• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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A train arrived in the midafternoon at Ponyville Station out of Baltimare. Amongst its many arrivals was Film Noir; she had come alone on short leave to see the Princess of Friendship. Being back in Ponyville brought back some tough memories for the rising actress. These memories masked the happy atmosphere of the town. She remembered the day that she and the rest of the crew had arrived here. Twilight herself personally greeted them at the……kindly gesture of a welcome party that was forced onto them by a very eccentric party pony. Action Shot was holding back frustration from how ‘overdone’ everything was, and left as early as the pink mare would let him with the excuse of wanting to get his stage makeup done early. They were a little behind schedule with filming so, they all had to leave early anyway. The next few days were pretty much nothing but tough filming. It was about a week after they’d arrived that they had their little encounter with Fire Fight.

Once Film Noir returned from escorting him out of the forest, she and Action Shot had a major argument. Script had to calm things down before giving Action Shot a very strict warning, which Action Shot didn’t take to well. It was anypony’s guess of when and how he contacted his thugs; he apparently never revealed that when questioned by police. The following morning, everypony grew concerned when Action Shot was suddenly nowhere to be found. They looked all around the part of the forest that they were shooting in, but there seemed to be no trace of him. Growing worried, they decided to enlist Twilight’s help to look for him. On the way to her castle however, they noticed that a lot of adult ponies were trotting towards the school. A commotion could be heard in that direction, and that caused Film Noir to remember Action Shot’s words to Fire Fight yesterday. She rushed over there in worry.

Her fears were pretty much sitting right in front of her when she finally arrived. Seeing her colleague in a singed heap along with six other stallions that she didn’t recognize at all, and the center of attention being a distressed Fire Fight certainly didn’t help. The rest of the day barely warrants repetition; it was awful. His mother was flustered beyond words, and Spoiled Rich couldn’t have cared less about the heartache that she’d wrought; she didn’t even attend the seminar that Twilight had held the following night. The straw that broke the camel’s back was certainly the letter left on Fire Fight’s bed. Ms. Fight broke down into a flood of tears, and a cacophony of sobbing, and Film Noir did her best to comfort her while holding back her own tears. It was the following morning when the news rang out that the dividing wedge between Ponyville’s foals and adults had been driven. Script commented that he could produce a pretty good drama based off of these events. Action Shot and his lackeys were arrested for endangering the foals, but that did little to ease the tension.

As Film Noir trotted through the streets, she could tell that a little bit of the tension was still there, but it had seemed to loosen up quite a bit. It was strange. Perhaps they’d come to terms with what they’d done? Perhaps……did they find Fire Fight? It was a little much to ask, but she would get her answer when she went to see the good princess. She also decided to pay a quick visit to Ms. Fight afterwards just to check on her.

She had at last arrived at the castle. Its grandeur seemed immune to any tension that might have surrounded Ponyville’s atmosphere. Without hesitation, she approached the guards at the front door. “Good day, sirs. I’ve come to see Princess Twilight.” She said.

“What for?” one of them asked.

“Wait……aren’t you that actress from before? The one who tried to help that colt who ran away?” the other inquired.

She nodded. “Yes. My name’s Film Noir. I wanted to talk to her about something that may or may not pertain to said colt. By the way, his name’s Fire Fight.” She explained.

“Oh yeah! Now I remember!” The guard held the door open. “Head on in. She should be in her throne room.”

“Thank you!” Film Noir said as she walked in. Now to find the throne room……..which was…….down…….one of these labyrinths of hallways. Just before she could call out to somepony, she heard a small voice from the upper floor.

“Hey, can I help you?” she looked up. It was Twilight’s assistant. What was his name again? Spi-…….Spiney…….Spyro……..whatever his name was, he was on an upper balcony to the right. His eyes widen as he recognized her. “Hey! You’re that ‘Film Noir’ lady! What brings you back here to Ponyville?” he asked.

“Oh, hello! Could you please take me to Princess Twilight? I have something to discuss with her that might involve Fire Fight…..I’m not sure though. I would’ve just written, but I kinda wanted to explain it to her in person.” Film Noir explained.

