• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Forces of Nature

It had been a couple of hours since the Battle Foals returned from their encounter with Zebota and Shrapnel. Quantum Tech had gotten back to work finishing what she wanted to of her new mech suit while the others discussed the gravity of Zebota’s warning. Quantum said that she’d be satisfied with whatever decision they come to seeing as they had more experience with running away than she did.

“Really, what’s the harm in leaving? We could always find another place in Equestria to settle that nopony even remembers.” Spiral Galaxy said.

“Yeah, but we did so much in dis joint already. It’d feel like a waste if we just up and bounced.” Turf War said.

“Ah reckon it’d be an even bigger waste if our royal neighbor over yonder found us here all of a sudden.” Kickback argued.

“Even if she did, we must demonstrate our conviction to them all. We refuse to return to Equestrian society, so we’ll take a stand if need be.” Air Slash said.

“Air Slash, if that were to happen, then they’d undoubtedly make it incredibly difficult for us to search for more lost foals.” Shadow Shroud said.

“Yeah, but check dis out. Word’s gonna get out ‘bout us, right? So lost foals might just come he’e on d’hey own to hit us up.” Turf War said.

“I don’t know, Turf War. All of you needed convincing that you needed to leave. Even if voicing our cause convinces other foals to want to join us, would they have the strength to? We can’t completely rely on that. Realistically, we should leave.” Fire Fight said.

Air Slash sighed. “You call yourself a warrior, and yet you cannot muster the courage to face your greatest foe.”

Fire Fight looked at him. “Air Slash, I know you think we should fight back, but….how far is too far for you? When we fought those manticores yesterday, you said that your blades ‘reserve no mercy for the wicked’, right? Well, how wicked are the Princesses or Equestria in general compared to everything we’ve faced up until now? We’re not on this journey because we think they’re evil; we’re out here because we simply disagree with them. Would it feel right to raise your sword against somepony who truly believes that she’s helping you? I’ve met Princess Twilight before, and I can assure you that she’s not forceful. She’ll talk things out with you if you’re not planning on conquering or destroying Equestria, and she’s has enough humility to know when she’s been defeated. I know we’ve basically abandoned Equestria, but I don’t think we’ve abandoned our sense of morality.”

Air Slash let Fire Fight’s speech soak in. He was right….His swords were meant to combat the dark and corrupt, not settle an argument. He sighed. “Once again, you’ve humbled me, Fire Fight. Forgive me….”

“It’s ok, Air Slash. I know you’re just trying to do the right thing. We all are.” Fire Fight said.

“So….does this mean we’re leaving?” Spiral asked.

“I have conceded to such a decision if that is what we’ve come to.” Air Slash said.

“Make dat double, son. Guess I got used to dis place a li’l too quick widit.” Turf War said.

Spiral giggled. “I think we all were excited to not have to camp out anymore, Turf War.”

“Can we go to MeemaJeema!? The cucumber people have an annual tomato ceremony where they make the most tomatastic ketchup sculptures of their JeemaMeema forefathers!!” Crazylocks blurted.

The others just stared at her in complete and utter confusion. Turf War facehooved. “No, dis b**** did not just say ‘tomatastic’….”

“Umm….I thought you said that they were pickles.” Fire Fight said.

Crazylocks glared at him. “THEIR CIVIL WAR ENDED LONG AGO! You must be PUNISHED FOR YOUR DISCRIMINATION!!!” She lunged at him.

“Huh!? AAAAHHH!!” Fire Fight was knocked to the ground. Crazylocks was unfortunately too quick for either of the unicorns to catch her with their magic before Fire Fight went tumbling with her roughly nuzzling him. “CRAZYLOCKS, STOP! GET OFF OF ME!!”

Crazylocks suddenly calmed down completely and looked at him. “Ok.” She got off of him and sat down as if nothing happened and began scratching the back of her head with her hind leg like a dog.

