flying colors, but when working together, she heard them talk about one subject: Fire Fight. She had never felt more like a failure in her career as a teacher…..no…..her whole life. How could she treat a foal like that!? She saw only a problem that needed to be fixed, not a foal who needed help. And because of that, she had lost so much respect from the foals she cherished so dearly. She wanted to make up for it, but didn’t know how. Fire Fight had vanished completely. She had no idea where he was or where to contact him. It didn’t help that his mother despised her with every fiber of her being. She had even spat at her when nopony was around them! But that was alright with her. She deserved it. Until Fire Fight returned safely, she’d suffer the way he did, like a brat who needed to behave properly.

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