• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Marez in the Hood......And Dragon, I Guess

It had only been a couple hours before Spiral Galaxy began to stir. The healthy lunch Fire Fight whipped up must’ve really helped. She joined in on the conversation the other three were having and gave some interesting information.

“A…. ‘safety wagon’…?” Fire Fight asked.

Spiral Galaxy nodded. “Yep. Hoofington doesn’t have its own train station, so if one its residents wants to take a train, they have to use the station in Detrot. But as you probably saw, Detrot is a dangerous city, so there’s a guarded wagon that carries people and trading goods around the city areas of Detrot to its train station so those who don’t want to take risks with all the crime there can go safely.” She explained.

Turf War looked surprised. “Fo’ real? I ain’t never see dat before. I knew d’ere was supply carts going to Hoofington from Detrot, but dat’s news to me.” He said.

Spiral nodded. “Yeah. I think they both take the that same dirt path through the hills and grasslands, but the safety wagon diverts somewhere at the edge of the city…..at least I’d imagine it does.” She said.

“What kind of supplies does it carry?” Shadow Shroud asked.

Spiral shrugged. “Meh, whatever needs to go there, I guess. They probably have a schedule that complements Detrot’s train schedule,

so it could leave at any time with anything. Why?” she replied.

“You want to try and sneak us on, don’t you?” Fire Fight guessed.

Shadow Shroud nodded. “Yes. If we can remain undetected while nice and snug in some form of storage, it’d be far easier than having to sneak under the train and climb from there like we did back in Ponyville, especially since Turf War’s armaments would draw too much attention and make for clutter anyway.” She answered.

“Do you happen to know their schedule for today, Spiral?” Fire Fight asked.

Spiral shook her head. “Nope. They pretty much leave whenever. But like I said, they leave on time for their passengers and cargo to catch their train, so if Turf War knows the train schedule for Detrot-”

“Which I don’t…” Turf War interjected.

“Well, shoot…” Spiral muttered.

“Hmmmmm…….” Fire Fight pondered for a couples minutes. “Ok…..I might have an idea.”

Earlier……In Detrot

Twilight and co. had at last arrived in Detrot and immediately began asking around if anypony had seen Fire Fight and possibly a dark-grey filly wearing an orange dress. They initially had no success and decided to take a quick lunch break before going to the local police station to report Fire Fight missing.

They sat down at a table after ordering a large hay and mushroom pizza. Ms. Fight felt a little dejected seeing that the possibility of her son being here might have sent them on a wild goose chase. She couldn’t give up though. She wanted nothing more than to make things right for her son and live happily once more.

The waiter brought out their pizza. “It’s an honor to have you here, Princess Twilight.” He said as he served the pizza. “What brings ya to dis ol’ slum of a city? Here to finally start fixing things up?”

Twilight giggled sorrowfully. She knew full well the state that Detrot was in and that it wasn’t something that could be fixed overnight. Celestia makes occasional visits that do help some, but she tells Twilight to let her handle it until she becomes more experienced as a princess and Twilight could see why.

“Actually, no. We’re here looking for a foal that ran away from Ponyville. I-I know that sounds strange, but circumstantial events have led my friends and I to believe that he might be here. He’s a red unicorn with an orange mane and a flame that looks like a dragon for Cutie Mark. Did you see any colts like that?” she asked.

The waiter pondered for a split second before realizing that he did indeed have some recollection of such a foal. “Ya know what? I might have.” He answered.

Ms. Fight perked up. “You did!? Was it really my son!? What was he doing!? H-H-He didn’t get caught up in any gangs here, did he!?” she asked frantically.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, ma’am. I only said I think I did.” The waiter replied.

Another stallion got up from his seat and walked up to them. “Hol’ up. Do he have like real light-blue eyes?” he asked.

Ms. Fight gasped. “Yes, he does!”

“Yeah! I ‘member. He was he’e a couple days ago wit Turf War, wasn’t he?” the stallion said to the waiter.

The waiter had an epiphany. “Dat’s right. He was! Them and dat filly was havin’ a supreme if I ‘member right.” He said.

The mention of a filly caught Rarity’s attention. “A filly you say? And what did she look like?” she inquired.

“She was wearin’ some kind o’ black cloth wrapped all ‘round her body ‘cept her head.” The waiter answered.

Rarity was confused. The filly she encountered on the train was clearly wearing a dress. She decided to press further. “Did she happen to have amethyst-colored eyes? Perhaps a dark-grey coat with a mane that was a mix of blue and light grey?” she asked.

“Yeah! She did! Why? You know her?” the waiter asked.

