• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Great Horn Temple

With their stomachs full and Air Slash safely and warmly loaded onto Shrapnel’s back, the Battle Foals began what would certainly be a treacherous ascent up the Great Horn Summit. It was no secret that it was a rugged and snowy mountain, but if Princess Luna’s warning was to be believed, then they had no choice but to press on. The icy, high winds carrying snow that would blow against them were but an obstacle they had to endure, and it got worse the higher they got. Being a pyromancer of considerable merit, Fire Fight put himself in the middle of everypony and used his ability to produce a heat bubble around his comrades, much to their gratitude. Every now and then, Greensprout would climb onto Air Slash’s back to monitor his condition. The cold weather certainly wasn’t doing him any favors, and Greensprout was almost done mixing his medicine, so she ultimately decided to stay by his side as they got higher, and the air got more frigid. It limited Shrapnel from being able to fight, but they weren’t expecting to encounter any real issues. Apart from an occasional territorial snow cat, the worst thing they had to fight off was a snow troll that Tidal Wave made quick work of with the long reach of his spear; he managed to injure its knees and parry back its claw swipes long before he could even be struck, and then used the leverage he could gain with his spear and throw it off the mountain. The foals were happy to have such an excellent spear wielder with them.

The foals could tell that they were nearing the end of their hike when they began to notice an ancient stone trail along the path they were already walking accompanied by abstract stone sculptures that Quantum Tech theorized were used as markers in the event of especially bad weather. Carefully following them and the stone path, they finally reached a large temple of griffon architecture with some notable Equestria influence such as ponies joining hooves and talons with griffons in murals on the outer walls. “Well….Guess this is it.” Fire Fight said.

“I hope so. We’ve been hiking up for a while, and we need to get Air Slash out of this cold.” Greensprout said. Without further hesitation, Crazylocks and Turf War pushed open the heavy, ancient doors, and they all walked in, making sure to shut the doors behind them.

The interior revealed stained glass windows depicting either pony or griffon warriors that just barely any light shone through. What little light was available revealed a series of big torches that Fire Fight lit. When that happened, the darkness shrouding the ancient room was dispelled, and the foals could take a better look at where they were. The design and overall feel of this place felt like an old monastery. The atmosphere was very serene and calm amidst the frozen chaos outside its walls. Stone murals carved into the walls depicting old pony and griffon symbols further signifying their friendship. On either side of the foyer were two sets of branching hallways. The ones closest to the front door each led to rooms with bedrolls in them. The other two further in the back seemed to be storerooms for food, armaments and the like; there was even a forge that could still be used if Fire Fight stoked its pit.

“Hmm….Perhaps this was a sort of barracks for soldiers.” Quantum speculated.

“All the way up here? Well….perhaps, but I feel that it would make more sense if it was merely a military checkpoint.” Shadow Shroud said. “Though…..I suppose there’s little difference between the two.”

“I don’t care what dis joint was, y’all! We could crash here! It feelin’ like dat ol’ castle in the Everfree forest.” Turf War said.

“That….honestly wouldn’t be a bad idea, Turf War. Although, it’s pretty cold up here, and coming to and from it would be pretty tough, especially if we bring new foals that for one reason or another can’t stand the cold.” Spiral Galaxy said.

Turf War grimaced as he realized that she was right. “Damn…Dat’s a good point.”

“Yeah. Besides, Princess Luna told us that we need to take that portal. Otherwise, we might get found out here. I wouldn’t mind putting my arrows in a few heads to get away, but the less trouble, the better.” Bullseye said.

“Where is this portal? I see nothing so far.” Zebota said.

“FOUND IT!!” Crazylocks called out. The foals followed her voice to a room in the very back. When they caught up to her, they could see that she wasn’t whistling Dixie like she usually did. It was an octagonal stone arch with magic gems at each corner and was propped up on a stone platform of its own with stairs leading up to it. Greensprout had Shrapnel lower Air Slash, and she led him to one of the bedrolls in a branch room before joining them.

“Good find, Crazylocks!” Fire Fight said.

Crazylocks saluted to him with the kind of animated manner that only she could muster. “I LIVE TO SERVE, PRIVATE!!”

Bullseye rolled her eye. “Tch. Stupid mutant freak….” She mumbled under her breath.

