• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Scrap Talk

“So once we get da money, d’en what?”

“Do I gotta remind you what color the sky is? I told you! We break out the back door, cut through the alleyways ‘til we find dat manhole da boss told us ‘bout. Then we sneak underground back to HQ. Want a pop quiz on dat?”

“Nah, we’re good.”

As soon as they finished that, Turf War jumped out from his hiding place, and pointed his weapon. “I knew it!" he shouted.

The thugs turned to look at him, and were clearly frustrated. “Are you serious right now? You again!? Dis is some bull****, kid! The hell yo’ a** want now?” The apparent leader said.

“Man, shut yo’ dumb a** up talkin’ ‘bout ‘What you want now, d’ho?’! Y’all can’t hide nuttin’ from me! I heard yo’ li’l plan! I ain’t ‘bout to let y’all m************ rip off dat new pizza joint! And while I’m at it, where dis ‘HQ’ you mentioned at, huh? Better start talkin’, mah boy!” he shouted. If he had any fear in him right now, he was doing a good job of hiding it. He kept his arsenal at the ready, and his game face on despite being outnumbered by potentially worse brutes than Action Shot’s lackeys.

“Like we gonna tell you a damn thing, b****. Bruiser, put this kid to bed.” The leader said. A bigger stallion came out from the left, and stormed towards Turf War.

Turf War readied his weapon as the big stallion began to charge him. He charged him as well, and braced his trashcan lid as he jumped towards him. He crashed himself ‘shield’-first into the stallion’s face, causing him to bounce off a little, and the stallion to stagger a little. Before the stallion could react, Turf War swung his Stop sign towards his opponent’s knee so that it’s edge hit it like an axe. The impact didn’t do much to damage the knee, but the sharp edge cut into his skin, and that caused him to stagger. Turf War then swung his sign at his head, this time broadsided, and it slammed into his cheek with a resounding clang. He then pointed it like a spear, and shanked it into the stallion’s shoulder, which really seemed to hurt as he went staggered pretty severely. His final blow was a hook punch with his trashcan shield to the eye that, while not significantly crippling the large stallion, was enough to make him cry uncle.

“Yo, mah boy! ‘Stop’! AH-HAH!!” Turf War taunted as he waved his Stop sign in such a manner. Just then, he noticed one of the Pegasi swooping down on him with her own weapon: a makeshift spear made of metal scrap twisted together into a long, thin form.

The pegasus had her ‘spear’ poised for a downward skewer as she descended. Just as she about to hit him, Turf War, he moved out of the way just enough for the spear to miss him, and him to swing his sign at her face pole-side this time. She took the hit, and tumbled to the ground like a ragdoll, accidently cutting herself pretty badly with her own spear.

“Come on, y’all! Did I leave the difficulty on ‘easy’ or somethin’? I’m f***** y’all up right now!” he taunted once more. The gang leader was not pleased.

“It’s never ‘bout to be easy wit you, is it, punk? Come on, y’all! Let’s dog pile this puppy into the ground!” he commanded.

With his forces beginning to rally upon him, things were beginning to look grim for Turf War. Sure, he didn’t seem scared, and definitely had the talent for holding his own, but he was outnumbered, and didn’t have Fire Fight’s magic, or Shadow Shroud’s agility; it was a battle of pure brute force, and Turf War was by himself. Knowing this, the two spectators readied themselves.

“We’ve gotta help him!” Fire Fight said.

“Right!” Shadow Shroud affirmed.

Fire Fight went straight to Turf War’s side while Shadow Shroud went to sneak up behind the group of thugs to ambush them from behind, putting her mask on as she did.

Turf War looked to his side when he noticed Fire Fight approach, giving him a surprised look. “The hell!? What are you doing here!?” he demanded.

Fire Fight looked at him with a determined smile. “I said I’d help, didn’t I?” he replied.

Turf War was surprised to see this stranger so ready to aid him in battle, but accepted, however begrudgingly. “I hope you know what yo’ doin’, son.” He said as he faced their foes once more.

“I do. I was born for it!” Fire Fight answered as he ignited his horn

“Ah, great! He’s got himself a homie! That’s ok though; we’ll just stomp him too.” The thug boss said.

The two colts braced for battle as Shadow Shroud waited quietly in the shadows for a prime opportunity to strike. Fire Fight gave her that opportunity when he used his magic to smother the bonfire, allowing her to jump into the air, and begin her assault; her ominous silhouette against the full moon painted a picture of doom for the startled thugs. She threw a series of shuriken at them, striking and crippling three of them at the front of their form as they were hit in their knees, creating an opening for Fire Fight and Turf War.

