• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Settling In

Not even a few hours after they finally arrived were the foals already loving their new home. Quantum Tech nearly had a heart attack at the sheer amount of research material and scientific tools that were still intact and at her disposal. Fire Fight and Air Slash managed to rekindle the forge, and got to work right away with it. Fire Fight really had to strain his focus to muster enough heat to melt down the armor and weapons, but Quantum’s hornband made it significantly easier; he then used his magic to shape the melted metal into ingots for Air Slash to work with. Once that was done, Air Slash went to work fixing up their arsenal. However, he mentioned that Quantum Tech had asked him to show them to her when he was done for some reason.

Everypony else looked around the makeshift garden that Shadow Shroud had started in the courtyard. As she had expected, some of her crops had begun to wilt from neglect due to her absence. It was a miracle that only a good hoofful of them were just ripe enough to be harvested. The others said they’d help her manage it, which she was thankful for. But when she looked around in one particular patch, she noticed something. “Huh…That’s odd.”

“What?” Spiral Galaxy asked.

“Well, I could’ve sworn that I left a spare kunai here.” Shroud explained.

“I thought you said that you guys leave no trace of yourselves whenever you leave someplace?” Spiral inquired.

“Yes, but I had the intention of returning soon after, so……meh, it’s of negligible consequence. I have plenty more.” Shroud said.

“Don’t you mean that you have planty more? <giggle> Get it?” Spiral joked.

Shroud smiled and shook her head. “Tch…Let me guess, you heard that one from Turf War?”

Spiral giggled. “No, but how much wanna bet he’ll make jokes like that the whole time we’re here?”

Speaking of Turf War, he suddenly called out from the other side of the room to Shadow Shroud. “Yo, homegirl! Is d’here a can ‘round dis b****? I gotta do somethin’.”


A little while later, Quantum Tech approached Shadow Shroud. “Darling, have you perchance been to this Ponyville just beyond the forest?”

“I’ve snuck around a few times. Why do you ask?” Shroud replied.

“Is there a dump or any sort scrapyard present there? If so, could I ask you to salvage some materials should you be able to find them?” Quantum asked.

“There is. What do you need?” Shroud inquired.

“Oh, nothing too in particular. I was just hoping that you’d be able to acquire some more metal and glass. However, I will specify that I need metals that are magnetic, and conduct electricity, preferably iron and copper. And do look for a welding tool if you would; if you can’t find one, that’s fine. I’ll just have Fire Fight help me.” Quantum explained.

Shroud cocked her head. “What are you planning? Nothing sinister, I hope.” She joked.

“Not at all! I simply might have an idea or two as to improving the quality of our lives, and my ability to study. I’d like to examine Crazylocks more closely as soon as possible, but my glasses aren’t meant for more intense observations.” Quantum answered.

“I see…..I’ll have to wait until nightfall, but I’ll see what I can do.” Shroud said.

“Splendid! Oh, one more thing! Would you happen to know anything about this? I found it amongst some books in the wizards chamber.” Quantum handed her a folded piece of paper.

When she unfolded it, she saw that it was a map of the area around the castle pointing to various locations that appeared to label where to find various kinds of resources. There were trails leading to plants and herbs that were only labeled by small pictures of what they looked like rather than their names, an easy path to the nearby river, and a trail leading to what appeared to be a mine. What was in said mine couldn’t be determined as it simply labeled with a stone and pickaxe. “N-No. I…I’ve never found this before.” Shroud said. She was surprised to see it.

Quantum Tech put it away. “I didn’t you think you would, just checking. I’ll have to search for references as to what this is all pointing towards. The mine in particular interests me, but really, having this map will be most valuable if we decided to remain here.”

“Indeed, but keep in mind that we might not.” Shroud warned.

“I know that, but regardless. Thank you, Shadow Shroud!” Quantum said. Shroud nodded as they walked off.


Kickback and Turf War were cleaning up some guest chambers on the second floor so that they might be used as living quarters. The castle was fairly intact by ruins standards, but if it was any dustier, Kickback might have sworn that he’d somehow returned to Dodge City. “Whoa, Nelly! Ah’m almost positive that this place is bigger than mah hometown!” he commented.

“Fo’ real! Just big enough fo’ all us d’ho, right? Heh!” Turf War said.

Kickback chuckled. “And there’s more to come, Ah’m sure.”

“Which crib you crashin’ in? I already called dibs on da room just across the hall from dis one.” Turf War asked.

“Ah reckon this one’ll be might fine. They’re all pretty much the same anyhow.” Kickback replied.

“I bet Quantum Tech gonna be stayin’ in dat wizard room o’ whatever. What y’all think?” Turf War said.

“Well if that’s the case, Ah suggest we oughta go give it a good cleanin’ once we’re done here if she hasn’t done it already.” Kickback said.

“You can, homie. She like you, but she don’t like my a** too much.” Turf War said.

“Just give it time, partner. If Air Slash and Ms. Shadow could start gettin’ along, Ah’m sure you two could just as fine.” Kickback said.

“Yeah, you right.” Turf War said.

A few minutes passed as the two swept the room, keeping largely to themselves. The dust and visiting birds in the windowsill were their only company. Just as the two converged on the last little patched of dust, Kickback spoke up. “Turf War?”

“What up?”

“Do you…..sometimes think about……what mighta happened if……you’d said ‘no’ to Fire Fight?” Kickback asked.

Turf War was a caught a little off guard. “What y’all mean?”

