• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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A Possible Lead?

Morning broke over the ocean of grass as the sunlight called the foals awake. The campfire had died down over the course of the night. They stretched out in the sunlight before grabbing some breakfast from their bags. Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud shared some of theirs with Turf War, which he was thankful for. As promised, Shadow Shroud then set off to Detrot to grab some supplies, her wallet and disguise in tow. Turf War had asked her to search around the dump for some straps so he could make a holder for his Stop sign so he could sling it over his back along with his shield, to which she agreed, but stated the obvious that she’d be a little bit longer. The two colts waited patiently for her return.

“Man… I kinda wished I’d left a note or somethin’ lettin’ my parents know I was gonna bounce…….Dat’s alright though. I kinda doubt they’d miss my a**.” Turf War said.

Fire Fight put his hoof on Turf War’s shoulder. “Even if they do, I think they’d feel that it was for the better…..I certainly know my mom would agree…eventually.” He said.

Fire Fight thought back to hearing his mother from under the train just before they departed. She was flustered indeed, but she would no longer have to say she was the mother of a ‘delinquent’, and Fire Fight could live peacefully as he fulfilled his mission. Surely she’d be proud in the end…right?

"I wonder how she is?"

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville...

“And you say she just disappeared?” Twilight asked. She was talking with a confused Rarity, who had just returned from Canterlot. They were walking through Ponyville towards her boutique.

“Quite so, darling. It was just the strangest thing! She practically leapt like a squirrel into the next coach, and I entered not even a second later after her, but…it was completely desolate! I looked around quite prudently, but she had just vanished. Poof! It was then that I noticed a crooked painting above one of the seats, and you know me; I just could not leave it like that, so I climbed onto the seat to fix it, and then everything went completely black. When I woke up, I just had the worst pain in the back of my neck, and I was covered as though I was napping there. It wasn’t until I actually arrived at the boutique that I even remembered that odd filly.” Rarity explained.

Twilight pondered over her friend’s story for a moment. It all sounded a bit farfetched, and knowing Rarity, she probably exaggerated some of the story without realizing it. “Are you sure it wasn’t some dream?” she asked.

Rarity firmly shook her head. “Without question, Twilight! I knew which seat I had initially taken, and I would have slept there. After all, my saddlebags were at that seat. It was only because a baggage boy had to find me to warn me of my unattended luggage that I was discovered where I was. And I don’t recall ever hitting my head on anything.” She said.

Spike, who had been riding on Twilight’s back, had a crazy little idea. “Maybe she was some kind of secret agent, or something, and she knocked you out so you wouldn’t find her out?” he suggested.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Spike, what are the odds of something so ridiculous? Slim to none, that’s what. And at her age?” she retorted.

“Hey! You just said it yourself that the possibility is there.” He said.

Twilight shook her head. She then noticed that Rarity had stopped to look at something. When she stopped to look where she was. It was clear what had caught her eye.

Sitting solemnly by herself under a tree was Fire Fight’s mother. The mares and dragon didn’t need to study her expression very closely to see her anguish. No mother wants to receive anything remotely similar to what she did that fateful night. Fire Fight had finally cracked under all the pressure piled onto him, and it cost his mother her sense of security. They looked at her with the same melancholy that had taken over her heart, as they were reflected back onto her.

“Oh, the poor dear…” Rarity mumbled.

“Yeah, really… I knew that feeling of not feeling like I belonged. Maybe if I’d caught up to him, I could have helped him through it.” Spike commented.

“I still can’t believe the nerve of all those parents. And Cheerilee, Cheerilee of all ponies, whose job it is to make sure foals feel safe and valued in this world! And I thought Applejack would’ve known better as well. If we had all just calmed down, and talked about this like adults, this would never have happened!” Twilight reprimanded.

“At least that Film Noir lady tried to help. She was really nice.” Spike commented.

“Indeed, darling. She was kind enough to let Sweetie Belle try acting with her for the rest of the time she could be here. It’s just a wonder we could never find a trace of where Fire Fight might have-” Rarity was suddenly cut off by a simple, small detail she happened to recall just then. “Hold on a moment!”