“Wow….This thing kind of reminds of a Sci-Fi comic series I used to read.” Tidal Wave said. “What was it called? Uhh..... ‘Space Door’, or something like that.”

Spiral gasped. “You mean ‘Star Portal’!?”

“Yeah! That’s the one! You read that too?” Tidal Wave said.

“Oh my gosh! That was my guilty pleasure when I wasn’t having sleepovers with my friends! I had to keep them hidden under my carpet underneath my bed. <giggle>” Spiral said.

“How professional.” Shroud teased. Spiral playfully pouted at her in retaliation.

“Where’s this portal supposed to lead to anyway, Quantum?” Tidal Wave asked.

Quantum exited her mech suit and approached the portal. “As I recall, the receiving portal from this end is located in the Asgard forest near Griffonstone. Deep within said forest is a grand cemetery where their most honored dead are laid to rest.” She explained. “I’ll get to work figuring out how to activate it. You all rest. It’s been quite a day already.”

“Boy, has it ever!” Fire Fight said. “How’s Air Slash doing, Greensprout?”

“He’s not gotten worse, thankfully, but I’d ask you all to keep your activities silent so that he may rest.” Greensprout said. Fire Fight nodded. “Got it. I’ll go ahead and start making some lunch. You guys take it easy.”

Zebota walked up to the portal. “I shall assist Quantum Tech in the meantime. The magical nature of this device…..intrigues me.”

“Oh! Thank you, Zebota. It does look like it’ll be tough to crack anyway.” Quantum said. With that, the foals retired to someplace in the temple to do what they had to.


Air Slash was just barely awake as he felt the warmth of his bedroll and the surrounding torches caressing his ailing body with their heat. It was the only comfort he could really have since he ached all over and didn’t feel like moving around too much. He felt horrible for stooping to the level of a weight for his teammates to bear, but he’d feel worse for making them worry more about him, not that he’d ever admit to enjoying receiving such love. As he laid there in the calm atmosphere of the barracks-like chamber, all he could seek was comfort in his solace……with one exception.

“Air Slash?” The sickly samurai managed to lift his head enough to follow the sound of the most beautiful voice that ever graced his ears. Greensprout stood above him with her gentle, motherly smile adorning her face. There could not have been a more welcome sight for Air Slash, especially at a time like this. “How are you feeling?” She put her hoof on his forehead.

Air Slash sniffled whilst managing a delighted smile at the kindly monk filly. “Oh, I’m fine.” He said.

Greensprout giggled. “Even an illness won’t shake your pride, will it?”

“I…<cough>…I wouldn’t be much of a warrior otherwise, would I? <cough><cough>” Air Slash said. “Is my medicine ready?”

Greensprout nodded. “Yes. I need only heat it up a little first though.” She pulled out a flask containing a viscous, pinkish-green fluid and held it up to one of the torches that Fire Fight lit for a few seconds. When she returned, the substance had noticeably loosened and liquefied a little. “There. Now you should be able to take it more easily.” She handed it to him as he sat up. “It’s mixture of vitablossoms, echinacea and some ferns that grew at the foot of this mountain; they’re known for being rich in nutrients from growing close to a harsh climate.” She explained.

Air Slash opened the flask and took a whiff of the concoction- it had a light, flowery scent that was a bit grassy from the many plants it consisted of. He didn’t expect it to taste that good, but he wanted to be able to swing his swords for his friends again. That……and he was eager to try something made by the apple of his eye. “Thank you…” he croaked. As he gulped down the medicine, he could feel it gently running down his scratchy throat, as if to give a hug. It was like taking a big sip of a nice, refreshing lemonade-tea.

“Mmm….Just what I needed.” He croaked. “How is Tidal Wave faring?”

“He’s doing well for himself. He managed to fell a snow troll by himself along our hike.” Greensprout said.

Air Slash chuckled. “So that’s what all that commotion was about.” He took another sip of his medicine. “I’m eager to craft him some armor and fortify his spear. Is there a forge present in this temple?”

Greensprout nodded. “Mm-hm. Fire Fight would have to rekindle it, be it should be usable.”

“<cough><sniffle> Good.”

“Now that I think about it, why have you not made armor for yourself or Bullseye?” Greensprout asked.