The little dragon perked up. “Sure! Let me get down to you, and I’ll take you to her.”

He led Film Noir to the throne room where much to her surprise, Princess Twilight was accompanied by none other than Ms. Fight! They noticed her come in, and were equally surprised. “Ms. Film Noir!” Ms. Fight said.

“Hey! What a surprise! I was planning on seeing you after I was done here. Am I interrupting anything? Did……you find Fire Fight per chance?” Film Noir said.

“No….not yet.” Twilight sighed. “But we’ve been following him wherever he seems to go.” Twilight explained the whole series that started with Rarity encountering a strange filly that they might’ve been hiding Fire Fight aboard a train to Detrot, how they’re looking out for runaway foals since he was apparently taking them with him for some reason, and Cheerilee’s resolve to look for him along with the rest of the class.

Film Noir was thoroughly impressed. “You don’t say! No wonder it felt so less tense around here.”

“Oh, I know. It’s been just wonderful for all of them to come together like this for me. I just hope that…….he’s ok…..” Ms. Fight muttered.

Twilight put her hoof on her shoulder. “I’m sure he is. From the looks of it, he’s fought off a lot of things that were bigger than him. He is a tough little colt.” She said. She turned to Film Noir. “So what did you want to see me about?”

“It’s actually about Fire Fight. It’s nothing more than a near baseless hunch, but I think he might have been in Baltimare recently.” Film Noir explained.

“HE WAS!? DID ANYPONY SEE HIM!? WHAT WAS HE DOING!? WAS HE OKAY!? WAS-” Ms. Fight could barely contain herself upon hearing that, and Twilight had to calm her down.

“Settle down, settle down.” Twilight said to Ms. Fight. “What made you think this?” she asked Film Noir. Film Noir explained the incident in which she happened upon a series of dead monsters that had never been seen before, and the strange nature of how they had been killed- namely the ones that’d been killed with traumatic force followed with burns. Twilight could see where she was going with this, but the mention of monsters alone alarmed her, especially if even seasoned scientists were unable to identify them. “Oh dear! That must’ve been awful!”

“I thought it was my producer trying to prank me at first, but he freaked out as much as I did. There I was acting for an urban drama that quickly turned into a horror flick.” Film Noir said.

“Maybe we shouldn’t take the class out there. If any of those odd monsters are still lurking about, I wouldn’t want to put them in any danger.” Ms. Fight stated.

“I agree, Ms. Fight. I’ll go out there with my friend, Fluttershy. Nopony in Equestria knows animals quite like her. She might be able to shed some light. If you get a lead on Fire Fight while I’m gone, go on without me, ok?” Twilight said.

Ms. Fight nodded. “Ok.”

Somepony knocked on the door just then. “Twilight?” Cheerilee’s voice was immediately recognized.

“Ms. Cheerilee? Come in.” Twilight said.

Cheerilee entered as soon as she was allowed. “Hi, Twilight. I just let school out, so if we have another lead, we’re all ready-” Cheerilee stopped speaking as soon as she noticed the unexpected guest. Her expression almost immediately deteriorated. “Oh!......Ms…….Ms. Film Noir……Um…..H-Hello! What…..are you doing here?” she stammered.

Film Noir smiled, and walked up to her. “Ms. Cheerilee, Princess Twilight just told me about the huge effort your making to make up for your actions. I’m very happy to hear that.” She said softly.

Cheerilee perked up a little upon hearing that. “Did she? Oh…….I still haven’t told you just how sorry I am….” She said.

“I’ve already forgiven you.” Film Noir said.

Cheerilee regained her mood upon hearing that. “Thank you…” she said. “What are doing here anyway?” Film Noir explained what she had already explained to Twilight. Cheerilee was equal parts confused and jarred at the whole ordeal. “Goodness me! Well we definitely won’t be taking our foals out there. Please be safe, Twilight!” Cheerilee said.

Twilight nodded. “I will. I should probably go get Fluttershy, and book us a train ride to Baltimare.”

“Don’t bother. I’m heading back there to shoot more of our movie. I’ll just buy the two of you extra tickets.” Film Noir said. Twilight graciously accepted the offer.

