• Published 28th Oct 2016
  • 5,573 Views, 2,354 Comments

Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Author's Note:

Wow! I only noticed now that this story has broken 2,500 views! It's unbelievable that you guys have been so patient with me despite my inconsistent updates, and I can't say thank you enough! :raritystarry:


.....one-upped by my own OC....:facehoof:

Even the most eloquent wordsmith couldn’t produce a description poetic enough to do justice for the feeling of tranquility, even salvation that caressed Heimr Island as the last of Nidhogg’s evil dissipated. The once misty and gloomy penal colony caged in by the ocean was now being kissed by Celestia’s sun, and the once dreadful ruins now invited rebirth. All of the warriors who won the day, their strength returning to them at a snail’s pace, merely remained where they were, relishing in the serene aftermath of a terrible battle.

“Splendid performance! Absolutely spectacular!” Everyone followed what turned out to be the voice of Ymir emerging onto the scene. “I confess, I was overcome with despair when I witnessed that worm fully materialize. But I see that His Majesty’s eye for hardy warriors is not failing even in his aging years. You’ve put on an exemplary performance, Battle Foals.”

Fire Fight had to muster the stamina to lift his head as his tired body lay on the ground, and he humbly smiled at Ymir. “Thanks…” he muttered.

“Tch! And what’re we? Chopped liver!?” Captain Frigg blurted, somehow managing to stand, and her face as stern as it’s always been.

“Oh, take no offense, captain. I expected no less from you and your troops.” Ymir replied.

“Ehh, like you’ve ever seen a real skirmish anywhere other than yer damn books.” Frigg scoffed. She then turned to the little red colt, eyeing him expectantly. “Well? Ya just gonna lay there like a wee swab? Not gonna bask in yer glory, lad?”

“I will when I’m not totally spent.” Fire Fight replied. “Besides, it’s not just my victory. We really couldn’t have done it without your help, Captain Frigg; you and your troops. I’m sorry they took such a beating.”

“Ehh, cut the crap, lad. We’re just doin’ our jobs.” Frigg said. “Well, Heimr’s yours now. I’ll let His Majesty know.”

“Thanks, captain; but let Greensprout tend to your troops first. I think they deserve some healing.” Fire Fight said.

Much to his shock, the cantankerous captain actually creased a delighted smile. “Damn it, swab. Didn’t I just tell ya to cut the crap?”

True to her nature, Greensprout was hard at work diligently healing everyone, the more gravely injured taking priority. Once back his own hooves, Turf War carried all of the griffons who got flung to kingdom come over to where everyone else had congregated so that Greensprout could access them more quickly. She managed to finish up much faster as a result.

“HOOOO, LORD!!!” Turf War bellowed. “Ain’t this been a helluva day!? Man, I feel like I just looked death in the eye and was all like, ‘BAM! Bite somepony who cares, b****’!”

Quantum Tech just sighed in frustration. “I’m beginning to worry that it’s chronic…” she mumbled.

“Glugh! Ulaagh!!” Frostbite, for some reason, had his mouth wide open and looked as if he was trying to sandwich his jaws between his hands. “I cun cofe fy houf!” he said.

“What’s that? Your honeycomb flies south?” Crazylocks asked.

Frostbite shook his head.

“There’s a soap pie in your house?”

Frostbite shook his head more violently.

“You wore a cloak on your date with Miley Coyote-Mouse the Third!?”

“NAAH!!” Frostbite glared at Crazylocks like an auto-turret locked onto a target and ready to fire.

“Crazylocks… I think he’s trying to say that he can’t close his mouth.” Bullseye said.

“Really?” Crazylocks said. “<gasp!> Oh! Now it all makes perfect sense!”

By some miracle, the icy drake managed to wiggle his jaws out of their locked position and slammed his mouth closed… but he didn’t think to retract his tongue. “MMMPPHHH!!!!” Frostbite writhed on the ground for a minute, clutching his mouth until Greensprout rectified the problem.

“Goodness, Frostbite.” Greensprout said.

Frostbite massaged his aching jaws. “Ugh… I’m gonna have a hard time chewing for a while.”

“Well… there’s one more little thing to add to our resume.” Shadow Shroud commented as she wiped off her kunai.

“I can’t be the only one who’s starting to get sick of this.” Spiral Galaxy said.

“Yes… A warrior’s blade can dull as easily as his patience, but both can be sharpened with time.” Air Slash said.

“Then hopefully we can do a lot of sharpening if you catch my drift.” Tidal Wave said as he rubbed an achy shoulder.

“C’mon! What’s with all the down-in-the-dumps attitude all of a sudden? You guys just scored a private island!” Valkyrie said.

“We know, Miss Valkyrie, and we’re mighty thankful fer all yer help.” Kickback said. “We’re all just plum tuckered out.”