Kickback slightly lowered his hat. “Ah don’t know……It’s just…….It didn’t exactly feel right just leaving like Ah did, but at the same time…….Ah honestly wasn’t sure which path Ah was really s’posed to take when y’all offered to let me tag along. Ah want to live an easier life, but…..what if Ah really did make things worse fer mah pa and the city? Ah’d feel mighty ashamed of mahself."

“Man, you ain’t ‘bout to bail on us, are ya?”

“Course not. Ah just wonder what Ah’m really accomplishin’ the way things are goin’ now.”

“Well, we stopped a mad scientist from makin’ Equestria’s most whack pets ever fo’ starters!”

“Ah s’pose we did, but…..was it really fer our own gain? Ah know that sounds rather selfish o’ me, but…..”

Turf War put his hoof on Kickback’s shoulder. “Homie, When I was still chillin’ in da hood, I did a lot o’ s*** dat did get me nuttin’, but I still did it ‘cause I wanted to help. I saw a problem, an’ I wanted to fix it. When Fire Fight came through, he showed me an even bigger problem dat I wanted to solve even more. You know what dat problem was? It was dat Equestria was a broken-a** place dat don’t nopony tryna fix, but he wanna fix it, and dis he we gotta do it. D’here ain’t no other way as far as I can see, so even stupid li’l s*** like dat….even d’ho it wasn’t li’l….just helps even if don’t nopony else notice. We gonna go through a lot o’ s***, but I’m pretty confident dat it’ll be worth it in da long wrong, ya feel me?”

Kickback let his friend’s words sink for a moment, and realized the truth behind it. Maybe they were a little misguided, but then again, so was the rest of Equestria as far as they saw, so maybe he did make the right choice in the end after all. Any hesitation he had was alleviated. “Much obliged, partner.”

Turf War let go of him. “Yeah dog. Sorry I cursed so much.”

“Pfft. Don’t bother me much. In fact, Ah’d ask ya to do it more often so Ms. Quantum Tech ain’t jumping all over me so much.”

“Tch. Damn, son! You just gonna throw yo’ boy un’er da bus like dat? Dat’s f***** up.”

“TURF WAR, DO I HEAR YOU SWEARING AGAIN!?” They heard Quantum Tech call out from afar.

Turf War gulped and shivered. “Uhh….N-No!.....Yo! Uh…Kickback wanna say somethin’ to ya! Yeah…He right here wit me too!” he called out.

“HUH!?” Kickback suddenly became frantic.

Quantum could be heard gasping excitedly. “Does he!? Well! Don’t me keep me waiting, my darling!” They could hear her footsteps approaching.

Kickback eyed Turf War with a frustrated glare. “Ah despise you!” he whispered.

Turf War just playfully shrugged. “You fired shots first, mah boy.”


Nightfall had arrived, and the foals had comfortably settled into their new abode. Spiral and Shroud had just finished up tending to the garden when everypony gathered around for dinner. Since there was more food for them to harvest all around them, Fire Fight could cook up another feast, and what a feast it was! He used the last of the cave mushrooms that they had left along with some of the eggs that Air Slash nabbed and some veggies to make rich scrambled eggs with some wheat on the side. To top it all off, Quantum Tech and Shadow Shroud found some herbs that could be brewed into a fine tea. They didn’t have any sweeteners, but it all proved to be a more than enjoyable meal. They dug into their first meal in their new home.

“So Quantum, did you find out anything about that map you found?” Fire Fight asked.

“Yes. I found a legend for it that labels what can be found in each marked locale. Most of them are plants that I’ve only read about, but never actually seen before; I simply must go and gather samples! They could prove to be useful. However, the mine that is marked is only listed as having ‘various deposits of ore and minerals’ as the legend describes. We’d have to go see for ourselves.” Quantum explained.

“Not a problem, I’m curious myself.” Air Slash said.

“Do ya think that it’d have any metals in it that y’all could use to make me more bullets?” Kickback asked.

Quantum Tech thought for a moment. “Well….what I’m particularly concerned about is not necessarily metal, but making the necessary ‘gunpowder’ that would facilitate the necessary explosion that expels the bullet from the gun. Its ingredients consist of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. We could obviously make charcoal very easily with all the wood surrounding this castle, but it’s the rest of the formula that has me slightly worried. If we dug deep enough, I’m sure we could find some, but I can’t guarantee that we will. You may have to resort to only using your whip for now.”

“Hmm….I see. Well, Ah reckon we might just find some in this mine o’ yours.” Kickback said.

“Hopefully, yes. I’d hate to have to resort to petty theft just to restock your supply.” Quantum said.

“Ah reckon bullets aren’t too widely sold none anyhow.” Kickback said.

Quantum nodded. “Indeed. That….and you just looked so heroic when you were firing them back in the crystal caverns! I’d love to see that flare in your eyes again!” she cooed. Kickback rolled his eyes.

“That aside, I’ll head over to the junkyard tonight like you asked once I’m done eating. I’ll find what I can.” Shroud said.

Quantum nodded. “Thank you, darling.”

Shadow Shroud flipped her mane. “Sure. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good night-run through a town anyway. Good exercise.” She finished dinner quickly so that she could make run her errand at the night’s apex. She thanked Fire Fight, and donned her mask before heading out.

They all bid each other goodnight after they finished eating, and went to bed. Fire Fight lay in his ancient bed as he looked up at the brilliance of Luna’s night. They twinkled fervently at him as if to encourage him and wish him good luck. His excitement was keeping him from falling asleep as he realized that his vision was coming true! It was a reality that could actually happen, and nothing made him happier. He knew that somepony was watching over him…..

Little did he know, they were all being watched by an ominous set of green eyes hidden deep in the brush beyond….

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