Twilight and Spike looked at her. “What!?” Twilight asked.

“That filly on the train. I remember something I found rather odd about her- she was carrying two continental breakfasts instead of just one!” she explained.

Twilight raised her eyebrow. “Umm…Didn’t you say that she said that she was on the train with her mom?” she asked.

“Yes, but I think that might have been a lie! The whole time I was following her, not once did we encounter her so-called ‘mother’. And the deserted coach she disappeared in was the one just before the caboose, which was used solely for storing luggage! So if she really was with her mother, than why didn’t I see her? And if she wasn’t, then who was that second breakfast for?” she asked aloud.

Twilight and Spike could immediately see where she was going. Twilight looked over at Fire Fight’s mother. “You don’t think…” she muttered

“I mean, the possibility’s there…” Spike added.

They silently agreed to their theory, and ran over to Fire Fight’s mother. “Where did she say she was going?” Twilight asked.

“Detrot, darling, but that too could have been a fib!” Rarity answered.

“Well it’s the only lead we have, so that’s where we’ll start!”

They finally reached her. “Ms. Fight!” Twilight called out.

She looked over gloomily at the Princess of Friendship as they finalized their approach. “Oh…hello, Twilight…..Rarity…..Spike………..Fire Fight….*sob*….”

“Yeah, we might know where he is!” Spike exclaimed.

Her mood did a complete 180 upon hearing that. “WHAT!? YOU DO!? WHERE!? IS HE OKAY!? IS HE HUNGRY!? IS HE HURT!? WHEN IS HE COMING BACK!?” she started firing questions away like cannon balls until Twilight becalmed her.

“Look, we don’t know for sure, but we think we might have a lead on where he’s gone. It could be a complete misunderstanding, and/or coincidence, so I’m very sorry to get your hopes up if that turns out to be the case.” Twilight explained.


Twilight had to calm her once again. “Okay, are you ready?” she asked. Ms. Fight nodded. “We think he might be in Detrot.”

His mother just stared blankly at her as if she just given her an impossible equation to solve. “D-Detrot? B-But… why there?” she asked.

Rarity explained her story with the mysterious filly, and how her clear lies might have been a front to hide Fire Fight. The strange nature of the filly confused her, but what confused her even more was that nopony ever saw Fire Fight board the train, and if the filly had been with him, she would have been noticed too, and so would her so-called ‘mother’. All of these questions seemed to share the same answer, and she was willing to bank on that.

“Ok, Detrot it is then! Let’s go find Fire Fight!” she declared.

They nodded, and suddenly heard a small voice. “Let us come too!”

They looked over to see the CMC running towards them with excited expressions. They came to a stop in front of Spike and the mares.

“Fire Fight’s our friend too, so we gotta go with you!” Scootaloo said.

Rarity firmly shook her head. “No no no no no no! Absolutely not! You three have school, and Detrot is not a place for you to be at all!” she said.

Sweetie Belle pouted. “But-”

“No ‘buts’, young lady! Now move along and-”

“Rarity.” Twilight stopped her, and looked at the CMC. “Crusaders, I think it’s best you stay here. Like I said, this could be a total coincidence, and Fire Fight was never even headed there in the first place. Why don’t you stay here, and welcome him back in case he returns on his own?” she said.

The crusaders looked dejected, but understood Twilight’s words. “Well, alright then…” Applebloom muttered. They trotted away, and the mares along with Spike went to make preparations for the trip ahead.

Back in the Grassland...

Shadow Shroud had at last returned from her errand that went without incident this time. She brought with her the straps that Turf War had requested along with a saddlebag for him, quick snacks, some ingredients, and a water bottle for Turf War- Fire Fight told her not to bother with him and her since they could refill at the river, and she agreed. With Shroud’s help, Turf War managed to make his holder for his arms as he desired.

“Awesome! Looks like we’re ready to set out again. Turf War, do you happen to know the train schedule for Detrot station?” Fire Fight said.

