• Published 28th Oct 2016
  • 5,573 Views, 2,354 Comments

Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Author's Note:

Happy Holidays, everyone! Here's my late present to you: a new chapter!

I appreciate your continued patience, and hope you're still enjoying this story.

At Fire Fight’s behest, Frostbite went out and procured a sizeable pile of the driest sticks and leaves he could find and laid them in the middle of the stone cold floor. The fiery colt then lit the pile, making the room much warmer. “I’m gonna go make us a snack. You’ve all gotta be hungry after that mess.” Fire Fight said.

The second he entered the kitchen, there she was standing solemnly in the corner not even attempting to hide. “Fire Fight…”

“Shroud…” Fire Fight wasted no time pulling her in for a warm hug. She practically thrust her arms around his neck, and her light sobs rocked his soul. “We’re not leaving you. I promise.”

“I wish I could say I was more hopeful…” Shroud said. “I mean, I know I can’t force you guys to stay, but…”

Fire Fight loosened his grip on her and looked into her eyes. “Shroud…” but he couldn’t find the words. How could he say everything would be ok when he was as uncertain as she was? All he could give her was a little smile before embracing her once more. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Please don’t.” Shroud said “I… I don’t want to be all alone again.”

They broke off. “Alone?” Fire Fight asked.

“S-Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Can you get cooking?” Shroud said.

Fire Fight warmly smiled. “Yeah.”

All Fire Fight could serve them was some leftover seaweed and wheat tufts that he made into a simple stew. It wasn’t much food, but at least everyone was warm, and they decided to camp out in that room for the night seeing as it’d no doubt take a while for their company to arrive.


Much to all the foals’ surprise, Luna didn’t come to visit them in their dreams, not even just to let them know that she was on her way. That morning became a silent waiting game, and they only had more leftovers for breakfast to hold them over. Turf War kept everyone mildly entertained by juggling some fallen stones and balancing his shield on his shoulders.
A little while after noon, Kickback’s sharp eyes caught sight of a ship approaching the bay area of the island. “They’re here, y’all!”

With some apprehension, the foals bar Shadow Shroud ventured to the shoreline and awaited the arrival of their princess. The architecture of the ship was explicitly Equestrian, so there could be no mistake. The vessel docked at the pier where a boarding was lowered and allowed for a small group of guards to form a path for the good princess. The foals awaited her at the threshold of the ground and the pier.

In all her grandeur came Princess Luna off the boat. She warmly smiled upon seeing her young hosts, and they returned her smile along with bowing, except for Frostbite, whom Shrapnel had to force to bend over. Kickback wasted no time taking off his hat. “Rise, mighty Battle Foals.” Luna said.

The foals all did so and looked fondly upon their monarch. “It’s an absolute honor meeting you in person, Your Highness.” Quantum Tech said.

“The feeling is mutual, dear Quantum Tech.” Luna said. “Has all been well since you were attacked? I foresaw a terrible monster…”

“Yeah, we destroyed it.” Fire Fight said. “Well… more like those guards carrying the CMC sacrificed themselves to finish it…”

Luna expressed some shock. “Rising Air and Breezedrift?”

“So those were their names…” Air Slash said. Some of the guards expressed some grief of their own.

“Yeah, they went down in style.” Valkyrie said.

“I see… May they rest in peace.” Luna said. “Cutie Mark Crusaders, I thank you for making this trip. I knew that the Battle Foals could protect you if need be, but I wasn’t expecting such a harrowing encounter.”

“You’re welcome, Princess Luna.” Sweetie Belle said. “They said they’d come help!”

Luna looked at the Battle Foals. “Thank you very much. It would seem my fears of a great catastrophe are being realized.” She said. “But… there is some small business to attend to first.”

“Huh? Now Yer Highness, all due respect, but what could more important than hustlin’ back n’ fencing that ice varmint?” Kickback asked.

“See for yourself.” Luna said. Much to the foals shock, out from the boat then came Princess Twilight and a small group of other adults. Amongst them recognized were Cheerilee, Knight’s Soul, Fire Fight’s parents, Sky Strike, Kickback’s
father, Zecora and Rarity.

“Wh-What the? Princess Luna!” Spiral Galaxy exclaimed.

“Worry not, my dears.” Luna said. “Not everyone was able to come due to having to evacuate, I’m afraid.”

“Fire Fight!” His mother ran up to and squeezed him tightly, his dad not far behind.

“Whoa!” Fire Fight said, too surprised to process a greeting. “Mom?...Dad?”

Fist heavily sighed. “I know… I’m probably the last pony you wanna see…” he said.

The fiery colt slipped out from his mother’s embrace and gazed at his father. “Why are you…”

“Because I had to.” Fist said. “I was some awful coward for leaving you two… But when I heard recent news about you… well, I felt responsible. Even if I wasn’t there for the school fiasco, I still pushed you to that edge all that time ago, and…” He gently pulled his son in for a hug. “Son, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry! I was a horrible stallion back then, and I have no excuse. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?”

