• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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A Shadow is Unveiled

With a new, strong resolve in his heart, Fire Fight raced through town, and into the forest beyond. The CMC had told him of a ruined castle that their sisters had taken them to on a couple occasions, and that sounded like a good place to start. He didn’t look back, he couldn’t. He wasn’t running away from home, but escaping an eternal prison. A prison holding the talent he was born with back. Using only his gut and instincts, he navigated the thick forest, fighting off its monstrous horrors with relative ease. His fire spells scared them away if he didn’t already beat them to a bloody pulp.

All that fighting… it was such a rush, a rush he coveted oh so much. The rush of adrenaline charging his body as he moved in furious poetry….. this was it. This is what he was missing! This was what failed to fill his void. He needed this; this is what made him happy…… fighting…… and he knew Equestria wouldn’t have it.

By some act of Celestia, he managed to reach his destination. Despite its age, it was in surprisingly good shape. Sure, there were condemned walls and stuff here and there, but it definitely wasn’t about to collapse. He entered the aged doors into the foyer.

Fallen columns, tattered rugs, and various debris decorated the dark room. Stairs leading to the second floor, and its overlooking balconies on either side seemed to welcome him, but Fire Fight stood there quietly observing the first bits of a place he’d call home… maybe. In his observations, he once again got that feeling of being watched.

He didn’t have to scan the room for very long before… it appeared again, the shadow! Fire Fight suddenly saw it at the top of the steps halfway to the second floor. Its black form hid all but its eyes that glistened in the luminous moonlight, squinting at him like a predator stalking its prey. Fire Fight couldn’t make out any finer details from the distance between, and he was too shocked anyway. The shadow suddenly jumped straight up, and vanished into the castle’s shadows.

Despite it being out of sight, Fire Fight could still feel its presence, its gaze looming onto him. The shadow then started appearing and disappearing in random locations around the foyer, as if it couldn’t decide where to observe him from. Confused, and somewhat frightened, Fire Fight mustered the courage to speak to it. “Who are you!? Why are you following me!? What do you want from me!?” There was no response for a couple long seconds. Then, finally, he received an answer.

“I… am the whisper…… in your ear……” It was feminine voice whispering loudly from the darkness. Each word, or couple of words echoed in a different area after the next, as if she was in multiple places at once. “and the blade…..” Fire Fight began looking around frantically, desperate to see her hiding place. “at…… your back!” those last two words came from right behind him. A chill ran down his spine. Quivering in fright, he slowly turned his head. His heart almost stopped.

Mere inches behind him was the shadow. She was his height, maybe his age too, and completely cloaked in cloth that seemed to made of midnight itself. Even her face was completely covered with only eyes of deep amethyst barely shining through, and staring him down. Either by reflex, or instinct, he wasn’t sure, he bucked his hind legs towards her, but she disappeared in a puff of smoke just before she could sustain the blow.

Fire Fight had begun to panic. Who was this seemingly omnipresent shadow? He turned around quickly to see her running towards him with a kunai dagger in her hoof! He jumped to the side just before they could connect. She jumped way higher than anypony should be able to, and threw several shuriken at him. They barely missed him, encircling around him. Fire Fight shot a fireball at her while she was still airborne as he jumped out the ring of stars. It seemed to hit her, but he was utterly flustered to see three copies of her flip out of the smoke cloud it created. They jumped in opposite directions, leaving Fire Fight confused as to which to target. They ran in circles around him as they drew nearer and nearer. Fire Fight found himself panicking again, but then thought back to his self-discipline: when the enemy has you confused, surprise them back with an effective counter; don’t let them lead your focus. Remembering this, he gathered his focus, and ignited his horn. With all his might, he unleashed an explosion that dispelled the clones, and sent the real one flying towards the stairs. She barely managed to land on her feet as Fire Fight charged her. She drew her kunai as he was about to punch her, which she blocked with the broadside of her kunai’s blade. The two exchanged blows almost like somepony fighting their reflection in a mirror. He would punch, she would block. She would slash, he would block her hoof before the blade could connect. They both exchanged a jump front kick that caused them to push each other away by their hooves, and land about fifteen feet apart. Now free from panic, Fire Fight and his opponent exchanged determined glares as they jumped towards one another. He went in with a flaming punch, she went in with her kunai. The two forces collided in a resounding thunder. Each landed on their feet, and all was still for a moment, until the shadow dropped to her knees; she had been hit hard, while Fire Fight completely avoided her. He charged her once more to seize his victory when she stopped him. “Enough!”

Fire Fight stopped dead in his tracks. She was panting heavily from the fight. “You win. *pant* *pant* I yield. *pant* You’ve shown me where I’m flawed.” She sputtered.

Fire Fight begun panting too as she surrendered, and the fight came to an end. He walked over to her, and helped her to her feet. “Tell me who are, now!” he demanded.

She seemed reluctant, and hesitated for a moment, but gave in. “Hmm…. I suppose you’ve earned that right…” she unveiled her head to reveal her dark grey coat, and bluish-grey mane. Her amethyst eyes glistened more brilliantly in the moonlight. She then lifted the cloth covering her flank to reveal her Cutie Mark, a flying shuriken. She let it back down, and finally introduced herself.

"My name is Shadow Shroud of the Shadewalkers."

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