• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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The next day began the same as the last. A hearty breakfast, a refreshing jog to school, and meeting with friends. Except there was no sign of the mysterious figure that had followed him before. This was a relief for Fire Fight, but at the same time, he still wanted to know who it was. Class eventually got started, and he could put all that behind him for now.

Lunch and recess finally came, and Fire Fight went to his usual gathering under the tree. His lunch from yesterday apparently had an effect on his friends, because they had the same kind of lunch packed as he did. They explained that seeing him in such a healthy state really motivated them to start making healthier choices like him, bringing a smile to his face. Once he finished his lunch, he got up to exercise. Before he could leave Apple Bloom got his attention. “Hey, Fire Fight!” he turned back towards them. “We were wonderin’ if y’all would like to join the CMC. Would ya?”

Fire Fight was surprised at the offer. “But, I thought it was just you three since you’re the ones with the marks?”

Button Mash shook his head. “No, not just them. They let me join after they learned to accept my unique gamer ways.” He stated.

“And because you’re the love of my life!” Sweetie Belle added with a peck to his cheek.

Button blushed, and nuzzled her neck. “You too, Sweetie!” The other CMC giggled at their displayed as Fire Fight thought for a moment.

It’d be a great way to help others without punching something all willy-nilly. Plus, he already cherished his friends here. “I think I will!” he proclaimed.

They cheered at his response. “Awesome! Meet us at our clubhouse after school so we can officially swear you in, ok?” Scootaloo said. Fire Fight nodded, and went to do his routine.

He did his pushups and laps, but not as much as yesterday. Feeling less ashamed of his knack for fighting, Fire Fight decided to shadowbox. He found a quiet open space by the side of the school to train. He started with some basic punches and kicks, then got more complex with his techniques, and then combo strikes. He didn’t throw any fireballs or discs, but he executed the necessary techniques that normally would; he didn’t want to frighten his classmates! As he continued, the other foals began to crowd in one area to watch him. They were stunned at his skill, and technique. They started talking amongst themselves about how cool Fire Fight looked out there. Other colts tried to copy him, but couldn’t without the skill, and discipline Fire Fight had, while the fillies looked on in awe, namely Silver Spoon, who was trying to hide her tomato face. The CMC were equally impressed with him, and couldn’t wait to have him as one of theirs. All the while, Fire Fight was completely oblivious, too engrossed in his training to notice his little ‘fan club’.

It wasn’t until Cheerilee came out that things calmed down a little. "Fire Fight, what are you doing?” she asked.

He looked up, startled out of his training. Catching his breath, he replied. “Oh, *pant* just exercising.” She didn’t seem impressed with that answer.

“Looked to me like you were fighting something.” she said

He shook his head. “Just the air.” he replied.

“Well I certainly hope you’re not planning on starting any fights here. Fights are NOT tolerated, and the offenders are duly punished. Am I clear?” she stated.

Fire Fight sighed a little. Suddenly he was worried again. If she found out about yesterday’s events, she’d have him roasted for sure. “Don’t worry. I don’t plan on doing that. It’s really just exercise.” he said.

Cheerilee decided to accept that. “Good. Now let’s all get back inside. The bell’s about to ring anyway.” They all complied. Just as Fire was finished catching the last of his breath and was about to walk up to the door, he heard a familiar, gruff voice call out.

“Hey, brat!” All eyes turned to the trail where an angry white stallion stood.

“Action Shot!? Wha… What are you doing here?” Fire Fight panicked on the inside a little. Surely now Cheerilee would know what went down between them, but somehow, the look on Action Shot’s face told him that that was the least of his worries.

“Whaddya think? I said I’d remember yesterday, so here we are!” The other foals cowered behind bushes, each other, and in the schoolhouse as the angry stallion shouted viciously.

Cheerilee was a little afraid, but didn’t show it in front of her students. “Sir, what do you want with Fire Fight? And what do you mean ‘we’?”

Action Shot maliciously smiled at that last question. “So glad you asked.” He snarled. “Come on out, boys!” From behind him came a group of six other Earth Pony stallions who looked anything but friendly. Some had scars across their faces, one had an eye patch, and all of them had thuggish expressions and some kind of weapon that ranged from bats, pipes, sticks, etc.

“Wh-who are they?” Fire Fight asked.

“Just some buddies o’ mine, that’s all.” Shot growled.

“Yeah! Boss tolds us youse gave him a nasty walloping.”

“So he asked us to pay ya back in kind. Sorry for the inconvenience!”

Fire Fight was doing his damnedest to suppress his fighting instincts, but this was just the type of situation that would evoke them, and he brought it upon himself.

“Y-Y-You all get away from here, and leave my students alone this instant!” Cheerilee shouted. Her panic grew as the situation only got worse, and the other foals could tell.

“Heh heh heh! Make us, ya hag!” Action Shot laughed.

Fire Fight could no longer hold it in. Not only was he in danger, but so was Cheerilee and his classmates. He mustered his courage, and stepped up to the plate. “Guys, stand back! This is my problem! I don’t want you getting hurt!” he commanded. The foals were stunned to see him so brave, while Cheerilee was too panicked to stop him. “Bring. IT. ON!” He violently ignited his horn, and braced himself for a big fight.

“HAHAHAHAHA! That’s what I was hopin’ for! Alright boys, teach this brat the hardest lesson he’ll ever learn!”

“You got it, boss!”