“It’s still the middle of the afternoon, so we have some to figure out where we’re gonna settle in. Let’s do that, and then I’ll make us some dinner. Sound good?” Fire Fight said.

“That would be for the best.” Zebota said. “But please allow to take the time to becalm the spirits of the island. Our clash with Nidhogg put a great strain on the order of this isolated place.”

“You do that, Zebota.” Fire Fight said.

“Well, our work here is done. Let’s head home, boys!” Frigg commanded. As her troops marched towards the Jotun, she looked back at the young warriors and creased a smile; a humble, satisfied smile. “You swabs aren’t too shabby.”

“Hell yeah, we ain’t shabby! How you think Nidhogg got smoked, we sang him a lullaby?” Turf War said.

Frigg just rolled her eyes. “Ya still got a lot to learn, so learn it.” She walked off, following her troops.

“I suppose I’ll be taking my leave as well. It was a pleasure.” Ymir said.

“The feeling is mutual Ymir. Safe travels.” Quantum said, seeing off the scholarly avian.

Valkyrie walked up to Fire Fight and held up a clenched fist, and he instantly fist bumped her. “Take it easy, dude.” She said. “And I’ve got your back in case another ‘fun time’ comes up. Just give me a shout, and maybe I’ll find the time to lend you a talon.”

“You’re always one of us, Valkyrie: a Battle Foal.” Fire Fight said.

“Totally!” Spiral said.

“Another blade whose bearer I’d gladly stand with.” Air Slash said.

“You’re a bird-brain, but an alright one.” Bullseye said.

“I know you ain’t gonna let up ‘less I’ma need to smack you, homegirl.” Turf War said.

“You’d have my full permission too.” Valkyrie said. The foals all bid Valkyrie a heartfelt farewell before she went to join her people on their return home.

Not long after, the mighty Jotun sailed away into the clear horizon, and the Battle Foals could finally settle into what would surely be a wonderful new home.

“Alright, I’m gonna get a fire going and cook up some stew.” Fire Fight said.

“Don’t you want to lay down for a moment first? We’re all pretty tired.” Shroud said.

“Nah. It’ll be easy for me.” Fire Fight said. “How are we on ingredients, Quantum Tech?”

Quantum searched the refrigerator in her mech suit. “We could stand to gather more, but we’re not desperate.”

“Okay. You guys relax if you want, but let’s make gathering food a priority if we can.” Fire Fight said. “We might have to get a farm going.”

“Leave that to me and Zebota, brother.” Greensprout said. Shrapnel let out an affirming bark.

“Cool.” Fire Fight said.

Frostbite was kind enough to help him dig out a little pit and gather some wood. Using a reasonable amount of ingredients provided to him, Fire Fight began to carefully concoct another hearty meal for his comrades. No one could tell them that they hadn’t earned it after felling a potentially catastrophic threat to the world. As he watched his stew simmer, the realization of how tired he was struck him like a ton of bricks; his entire body felt sore, his horn felt a little fizzy from how much magic he’d cast, and he felt like he’d lost hours, even days of sleep.

“You’re a trooper, you know that?” said a voice behind him. It was Shadow Shroud.

“What happened to relaxing?” Fire Fight asked.

“You did say we could do so if we wanted, right?” Shroud teased. “Besides, I can’t leave you alone for a second.”

“What do you mean?” Fire Fight asked as he started stirring his dish.

“I’ll be blunt; I’m worried that you might be pushing yourself too hard. It seems like the universe is really starting to test us as of late, huh?” Shroud said.

“Yeah, really. First the craziness at the portal, then Skadi, and now we just dealt with Nidhogg all in the same week… I think.” Fire Fight said. “But at least we finally got the sanctuary we’ve been wanting.”

“Indeed. I can’t say we could’ve asked for a better base of operations.” Shroud said.

“You make it sound like we’re bunch of criminals.” Fire Fight said.

“I think ‘outlaws’ would be more apt.” Shroud said.

“Yeah.” Fire Fight said. “Hey… does this mean that… you have to leave now?”

Shroud maintained her smile and sat right next to Fire Fight. “I could and probably should… but I won’t”

“R-Really?” Fire Fight asked.

“Of course. Somepony’s gotta make sure that you don’t go mad with power.” Shroud said.

Fire Fight nearly dropped his stirring spoon out of panic, and Shadow Shroud heartily giggled. “Don’t worry! I don’t think you actually will.” She then gently rested her head on his shoulder, causing him to blush brighter than his coat’s normal shade of red. “I just… feel the need to babysit you.”

“O-Oh… Umm… That’s uh… thoughtful.” Fire Fight stammered. Her soft mane cushioned against him like a baby blanket, and he couldn’t help but to give her a light nuzzle, which she giggled to. “Shroud… I’m glad I met you.”