Turf War thought for a moment, but then shook his head. “Nah, son. I never kept up wit dat. I tell ya what, d’ho. There’s a carriage dat rides straight out the warehouses carrying supplies for a village way back behind those hills.” He explained, pointing out in the distance the hills just on the horizon. “Maybe he could try hitching a ride? I think they leave ‘bout the time we’d get there if we hurry. Betcha d’ere’s at least one lost foal chillin’ in the cut, and it’s right there too!”

Shadow Shroud shook her head. “I doubt the carriages will be in service on time since they’re likely…cleaning up after our little exchange with the good officer, and his friends. Plus, Curfew likely has his colleagues searching Detrot high and low for Turf War, whom they’ve by now no doubt noticed has disappeared by now, and perhaps us if his relationship with those thugs is as trusting as it appeared.” She explained, and then smiled. “But if this village of yours is indeed just over the horizon as you claim, then we need only hike there.” She said.

Fire Fight nodded. “We might stumble upon the carriage’s path anyway, and I doubt we’ll get lost since we know what direction to go in. I say we do that. How about you, Turf War?” he said.

Turf War shrugged. “Eh. I guess that’s cool too. I’m down.” He answered. And with that, they set out.

Fire Fight took the first few moments of the hike to reflect on recent events. Detrot was about as much of a hoofful as he expected, and then some. It was worse than what he dealt with in Manehatten. It’s a wonder Turf War hadn’t cracked sooner. Then again, his will was about sturdy as his body, and he demonstrated that thoroughly. In hindsight though, especially after the big cover-up had been discovered, Fire Fight was glad to have gotten him out of there when he did; he might have been at the center of an even bigger and more damaging lie! Not only that, but he progressed his mission……his mission.

Shadow Shroud was definitely a catalyst in setting out for his quest, and was more than happy to have her along despite her ominous presence. Had she not fought him that fateful night, and opened up to him, he may never have seen that he wasn’t alone, and lived out his years believing he was meant to be in total exile.

He then thought back to last night. Despite the drama that spawned from…circumstances, it was still an exhilarating match. Fire Fight began to laugh at the memory of that adrenaline rush he loved so much. His companions looked at him.

“Yo, I’m tryna laugh too. What’s good?” Turf War asked.

Fire Fight calmed himself. “Last night was pretty fun, huh? I mean…all things considered. I really like that combo we’ve got going, Turf War. Attacking from the air is always fun.” He said.

“And holds a plethora of possibilities.” Shadow Shroud commented.

Turf War lightly nodded. “Yeah, I mean… I already knew Curfew was kinda whack, but ya know what? I know the truth now, and d’ere power in knowledge, ya know what I’m sayin’?” he expressed. “But, yo! Word up, on dat; Man, dat m*********** comin’ up behind me was all like ‘peekaboo, b****!’, but man, bruh! Y’all got his a** just in time, and was all like ‘b****, please! Dat’s da homie!’ and got his back. But hey, I’m saying d’ho…you had my back too, a-Ha-haaa. And dat li’l dude Shadow Shroud was fightin’, man he ain’t even seent what was comin’ down on him. She slam down that crate him just *BAM*, and that was that! He went splat! Now he flat! And he said ‘drat’! Least he won’t get fat! Now he… gonna be a mat! And…..not…. a hat…..Damn! I was rollin’ wit it! Ah, lord.”

Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud just stared at him as he ranted. There was an awkward moment of silence before the two began laughing at their goofy new comrade. Turf War took it in good stride as he enjoyed seeing smiles appear on the faces of his new friends.

“That was awesome, dude! Hey, one thing though…” Fire Fight started.

“What’s good?” Turf War asked.

“Could you keep the cussing to a minimal? I know you’re used to it, but we might get at least one or two more rescues that’d really be bothered by it, so just be courteous like that, if you would.” He stated.

Turf War grimaced. “Ooooohh. Yeah, you got a point. Yeah, I don’t really like dat I curse so much either. It’s kinda f***** up…….Oh! I just did it again. Damn! My ba-………Gnnnrrrrrghhh!”

Shadow Shroud giggled. “Don’t worry, Turf War. I’ve found that even the simplest of skills take time to hone.” She said.

Turf War just rolled his eyes, and started laughing with the other two foals as they trotted into the simmering horizon.

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