Fire Fight opened with a flame-charged horizontal spin kick that sent a disc of fire hurling towards the thugs. It hit the middle two in their chests, and exploded on contact. They screamed in agony as they were scorched, and blown back by the searing blaze. The other four were startled by this for a moment. A moment was all Fire Fight needed to charge the one on the far left; he slid under his legs, and forced himself up into a jump kick to the thug’s abdomen. He jumped out from under him to the right, and socked him square in his temple as he staggered from the previous blow, knocking him out cold. Fire Fight leapt over his limp body towards the other three, who were now on high alert seeing that they had clearly underestimated this so-called ‘brat’. “The hell!? This kid’s crazy!” was all the other left guy could shout before Fire Fight shot a short burst of fire at him, which he successfully dodged.

“What are you standing around for!? Beat this twerp to a pulp, now!” Action Shot bellowed.

“R-R-Right, boss!” They regained their cool as they charged Fire Fight.

One of them swung his bat at Fire Fight, which he blocked away with his bare hoof. He then followed with a jump front kick to the chin that followed into a backflip. As the thugs head came down from that blow, Fire Fight then jumped once more into a front flip followed by an axe kick straight to his noggin charged with some fire magic. The small explosion rocketed him a good ten feet into the air straight above his singed target. He fell into a downward into a punch to the burn he left, but just before he could hit his mark, one the other thugs knocked him away with the broken pipe he wielded, sending the colt flying back towards the schoolhouse. His friends gasped in horror as they saw him take that nasty blow. Fire Fight managed to land on his feet. He could feel the blow he took to his side, but that didn’t stop him one bit.

“IS THAT ALL YOU’VE GOT!?” he shouted at them.

Mister burnt mane had had enough of this, and retreated behind Action Shot. “Sorry, boss. I’m NOT messing with this kid anymore. He’s insane!”

Action Shot was fed up with this display. “Rrrrrrgggghhhh!! IF YOU IDIOTS WON’T POUND HIM, THEN I WILL!” he bellowed. He shoved his remaining two thugs to the ground as he charged the fiery colt.

Fire Fight smiled fiercely as his brash opponent made his last mistake for the day. He charged as well, but used his magic to launch himself into the air with another explosion. Action Shot waited for the opportunity to grab him out of the air, and strangle the life out of him, but it would never come. Fire Fight kicked another fire disc towards his feet, forcing the large stallion to cover his face from the blaze. When he opened his eyes, he found himself looking into Fire Fight’s, which were the eyes of a predator that had caught its prey, and then noticed him in a fighting stance. It was in that instant that he knew he was screwed, and had only that instant to panic before Fire Fight began his final assault. He lashed out at his face with a flurry of well-timed punches, each one pushing him back away from the school. His final punch was an uppercut, opening his abdomen that Fire Fight assaulted with a short burst of aerial roundhouse kicks, then turned around to buck him into the air, then finished it with a leaping side kick engulfed in flames. The explosion sent Action Shot tumbling towards the trail, and Fire Fight back flipping back in front of the school square on his hooves.

As the white stallion lay there limp, burnt, and exhausted from the brutal beat down, Fire Fight scratched his nose, and smiled victoriously. “Tch! Never learned not to play with fire, huh?” he taunted.

All the foals came out cheering for him, while Cheerilee was left stunned and utterly speechless at what her newest student had just done. Silver Spoon had barely managed to avoid fainting. “Fire Fight, that was amazing!” Sweetie Belle squealed.

“T-Thanks! Are you all okay?” he asked.

“We sure as apple seeds are!”

“Yeah, man! The CMC will be lucky to have a hero like you!” His heart skipped a beat. ‘Hero’… he had been called that again in the span of a day! Maybe he was wrong; maybe things would be better here. It was clear from the start that this place had much friendlier ponies than Manehatten did, so maybe things would turn around for him. The thought made Fire Fight scream joyfully on the inside.

“Where’d you even learn to fight like that, man?” Button Mash asked. “I gotta know so I can protect Sweetie Belle.”

She blushed at that. “Oh, Button…” she cooed.

“Well… I’m actually kinda self-taught.” Fire Fight explained. It was then they all noticed a lot of older ponies approaching. It was their parents, causing Cheerilee to snap out of her shocked state.

All the parents were running to their foals, asking them what had happened. Each one was told about how Fire Fight had saved them from the ‘mean stallions’. Understandably so, the adults were both astonished, and a little terrified at the ‘carnage’ he had wrought. Cheerilee finally found the composure to speak again. “Fire Fight, just what in Equestria was that even all about!? Why were these stallions coming for you? What could you possibly have done to them to warrant them to come here to beat you up, effectively endangering your classmates!?” she exclaimed.

His stomach dropped. He’d have to explain how a brash decision caused this mess. Before he could begin to utter a word, he heard his mother call for him.

“Fire Fight!” she came running with a terrified look on her face.

“Mom!” he answered.

She reached her son’s side, and looked at the scene in complete horror. Her breathes were so quick and heavy, you’d think she was having an asthma attack. She leaned towards him. “Honey! Please don’t me what I think happened happened!” All he could do was give her an ashamed expression as an answer. “Honey… please… not here! Not now! We just moved here, Fire Fight!” she desperately pleaded.

Suddenly, he felt himself plummet back down to the level of ‘brat’ again. All the other foals were confused as to why she seemed so upset.

“So this is what would happen. It’s worse than I’d imagined. Just goes to show that you really need to see a problem to understand just how bad it is.” Cheerilee hissed. The other foals were shocked by those words as Fire Fight hung his head in utter shame, and began to tear up along with his mother.

“He’s not a bad colt…” his mother sobbed. It was then that Fire Fight heard a familiar, sweet sound.

"I can explain."

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