Fire Fight had a whole mix of emotions spiraling in his heart. He resented his father for what happened, but part of him yearned for him again, for the idol he once held. He looked at his mother, who had a forgiving smile about her. “I… guess I can.” He hugged him back.

Fire Fight then noticed Cheerilee standing beside his parents. “H-Hello Fire Fight.” She said. The red colt barely glanced up at her. “I-I know. I’m far from innocent too… but…”

“I know.” Fire Fight said. “The CMC told me. But… Look, we’ll talk later.”

Cheerilee heavily sighed. “I understand.”

Knight’s Soul found himself in a staring contest with his son, who seemed none to eager to see his father. “Air Slash…”

Air Slash slowly looked away from hi father, but Greensprout gently held his hoof and looked at him with her comforting serenity. “You can talk it out.”

Air Slash softened his stern expression and sighed as he looked at his dad again. “H-Hello, father.” He mumbled. “I… trust you had a fine voyage?”

“I did.” Knight’s Soul said. “But I’m more concerned about yours.”

“Father, I meant no ill towards our proud clan.” Air Slash said.

“I know.” Knight’s Soul said. “If anything, I’d say you’ve done our family proud if the stories are to be believed.”

“You’ve also heard of our adventures, sir?” Greensprout asked.

Knight’s Soul nodded. “I have. And… Oh, I shan’t make excuses. I did little to try and understand you, son. I was too rigid. I put the Bladerunner pride far before my fatherhood.”

Air Slash’s stern anxiety turned into pleasant surprise. “Well… thank you, father. But… admittedly, your concerns about had some validation. Perhaps I had been too aggressive. During my treks with Fire Fight, I… my pride was challenged on a few occasions, rightfully so. It was namely Greensprout here who humbled me.” He smiled at his lady.

“Well, I thank you, young lady.” Knight’s Soul said.

“It was my pleasure, brother.” She replied.

“Still, I would hope you and I are able to make amends. Besides, your mother has been quite worried about since your abandonment, as have your brothers and sisters.” Knight’s Soul said. “Oh! And myself, of course.”

Air Slash managed to crease a smile. “I… would not be opposed to that.”

Kickback found himself confronting his father, whose normally stern face was one of sorrow, a face he hadn’t seen in a long time. Despite his discontent, he had the decency to take off his hat while facing his dad. They both did. “Pa, Ah-”

“Don’t.” his dad said. “Ah was too overcome by yer mama’s passin’. Ah shouldn’t have been takin’ it all out on you.”

“E-Even though Ah was the one…” Kickback muttered, a mild sob clogging his throat.

“It was a terrible accident, son.” His dad replied. “But Ah wasn’t able to move on as well as you were. Besides… yer mama died peacefully.”

Kickback sighed. “Pa, truth be told, Ah hadn’t taken it as well as ya mighta thought. Ah’ve been holdin’ it in ever since that day. Mah little escapade with Fire Fight helped me blow off some steam, but… Ah just didn’t want memories of mama holdin’ us back none.”

His dad couldn’t help but to chuckle. “Some help Ah was then, huh?” he said. “Ah haven’t heard as much about all the shenanigans y’all have gotten into, so I’d love to hear them from ya. From what Ah have heard, you’ve made yerself a mighty fine posse o’ friends, keepin’ ya nice n’ safe n’ all.”

Quantum Tech suddenly barged in on them. “Oh sir, I can wholeheartedly assure that Kickback did his fair share of protecting us. He’s quite the colt, wielding those firearms with such stupendous precision.”
Kickback’s dad looked at the brainy filly curiously while the colt himself looked ready to give up. “And who’re you, young lady?”

“Why, I am Quantum Tech, scientist and engineer extraordinaire for the Battle Foals.” She declared. She then snuggled right up to Kickback. “And your son is simply the most sublime specimen of a stallion I’ve ever met!” Kickback’s frustration was palpable.

“Ha! Ah see nuttin’s changed in that regard!” his father teased.

“Pa, please!” Kickback pled.

Sky Strike ran up to his son and took a huge sigh of relief. “Tidal Wave!”

Tidal Wave looked nervously at his father. “Dad? You seriously came looking for me?”

“Why wouldn’t I? You’re my son!” Sky Strike said.

“Yeah, but…” Tidal Wave mumbled. “I’m the reason we get made fun of so much. I thought I’d be doing you a favor.”

Sky Strike knelt down and embraced his son. “Don’t blame yourself, bucko. I certainly don’t. You never did anything wrong, and you know it! So just… just come home, ok?”

“Dad, I can’t just come home. I’ve… sort of got an obligation.” Tidal Wave said.

“Well, yeah. After that, of course.” Sky Strike said. “I managed to convince a few of the other Cloudsdale lancers to help us.”