“What about me?” Spike asked.

“Oh! I’d almost forgotten about you, sweetie. I’ll buy you one too.” Film Noir said.

All but Spike cheerfully walked out the door. He sulked for a moment. “Nopony loves me…”

When they exited the castle, a good number of Cheerilee’s class were waiting for them. “Oh, sorry. I guess they must’ve been excited.” Cheerilee said.

The foals suddenly noticed Film Noir. “Hey, it’s that nice actress!” Button Mash said. They all went up to her. “What are you doing here?” Button asked.

Silver Spoon suddenly gasped. “Did you find Fire Fight!?”

Film Noir giggled. “No, sweetie. I’m sorry. I just……wanted to come and see how everypony was doing.” She said. She didn’t want to let on the notion of Baltimare so as not to invoke a desire to go there in them.

“Oh…” Silver sighed.

“Well everything’s been a whole lot better! We’ve been going around Equestria looking for Fire Fight! I mean….we still haven’t found him yet but…” Scootaloo said.

“I know! Your teacher told me all about it! You’ll have to let me know when you find him so I can come see him! But you know what, I’ll be traveling a lot for my acting, so maybe I’ll find him! I’ll bring him right back here if I do, ok?” Film Noir said.

The foals cheered at that prospect. Though they were a bit disappointed that they weren’t going anywhere right now, they were thrilled to have an ally in the hunt for their friend. “Ms. Film Noir? As long you’re still here, do you think we could practice acting together again? I had a lot of fun the last time!” Sweetie Belle said.

Film Noir giggled. “I’m sorry, Sweetie Belle, but I’ve got a train to catch here. I had fun too though! Just remember what I told you, and I know you’ll be a star someday!” she encouraged. Sweetie Belle happily hugged her hoof. Film Noir leaned down, and gently kissed her forehead just under her horn. The foals all dispersed to enjoy the rest of the day. Film Noir smiled as she watched them run along. “Aren’t foals just wonderful?”

Cheerilee nodded. “They truly are…”

Meanwhile…At Fluttershy’s cottage…

Fluttershy was making her usual rounds as she fed and cared for her animals. Chirping birds, squeaking chipmunks, leaves swaying in the light breeze, and any other sound of nature imaginable within the forest she lived in sang a chorus around the docile mare. All of her animals happily gathered around to receive her loving care. She laid out their food, and gave them an adequate amount of water as per usual. “Okay, everyone! Lunch is ready. Eat good now, okay?” she said.

Once she was done, she noticed that she had lots of leftover wheat-feed. “Oh dear. I hope I didn’t buy too much.” She said. She noticed that there was a bucket right beside the chicken coops that were close to the edge of the Everfree forest, and decided to store it in there.

Just as she put the wheat-feed in the bucket, she quickly noticed that a couple of her chickens were quarreling over something. “Ugh! What is now, you two?” she said as she flew over there, leaving the bucket where it was.

A few moments passed with her settling the feather-ruffling disagreement when a loud, low growl suddenly resounded from the forest. When she quickly turned around to see what it was, a huge timberwolf came walking out of the forest! All of the animals quickly took shelter at first sight of the beast, but Fluttershy was paralyzed with fear. Timberwolves never came around her cottage! They always stayed in the forest beyond. Not only that, but…….it was alone? Timberwolves hunt in packs, so…..where were the others? Fluttershy calmed herself down, and readied her fabled Stare should the situation take a turn for the worst, but the timberwolf seemed to pay her no mind as it approached the bucket of wheat. It inspected the bucket for moment, eyeing and sniffing it before deciding that it wanted it. Now it wanted to eat wheat? What was going on here? Just as it was about to reach down and pick up the bucket, it finally noticed Fluttershy.

The two locked eyes. Its ominous green eyes stared at her with…..an odd expression that was anything but predatory. It was almost as if the beast was…………she didn’t know. It was so odd. She normally could understand the feelings of animals perfectly, but this one timberwolf confused her. Before she could wonder anymore, it broke its gaze onto her, picked the bucket up into its jaws, and leapt back into the forest as though nothing had happened, leaving Fluttershy to ponder deeply over this odd encounter.

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