• Published 28th Oct 2016
  • 5,573 Views, 2,354 Comments

Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Author's Note:

For those of you that have been following Tales of the Battle Foals, last Friday, Oct. 27th marked the one-year-anniversary that the story was published on Fimfiction!
As celebration and to thank you all, I'll drop one more little teaser about the last foal:

???: "Tch! Look, I don't know how it happened, but it did, okay? Yeah, I might be a little different from the others, but like I care! It's not like they....made fun of me for not being able to do one simple thing or anything.... ARGH! Why am I even bothering with you guys!?"

Valkyrie graciously strutted up to her fallen opponent and offered her talon. “You okay, dude?”

Air Slash accepted her talon, and she helped him up. “Yes…<pant>… Thank you. Well played, Valkyrie.”

“Yeah, man. You too. Haven’t had exercise like that since I was little hatchling. I thought for a minute you might actually manage to get the KO.” Valkyrie said.

Air Slash chuckled. “I expected no less from you. You do your ancestry proud.”

Valkyrie brushed her feathers. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”

Air Slash suddenly felt a familiar energy being channeled into him, and when he looked over he saw Greensprout accompanied by the other foals approaching him as she cast her Gaia Root magic onto him, and he could feel his stamina return along with his jaw realigning. When she finished healing him, she nuzzled him under his chin. “Great job, Air Slash.”

Air Slash looked into her eyes and smiled sheepishly. “Thank you, Greensprout.”

The two shared a quick kiss before Greensprout turned to Valkyrie. “You too, sister.” She said as she channeled her Gaia Root onto her.

Valkyrie was surprised by the unfamiliar magic. “Whoa!....Huh?” She was quickly calmed when she felt her stamina also returning and the pain in her shoulder alleviating. “Whoa… Nifty!”

“I really wish the others could have been here to see that.” Fire Fight said.

“Fo’ real! I was ‘bout to just drop everything an’ drag all the rest of o’ them over here.” Turf War said.

“Ah’m gonna be kickin’ mahself to mah grave fer gettin’ her late.” Kickback said.

“Yes, yes. It was a clash for the ages.” Shadow Shroud said. “But I don’t want to waste any time. Valkyrie, do you know where this road leads to per chance?” She showed the griffonlet her map and pointed to the southern road.

Valkyrie examined it. “Umm…. I don’t actually know. Like I said, the lands beyond those mountains are dangerous, and the king actually declared them off limits to the public. You don’t go there unless you have damn good reason, and even then King Grover has to give you permission personally. If you guys still wanna check out, it’s your funeral, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Then why that road even there?” Turf War asked.

Valkyrie pondered an explanation for a moment. “Hmm…. It might have been a route to a gem mine. Decades, even centuries ago, we griffons had a lot of those along the sides of those mountains before we started running into problems with monsters trying to get in from the other side, and we had to seal them all off. I’d have to ask the king for specifics, but I guess you’ll see for yourselves.”

“I wouldn’t advise it.” They heard a voice approaching them, and they all turned to see an adult female griffon that looked to be in her late 40’s coming towards them wearing a grand red robe that was adorned with what the foals presumed to be Griffonstone’s cote of arms. “Even you do make it far into those badlands, you wouldn’t last much longer without encountering the jaws of death on numerous occasions, and realize that they can get quite creative with their appearance when they try.”

“Hi, Councilor Skadi!” Valkyrie said.

“Greetings, heir to the Valhalla. I see these are the ‘travelers’ you mentioned. I don’t seem to recall you mentioning that they were Equestrian foals.” Skadi said.

Kickback removed his hat before speaking to her. “We mean y’all no harm whatsoever, ma’am.”

“You’re a….councilor?” Fire Fight inquired.

“Yeah! Skadi here is one of the Council of Norn, the king’s royal advisors.” Valkyrie explained.

“I myself mostly deal with the sciences and studies of magic, and I advise His Majesty according to any discoveries I may make. Although, I do sometimes consult the rest of my colleagues fo second opinions beforehand.” Skadi commented.

“She’s got whole encyclopedia’s worth of all kinds of sciences locked in that noggin of hers. I’d wager she’s even brainier than your Quantum Tech friend.” Valkyrie boasted.

“Oh! Challenge accepted.” Fire Fight said.

