• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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“AH SUGGEST YOU GET BACK ‘ERE BEFORE SOUND AND FURY REALLY LOSE THEIR TEMPERS, YA DIRTY SNAKES!!!” Kickback was clearly enraged as he shouted at who the foals presumed to be the Sand Vipers with unbridled fury as he shot his twin colt revolvers at them as though the guns themselves were some kind of overdrive.

One of the masked stallions looked back at him with a taunting smirk on his face. “Well come on then, runt! Let ‘em rip!” he sneered.

Kickback was indeed firing, but it looked as if he was missing every shot contrary to what his act earlier today would have you believe about his marksmanship. With the big box they were carrying, you’d think he’d at least try to hit a shot.

“He’s not gonna last much longer by himself if he keeps this up. We gotta help him!” Spiral Galaxy said.

“Word up!” Turf War affirmed.

Just as they were about to rush into the fray, Shadow Shroud stopped them. “Wait!” she said. The others looked back to see her pointed towards town. The sheriff and who were presumed to be his two deputies pursued the Sand Vipers and Kickback. “You guys go after Kickback. I’ll distract them.”

Fire Fight eyed her with concern. “How?” he asked.

Shroud rolled her eyes. “If you’re worried that I’ll kill them, you need not. They’re nothing more than an inconvenience, and my family does not treat such things as enemies.” She said.

“I’ll keep an eye on her.” Air Slash asserted.

Fire Fight shook his head. “No, Air Slash. You need to help us protect Kickback. So put your pride away, and just trust Shroud, ok?” he asserted.

Air Slash bore his teeth in frustration as Shadow Shroud glared at him. “Fine…” he muttered. They all nodded, and set off.

“Kickback! Get back here, son! We can’t just rush in like a maniac expectin’ them to just give up, or whatever yer hopin’ for!” the sheriff shouted. He and his deputies ran wildly towards the enraged gun-colt and the bandits he was pursuing with either one to each of his sides.

“Why does he get so riled up whenever they come by? He’s normally so calm!” one of the deputies said.
“Reckon so, partner! Mah son accidently ate most of Kickback’s lunch one time, an’ he didn’t raise his voice! Whaddya reckon, Sheriff?” the other said.

“Ah reckon y’all need to not wonder about that right now, and focus on-” the good sheriff was cut off when a sudden flash of black mass swiped across their hooves from the front, and sent them tumbling. The two deputies rolled headfirst into rocks that were just ahead of either of them, knocking them out. Sheriff North Fork managed to avoid such a fate, and halted a little ways ahead of his unfortunate deputies. With his eyes closed, he staggered to his hooves in a little daze. “Rrrrnnggh! What in the Sam Hill was tha-” He was cut off once more when the last thing he saw as he opened his eyes was a pair of bright amethyst eyes staring him down before everything suddenly went black…


The pursuing foals had trouble keeping up with Kickback and the Sand Vipers. They opted not to call out for the risk of Kickback firing at them in his rage. Eventually, they reached the side of a cliff where a small cavernous opening could be seen. The Sand Vipers rushed in with whatever loot was being stored in that box, and Kickback charged in after them. “GET BACK HERE!!” Kickback bellowed as he fired his guns once more.

The foals quickly inspected the vicinity around the opening. On either side were two cow skulls hung on wooden pikes sticking out of the ground with torches lit right behind where their horns protruded. Engraved on the foreheads of each of the skulls was a picture of a snake lashing out with its fangs. This was definitely the place. Just as they were about to enter, Shadow Shroud caught up to them.

“Damn! That was fast.” Turf War commented.

“Hmph. It’s a wonder why that town keeps getting attacked. Now let’s move!” Shadow Shroud said. They immediately entered the lair of the beasts.

Just as they cleared the first hallway which was completely unguarded, they came across two branching paths with no indication of where either one went. They could hear Kickback’s gunshots, but they echoed so much that it was difficult to discern which path they were coming from.

“Shadow Shroud, you and I will take the right path! The rest of you, take left!” Fire Fight commanded. They all nodded, and took their designated paths.

Fire Fight had his horn lit despite there being some torches to light the cave with Shadow Shroud not far behind him lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to ambush any Sand Vipers that might try to halt them. What they eventually ran into was a huge storeroom housing a labyrinth of boxes stacked next to, and on top of one another. It pretty simulated how city blocks were laid out. Kickback’s shots could be heard from the other side. “Let’s go get the others. I think this is the right way!” Fire Fight said.