Fire Fight brushed off some dust as he and the others looked at her. Despite how annoying she could be, they knew that Crazylocks was probably the biggest victim of anything they’d ever encountered. They wondered if she even knew how much she had suffered. It was a wonder that she even remembered that she had parents, let alone her own name. Her very being was a firm reminder of how important their mission was. Who knows when they’d encounter somepony else like her?

“We should start packin’ up, y’all.” Kickback said.

“Yeah. Shroud, why don’t we help Quantum pack her stuff once we’re done?” Spiral said.

“I have no objections to that.” Shroud said.

“I wonder if she’s done with her robot suit.” Fire Fight said.

“Just in time!” They all looked over to see Quantum Tech approaching them. She had a few little grease smudges on her indicating that she had been working rather hard on her mech. “Have we come to a consensus yet?”

“Yeah. We’ve decided to leave.” Fire Fight said.

“Hmm….I figured as much. Where to then?” Quantum inquired.

“I’d suggest heading to the southwest of here. I’d say we covered eastern Equestria quite nicely, so let us experience new horizons.” Shadow Shroud said.

“Word. Appleoosa ain’t too far from he’e. Why don’t start there?” Turf War suggested.

“Ah don’t reckon we’ll find much else besides mahself out in that desert, but Ah don’t see why not.” Kickback said.

“Let’s just hope that the Sand Vipers have finally learned their place since our brawl with them.” Air Slash said.

“I wouldn’t mind dropping a shooting star for them to wish on if you know what I mean!” Spiral sneered.

“Whoa! Easy there, cosmo queen!” Fire Fight chuckled. He then looked at Quantum Tech. “So, what all have you done with your mech, Quantum?”

“Not a great deal, really. I slightly increased the magic efficiency of the crystals, amplified the electromagnetic generation modules in my railguns, recalibrated my targeting systems, added a force field generator, and an emergency overdrive laser beam projection system.” Quantum explained.

The foals looked at her stunned. ‘Not a great deal’, huh? They could barely understand a word she had said, but judging by the sheer amount of big words, they guessed that she had gone to town on the mechanical beast. One thing particularly caught their attention however. “Overdrive….laser?” Turf War asked.

Quantum fixed her glasses. “In Laymen’s terms, a death ray.”

The foals’ eyes all widened in horror. Now they were a little nervous. Quantum was definitely the epitome of ‘you can do it if you put your mind to it’, but how far was she willing to go? “Quantum…..I’ve already had to deal with one mad scientist. I don’t want to have to deal with another.” Shroud warned.

Quantum waved her hood. “Oh, not to worry. I did say that it was for emergencies, so I may never even have to activate it…..I say that knowing what you all have encountered before and after my arrival.”

The foals’ minds were eased somewhat upon hearing that. Quantum Tech had a drive and desire to help others that Gene Splice didn’t, so they felt that they could trust their friend, but it was still a slight concern. “Well….okay then. Let’s pack up, guys! We’ll head out ASAP. We don’t want to have to camp out in the forest at night.” Fire Fight said.

“Maybe Zebota would kindly let us stay with him fer the night.” Kickback said.

“He does kinda owe us.” Spiral said.

“Well…..he’s proven his sense of honor, but it’s up to him either way. What say you, Fire Fight?” Shroud said.

“Why not? He seems kinda lonely anyway even if he has a pet timberwolf.” Fire Fight said. The others agreed and began packing.


As the foals were in the middle of arming themselves up and packing supplies for the trip into their bags and Quantum’s mech, one question lingered in their minds….

“So…Where y’all think we gonna end up in? Are we gonna hafta just find anotha ol’ castle o’ somethin?” Turf War asked.

Shadow Shroud sighed. “I can’t really say, Turf War. Equestria has many mysteries that have yet to be uncovered, things such as Gene Splice’s underground lab notwithstanding. At the rate we’re going, we’ll probably stumble on a great deal of hidden places lost in time that we can settle in…..or perhaps little if any…”

“Only time will tell, darling.” Quantum Tech said.

