• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Crystal Clear

Air Slash regrouped with the other foals He’d used up all of the energy in his swords in that finishing blow. Everypony was exhausted and injured from taking such harsh punishment. They were nevertheless proud that they’re newest comrade came through for them. “Great job, Quantum Tech! You really saved our bacon back there.” Fire Fight said. He was beginning to lose his hesitation about her greatly.

“Indeed. We owe you our lives.” Shadow Shroud said. Her tone was very sincere.

“You’re way awesome, and everypony’s favorite!” Crazylocks blurted.

Quantum Tech blushed as everypony praised her. “Oh….Twas nothing, dears. I’m certainly amazed that you even managed to combat this behemoth at all.” She said.

Kickback walked up to her. “Well, Ah’d say it was you who came through in the end. We’d have been feed fer the vultures if y’all didn’t figure out its weakness.” He said.

Quantum Tech pranced up to him, and gently pressed her muzzle into the side of his neck. “I’m so flattered to hear that from you, you handsome doll!” she cooed.

Kickback backed away from her, trying to conceal his frustration. “Uh….Y-Yer….surely welcome….” He mumbled. The only response her got from her was her making flirty eyes and fluttering her lashes. He lowered his hat once more to conceal his expression. “Curse mah manners….” He grumbled to himself.

Spiral Galaxy giggled. “What’s the matter, Kickback? I thought you were used to taking some heat?” she teased. Kickback peeked from under hit hat. He eyed her while trying to hold back a glare.

Shadow Shroud got in between Kickback and Quantum. “Okay, okay. That’s enough- Nrgh!” She staggered to her knees in pain.

“Shadow Shroud!” Fire Fight ran up to her, but he suddenly felt some sharp pain all around his body. “Ugh!”

“Oof! Damn, we….really got f***** up- I mean messed up, huh?” Turf War asked as he winced in pain.

Air Slash lowered himself to the ground and lay down. “Indeed….<pant>…This golem was quite a formidable adversary. I can barely lift my head.”

“It never even told me its favorite color of jawbreaker….” Crazylocks muttered.

Quantum Tech inspected each of her new comrades. They had some considerable cuts, scrapes and bruises. It came as no shock seeing how greatly they struggled against the golem. “Oh dear. You’re all hurt! Do we have a first aid kit?”

“There should be a couple in my bag there.” Shroud said.

Quantum immediately went over to said bag, and retrieved one of the kits. One by one, she patched up her friends. She applied disinfectant to their cuts and scrapes and wrapped some bandages around them if need be, and some special powder designed to heal bruises and bumps; apparently, it eased swelling. “Look at this! Is this what you all have been doing to yourselves this whole time!? Such recklessness! You really ought to be more considerate of your well-being before rushing into a fight all willy-nilly. I care not if your flanks basically grant you permission to do so. Even somepony as simple as a construction worker takes necessary precautions whilst on the job.” She nagged.

“Yeah, yeah. Tell dat to da m*********** who cornered us just now.” Turf War said.

“Swear once more, and I’ll rip those bandages right off of your wounds without the slightest hint of sympathy!” Quantum Tech warned him.

Turf War gulped. “My bad…”

“Speaking of which, what was that thing? Shadow Shroud, was that maybe some kind of sentinel that the Shadewalkers made to protect this place?” Fire Fight asked.

“Not that I know of. I feel like my mother would have mentioned such a thing. She’s always been a stickler for details.” Shroud replied.

“I was detecting a strange form of vital signs from the creature. It’s obviously not a form of organic life, but it somehow managed to gain life-like attributes. It’s magic absorbing property is rather fascinating. I suspect that that’s what might have given rise to its sentience.” Quantum Tech explained.

“You mean…..it just absorbed magic from somewhere, and it just….came to life?” Spiral inquired.

Quantum nodded. “Its habitat is located directly beneath the magical capital of Equestria, so it stands to reason the any excess magic that we put off might have leaked down here where it was somehow concentrated into essentially a brain for a random cluster of crystals that became this monster. Though I’d imagine that would have taken a great amount of time, perhaps decades or even centuries. It’s most likely that it began forming long before the Shadewalkers were formed. It’s possible that it was born just now as a matter of fact.”

“And….we just killed it? Now Ah…..Ah feel rather ashamed.” Kickback muttered.

“You’d rather be dead?” Turf War asked. Kickback shook his head.

“These fragments of its body came in handy nevertheless. I say we harvest them, and use them as a resource.” Shroud said.

“Yeah! They’d make a fantastic energy source for our utopia!” Fire Fight said.

“Not to mention that they can empower my swords to dramatic levels. Their potency as weapons has been thoroughly demonstrated.” Air Slash commented.

“I could definitely power them for you guys in no time!” Spiral said.

“That is indeed true, however the vast majority of the crystals that we broke off are far too small to hold a sufficient charge of magical energy. The few that are just big enough to equal the height of our hooves should fine. The remaining four pieces of the creatures are obviously too big to haul.” Quantum Tech explained.

“So let’s just break off some more! We could use all we can get.” Fire Fight said.

“Yes, but let us be quick. I’m detecting that the golem’s vitals haven’t completely diminished, and given the nature of its….biology, I would not be surprised if it…<gulp>…regenerated.” Quantum explained.

