• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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An Awkward Reunion

Kickback was accompanied by Quantum Tech in the training dojo. The calm and collected cowboy, though not too thrilled to be in the presence of an annoying admirer, had some eagerness jumping around in his mind. He was wielding his whip while the young scientist had set up a small line of targets.

Quantum turned her glasses’ scanners on. “Whenever you’re ready, darling!” she said.

“Alrighty then!” Kickback said. He twirled his whip around like a lasso, causing four smile wires that had been threaded into it to gradually glow a sky blue until they were fully alit.

“That should be a full charge.” Quantum said.

“Alright then…” Kickback focused on the dummy and cracked his whip at them. The sonic boom created by the whip crack was amplified to the point that it shredded through the dummies like a shockwave from a small but powerful contained explosion. The wires lost their luster when all was said and done.

“Hoo-wee! That there’s an upgrade if Ah ever saw one. Thanks bunches, Ms. Quantum Tech.” Kickback said.

“Oh, of course, Kickback!” Quantum cooed. “I simply can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. Though to be fair, you mostly have ever used your whip as a utility rather than for direct offense.”

“Don’t mean Ah couldn’t have been doin’ more attackin’ in the past.” Kickback said. “Besides, Ah…” He suddenly acted embarrassed and lowered his hat.

“You…what?” Quantum asked.

“Oh, uh…nothin’. Don’t mind me.” Kickback said.

Quantum gently snuggled up to him. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

Kickback’s embarrassment turned to frustration, but he withheld well. “Maybe Ah’d be inclined to tell ya if ya got off o’ me… please.”

“Oh, alright.” Quantum exaggerated a pout and did as he asked.

Kickback sighed. “Ah just… feel like Ah haven’t been doin’ much compared to everypony else. All Ah’ve got r’ Sound n’ Fury while all o’ y’all have crazy magic n’ martial arts n’ hoo-ha. Even Ms. Bullseye could do more than mahself with her bow havin’ blades on ‘em, not to mention those special arrows she’s got. Me? All Ah had before were electrical bullets. Sure they’re mighty helpful, and mah whip has come in handy, but it was hardly gonna do diddly squat to somethin’ like that crystal monster we fought underneath Canterlot.” He looked happily at his newly modified armament. “So… thanks fer makin’ me more… significant, Ah suppose.”

“Kickback! Such pish-posh!” Quantum said. “Even if you’re not our premiere slayer, your sharpshooting skills have been simply critical to severely weaken or at least distract an opponent if you didn’t just bring them done with one bullet to their sweet spot before any of us could land a hit.” She too took a glance at her handiwork. “But I’m more than happy to expand your potential beyond your guns.”

“Ah, shucks…” Kickback said. “Eh, mind keepin’ this between the two of us?”

Quantum giggled. “Perhaps if you danced with me or took me on a date, you handsome henry.”

“Oh for the love of…” Kickback grumbled.

“Too late, shrimps!” Frostbite suddenly swooped down next to them.

“F-Frostbite!?” Kickback said, flustered.

“I heard a huge crashing sound and came here hoping Turf War and Spiral didn’t wreck it again, and then I hear that little speech.” Frostbite said. He could tell that Kickback was too embarrassed for words even if his only expression came from his tomato-red face. He roughly nudged him. “Relax, dude. I’m not gonna blab. Besides…”

“Besides…what?” Quantum asked.

“Sh-Shut up! I wasn’t gonna say anything.” Frostbite stammered.

“Ugh… You’re two peas in a pod, for better or for worse.” Quantum said. “That said, I’ve taken the liberty making you some more bullets, Kickback. Come back with me to my lab so I can give them to you.”

Kickback tipped his hat. “Much obliged.”

Quantum flirtatiously fluttered her eyes at him, causing to cover his face with his hat. She then looked at Frostbite. “You’re coming too. I’d like to gather a sample of that hypothermic venom you secrete from your claws.”

“Ugh… more tests. Joy…” Frostbite grumbled.

Quantum confidently fixed her glasses. “I have a plate of freshly caught sea bass sprinkled with crushed gems waiting for you!”

The icy drake’s mood did a complete 180, and he slathered his tongue across his mouth. “Sign me up!”

“Splendid! This way, please.” Quantum said, and they both followed her.

“Now how does this sonic boom amplifyin’ doohickey work?” Kickback asked.

“Well, it… Hmm, how to simplify it… It stores kinetic energy, basically movement energy, as you move your whip in the conductive wires I threaded into it, and is programmed to release all at once upon the stringy end cracking and releasing the sonic boom.”