Shadow Shroud shook her head. “Knowing for sure is better than thinking you do. We need to go confirm this for ourselves. Besides, even if this is the correct path, the others will realize this, and catch up. They can hold their own.” She said. Conceding that she was right, Fire Fight nodded before dashing into the maze with her.

Guards that had been posted snuck around corners trying to ambush them, but the foals could easily track them with their honed fighting instincts. One guy tried to jump on top of them from atop one the higher box stacks, but Fire Fight rocketed himself upward and thrust his searing hot horn into the guard’s abdomen just below his ribcage. Using the remainder of his momentum, Fire Fight flipped forward still ascending, and fell back onto the guard with an a flame-charged axe kick to the back that drove him into the ground. Fire Fight flame jumped once more on the impact, and kicked a fire disc at another guard who was running toward him. The guard just managed to dodge the disc, but the subsequent burst of flames burned his muzzle pretty badly; he held his burnt muzzle tightly as Fire Fight landed in front of the other, and charged towards the guard holding his muzzle. Fire Fight leapt with his back legs charged, and grinded like a skateboarder across the guards body, who couldn’t react fast enough to avoid his entire back being seared. As the guard screeched in agony, Fire Fight jumped off of his rump, and readied a punch as he flew towards another rushing guard. The guard smirked as he just managed to completely duck under Fire Fight, and grab him right out of the air by the neck!

“Think you can burn mah brothers like that and get away with it, runt!?” he shouted in his ear.

Fire Fight couldn’t do anything with his horn due to his head being held forward with his neck against the stallion’s other grabbing arm. He gasped for air and struggled to move as he tried to figure out how to escape this situation. He didn’t have to wonder for long when he heard a piercing *SHING* quickly slice across the stallion’s back. The stallion screamed like a little girl upon the hit in sheer pain, compelling him to release Fire Fight, who had a minute to catch his breath when the guard looked up to see a pair of foreboding amethyst eyes owned by a black mass fall to him, and knock him out cold. “Think can strangle mah friend like that and get away with it, runt?” Shadow Shroud taunted, mocking his southern drawl.

Shadow Shroud checked on Fire Fight. “You ok?”

Fire Fight sputtered a little more before taking one last deep breath. “Yeah. Thanks.”

Shroud devilishly giggled. “I’m having fun!” she hissed.

Fire Fight smiled at her with determination. “Me too!” he said. With that, they rushed into the next room. It was a huge chamber just like back in the Bladerunner’s mine, but the roof was completely open to the night sky like a stadium. There was an unlit campfire in the center. Kickback was on one side to the left of the two hidden onlookers, while the other side hosted a group of Sand Vipers along with their apparent boss, and a familiar mare hanging in a net while gagged and hogtied a couple yards above their boss. Kickback had his gun pointed at them.

“Y’ALL LET MS. SUNRISE OUTTA THAT THERE NET RIGHT THIS MINUTE, YA FILTHY VARMINTS!!!” Kickback bellowed. He was as pissed as anypony could be, but he be seen just barely trembling. Ms. Sunrise was struggling in her state.

The boss smirked devilishly, and wiped his nose. “Hehehehehe! C’mon, Kickback! Make us! Fire them guns o’ yers! Be a big ol’ hero again! But be careful. Wouldn’t want a repeat of a year ago with yer teacher here, now would we?” he taunted. The foals were quite surprised to hear that he seemed to know Kickback. And what happened a year ago?

Kickback’s eye’s widened in fury upon hearing that. His trembling worsened. Ms. Sunrise seemed as confused as the foals as to ‘a year ago’. “Y….Y-Y’all…” Kickback’s words were even trembling as he glanced back and forth between the Viper boss, and his captive teacher. “Y-Y-Y’all leave that outta this!” he stammered.


Spiral Galaxy had her horn lit despite the lit torches about the walls as she, Air Slash and Turf War raced through the hallway. Before they could hit the brakes in time, they found themselves running into a makeshift saloon filled with Sand Vipers that were just relaxing until they found themselves in a staring contest with their unexpected guests. “Awkward…” Spiral whispered.

“Well what have we here now?” one of them sneered as he trudged towards them. “A rescue party ‘long with that little rascal, Kickback? Hahaha! Ain’t that rich, y’all?” They all got ready to beat the foals down when Air Slash quickly drew his swords. They all gasped. “Yer…..YER A BLADERUNNER!?”