The foals looked at her with nervousness. “You mean….I-I-It could come back to life!?” Spiral stammered.

Quantum nodded. “Yes. While it might very well take days, even years to fully reconstitute, we have no way of knowing for certain, and that is not a risk we can afford to take. There’s also the possibility that there are more down here….”

“Say no more. Let’s break off a few mo’ o’ d’ese, and bounce!” Turf War said.

“Agreed. Quantum Tech, can you see out of the wall we’ve gotta dig out? Is there anypony out there?” Fire Fight asked.

Quantum used her X-ray scanners to see that there were no such vital signs within range beyond the thinned out rocky wall. “Not a thing, Fire Fight.”

“Good. Spiral, it should okay for you to blast it away, but try to be gentle about it. We’ll get moving as soon as you’re done.” Fire Fight said.

Spiral nodded. “Okay.” She carefully gathered a relatively small amount of magic, and began chipping away at the wall with a concentrated nova beam. The hornband that Quantum Tech gave her made things way easier, especially considering that she was hurt.

Meanwhile, Turf War, Crazylocks and Fire Fight went to work chipping off more pieces of the golem’s body. Any pieces that were a little too big were cut accordingly by Air Slash and Shadow Shroud at Quantum Tech’s direction. Kickback brushed away shards that were smaller and thus unusable; when his back was turned, Quantum blew him a quick kiss.

It didn’t take Spiral too much longer to blast away a small enough hole for them to crawl through. “Okay, guys. This ought to do it.” She said. She rubbed her forehead a little; her headache was still present. She was tough filly.

They had managed to gather a total of 20 sufficient crystals, and Quantum Tech put them all in her bags. Air Slash gave her the other two that he already possessed as well. “Not to worry, I’ll keep our treasures safe until I can get them to a proper lab so that I may examine them more closely.” Quantum said.

Fire Fight nodded. “Fine by me. Alright, let’s finally head home!”

“TO INFINTY AND BEYOND!!” Crazylocks exclaimed as she dashed towards the hole. Spiral had to catch her with her magic so that she wouldn’t cause a potential scene outside. “<sob><sob>…Why do you hate me, Infinity!?” she sobbed as she reached out towards the tunnel.

Quantum Tech held her hoof to her face. “Ugh….I have so much work to do….”

In Baltimare….

Only a few hours after receiving the letter from Spike did Princess Celestia arrive in Baltimare. Twilight and co. were there waiting for her in the street that had been blocked off by authorities. She was bowed to by everypony that saw her as she approached her former student, whom she bowed to in return being fellow royalty. “Hello, Twilight. I received your letter, and came as quickly as I could. What is this about a mad scientist creating monsters?”

“We’re about to show you said monsters, Princess. But we also stumbled upon an underground laboratory hidden deep within an abandoned subway system where the creatures were discovered. It’s a good thing that you brought some guards; there might be more of them.” Twilight explained.

“I see…And how were these creatures of yours found?” Celestia asked.

Film Noir stepped up. “Your Highness, my film crew and I were shooting down there for a movie when we just stumbled upon them. They were already dead, so we weren’t hurt, but…..”

Celestia put her hoof on Film Noir’s shoulder. “All is well now, dear. I’m sorry that you had such a horrific experience.” She softly consoled. Film Noir smiled at her. She returned her hoof.

Just then, one of the biologists approached them while rolling an examination table with something on it covered. “Milady, this is one of the specimens.” He said as he removed the cover to reveal one of the creatures.

Celestia was immediately overcome with shock, and gasped. “My word! And they were directly below the city!?”

The biologist nodded as he recovered the specimen. “None were found alive, but there were a lot of them. It’s a good thing that who or whatever did them in did so. There’s a high probability that these creatures were the cause of the recent wheat famine, not to mention that they look like they would have been hostile.”

Celestia’s interest had been caught. “They…..were killed?”

“Yeah….about that….We might have an idea of who it was.” Spike said.

Twilight and Spike explained the situation with Fire Fight, but Twilight continued to remain completely silent about the possibility of a ‘Shadewalker’. They also made mention of the other runaway foals that he might have taken with him, and their situations. Film Noir explained how the nature of the burns and trauma left on some of the chimeras almost immediately made her think of the fiery colt, and brought Twilight here to investigate.

Celestia was understandably saddened by all of this. “Oh dear…..bless the hearts of all their parents. We’ll have to start searching for them immediately. I feel as though I should make a point of visiting those parents personally, and giving them my deepest sympathies.”

“Ponyville’s schoolteacher is handling that. I’d normally be helping her, but then this happened, so I came.” Twilight explained.

“Good. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to return to Ponyville with you, and speak with this teacher so that we can discuss how we can help one another find Fire Fight and all of those foals.” Celestia said.

“That’d be a good idea. You should probably inform Princess Luna in the meantime.” Twilight said.

Celestia nodded. “Indeed.” She turned to a messenger that had accompanied her. “Send word of this to my sister.” She ordered.

“Yes, milady.” The messenger said. She got to work right away.

“Now then, show us to this underground laboratory of yours. If the situation is as grave as you say, then we should uncover all that we can as soon as possible.” Celestia said. They all agreed, and ventured back into the darkness below.

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