Shroud looked up at him. “Me too…” She lifted her head and gently pecked his cheek, causing his horn to alight like a candle. She licked her hoof and put out the little flame. “Don’t burn dinner, or I’ll hold it against you, ok?”

Fire Fight had to take a deep breath before being able to reply. “Like I’d let that happen.” he said with a confident wink.

Shroud giggled before just simply walking away instead of just vanishing like she always did- she must have been exhausted like everyone. Thankfully, Fire Fight had managed to refocus he efforts on his stew.


“Guys! Dinner!” Fire Fight called out. Feeling rested, everyone was eager to put some much need food in their stomachs, so they all rushed to him where some hot plates of fruit and veggie stew were waiting. Frostbite garnished his with a crushed gemstone.

As per usual, everyone enjoyed the scrumptious food that Fire Fight had concocted. It was a celebration well-deserved under a setting sun.

“Nothin’ like a plate o’ home cookin’ after a hard day, huh y’all?” Kickack said.

“Seriosuly.” Frostbite said. He then noticed that Tidal Wave was trembling a little. “What’s up with you?”

“O-Oh, uhh… nothing.” Tidal Wave stammered before taking another bite.

“Umm, yeah, no. Definitely not ‘nothing’”. Frostbite said.

“I-I just… swam into the wrong neighborhood while I was out gathering some seaweed; that’s all.” Tidal Wave explained. “Just a couple hungry sharks with big, gnashing jaws looking for a little snack, nothing special!”

Spiral gently patted him on the back. “Easy, Tidal Wave. It’s all over. You brought back a lot anyway.”

The aquatic colt was able to take a deep breath and calm down. “Thanks…”

“Yes, today could have been far more catastrophic.” Air Slash commented.

“Catastrophic…” Quantum muttered. “<gasp!> You don’t suppose that Nidhogg was the catastrophe that Princess Luna foretold?”

“Wait, what?” Frostbite inquired. They had to explain to him their encounter with the lunar lady and her warning. “Oh… that sounds fun…”

“It better have been. I’m not sure I can take another week of nearly getting killed without just dropping dead on my own.” Bullseye said.

“Word. I’ma be honest- I kinda wanna sleep in tomorrow.” Turf War said.

“Yeah… A slow day might be a good idea. It’ll slow down our mission, but making this place more livable would help; this place is gonna be its own little town soon enough.” Fire Fight said.

“Any ecosystem relies on the well-bring of all of its members. Any new foals that enter ours would not fare well if we are too weak to sustain it.” Zebota said.

“I’ll take care to keep you all healthy as always.” Greensprout said. “Shall we plant our first crops come first light, Zebota?”
Zebota nodded. “That would be ideal.”

“But the catastrophe!” Quantum said. “If Nidhogg wasn’t it, than what is? Her Highness said that we were the only ones capable of neutralizing it! We’ll be faced with it in due time, but haven’t the slightest idea when.”

“That is indeed an unfortunate truth, but with no clues, all we can do is wait for it to rear its ugly head.” Air Slash said. “But my blades will be sharpened so that its head shall be severed.”

“Not until I land ten headshots first!” Bullseye said.

“I don’t know, guys.” Fire fight said. “Those random ice monsters might be a clue.” He explained to them the nightmare he had back at the inn in Griffonstone. “Something clearly thinks we’re a threat.”

“Don’t look at me. I didn’t make ‘em.” Frostbite said.

“Nopony said you did.” Shroud said.

“Air Slash is right though.” Kickback said. “Unless Princess Luna pays us another visit in our dreams tonight, we got nothin’ to go on. Sometimes, ya just gotta wait for the sandstorm to blow over.”

“It’s frustrating, but yeah.” Fire Fight said. “But we’ll be strong until then, won’t we, Battle Foals?”

“I-I sure hope so.” Spiral said.

“It better not wake us up tomorrow morning; I want a freaking nap for once!” Bullseye said.

“I’ll do one better and practice the ancient, long-lost art of narcolepsy!” Crazylocks blurted.

“For real. I just wanna chill, y’all.” Turf War said. “We got our new crib, so we oughta.

“Just one day without having to look over my shoulder every five seconds would be nice.” Tidal Wave said.

“Alright, alright.” Fire Fight said, earning him surprised glances from everyone. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound impatient. You guys are right; let’s take this chance to take things slow.”

“Good choice, firecracker.” Frostbite said.

Once the Battle Foals finished their dinner, they found a comfortable place to sleep- Frostbite exhaled some ice into the shape of a little nest for him to curl up in. Even as they all were eager to get a good night’s sleep, Fire Fight couldn’t help but to worry about everyone’s well-being.

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