“Ah… think Ah can get the picture.” Kickback said. “Wait ‘til the others see it!”

“See what now?” Frostbite asked.


Another day had passed, and in its place came another busy day blessed by calm weather, even if it was considerably cloudy. After yesterday’s picnic break, the Battle Foals had finalized furnishing their new HQ as best they could with their limited resources. Each one of them had their own room in one of the former prison cells complete with thoroughly washed beds and glass windows in place of the metal bars; they didn’t have any unique features due to lack of outside contact, but they were eager to get posters, rugs, dressers and the like, though Air Slash made them each some stands and wall hooks to hang their armor and weapons respectively.

Quantum Tech’s lab had been decked out as much as she could possibly wish for at the time with her finally have organized her measuring instruments, created a small but effective chemistry lab, and she even started planning a computer to store all her data apart from just her glasses.

Today however, they finished up their essentials. Quantum managed to build a functional refrigeration unit so they could store food- the rations stored in her mech had gone bad, prompting Tidal Wave to clean it out. Fire Fight and Air Slash planned to melt down the metal bars so that Air Slash could forge them into sturdy walls necessary for a walk-in fridge. Their crops were still growing, but they expected to have a big harvest very soon. Heimr Island was certainly proving to be the best home they could’ve asked for.

However, a certain archer anxiously looked out into the clouded sky, not sure what she was looking for.
“Bullseye?” Fire Fight said.


“You okay?” Fire Fight asked.

“Not really.” Bullseye replied. “I felt a weird shift in the wind yesterday. I can’t explain it.”

“A ‘shift’?” Fire Fight inquired.

“Like something big happened, or…something.” Bullseye said. “Maybe I’m just not used to this place yet.”

“Maybe, but you should’ve said something sooner. You’re pretty sensitive to stuff like that.” Fire Fight said. “Wonder if Zebota felt anything like that?”

Bullseye shrugged. “Haven’t asked him. Doesn’t look like he’s spooked about anything. I mean he’s not going on about how, ‘Oh, the spirits are disturbed’ or whatever.”

Fire Fight brushed off her objectively rude comment. “Well, if he says anything, let me know.”

“Yeah.” Bullseye said. “By the way, have you seen Crazylocks today? We found a sweet outer wall to play racquetball on, and I’m not letting her cream me this time.”

Fire Fight cocked his eyebrow. “Where’d you find racquets and a ball?”

“I found some random exercise equipment room, and some of the crap was still good. Meant to tell you sooner, but Locks and I have been having too much fun. She’s a damn beast at racquetball…” Bullseye said.

“Yeah, I’d have to see it to believe it.” Fire Fight said.

“I wouldn’t have believed Turf War was a math nerd.” Bullseye said.

“Right? Well, I’ve got lunch on the stove, so I hope you’re getting hungry.” Fire Fight said.

“Damn right I am.” Bullseye said. “Hmm?” Looking out into the clouded sky, something faint in the distance caught her eye, prompting her to draw her bow. “Hey, something’s coming!”

Fire Fight looked out and caught sight of the object. “Guys! Over here!”

The Battle Foals rallied to their leader. “Is something amiss, friend?” Air Slash asked.

“Look! Up there! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!” Crazylocks blurted, pointed up to the approaching object.

“A what?” Spiral whispered to Tidal Wave, who just shrugged.

As the object got closer, flapping wings could be discerned, and then golden shimmers lit its silhouette. Then one silhouette slowly split into two, and then a third object seemed to be trailing very close behind them.

Shadow Shroud squinted, and then gasped upon realizing what it was. “Gotta hide!” she said before disappearing into the ruins.

“Huh? Shroud?” Fire Fight said.

“Is that a carriage!?” Spiral said.

Sure enough, it was a carriage pulled by two pegasi clad in royal armor, one mare and one stallion, but any passengers being carried couldn’t be seen. They landed not far from the entrance to the ruins where the Battle Foals stood anxiously.

“Wh-What do we do now!?” Tidal Wave stammered.

Fire Fight took a deep breath. “Don’t worry, guys. Whoever they are, they’re on our turf now. We don’t have to run anymore. Just keep it cool and let me do the talking.”

“Just do not succumb to aggression.” Zebota said.

“Right.” Fire Fight said. He then noticed Bullseye still had her bow drawn and had a predatory look in her eye. “Put it away, Bullseye.” He said, and she did, albeit slowly.

The guards themselves merely glanced at the foals, but all were surprised to find that their visitors were even more foals, three fillies at that. They hopped off the carriage and thanked their chauffeurs.