“Now’s our chance!” Fire Fight said as he rushed in with a flaming side kick, but Turf War was too stunned at Shadow Shroud’s attack to respond right away.

“Huh? Oh! S***!” he stammered. He charged in with another shield bash as Fire Fight hit his mark square in the forehead, then hit his mark in the side of his turned face.

Fire Fight’s target was knocked down in a daze while Turf War followed up with a downward to the back of the thug’s neck, dazing him as well. Shadow Shroud landed on the third one’s back, and smacked her in the back of her neck, again, dazing her; she retrieved her shuriken from all three of them in a flash as she leapt between them hurriedly, but gracefully, and returned to Fire Fight’s side.

“How da f*** she do dat!?” Turf War asked, amazed.

“Best not to ask, trust me.” Fire Fight answered.

The thug leader was left stunned at the surprise attack, and then went into a rage. “Damn it! We’re killing these kids now!!” he shouted. With that, he and his thugs charged the foals, and the rumble began.

Fire Fight kicked a horizontal fire disc at the ground, but the burst of flames stopped all but the leader, and two other guys, though they had to watch where they landed. This gave Turf War an opening to jab one of them in the shoulder, staggering him, and allowing Turf War to follow up with shield hook punch to his eye, causing him to curl up out of the fight. He turned to face the leader, and raised his shield as the big guy went to punch his face. Turf War blocked the blow, but it sent him skidding backward. Fire Fight tried to hit him in the back with an axe kick, but the leader bucked him away, sending into a pile of scrap. While the leader was distracted by Fire Fight, Turf War seized the opportunity to jab his stiffened fore knee, then swung his sign edgewise into his mouth, knocking a few of his teeth out, then followed up by jumping towards him into a shield punch to the eye. The leader fell to the ground trying to recover his strength.

Fire Fight emerged from the pile, fumbling to his hooves as he noticed a few of the remaining thugs rushing towards him. He quickly shot a fireball at the one in front, striking his chest, and causing minor splash damage to his nearby companions. He went down easily, but the others weren’t so rattled; they resumed their rush towards Fire Fight when Shadow Shroud suddenly jumped in front of him. She readied herself for a second before throwing what looked like a series of darts at the quartet of thugs. They burst into puffs of smoke that seemed to disorient the thugs, and she leapt like lighting into their formation. She randomly appeared and disappeared beside them in combative poses, suggesting that she was striking them. The assault lasted for a few seconds before she leapt back into the full moon, and landed in front of Fire Fight; the thugs fell dazed to the ground like a ton of bricks. Fire Fight was left stunned at her deadly parlor trick that reaffirmed to him that she was full of surprises….dangerous surprises.

“You okay?” she asked him.

Fire Fight nodded. “Yeah. Just a few cuts and bruises. Nothing major.” He answered. He could still feel the blow he took from that buck, but it barely bothered him. With only the thug boss remaining, they rushed to Turf War’s aid.

The leader took his eye blow better than the others. He staggered to his hooves still feeling the pain with his eye held closed, and a very angry expression. He bucked an adjacent mountain of scrap, causing an avalanche to begin raining towards Turf War, which he managed to run out of the way of. But while he was distracted from that, the leader managed to whack him on the side with a metal pipe he had just picked up. Turf War was taken aback by the surprise attack, but took it like a champ. He looked up to see his foe about to take another swing when his pipe was knocked out of his hoof by a flying kunai. The leader looked over to see Shadow Shroud leaping towards him; she flipped over his neck just as she was about to strike him, slicing it with another kunai as she did. A sharp pain ran down the leaders neck as he staggered. Turf War ran towards Fire Fight, and braced his shield at an angle.

“Yo, mah boy!” he shouted to him. Fire Fight caught on to exactly what he was trying to do. He ran towards Turf War, jumped onto his shield, and Turf War thrust his shield upward, launching Fire Fight high into air. After he threw Fire Fight, Turf War swung his Stop sign into an uppercut onto the thug boss’s chin, knocking his head up. Already starting to fall towards him, Fire Fight thrust his flaming fist downward into the boss’s face. He shrieked in pain as he sustained the last of the pain he could take.

“Alright, alright, alright!!! You win!! We’re gettin’ outta here, y’all!” the boss declared as he staggered to his hooves. He, and his downed thugs began to regain their senses and balance as they ran out of the dump, and into the dark ghetto beyond.

Turf War threw down his sign victoriously. “Dat’s right, b****!” he taunted. Fire Fight and Shadow Shroud nodded approvingly at one another.

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