Air Slash smiled with a face of ‘you’re screwed’ at the now panicking Vipers. “Hehehehehehe! A PITY NOPONY WARNED YOU!!” he bellowed as he poised his swords.

“What’s da matter, mah boys? You was hopin’ fo’ a pillow fight!? F*** DAT! I got a order fo’ gooda** a** whoopin’ wit all o’ y’alls’ names on it!” Turf War shouted as he brandished his hammer-axe. He slammed his hammer against his shield tauntingly. “IT’S ON!”

Before either of the colts could jump in, Spiral Galaxy shot a burst of magic past the Vipers that imploded violently, creating a quick black hole that yanked most of the thugs into one another before dissipating. Much of the furniture, bottles and such that got caught in the….reverse blast pelted them as well. The pile of dazed and limp stallions served as a shock to the lucky survivors. “What in tarnation!?” one them shouted.

Spiral giggled innocently. “Oh, I’m just sorry, sir! Whenever I get all flustered, I just get the nastiest little urge to UNLEASH AN APOCALYPSE!!!” she shrieked as she charged her horn, and shot a nova bolt at the stallion, sending him crashing into the wall. The initial impact caused the remaining six stallions to stagger, leaving the colts an opening.

Air Slash charged in one trio with his spinning slash attack that easily rendered them helpless, while Turf War rammed into one with his shield square in the forehead, knocking the stallion out. The one on Turf War’s right tried to hit him upside the head with a bottle, but Turf War forcefully jabbed his hammer-axe into the stallion’s exposed chest, knocking the wind out of him. He then swung his hammer into the one on the left’s feet, causing the stallion to trip into the bar. Just as the stallion’s head was about to hit the bar, Turf War swung his hammer down onto it. “BYE, B****!” The impact knocked him out colder than ice.

They regrouped in the center of the dining area. Spiral rested her conscious a little while the colts attacked despite having a roof over her head. “I heard Kickback fire his guns while you too went at those guys! We have to find him!” she said. They nodded as they rushed into an opposing hallway from where they came from, and into the same scene that Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud happened upon.


The Sand Viper boss maintained his devilish grin. “What’s the matter, son? Nuttin’ to be ashamed of, Ah reckon. Ah mean ya only drove a wedge between you and yer Pa!” he sneered. Kickback was trembling from fury more and more. “You were gonna be a hero and save ‘em from the big, bad Sand Vipers, huh? Drive us off o’ yer property fer good, live happily with yer folks, maybe protect this whole dang desert from us, huh? Maybe you’d become Sheriff! HA! Wouldn’t that be rich!”

Kickback’s distress was becoming more prominent. “S-S-Stop!”

“Y’all see how much they love this kid in Dodge? They think he’s so polite, so gentle, so gentlemanly. All the fillies in town gush all over ‘em every chance they get, ‘cause they think he’s such a doll! Yeah, Ah can see why they’d feel okay with you havin’ those two pea shooters……but little do they know……” the boss hissed.

“S-STOP! N-N-NO MORE O’ THAT!” Kickback seemed to be holding back tears.

The boss wouldn’t let up. “That fateful night when mah boys and Ah raided that little house on the prairie ya got, Ah just had to drop mah stupid guns, didn’t Ah? Ah was the only one who even had any! Pretty embarrassin’ fer the boss of the Sand Vipers, huh? But ya know what’s even more embarrassin’?” Kickback was about to lose it. “A little colt who picks up the bad guys weapon, and tries to save his folks with ‘em! Well….WHAT KIND O’ HERO ACCIDENTLY SHOOTS AND KILLS HIS OWN MAMA, HUH!?” the boss sneered with a smirk so malicious, you’d swear he was the devil himself.

A wave of complete shock waved over the foals. Their mouths hung all the way to the floor at what they just learned about the foal they were about to deem unworthy of their attention. Clearly the opposite was true as all the pieces fell together into a horrific puzzle depicting a dark secret. Ms. Sunrise experienced her own shock as her eyes widened at her student.

Kickback could feel her eyes on him as he stood there still as a statue in complete distress. He looked as if he could drop his guns at any moment- it’s a wonder he never did. His eyes became wider than the foals knew possible, and he didn’t seem to be even breathing!

The Viper boss began slowly approaching him. “Heard ya named mah old guns ‘Sound’, and ‘Fury’. That right? Tch. How adorable. Ya gave yer new toys names so you could blame ‘em for what you did, huh? Ah also heard yer mama died right there in yer Pa’s arm-” he was cut off.


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