“It’s all any settler can do if he wants to find a good chunk of land to plant his roots. Mah great-grandpa traveled east all the way from the middle of the San Palomino desert b’fore he found the land that he eventually built his life on, the same land where mah life began. It took him months of blood, sweat an’ tears to get there, but mah grandpa told me that he never once saw his pa’s smile leave his face, even on his deathbed. He said that he knew he’d done the work he needed to build the joyful life he’d envisioned.” Kickback said.

The other foals shared a warm smile upon hearing Kickback’s tale. It gave them even more determination than ever to move forward with their mission. “Kickback, you always tell the best stories.” Spiral said.

“Aww, shucks. Ah reckon Ah’m just ramblin’ on like a fool. Happens when ya live in the desert as long as Ah have. <chuckle> Y’all shoulda listened to mah pa.” Kickback said.

Quantum sighed dreamily. “I’d settle anywhere just to listen to you ramble, you sugar pie!” she cooed before she blew him a kiss.

Kickback lowered his hat trying to conceal his sheer frustration. He wasn’t sure how much more of her he could take. “Ah hope this ain’t how ma an’ pa met….” He whispered with his teeth clenched.

Everything was finally packed and ready for departure. Their biggest and only real concern was the size of Quantum’s mech potentially giving them away, but that was something to worry about if they were near civilization and out in the open. Once they confirmed that they were all ready, they started to set out…..but as they were about to exit, they heard voices from outside!


“What makes you think that this creature is by the castle, Zecora?”

“I do not actually know for sure. It is simply a place I have yet to look. Rest assured, we will find this entity if we must search every cranny and nook.”

“I can’t imagine why anything bigger than a bird or a squirrel would want to live in ruins like this though.”

“Yeah, but it might’ve been a pony, so they could be hiding out here. Might as well be quiet in case they hear us.”

“Well….I’m good at that.”


The foals all stopped dead in their tracks. Shadow Shroud immediately sedated Crazylocks to prevent her from making any noise. “Oh, s***!” Turf War whispered.

Spiral began panting. “Ok….Ok…..Just stay calm…….Deep breaths, Spiral. Deep breaths!”

“Shoot! Quantum’s mech is too big to sneak around. We’ll have to distract them somehow!” Fire Fight said.

Shadow Shroud began thinking frantically. “Umm….Uhh!....I suppose we could hide and wait for them to come in so I can-”



Twilight, Spike, Zecora and Fluttershy quivered in panic at the ferocious howl that suddenly erupted from the woods beyond. They became terrified when a huge timberwolf came charging towards them from out of the overgrowth!

“AIIIIIEEEEE!!!” Twilight screamed in untold terror as the wooden titan lunged towards them.

“LOOK OUT!!” Spike shouted. They all jumped away from the monsters path, and the timberwolf slammed into the castle wall, leaving a deep crater in its ancient structure. It quickly recovered and turned to face the group.

“Twilight! That……That’s it! That’s the same strange timberwolf that took my bucket!” Fluttershy shouted.

“What!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Use your stare, Fluttershy!” Spike shouted.

“Oh, I guess I have no choice…..” Fluttershy readied herself as she locked eyes with the timberwolf. Just as it was about to charge them again, she unleashed her power. She dared not let her eyes close as she fixed her dominating gaze upon the beast, but oddly enough…..it wasn’t working at all! The timberwolf’s eyes seemed to gleam back as it didn’t even flinch from Fluttershy’s fabled Stare! “Uh oh!”

The timberwolf leapt into the air ready to pounce on them. “RUUUUUUUN!” Zecora ordered. Without a moment’s hesitation, the group booked it back to Ponyville. The wooden titan let another roaring howl as they disappeared into the overgrowth.


The Battle Foals witnessed the whole event transpire through a window that they peeked out from. Crazylocks had woken up just in time to see the end of it. “Is that…..Shrapnel?” Air Slash said.