Air Slash let out a little cough before answering. “Because she and I rely on our agility rather than actual brute force. Wearing armor that’d weigh us down would hinder such an attribute. <ACHOO!> Ugh….Tidal Wave is a bit of an exception since he’s something of frontline troop, though I’d I have to make lighter armor for him to compliment is aquatic affinity.”

“Oh, I see….” Greensprout muttered. “Well….just continue to be careful, ok? It’d be awful if you sustained a mortal wound because you were unprotected. I-I know I could mend it, but still…”

“<cough><cough> Worry not, Greensprout. It is my duty to put the lives of others before my own, and I have faith in you and your Gaia Root.” Air Slash said. “Though, perhaps I should craft some armor for you. I…..w-worry for your own well-being.”

Greensprout giggled. “I know, Air Slash, but I’m not a physically fit as you are, so your worry about armor being a hindrance might very well apply to me.”

“ Hmm….I suppose that’s true.” After he swallowed the last drop of the medicine, Air Slash bottled the flask back up and handed it to Greensprout. Despite the refreshing feeling he got from it, he couldn’t help but to lament the position he was in. “I feel pitiable…”

“What do you mean?” Greensprout asked.

“<ACHOO!><sniffle> Ugh….I so carelessly let myself succumb to an illness despite the rather grave situation we’re in….<cough><cough>….I’m sorry to burden you all so….” Air Slash said. He solemnly laid his head down on his pillow.

“Air Slash…” Greensprout said. She hugged him such a way that his head was cradled in her forehooves, causing him to blush furiously. She gently stroked his neck. “Don’t be ashamed. If anything, you’ve earned some rest from all the hard work you’ve done, even if you’re sick. None of us are any more perfect than even the princesses, but that’s why we act as one. If you were truly so invincible, then what would be the point of having friends? If the only joy you felt was the rush of battle, you’d…..become something worse than Bullseye….all due respect to her broken soul.”

Air Slash could only let her words sink in as her hoof caressed across his aching neck. She was right…..if strength was really all that mattered, his father would truly have been an ideal master. The bonds he’d forged with the other Battle Foals would be meaningless, the efforts he put in to aid their cause would be fruitless, and……he might never have met Greensprout. Her coat gently tickled against his own as he could feel himself being lulled to sleep. “Yes….you’re right, Greensprout. You truly are a warrior in your own right.”

Greensprout giggled. “Think nothing of it, Air Slash. You took care of me in the underground ruins. Now, it’s my turn to take care of you.” She let go of his head and let him fall into a much needed sleep.


Kickback and Bullseye noticed that there was a back door behind the portal and decided to explore what was on the other side. When they discovered that it lead to an outdoor area, they decided to take a lit torch for warmth. When they walked outside, they were presented with a sort of courtyard that reminded Kickback of the outdoor training field back at the ruined castle. It was about as big as said field, and there was a cliff off to the right that dropped right off the little plateau they were on. Much of the smaller structures such as arches and stone markers hadn’t withstood the test of time very well and were crumbling, but archery targets and practice dummies were still present. What looked to be a garden that must have cultivated a cold-resistant plant laid in the ground just outside the door.

“Huh….Reckon this just mighta been a soldier camp o’ sorts….” Kickback said.

“Duh! Who the hell else would live up here in this refrigerator? Why’d they even put the damn portal up here anyway?” Bullseye said.

“Maybe it reached the other portal easier if it was higher up?” Kickback suggested.

“What kind of difference would that even make? <sigh> Quantum probably knows this s***. At least there’s targets out here for us to use.” Bullseye said.

“Out in this ‘ere cold weather? Ah’d hate fer you to wind up sneezin’ n’ stuffy like Air Slash is right now, Ms. Bullseye.” Kickback said.

Bullseye barely turned her head to eye him. “Tch. You worry about yourself, pea-shooters. Besides, I like the cold.” She stopped for a moment to take in the frigid atmosphere, letting its chilling winds nip at her skin underneath her coat.

“Now just a moment ago, you were sayin’ how nopony would wanna live up in this cold.” Kickback said rather inquisitively.

Bullseye gave him a little glare. “Y-Yeah, well…..I’ve never met anypony who did too, ok!” she stammered.