“I believe that was more so directed towards me than you, young colt.” Skadi said. “Nevertheless, I had the pleasure of witnessing your bout with this swordspony from the castle along with the king.” She said to Valkyrie. “I never would have imagined that one of their kind could contend with the Valhalla, all due respect. You always came across as such a passive bunch.”

“We are merely a rare breed amongst out kin, noble Councilor.” Air Slash said.

“Hmm…. Well, I suppose that Gabby isn’t like the rest of us.” Skadi said. “If I may be so bold, what pray tell brought you ponies to our humble perch? You’re quite far from home.”

Fire Fight was hesitant to say anything given that she was an authority in Griffonstone, but Valkyrie reminded him that he had nothing to worry about. “Don’t sweat it, dude. She won’t care.”

“If you say so.” Fire Fight gave a summarization of his cause to Skadi seeing as any fluff might bore her.

Even without more specific details, Skadi found herself interested by his explanation. “I see…. And here I thought Equestria had mastered the art of a perfect society.”

“If that were the case, we wouldn’t have needs of things such as the Elements of Harmony.” Shroud said.

Skadi chuckled. “I suppose that’s true. Nevertheless, you’re secret is indeed safe with me and Valkyrie. You have our word.”

The foals nodded gratefully. “Now if I may be so bold, I notice that you all hold our mutual friend in considerably high regard. Has she really accomplished so much at her age?” Shroud asked.

“Watch it, Puff n’ smoke.” Valkyrie growled.

“Now, now.” Skadi said calmly before addressing Shadow Shroud. “You’d be surprised, little filly. Valkyrie may not have had many opportunities to prove her mettle, but every one she’s taken thus far, she’s made the most of. Siegfried’s blood surely flows through her like raging rapids. Not only that, but she never accepts rewards from the king. She solemnly vowed that everything she did, she did for Griffonstone, and she’d kept her word thus far. The only reason we’ve been able to rebuild our prosperity without incident is because her unbridled valiance.”

“Is that right?” Kickback asked.

“You bet, Run n’ Gun!” Valkyrie said. “Each time I cleared out some harpies or protected merchant ship or whatnot, it was one less hassle for us griffons to worry about. Everyone else can just focus on business and economy and all that nonsense.”

“How kind of you!” Greensprout squeaked.

“I’d say we might have misjudged you.” Shroud said.

“Yeah! I’d woulda thought y’all pride don’t never fly the coop! Heh! What!?” Turf War said. Skadi eyed him as though he just spoken some weirdly creative racial slur….which he might actually have. “Ehh…. Get it? ‘Cause like….” Shadow Shroud couldn’t help but to facehoof.

“Sorry, Councilor. He’s the dumb one of their group.” Valkyrie retorted.

“YO!” Turf War exclaimed, inciting a snicker from Valkyrie.

“Regardless, I think I speak for everypony when I say that I valued the time we shared with you, Valkyrie, however little it was.” Air Slash.

“Yeah, really. Thanks for all your help.” Fire Fight said.

“No prob! You guys aren’t that bad yourselves.” Valkyrie said. “Take it easy, alright? I won’t always be there to save your flanks.”

“It was a pleasure, Ms. Valkyrie!”

“Stay healthy, sister!”

“And come through sometime if we settle down over them mountains, a’ight?”

“You know it!” Valkyrie said. The foals bid their goodbyes and made way to look for the others before embarking on potentially the final phase of their quest. “Well then! Time to check in with His Highness, huh?”

“Actually, my child…” Skadi looked around for a brief moment before leaning in to whisper to Valkyrie. “What I’m about to tell you is sensitive information, so I strongly urge you to keep this between us, alright?”

“Why? Is it that important?” Valkyrie inquired.

“It is. Now then…” Skadi cleared her throat. “This could be nothing, but when I was in my observatory last night, I just so happened to look over the mountain range and spot….well, I don’t quite know what it was, but it was an odd, red glow that seemed highly unnatural. I’d never observed such a phenomena over there before.”

Valkyrie wasn’t sure whether to be concerned, or confused. “O….kaaaayyyy?.... And you want me to go investigate it, I take it? Shouldn’t we tell the king first?”

Skadi shook her head. “I don’t wish to risk putting him or the people into a panic until we know exactly what we’re dealing with. Perhaps those foals would be willing to help you seeing as you have basically the same destination?”

Valkyrie hesitated. “I mean….. You got a point, but….we really should at least let His Highness know.”