“When was the last time a timberwolf hunted on its own?” Shroud said.

Shrapnel looked back at the window that the foals were peeking out of and seemed to notice them. He calmly walked towards them, letting out a soft growl as if to say that he meant no harm. Zebota then suddenly emerged from the brush. “Good boy, Shrapnel!” he said as he trotted over to his monster and petted him. “Are you hurt, my beast?” Shrapnel gave couple calm whimpers as he gently nuzzled his master. “Good. I still underestimate your strength sometimes.” He then looked over at the window. “Ponyfolk! Are you alright?”

“Yeah. Thanks, Zebota!” Fire Fight called out. They all went outside with their pack supplies to meet with him. “How’d you know we were in trouble?”

“It was not I, but Shrapnel that sensed the intruders. We thought quickly and came to frighten them away.” Zebota explained. “Are you leaving this place?”

“Yes. It seems that you were right if what just happened was any indication. We plan to travel to the southwest of here, so…..this is goodbye.” Shadow Shroud said.

“Well….we were wondering if perhaps you would let stay at your home for the night in the forest in case it gets dark. I’m sure you know how dangerous this place can get.” Air Slash said.

“I….could guide through the forest instead. We have a fair amount of time before evening comes, so we should fine.” Zebota said. Shrapnel then lightly nudged him. Zebota looked back at him. “N-No!” He gently pushed his head away.

“That would be great! Sorry we didn’t get to know one another very much….” Spiral said.

“That is…fine. Fate can be a fickle mistress, no?” Zebota said. For some reason, he sounded rather nervous. Shrapnel nudged him again, but a little more roughly as he grunted. “No, Shrapnel!” Shrapnel seemed to give him an authoritative look….something like a father showing the zebra colt tough love. Zebota sighed as he looked back at the Battle Foals in…..some kind of shame.

The Battle Foals looked at them curiously. “Is….everything ok?” Spiral asked.

“What homie tryna say, dog?” Turf War asked.

“He’s saying, ‘Go on, master! Say it!’.” Crazylocks blurted.

Zebota looked at her in complete shock. “Wha-!? You can understand him!?”

“Of course, silly! My second cousin was a timberwolf!” Crazylocks said.

The other foals just ignored her randomness, but acknowledged that she seemed to indeed translate for the wooden beast. “Say what, Zebota?” Fire Fight asked.

Zebota looked nervous for some reason. They could tell that he wanted to say something, but seemed to ashamed to let it out. “Well….”

“Darling…..Do you want to come with us? Don’t you live out here?” Quantum Tech asked.

Shrapnel let out a grunt upon hearing that and then lightly nudged Zebota forward. “Um!....uhh…..” Zebota was still nervous.

“It’s totally cool if you do! You can bring Shrapnel too! It’d be great to have you guys.” Fire Fight said cheerfully.

“So long as you properly feed him of course.” Shroud said.

Zebota looked back up them seemingly relived. “Truly? You…..would have us both? Even after our transgressions?”

“That li’l dispute’s all behind us as far as Ah’m concerned. Right, y’all?” Kickback said.

They all nodded. “Indeed.” Air Slash said. He then pulled out one of the medallions that he forged and went to hand it to Zebota. “Keep this close with you, friend. It is a symbol of our unity.”

Zebota held the medallion in his hoof and beheld it. Its silver surface glistened radiantly in the sunlight. The depicted foals alone filled his heart with determination. He smiled as he put it in his bag. “Thank you, ponyfolk!”

Fire Fight held out his hoof. “Welcome aboard, Zebota.” He shook hooves with the zebra. Shrapnel then leaned his head down towards the fiery colt, and Fire Fight lightly stroked his chin. “You too, Shrapnel.”

The Battle Foals weren’t quite sure why a zebra so capable of surviving on his own with no readily apparent reason to join them would want to do so; he seemed pretty reserved, so they probably had to let him open up to them. Nevertheless, they openly welcomed their newest friend and his fury of nature.

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