“Fire Fight!” said a high-pitched southern drawl.

The fire brawler in question was dumbfounded. He recognized that voice and its source. “A… Applebloom!?” The other two Crusaders were with her.

They all excitedly galloped up to him. “DUDE!! We finally caught up to you!!” Scootaloo squealed.

“Do you have any idea how worried everypony’s been!?” Sweetie Belle said. Fire Fight was too dumbstruck to immediately reply.

“You guys… know him?” Tidal Wave asked.

“Hey! Maybe they here to join up! We been in the news after all” Turf War said. “I mean, they ain’t look like they pack a punch o’ nothin’, but I been surprised before. What’s good with y’all? Lightning powers? Teleportin’? Super duper mambo tango foxtrot combat trainin’? How it do?”

“Umm… What?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“They’re not fighters, Turf War. Trust me.” Bullseye said, prompting the CMC to notice her.

“Oh… B-Bullseye…” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Yeeeaaahh… Look, I’m really sorry about before. I was… in a crappy mood.” Bullseye said.

“We know, Bullseye. Yer parents got exposed not long after that. We’re awful ya had to go through that.” Applebloom said.

“I’m sorry, but do we know these fillies?” Air Slash asked.

“We do, brother.” Greensprout asked. “They’re the fillies I ran into in Trifectown- the ones from the same town as Fire Fight, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.”

“Greensprout!” Scootaloo said. “If… that is your real name.”

“It is, sister, and I’m very sorry to have lied to you. I meant no harm.” Greensprout said.

“It’s okay.” Sweetie Belle said. “Now-”

“NO!” Spiral blurted. “You CANNOT convince a single one of us to get on that carriage with you! We’re all here to stay, and that’s that!” Her magic was thankfully not acting up.

“Spiral!” Fire Fight said, having snapped out of his confusion, prompting her to calm down. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat. “How did you guys find us?” He hoped that Shadow Shroud wasn’t about to kill them.

“Princess Twilight’s Cutie Map lead ya to us!” Applebloom said.

“Her…what?” Fire Fight asked.

“Ya remember that big crystal table in her throne room when we introduced you to her?” Scootaloo asked.

“Uhh… Yeah, now that I think about it.” Fire Fight replied.

“Well whenever there’s a friendship problem in Equestria, the map calls certain ponies, usually Twilight and her friends, to that area and fix it.” Sweetie Belle explained. “It called the three of us here to help you.”

“A magic map… found us?” Quantum inquired with a doubtful tone.

“Yeah! Wonder it didn’t do that sooner? Like at-the-beginning sooner!” Scootaloo said. “Oh! You must be Quantum Tech!”

Quantum fixed her glasses. “That is correct.”

“You’re parents got caught, so-” Applebloom said, but was cut off.

“Hmph! I couldn’t care less whether those cretins lived or died!” Quantum declared.

“Quantum!” Fire Fight said. “Look guys, you saw what happened back in Ponyville. I don’t belong there, and neither do any of us here. I gave them a place where they’d be appreciated.”

Crazylocks suddenly popped up behind them. “Yeah! Can’t a filly recover from her un-unseeable trauma in peace anymore? Yeesh!” she says as she starts fluttering around and examining them like a hummingbird.

“H-Hey! Personal space!” Scootaloo said.

“Crazylocks, get back over here…” Fire Fight said.

Crazylocks exaggerated a salute. “THERE’S A JUGGLER GOOSED EVERY MINUTE, CAPTAIN!!” She calmly landed next to Bullseye and retracted her wings.

“Sorry, that’s… Crazylocks.” Fire Fight said. The manic filly scratched the back of her head with her hind leg like a dog.

“‘Crazylocks’?” Applebloom asked. “Ya mean that filly that ‘Gene Splice’ feller-”

Crazylocks ran right up to her, enraged. “I TOLD YOU THAT NAME IS NOT TO BE MENTIONED IN THIS HOUSEHOLD, SUBJECT CL!!!” she shouted. Applebloom curled up like a scared puppy.

Spiral quickly used her magic to gravitate Crazylocks back over to Bullseye, who started calming her down. “Don’t say that name! It makes her go ballistic!”

“N-N-Note taken…” Applebloom stammered.

“Wait… how do you guys know about that!?” Fire Fight asked.

“We know about everything you’ve done, Fire Fight. Our classmates, some of our parents, Ms. Cheerilee and Twilight have searching for you ever since you ran away. We’ve at least heard of just about every monster or villain you guys have taken down.” Sweetie Belle said.