Skadi expression was serious. “Valkyrie, please! If we act too late, it could spell doom for our people! What kind of heir to the Valhalla would you be if you let that happen?”

Valkyrie sighed in conceit. “I guess you’re right, but I’m gonna need to get ready first. It’s gonna be a hike.” Skadi nodded. “Yes, of course. Come with me, and I’ll have some provisions ready for you.” Without further hesitation, Skadi and Valkyrie made their way to the castle…...with the former eyeing the Battle Foals out in the distance as they made their way through the city.


“FOR F*** SAKES, CRAZYLOCKS! GET YOUR A** BACK HERE!!!” Bullseye found herself soaring around the city in hot pursuit of a certain mentally unstable filly. It was a miracle of Fate that she had the restraint to not fire a single arrow.

Crazylocks herself was jumping and bouncing every which way but where, just being herself. “WAha! HAAAAhahahahahaha! I’m a pretty pea sprod, port and lout~!” One minute, she was smashing through hay bales and barrels and the like, and the next, she was fluttering through the air like a crazed hummingbird singing nonsensical lyrics.

Needless to say, the denizens weren’t exactly pleased with their unruly guest, and one of them tried to confront Bullseye. “Hey! Could ya maybe do somethin’ about your pet!?”

Bullseye faced him with her full ire. “FLOCK OFF, FEATHER-FACE!!!” she exclaimed. The griffon backed off and curled up a little when he saw the hellfire burning in her eye. She then turned her attention back to her friend and continued to chase her. “CRAZYLOCKS!!!”

“I’M A FLYING GREENBEAN NOW, BULLSEYE!!” The manic filly did a series of figure-eight’s in the air at such a rapid speed that her tailwind was visible, and she was suddenly skywriting.

Bullseye’s archer focus let her keep track of the ballistic bundle, and she aimed herself, ready to tackle her. However, her focus was interrupted when something fly right past her from behind. “Huh?” When she looked, it was a strange, metallic sphere that was inexplicably floating in the air towards Crazylocks.

When it reached her, Crazylocks suddenly stopped where she was and immediately took interest in the foreign object. “Oooh! Are you the fortune cookie I was promised in my previous life?” The orb suddenly flew away from her, likely sensing danger from Crazylocks, and she gave chase. “Wait! I haven’t confessed my sins!”

“Crazylocks, that’s not a- Rrrrrggghhh!!” Bullseye gave chase once again.

The orb flew low enough to the ground that Crazylocks withdrew her wings and chased it on hoof. As she did, it flew through open windows, and Crazylocks just crashed through the walls below them without a care in the world. “C’est la vie!” she shouted each time she smashed through one.

“OH, F*** THIS!!” Bullseye had just about enough, and she finally drew her bow. She nocked an arrow onto the string and took aim at the orb, careful not to ready a shot that would fire in such a way that it might hit Crazylocks. When she found a desirable shot, she let her arrow fly. Her aim was as true as ever, and it hit its mark. The arrow pierced the orb and knocked it to the ground, and it sparked violently before it fizzled out.

“Aww! You made it cry, Bullseye.” Crazylocks was about to reach out and touch it when Bullseye fired another arrow between her and the orb, causing her to reflex back.

Bullseye landed next to her and the orb, and she took a moment to calm herself down. “Deep breaths, Bullseye. Deep breaths….” As much as she wanted to strangle Crazylocks, her unexpected bond with her prevented that from happening. Once she was satisfied, she looked up at the manic mutant. “Don’t go doing that again, got it?” she growled.

Crazylocks inhaled as though she were about to shout at the top of her lungs before replying. “Ok.”

Bullseye breathed a sigh of relief. “Cool.” She then looked at the strange object she’d just shot down. “The hell is this thing? Did Quantum make it?” It was just big enough that she could carry it by the arrow that was still lodged into it. “I’m gonna have to ask her.”

“Let me carry it! Pweeeeaaase?” Crazylocks pled with puppy dog eyes that Bullseye did not want to trust, but she feared the consequences if she didn’t let her.

“<sigh> Whatever lets you sleep at night. Just don’t go running around with it, or you’re not getting it back.” Bullseye warned. Crazylocks agreed, and she held the orb in her mouth so that it was practically wide open, inciting a facehoof from Bullseye, who retrieved her arrows before they went to go look for the others.

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