It seemed that Rarity was right. That strange filly was with Fire Fight! But what was their relation? Who was she? Where did she come from? How did they meet? And what was the meaning of such a drastic change of clothes?

A couple from another table suddenly burst in onto the scene. “Hol’ on one second! Y’all just said d’hey was wit Turf War!?” the stallion asked. His wife had a hopeful expression.

The mares and dragon just stared blankly at them. “Uhh….and just who is this ‘Turf War’?” Applejack asked.

“Our son! He ran away just like yours did!” the mare said. She was on the verge of tears. “T…..*sob*…..Turf War!”

Ms. Fight walked over and embraced her. “I know what you’re going through right now……It’s gonna be okay…” she consoled. She let go as the mare calmed down.

“And those three were together? You’re sure?” Twilight asked the waiter.

“Yeah. They were whispering ‘bout somethin’, but I don’t think nopony heard what d’hey was talkin’ ‘bout. And dat filly…..I don’t know, y’all. Somethin’ just wasn’t right about her.” he said.

“Yeah, she didn’t look like somepony you screw ‘round wit. I-I-I mean it looked like d’hey was friends and all, but…” the other stallion commented.

Twilight found their comments a little disturbing, but decided to press the other issue. “When did Turf War disappear?” she asked.

“The night Officer Curfew got caught wit dat gang….Come to think of it. It was earlier that day they was here! Turf War musta bounced wit ‘em dat night!” the other stallion said.

“’Officer Curfew’?” Spike asked.

The natives of Detrot sighed. “Man…and to think Turf War actually kinda respected dat dude… Ya see, He’s a cop here dat got caught dealing wit a gang o’ notorious thugs the night Turf War musta ran away. They investigated further to find dat d’hey been bribin’ him to not arrest ‘em o’ nuttin’ fo’ a while now and keep Turf War from bashin’ ‘em. He was in some deep s***, y’all.” Mr. War explained.

“And d’hose thugs? D’hey trying to tell us how him, a fire unicorn colt and some ‘ninja foal’ lay the smack down on ‘em in dat warehouse d’hey was caught in! Apparently Curfew was out cold before he could ever see ‘em.” His wife explained.

“Yeah. I think they still cleanin’ up dat joint. It’s mess after whatever went down between ‘em.” The waiter commented

“Fire unicorn colt!?” Ms. Fight exclaimed.

“Ninja foal?” Rarity and Spike interjected.

“Turf War would fight these thugs, you say?” Twilight inquired.

The Detrot ponies explained how Turf War was a young vigilante who was fed up with the relative inactivity of the local police, subsequently taking matters into his own hooves. He’d gained quite the reputation as he bravely faced his foes and more often than not managed to stop them. Listening to their explanation caused Ms. Fight to think of Fire Fight and start explaining that he had basically the same issue. She then explained how it caused him to run away.

“So…they ran away for the same reason?” Spike asked.

“So it would seem, Spike. Maybe Fire Fight saw a lot of himself in Turf War and encouraged him to follow him. But that still leaves the filly…” Twilight said.

They decided to think more about it as they dug into their pizza, which was more than delectable. Afterwards, they had made the executive decision to question the arrested thugs and former officer at the police station.

As they walked out, a stallion bumped into Ms. Fight and tried to snatch her wallet. Applejack managed to catch this and grabbed the thief quickly. She wrestled him to the ground. “Now you better let go of that, or Ah’ll show ya what my apple trees back home feel durin’ the harvest season!” she ordered. Intimidated, the thief just dropped the wallet and vanished into the alleyway.

Applejack picked up the wallet and handed it back to Ms. Fight. “You alright, Sugarcube?” she asked.

Ms. Fight looked at Applejack both gratefully and coldly. This was but one of the many adults that drove her son away, but she was given the chance to prove that she felt guilty and just earned some points. “Umm…..yes, Applejack…Th-Thank you.” She muttered as she took back her wallet.

Twilight sighed. “Yes….Now that that’s all said and done…” she looked towards the warehouse district. “I think it’s high time we-”

Everypony’s focus was cut off when they witnessed a beam of light suddenly shoot from the north at a slightly upward angle, and then dissipate after three seconds.

“What the heck was that!?” Spike exclaimed.

A passerby who saw the beam as well spoke up. “Look like it came from Hoofington!” she said.

“Hoofington?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah. It’s a li’l town just over the hills up north. D’hey get supplies and stuff through us sometimes.” She explained.

“Hmm… Once we’re done here, we’ll go to Hoofington and investigate that anomaly. If by some crazy miracle Fire Fight did indeed team up with some kind of ‘ninja’, then maybe he had something to do with that.” Twilight stated.

The others agreed and they pressed on.

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