“We know you have followed us- we briefly encountered in the ancient temple atop the Great Horn Summit.” Zebota said.

“Oh yeah. The portal fiasco.” Scootaloo said. “Really cool to get to meet another zebra though!”

“Please, do not waste such flattery on me, ponyfolk.” Zebota said. He then realized that his best friend was absent. He lit his brooch. “Shrapnel? Where are you, my friend?”

“Shrapnel?” Sweetie Belle asked. Loud footsteps suddenly overwhelmed their ears.

“Don’t be scared, guys!” Fire Fight blurted.

The footsteps came up from behind them, and when they looked, they were terrified to see a gigantic timberwolf curiously looking at them, tilting his head and all.

“AIIIIEEEE!!!!!” The CMC all cowered behind Fire Fight.

The fiery colt sighed. “Didn’t I say not to be scared?” He happened to look over and see the two carriage guard cowering in their carriage. “Wow…”

Shrapnel calmly trudged up to his master, who noticed that his jaws were dripping with water. “Oh! I see you were just thirsty.” Shrapnel nuzzled his master, who laughed whilst scratching the titan’s chin.

Though still thoroughly nervous, the CMC could see that Shrapnel was no threat, and they slowly came out from behind Fire Fight. “S-S-Suddenly I remember that thing!” Scootaloo stammered.

“Now, fillies.” Kickback said. The CMC glanced over at him to see that he had taken off his hat. “Ah know Shrapnel might be mighty frightenin’, but he don’t mean any harm none, just like Sound n’ Fury here.” He said as he glanced down at his prized guns. The CMC just gazed at him, eyes widened and jaws to the floor for an awkward moment. “Err… y’all?” Kickback said.

“O-Oh! Hehe… S-Sorry. I was just…” Sweetie Belle stammered, blushing furiously.

“Trying to remember your name, handso- I-I mean dude!” Scootaloo stammered, her face also a tomato.

“Heavens to betsy…” Kickback muttered to himself. “Mah name’s Kickback, y’all. Pleased to meetcha.”

“Pleasure’s all mine, Kickback!” Applebloom cooed, fixing her ribbon.

“No, mine!!” Scootaloo blurted.

“MINE!!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. The three of them got into a vigorous scuffle.

Kickback impatiently huffed and just put his hat back on. “How did Ah tolerate this back in Dodge?” he muttered to himself.

The CMC’s scuffle was quickly quelled when Frostbite blasted them with ice-fire, freezing them solid. He then immediately smashed the ice encasing them. The freeze-shocked Crusaders were too busy shivered to care about their feud.

“Wh-Wh-What was th-that all ab-b-b-bout?” Sweetie Belle asked as they looked up at the icy drake.

“That was rather extreme, Frostbite.” Air Slash said.

“It shut them up without hurting them, so I don’t really care.” Frostbite said.

The CMC shook of the cold. “So you’re Frostbite? King Grover told us about you. Didn’t know dragons could breathe ice.” Scootaloo said.

“Well now you do.” Frostbite scoffed.

“You even met with King Grover?” Fire Fight asked.

“Yeah! But he said y’all went north o’ Griffonstone. Did he lie to us?” Applebloom said.

“Don’t hold anything against him. He owed us a favor.” Fire Fight said. “Look, I’m making lunch for everyone. We can talk over that, so… hungry?”

“Ah guess so, but we’re gonna have to make it quick! Princess Celestia’s declared a national state of emergency!” Applebloom said.

The Battle Foals all gasped, and Air Slash drew his swords. “What plagues our blessed land!?”

“We’ll tell you everything over lunch; there’s a lot to explain.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Cool.” Turf War said. He then looked over at the guards, who were no longer cowering. “Y’all gotta be hungry as f**- er… my bad. Y’all gotta real hungry after flying all this way. C’mon!” he said. The two guards looked at each other and shrugged before accepting his invitation.

When Fire Fight got into the kitchen, a certain ninja was waiting on him, and she looked understandably anxious. “This is… awkward.”

“Just stay hidden, Shroud. Listen in if you need to, but don’t worry.” Fire Fight said. “I’ll finish your serving first.”

“Thanks.” Shroud said. She walked to him and gently leaned her head into the crook of his neck. “Don’t screw this up, okay?”

Fire Fight smiled and nuzzled her neck. “Have I ever let you down?” he said.

Shroud got off of him. “No, and I’m just telling you to keep that up.” She said with a wink.

Seeing her able to hold some confidence helped ease his own anxiety, but Fire Fight knew that his conviction would be put to the ultimate test now that he was faced with ponies who would surely oppose it…

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