“W-What!?” Tidal Wave said.

“Wow! You’re dad’s kind of a bampf.” Spiral Galaxy said.

Sky Strike noticed her. “Oh! Who’s your friend?”

Tidal Wave blushed. “Oh, uh… Th-This is Spiral Galaxy.”

Spiral playfully hip check him. “Some introduction!” she teased.

“Ha! Well how about that?” Sky Strike then noticed his son’s magical accessory. “Say… is that the ‘water jewel’ I’ve heard about? Apparently you’re Hydro Horse now?”

Tidal Wave looked down at his precious stone. “How do you know about that?”

“Some foals in Yodelneigh told me you… ‘splashed’ them after they gave you a hard time.” Sky Strike said.

“Oh… right.” Tidal Wave said. “This is kind of a long story.

Zecora and Zebota stared awkwardly at each other, but with some level of intrigue. The older of them was thankfully unafraid of the younger’s beast. “You are… Zebota, yes?”

Zebota took a deep breath. “Yes. And you are the elder who already lived in the ponyfolk’s forest. Zecora, yes?”

“How fluently you speak their tongue. You seem most skilled for one so young.” Zecora said.

“You are kind, Ms. Zecora.” Zebota looked up at his titan, who was as stoic as ever. “I… hope that my friend does not perturb you.”

Zecora shook her head. “No, child. I see that you two are one of heart, but I hope you know that you practice a dangerous art.”

“It is what know best, and Shrapnel is my trusted friend. He will bring no harm, this I assure.” Zebota said.

“Zebota, tell me, child. What urged to live alone far in the wild?” Zecora asked.

“I was shunned by our people, nothing more. I did not figure that the ponyfolk would like me any more than our brothers and sisters.” Zebota said. His wooden beast nuzzled him.

“I am sad to hear that, my child.” Zecora said. “The ponyfolk once treated me with distaste and fear, but over time, they grew to hold me dear. If you introduce yourself and your mighty friend, I feel that to you, their hooves they’ll lend.”

Zebota smiled. “I do not doubt this. Fire Fight and his folk welcomed openly even if… we did not agree in the beginning.” He said. “Though… I must admit that it is a comfort to be able to speak to one of my sisters fondly. However unkind it may have been to me, I miss our homeland.”

“I feel the same. So long have I been away from where we were born, that some nights I think of it, and weep and mourn.” Zecora said. The two smiled more fondly at each other.

“I’m so happy to see that all of you are ok!” Twilight said.

“Princess Twilight…” Fire Fight said.

Twilight looked at him with a warm smile. “Fire Fight, nopony here is mad at you. We’re disappointed that you decided to run away, but we understand why.”

Fire Fight looked at the good princess with some sorrow. “Yeah, the CMC said as much.” He said. “We’ll come help take down that evil ice wizard, or whatever it is, but… I made a promise to all these other foals that I’d make things better for them.”

“And for a while, oddly enough, I’d say you did.” Twilight said. “You were brave to give these other foals that courage to escape, and it was because of that we were able to see how badly things were handled.”

“And you helped your friends to realize their true potential.” Luna said. “Like I always knew you would.”

“Exactly.” Twilight said. “Wait… What did you say!?”

“As irresponsible as I may have been, I watched over Fire Fight and the Battle Foals from the very beginning even helping them on occasion.” Luna confessed.

Everyone’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Princess Luna!!” Scootaloo said.

“How could you!? These are foals! You just let them go on a dangerous adventure like that!?” Cat Fight exclaimed.

“You really gonna downplay us like that even you know we wreck house?” Frostbite said.

“Frostbite.” Luna said. “I would never have allowed them to travel if I didn’t know that they would be alright. The Battle Foals are formidable individually, but together, they’re a forced to be feared. However, they needed each other’s company to help them overcome their pain. This journey, while dangerous, was for their growth. Apart from spiritual healing, I sense that they’re full strength will be needed for the coming storm.”

“We ain’t gonna be able to thank you enough, Yo’ Highness.” Turf War said.

“Well here’s hoping they grew as much you hoped they would!” Sky Strike said.

“I’m eager to meet all your new friends, Fire Fight. Are you all ready to go?” Twilight asked.

Fire Fight saw a familiar cloaked figure silently jump aboard the ship. “Yeah, I think so. Ready, everyone?” His comrades all nodded, some more hesitantly than others.

Twilight looked around. “Are you sure this is everypony, Fire Fight?”

Fire Fight cocked his eyebrow, but he humored the good princess and took a quick head count. “Yeah, that’s everyone. Oh! Quantum, you should probably go get your mech.”

“Oh! Goodness me, you’re right!” Quantum said. She turned around to go fetch it.

“Wait!” Twilight said, and the brainy filly obeyed.

Fire Fight could see a hint of apprehension in Twilight’s eyes as she took a deep breath. “Fire Fight, where is Shadow Shroud?”

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