Kickback chuckled. “Can’t say Ah’ve met a lotta other folks who took kindly to the desert’s heat, but our friends here are alright too, wouldn’t ya say?”

Bullseye looked down at the ground a little and flipped her mane over much of her face. “Y-Yeah, sure. I guess.” She mumbled. Kickback was more convinced by her tone than her words. Bullseye then noticed something off in the distance. “Hmm? What’s that?”

Kickback looked at the direction she was and saw a large rosary of stones that didn’t have an apparent purpose within an alcove on the side of the mountain. They walked over there and discovered that within the circle was a pool of water that had only frozen over at the surface. The water beneath the ice was visibly still fluid. “Hmm….Mighta been their souce o’ water here. Kinda funny findin’ a spring this high in a mountain though.”

Bullseye happened to put her hoof on the ice, and she felt….something kind of odd. “Is it just me, or does this feel kinda warm?”

Curious, Kickback touched the ice, and it sure enough felt strangely warm underneath. It explained why the water hadn’t frozen deeper than it had, but…. “Huh….Now that’s funny. We oughta go tell Ms. Quantum Tech about this.”

Bullseye snickered. “Yeah! Go tell you fillyfriend about a nice, romantic spot where two can mack all over each other.” She teased.

Kickback lowered his hat over his head in embarrassment and frustration. “Ah’ll pass! You say somethin’ to her over lunch r’ whenever!”

Bullseye stopped snickering. “Whatever. Let’s just get back inside. There’s barely s*** out here anyway.” With that, they returned through the back entrance and to a warm and cozy old temple.


“OH, OF ALL THE POSSIBLE MISFORTUNES!!!” Quantum tech exclaimed. Everypony save for Air Slash ran into the portal chamber.

“What’s wrong!?” Shadow Shroud asked. She had her kunai drawn almost by instinct.

Quantum had facehooved prior to everypony rushing in, and she put her hoof back down. “<sigh> I’m sorry, all of you, but I’m afraid we’ve hit a dreadful snag with this portal.”

“What kinda snag?” Kickback asked.

Quantum let out a frustrated huff. “Princess Luna, in all of her worldly wisdom failed to mention something absolutely crucial about this portal: IT REQUIRES THE PRESENCE OF BOTH A PONY AND A GRIFFON IN ORDER TO ACTIVATE!”

Greensprout shushed her. “Quantum Tech! Air Slash is asleep!”

“Sorry, sorry….” Quantum said.

“You…..can’t be serious?” Fire Fight stammered in disbelief.

“I’m afraid it is so, Fire Fight. Each side of this device has a gem that activates one of two seals that keep it from running indefinitely. One gem responds only when Quantum Tech touched it, but the other does not warrant a reaction when either of us do. Upon closer examination of its magical nature and the murals depicted in these walls, we came to this difficult conclusion.” Zebota explained.

Spiral Galaxy deadpanned. “Wow! Thanks, Princess Luna!”

“Y’all see? This’d be the perfect opportunity for somepony to set up an dern ambush fer us! The only way out is down this cotton-pickin’ mountain, and fer all we know, there could be a whole herd o’ guards waitin’ fer us down yonder! Maybe right out the front door!” Kickback said. “Nrgh! Ah knew we shouln’t o’ came ‘ere.”

“Don’t get your bullets in a bunch just yet, cowboy.” Shroud said.

“What y’all mean!? We kinda screwed, d’ho! How we s’posed to find a damn griffon and get ‘em to help wit dis? What we gonna say, huh?” Turf War said.

“You’re the street smart one, Turf War. You think of something!” Spiral said.

“But what about actually finding a griffon to begin with? Griffonstone is clean on the other side of the map from here!” Tidal Wave said.

“Yes, however there are a few examples of our feathered friends that live amongst ponies, most notably in this region.” Shroud said. She pulled out her map and pointed to a location just west of their location. “Smokey Mountains is known for having the highest concentration of griffons in Equestria, largely due to them having some ancestry over there if this very temple is of any evidence. One of us will have to infiltrate the town high in its peaks and find a griffon willing to help us.”

“Seriously, Shroud? Sneaking into towns again? You know we can’t do that right now!” Fire Fight said.

Shroud giggled. “Well, that may not apply to all of us…” she slowly looked over at the one pony amongst them who might be able to get away with at least one more errand in a town….

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